1,776 signers at the 'Pledge for America's Revival'!
RenewAmerica staff
On Aug. 10, we surpassed 1,776 signers at RenewAmerica's "Pledge for America's Revival"!
In the image-minded world of "politics," that may not seem like a lot of people. But consider this:
May God bless America!
August 10, 2009
On Aug. 10, we surpassed 1,776 signers at RenewAmerica's "Pledge for America's Revival"!
In the image-minded world of "politics," that may not seem like a lot of people. But consider this:
- It means that 1,776 EXCEPTIONAL AMERICANS have pledged to each other — with a firm reliance upon God — to do all within their power to help take back our country, much as our Founders, relying similarly upon divine providence, pledged to each other "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" in the cause of establishing our nation.
Bear in mind that the Pledge is not a "poll," petition, or campaign for support. It's an opportunity for patriotic citizens to join with each other in making a difference for the future of America — on the premise that the single most important thing a responsible citizen can do for our nation is to live right!
That makes the Pledge unique. The issue is the quality of signers — as shown by their determination to do the will of God! — not the number of signers, alone. A perusal of the comments left by our signers makes it clear that the Pledge tends to attract an unusually committed, deeply religious kind of citizen. It was such citizens who helped create and build our nation in the first place.
Our signers are in good company!
- God has indicated, in scripture, that a modest number of truly faithful, genuinely righteous individuals can spare an entire people from destruction — on the strength of the exceptional virtue of these God-fearing individuals.
Consider the account in Genesis 18:22-33, in which Abraham learns of God's intent to destroy the corrupt city of Sodom. Abraham persuades God to spare Sodom for the sake of "fifty righteous within the city," so that "the Judge of all the earth [might] do right" (verses 24-26). Having obtained this assurance, Abraham then boldly proceeds to negotiate the sparing of Sodom for the sake of 45 righteous, then 40, then 30, 20, and finally 10. At each proposed threshold, God agrees.
Unfortunately for Sodom, not even 10 could be found!
How many "righteous" Americans will it take to persuade God to spare the United States of America from apparently certain destruction? Only God knows the number He will accept. But one thing is certain. If enough virtuous Americans are willing to live better than they ever have — and truly submit their will to God in all things, with all their hearts — America will have a real chance of survival, because the "Judge of all the earth" is just, and will spare the society in which these righteous reside "for their sakes," just as He agreed to spare Sodom if a modest number of truly righteous inhabitants could be found.
In fact, relying on God to spare America is the only thing, at this point in our history, that we can wisely count on to make a difference. Arguably, we've moved so far from constitutional rule of law that no amount of political activism, military might, or expenditure of money will itself spare us the destruction already well under way at the hands of lawless manipulators who now control our country.
Let's not give up pursuing constitutional, principled solutions to America's plight. But let's remember: It's God in whom we trust!
Just as our National Anthem praises the God who "hath made and preserved us a nation," so must we likewise turn to Him for his protection and intervention!
- As should already be apparent, the Pledge for America's Revival is not intended for everyone — it's not a "big tent" promotion or "bandwagon" appeal. It purposely sets a standard so high that most Americans may think it too "demanding."
That's because the Pledge asks people to commit their lives to obeying the will of God in everything they attempt to do. That's a standard that requires whole-souled surrendering of their will to His — nothing withheld.
Will God spare our country from destruction for the sake of thousands of such humble, devout, righteous Americans? The scriptures suggest that He will, provided their faithfulness is sufficiently exemplary and godly, not merely pretended or self-righteous.
Are all those who've signed the Pledge sufficiently righteous? That's for God to judge. We're pleased that so many Americans are willing to TRY to live such a God-centered life.
May God bless America!