Vanderbilt U. promotes religious intolerance in the name of 'diversity'
February 2, 2012

Last year, Vanderbilt University placed five longtime extracurricular religious groups on "provisional status" — jeopardizing their continued role on campus — because these groups required their leaders to share the groups' core religious beliefs. In so doing, the University abandoned its long tradition of religious tolerance, forcing the groups into adopting moral viewpoints contrary to thousands of years of Judeo-Christian teaching.

This new policy of religious intolerance is being justified in the name of "diversity."

Prior to the change — which took effect May 2011 — the University's Equal Opportunity policy stated,

Vanderbilt University is committed to the principle of nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, or the perception of one's sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. In affirming its commitment to this principle, the University does not limit freedom of religious association. (emphasis added).

The new policy omits any mention of Vanderbilt's former policy of allowing freedom of religious association — emphasizing instead the importance of "genetic information" and a policy of not discriminating "against individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression." This policy change is a direct assault on the First Amendment rights of association and religious expression of Vanderbilt students.

Many Vanderbilt alumni are puzzled as to why VU would drop its longstanding protection of religious freedom... (read more)


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31