RenewAmerica's Facebook page draws 3,000 fans in its first three months
RenewAmerica staff
On December 3, 2009, RenewAmerica launched its Facebook fan group page. Since then, fans have been joining at a rate of more than 1,000 a month. As of February 15, there were 3,100 fans.
Facebook's "interactive network design" enables those who sign up for our fan group to post links, comment on postings, expand their contacts with likeminded people, and keep current with the fast-paced world of American politics.
To become a fan of RenewAmerica at Facebook, participants need merely to sign up at Facebook (click here), and then join RA's fan group by clicking the "Become a Fan" button.
Anytime Facebook members post something new at RA's fan page, it automatically shows up on their network of Facebook friends (NewsFeed) — keeping their growing network informed and up-to-date.
If you haven't yet done so, consider joining our Facebook fan group! We invite you to get involved in creating your own increasing circle of internet friends, while at the same time sharing with them things of mutual interest.
And be sure to visit America's Revival's Facebook fan group, as well. You're welcome to join both it and RenewAmerica's new fan group.
RA's fan group centers more on politics, while America's Revival's fan group focuses more directly on religious activism.
Also see:
February 15, 2010

Facebook's "interactive network design" enables those who sign up for our fan group to post links, comment on postings, expand their contacts with likeminded people, and keep current with the fast-paced world of American politics.
To become a fan of RenewAmerica at Facebook, participants need merely to sign up at Facebook (click here), and then join RA's fan group by clicking the "Become a Fan" button.
Anytime Facebook members post something new at RA's fan page, it automatically shows up on their network of Facebook friends (NewsFeed) — keeping their growing network informed and up-to-date.
If you haven't yet done so, consider joining our Facebook fan group! We invite you to get involved in creating your own increasing circle of internet friends, while at the same time sharing with them things of mutual interest.
And be sure to visit America's Revival's Facebook fan group, as well. You're welcome to join both it and RenewAmerica's new fan group.
RA's fan group centers more on politics, while America's Revival's fan group focuses more directly on religious activism.
Also see:
The Pledge for America's Revival. Created in the spirit of our Founders' inspiring words at the end of the Declaration of Independence, in which they stated —
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor
nation was founded. Sign the Pledge today!
- Christians for the Constitution's inexpensive 22" X 28" posters of the U.S. Constitution — available for $6.00 + $4.70 S/H. Some of the proceeds will be donated to help and America's
Having the Constitution on display is a good way to be reminded of our founding principles. Be sure to purchase a copy or two today! See:
RenewAmerica's YouTube videos. In recent months, RenewAmerica has created several patriotic videos that promote America's ideals and inspire God-centered activism. Some of these videos feature the unique, heartfelt songs of veteran singer-songwriter Neil Brian Goldberg.