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July 19, 2012
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July 19, 2012
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Tons of cash are behind the giant and hostile metaphorical mowing machine that seeks to take down the United States. Big money. In our last column, we discussed the threats coming at us from all directions: militarily, diplomatically, culturally, economically, by way of intimidation, and subversion/infiltration of our major institutions... (more)

July 19, 2012
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — Marriage is the indispensable foundation and building block of our culture. We are in the midst of a hideous culture war. Traditional marriage and the family are under siege. The defense of marriage is on the front line of the war to defend civilization... (more)

July 19, 2012
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Good for Mitt Romney, attacking President Obama's crony capitalism. Too bad there's no evidence that a President Romney would do anything to stop it. "We're seeing our president hand out money to the businesses of campaign contributors," Romney said in a campaign speech Tuesday... (more)

July 19, 2012
ANDREW NAPOLITANO — The greatest distinguishing factor between countries in which there is some freedom and those where authoritarian governments manage personal behavior is the rule of law. The idea that the very laws that the government is charged with enforcing could restrain the government itself is uniquely Western and was accepted with near unanimity at the time of the creation of the American republic... (more)

July 19, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — NEW YORK -- Does a family photograph of a young Barack Obama posted on the president's Facebook campaign page offer a clue to the identity of his real father? A professional graphic artist who examined the 1973 photo believes the image of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was airbrushed into the scene to cover up an African-American man who was standing next to Obama at the Honolulu airport... (more)

July 19, 2012
JOSEPH FARAH — Here it is for you to see for yourself: A CBS News affiliate report from Phoenix on the breathtaking conspiracy behind the audacious decision of the Arizona secretary of state to ask for confirmation of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility before placing his name on the ballot. And who was it that manipulated Ken Bennett to take this audacious action?... (more)

July 19, 2012
HUMAN EVENTS — Yesterday, I noted a sure sign that summer is nearly over: There were commercials on TV for ingredients to make school lunches. Already, the folks at Oscar Mayer are offering suggestions for how to make a lunch that kids will find nutritious and delicious, though they don't offer any advice in the ads on how to keep school administrators from pitching your homemade lunch and force-feeding your kid chicken nuggets... (more)

July 19, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — The days of secrecy at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) may be coming to an end. It's a widely held belief that the agency's hasty embrace of expensive, X-rated x-ray machines has more to do with closed-door lobbying efforts of manufacturers than a deliberate consideration of the devices' merits... (more)

July 19, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is not a fan of a big part of the 287(g) program, which allows state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws -- but until Thursday her department's website didn't get that message... (more)

July 19, 2012
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The FBI was too concerned about political correctness and did not launch an investigation into a man who was later charged with killing 13 people in a 2009 attack at the Fort Hood military installation in Texas, despite significant warning signs that he was an Islamic extremist bent on killing civilians, according to a lawmaker briefed on a new report about the terrorist attack... (more)

July 18, 2012
WORLDNETDAILY — Any doubt Americans may have had that Barack Obama is a Marxist should be alleviated now after hearing his rhetoric in a speech in Virginia over the weekend, top talk-radio host Michael Savage told his listeners last night. Asserting that it is governments and not individuals who create jobs, Obama told entrepreneurs Saturday: "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen"... (more)

July 18, 2012
JOSEPH FARAH — After watching the press reaction and "questions" following Sheriff Joe Arpaio's breathtaking news conference yesterday, I have to tell you I'm embarrassed to call myself a newsman. If someone asks me what I do for a living, maybe I'll identify myself as an Internet entrepreneur. Or maybe I'll say I'm a "writer." Or maybe a publisher or businessman... (more)

July 18, 2012
NEWSMAX — Rep. Michele Bachmann is raising questions about possible ties between the family of a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood, the St. Cloud Times reported, and called for a probe of potential Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into the Obama administration... (more)

July 18, 2012
REUTERS — The Boy Scouts of America announced it would continue to deny membership to gay scouts and scout leaders on Tuesday, saying the policy would protect the rights of families that prefer to address issues of sexuality in private... (more)

July 16, 2012
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — A movie is about to be released that portrays what America will be like in 2016 if Barack Obama is re-elected. Will the presidential race of that year have all the credibility of a Hugo Chavez election in Venezuela?... (more)

July 16, 2012
ALAN KEYES — Recently, I heard a friend of mine echo the sentiment former Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker expressed in an interview with WND: "I would vote for the devil himself over Barack Obama." People say this to make clear how deeply they abhor Obama and all his works. Sadly, for them and for America, their passionate hatred of Obama puts them exactly where the devil wants them to be... (more)

July 16, 2012
WASHINGTON TIMES — Ron Paul has acknowledged that Mitt Romney is going to be the GOP presidential nominee, but the Texas congressman's backers are optimistic that Nebraska Republicans will give the libertarian-leaning candidate a consolation prize today: a guaranteed chance to speak at the August convention... (more)

July 16, 2012
NEWSMAX — The head of Britian's intelligence service warned that Iran will acquire a nuclear weapon by 2014 at the latest, and predicted a military strike may be the only way to prevent such a calamity. Sir John Sawers, head of Britain's MI6, told a group of civil servants Friday that Iran is on the path to acquiring a weapon and predicted Israel will act to stop her... (more)

July 16, 2012
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — You know things have changed when a Texas Republican attacks his primary opponent for being cozy with lobbyists and big-business donors. The primary runoff for Texas's open U.S. Senate seat has become another battle along the GOP's major fault line: the Tea Party vs. K Street... (more)

July 16, 2012
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Following up on the news that the American Enterprise Institute hosted a secret meeting with liberal groups to try to build GOP support for a carbon tax, the conservative Heartland Institute has issued a release stating "strong objections to such a plan"... (more)

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