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April 12, 2013
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April 11, 2013
STEPHEN STONE, RA PRESIDENT — Now we're getting somewhere. In recent weeks, I've received a handful of interesting emails — in part due to our Mormonism under the Microscope series at RenewAmerica... (more)

April 11, 2013
ALAN KEYES — "Conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said Thursday that those who support same-sex marriage have already won the culture war. 'This issue is lost,' Limbaugh said. 'I don't care what the Supreme Court does, this is now inevitable -- and it's inevitable because we lost the language on this.'"... (more)

April 11, 2013
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — In my prior essay, I described seven historical waves of bad ideas for education that are responsible for the American educational crisis. In this essay, I will outline seven historical waves of good ideas that are a gold mine for digging up tried and true ways to revive education... (more)

April 11, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — By his own lawyer's count, Kermit Gosnell, a 72-year-old doctor in West Philadelphia, Pa., performed more than 16,000 abortions over the course of 31 years. Dr. Gosnell has an attorney explaining his work because he is busy being tried for murder over seven of those abortions and the death of one prospective mother... (more)

April 11, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — The violence done in abortion "clinics" has been covered by WND, and other pro-life websites for years, but now the murder trial for abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell, who is accused of snipping the spines of babies who survived the abortion procedure, is making inroads into the establishment media... (more)

April 11, 2013
FOX NEWS — Controversial gun legislation cleared a key Senate hurdle Thursday, as lawmakers voted 68-31 to start debate on the package which includes expanded background checks and new penalties for gun trafficking... (more)

April 11, 2013
FREE BEACON — U.S. and allied intelligence agencies have identified the launch zone on North Korea's east coast where Pyongyang's military is set to fire a salvo of missiles that risk being shot down by U.S. missile defenses in the region... (more)

April 11, 2013
F. MICHAEL MALOOF — North Korea today expanded its saber-rattling, which earlier included threats against South Korea and the United States, to target Japan, which the renegade nation is claiming is conspiring with the U.S. to pose a military threat... (more)

April 11, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — I don't expect anyone in Washington to heed this advice -- certainly not Barack Obama, who hates his tepid critics at Fox News more than he detests foreign dictators who starve their own people and threaten neighbors and the U.S. with nuclear annihilation... (more)

April 11, 2013
NEWSMAX — Republican grassroots activists and the GOP establishment clashed in their first official meeting since a dust-up at last year's presidential convention deepened fissures in the party... (more)

April 10, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — Just when America and the West needed a shot of testosterone, with Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard settling in to swallow Kuwait's oil, Margaret Thatcher stepped up with a word from the warrior queen. "Don't go wobbly on us, George," she told President George H.W. Bush. He didn't, and the West won... (more)

April 10, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — The trial details are nothing short of sensational: A doctor accused of killing seven newborns and a young woman at a filthy Philadelphia clinic strewn with body parts and described as a "slaughterhouse."... (more)

April 10, 2013
MARK STEYN — There used to be a formulation of cynical news editors to determine American news priorities for mass murder. It ran something like: 1,000 dead Bangladeshis = 100 dead Italians = 10 dead Americans. So how many dead American babies does it take to make the news? I wrote two-and-a-half weeks ago about the U.S. media's determination to ignore a story that's inconvenient to their biases... (more)

April 10, 2013
YAHOO NEWS — Speaking before families of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre, President Obama made an impassioned and urgent plea for stricter gun laws, as he accused Republicans of threatening to use "political stunts" to block reforms... (more)

April 10, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — Senate Democrats have set Thursday as the date for the first major gun showdown in Congress since the Connecticut school shootings, saying they will put their gun control bill on the chamber floor and dare Republicans to filibuster it... (more)

April 10, 2013
JOSEPH FARAH — Obviously, it's time to ban knives. With more than a dozen people stabbed on the campus of Lone Star Community College in Texas yesterday by a man with a small knife who ran from building to building randomly attacking individuals along the way, what other conclusion can we draw?... (more)

April 10, 2013
WASHINGTON TIMES — In the chaotic aftermath of a Houston campus mass stabbing Tuesday, a Lone Star Community College student gave a brutally honest interview with Fox News, lamenting the fact that students can't carry firearms to protect themselves and others... (more)

April 10, 2013
CAMPUS REFORM — A professor at a public university in Texas is under investigation from school administrators for allegedly forcing students in her graphic design class to create anti-gun posters for a personal anti-gun campaign she had launched... (more)

April 10, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — The Home School Legal Defense Association today reached a milestone victory in its efforts to assist a persecuted German homeschooling family who soon could be forced back to Germany by the Obama administration... (more)

April 10, 2013
WORLDNETDAILY — MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry worshipped with President Obama at the controversial Trinity United Church in Chicago, WND has learned. Harris-Perry was also an associate of Obama's when both taught at the University of Chicago in the early 2000s, and she eventually became a regular commentator on Obama to the news media... (more)

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