Operation Black Storm: Tea party support of black conservative candidates
Patriot PAC
WASHINGTON, DC — Patriot PAC held a news conference Friday at the National Press Club to discuss the TEA Party's and GOP's support of their black Congressional candidates. They also discussed the impact of the TEA Party movement on the widely-anticipated conservative sweep of congressional races, and the role played in the field through Operation Black Storm.
Featured speakers at the Press Club conference were Operation Black Storm candidates Robert Broadus (MD-4) and Bill Randall (NC-13).
Supporters of Operation Black Storm believe that the election of minority candidates should be at the forefront of Republican politics, particularly as after the election of 2010, there will likely be more conservative black candidates serving in Congress than at any time since Reconstruction.
Spokesperson for Operation Black Storm, Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere and author of the best-selling book The Big Black Lie, commented, "Republicans can be proud that JC Watts carried the torch in the U.S. House alone for some years; however it is a new day. The socialist blacks in Congress — the Congressional Black Caucus — are about to have to contend with a black peer group constituted of Frederick Douglass Republicans, who see America as the land of opportunity, and not the land of handouts."
Asked why this news conference was scheduled, Jackson explained that most in the mainstream media are not covering what is about to occur, though it is as historically significant as Obama's election, a transformative time in American politics and a day Democrats have dreaded to confront.
The mission of Operation Black Storm is to get the rest of America to see the importance of what is happening, and to support these candidates in the final surge to Nov. 2 by donating to the candidates directly, or HERE through Patriot PAC.
The press conference can viewed in its entirety at www.YouTube.com/illuminatitv
Patriot PAC is providing endorsements and financial support for the whole slate of candidates under Operation Black Storm, and has gratefully received the warm embrace of the national Tea Party and Patriot movement.
Marvin Scott (IN-7), Chuck Smith (VA-3), Bill Randall (NC-13), Tim Scott (SC-3), Bill Marcy (MS-2), Charlotte Bergman (TN-9), Michael Faulkner (NY-15), Robert Broadus (MD-4), Charles Lollar (MD-5), Stephen Broden (TX-9), Star Parker (CA-37), Ryan Frazier (CO-7), Allen West (FL-22), Isaac Hayes (IL-2), and Vince Danet (US Virgin Islands) are Operation Black Storm candidates.
K. Carl Smith, President of ConservativeMESSENGER, and Field Director for the Operation Black Storm coalition stated, "We want to reignite America's passion for liberty and create an atmosphere for political dialogue where Frederick Douglass Republicans can engage in conversation in every community, and show black America an open path of integrity to voting their core values."
See Last Chance to Stop Obama's Whining NOW - Help Us Flip The House
October 29, 2010
WASHINGTON, DC — Patriot PAC held a news conference Friday at the National Press Club to discuss the TEA Party's and GOP's support of their black Congressional candidates. They also discussed the impact of the TEA Party movement on the widely-anticipated conservative sweep of congressional races, and the role played in the field through Operation Black Storm.
Featured speakers at the Press Club conference were Operation Black Storm candidates Robert Broadus (MD-4) and Bill Randall (NC-13).
Supporters of Operation Black Storm believe that the election of minority candidates should be at the forefront of Republican politics, particularly as after the election of 2010, there will likely be more conservative black candidates serving in Congress than at any time since Reconstruction.
Spokesperson for Operation Black Storm, Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere and author of the best-selling book The Big Black Lie, commented, "Republicans can be proud that JC Watts carried the torch in the U.S. House alone for some years; however it is a new day. The socialist blacks in Congress — the Congressional Black Caucus — are about to have to contend with a black peer group constituted of Frederick Douglass Republicans, who see America as the land of opportunity, and not the land of handouts."
Asked why this news conference was scheduled, Jackson explained that most in the mainstream media are not covering what is about to occur, though it is as historically significant as Obama's election, a transformative time in American politics and a day Democrats have dreaded to confront.
The mission of Operation Black Storm is to get the rest of America to see the importance of what is happening, and to support these candidates in the final surge to Nov. 2 by donating to the candidates directly, or HERE through Patriot PAC.
The press conference can viewed in its entirety at www.YouTube.com/illuminatitv
Patriot PAC is providing endorsements and financial support for the whole slate of candidates under Operation Black Storm, and has gratefully received the warm embrace of the national Tea Party and Patriot movement.
Marvin Scott (IN-7), Chuck Smith (VA-3), Bill Randall (NC-13), Tim Scott (SC-3), Bill Marcy (MS-2), Charlotte Bergman (TN-9), Michael Faulkner (NY-15), Robert Broadus (MD-4), Charles Lollar (MD-5), Stephen Broden (TX-9), Star Parker (CA-37), Ryan Frazier (CO-7), Allen West (FL-22), Isaac Hayes (IL-2), and Vince Danet (US Virgin Islands) are Operation Black Storm candidates.
K. Carl Smith, President of ConservativeMESSENGER, and Field Director for the Operation Black Storm coalition stated, "We want to reignite America's passion for liberty and create an atmosphere for political dialogue where Frederick Douglass Republicans can engage in conversation in every community, and show black America an open path of integrity to voting their core values."
See Last Chance to Stop Obama's Whining NOW - Help Us Flip The House