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January 8, 2015
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RENEWAMERICA — Shortly after communist-mentored Barack Obama was elected to the White House in 2008, I asked a brother at a family gathering, "Who's going to be president of the United States in 20 years?"... (more)

January 8, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — Masked Islamic terrorists killed 12 people in Paris on Wednesday in a brazen attack that terrorist expert Walid Phares believes amounts to war, and he said those trying to distance the killers from any connection to Islam are doing the world a great disservice.... (more)

January 8, 2015
MAIL ONLINE — As darkness fell across Europe, tens of thousands took to the streets to show their solidarity with those killed by gunmen at the offices of satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo... (more)

January 8, 2015
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — There are now at least twelve confirmed dead in the terrorist attack carried out by at least three jihadist gunmen against the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo. While it practices equal-opportunity satire, lampooning Islam has proved lethal for the magazine, just as it has for so many others who dare to exercise the bedrock Western liberty of free expression... (more)

January 8, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — The Council on American-Islamic Relations condemned Wednesday's deadly terrorist attack at the offices of a Paris newspaper as "barbaric" and deserving of punishment "to the fullest extent of the law."... (more)

January 8, 2015
CLIFF KINCAID — President Obama has celebrated anti-police riots at a New York City gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, saying, "We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths -- that all of us are created equal -- is the star that guides us still, just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall...."... (more)

January 8, 2015
LARRY KLAYMAN — My former Italian father-in-law used to say this, half in jest: "Appreciate today, because tomorrow is going to be even worse." Guido, Rome's answer to "I don't get no respect" Rodney Dangerfield, may they both rest in peace, had it right, particularly in today's world of President Barack Hussein Obama.... (more)

January 8, 2015
KEN CONNOR — America has always been a nation with great respect for the right of conscience. As a people, we like the idea that a person should follow their heart, go with their gut, do what feels right. Our laws have traditionally followed this course by according deference to individual conscience on a whole host of matters.... (more)

January 8, 2015
TOM DEWEESE — The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is the mainstream organization to which nearly every real estate agent in the nation belongs as a means to keep up with the latest ideas and trends in the property selling industry. NAR's members are the professionals that all of us look to for the best approach to buy and sell our homes. One of NAR's mottos is "protecting the American dream of home ownership." And they claim to protect property rights.... (more)

January 8, 2015
NEWSMAX — Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin wants to see House Speaker John Boehner talk to Democrats such as President Barack Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid the same way he does to conservatives in his own party.... (more)

January 8, 2015
BOB UNRUH — Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, is asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to speed up the timetable for his lawsuit alleging Barack Obama's amnesty program is unconstitutional, because the changes in law that Obama imposed by memoranda already are under way.... (more)

January 8, 2015
CLIFF KINCAID — On Saturday and Sunday, The Washington Post's liberal reporters warned that Republican victories in November on the national and state levels have given the GOP the opportunity this year to become "aggressive" and pass their own legislation and initiatives. "GOP will flex muscles in the states" ran on Saturday, with an article, "Eager GOP sets its goals," about their national effort running on Sunday. But there is something else the Republicans could do to really strike fear into the hearts of liberals -- restore internal security panels that once examined "un-American" activities.... (more)

January 8, 2015
CAMPUS REFORM — The average U.S. college freshman reads at a seventh grade level, according to an educational assessment report.... (more)

January 7, 2015
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Republican John Boehner was elected to a third term as U.S. House Speaker, despite more than two dozen GOP lawmakers who voted against him. After a lengthy roll call vote, the Ohio Republican earned 216 votes, more than enough to put him in the majority. Boehner needed only 205 votes, lower than the usual 218 votes, because of a missing bloc of Democratic lawmakers who were in New York attending the funeral of former Gov. Mario Cuomo.... (more)

January 7, 2015
THE DAILY BEAST — Ironically, Mario Cuomo's funeral may have kept enough Democrats out of the House to allow the speaker to defeat a Republican insurgency. Mario Cuomo's funeral may have saved John Boehner's political life Tuesday.... (more)

January 7, 2015
NEWSMAX — Rep. Louie Gohmert, who took part in Tuesday's effort to unseat House Speaker John Boehner, told Sean Hannity afterward that they had enough votes to succeed, but that most people backed out when it came time to make an official decision.... (more)

January 7, 2015
POLITICO — John Boehner is getting revenge. After he secured his third term as speaker Tuesday afternoon, losing 25 votes on the House floor to some relative-unknown members of the Republican Conference, Boehner moved swiftly to boot two of the insurgents from the influential Rules Committee. That could be just the start of payback for the speaker's betrayers, who might see subcommittee chairmanships and other perks fall away in the coming months.... (more)

January 7, 2015
THE BLAZE — Glenn Beck on Tuesday tore into Congressman Chris Stewart (R-Utah) over his decision to vote for John Boehner as speaker of the House, saying he believes Stewart -- who has been his friend for years -- is losing his soul.... (more)

January 7, 2015
WORLDNETDAILY — Now the dust settles. After a historic House vote in which Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, mustered just enough votes to retain his hold on power, to the chagrin of many conservative Republicans, those same conservatives say they feel abandoned by the party they've worked to support.... (more)

January 7, 2015
BOB UNRUH — Eighty percent of Republicans would be less likely to vote for a member of Congress who spends tax money on the president's amnesty plan, according to a new poll. A total of 84 percent of the respondents said they were somewhat less likely or much less likely to support re-election if the representative "voted to allow taxpayer money to be used to implement the president's amnesty."... (more)

January 7, 2015
DIANA WEST — From the "A" section of the New York Times, Page 15, in less than 100 words, the psychosis of denial as it is hard-wired into American journalism: Six years into his presidency, there seems to be almost nothing the nation does not know about Mr. Obama, ranging from his views on the use of drones to target terrorists to how his daughters have less interest in hanging out with him as they become teenagers.... (more)

January 7, 2015
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY — The New York Times published a provocative news story called "The New Math on Campus." No, it's not about the failure of Common Core to teach arithmetic; it's about the changing ratio of males to females on most college campuses.... (more)

January 7, 2015
WASHINGTON TIMES — Lawyers sifting through documents related to the case of Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy sex offender accused of pimping out an underage girl to Britain's Prince Andrew, stumbled across an interesting finding among the filings: 21 email and telephone contacts for former President Bill Clinton and his personal aide, Doug Band.... (more)

January 7, 2015
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — Unless the federal court indulges last-ditch efforts by the defense for further delay, the least interesting aspect of the case against accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will begin this week: the determination of guilt or innocence.... (more)

January 6, 2015
PEOPLE'S PUNDIT DAILY — With two declared challengers and a growing list of House members opposed to his leadership, public opinion is building against Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). The latest PPD Poll of 500 likely Republican voters finds 65 percent say they want their representative to bolt on Boehner when the House votes for speaker this week, while just 26 percent support their representative backing him.... (more)

January 5, 2015
NEWSWEEK — The House of Representatives may be under Republican control, but it lacks any semblance of principled leadership. In fact, fiscally conservative and libertarian-leaning members--the ideas wing of the GOP--have faced an increasingly hostile environment under Republican leadership, one in which they're treated as obstacles rather than allies to advance the limited government policies that Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and his team purportedly believe.... (more)

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