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April 14, 2011
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April 14, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Terry Nichols, serving life without parole in the supermax prison ADX Florence in Colorado for his part in the Oklahoma City bombing (1995), says "John Doe 2" -- a mysterious accomplice in that terrorist act -- does exist. Nichols has offered "not so subtle hints" of foreign complicity in the terror attack... (more)

April 13, 2011
POLITICO — After Lee made a recent filibuster threat on the matter, McConnell pulled him aside to talk about his strategy -- and he's had similar conversations with DeMint, according to people familiar with the talks. It used to be routine for the debt limit to be increased by a simple majority in the Senate, until January 2010 when McConnell insisted that Democrats clear a 60-vote threshold when their party held 60 seats... (more)

April 13, 2011
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — With the 2011 budget battle nearly behind them, Republicans are eager to begin pressing for their 2012 budget blueprint, which would cut spending by more than $4 trillion over the next decade and revamp Medicare and Medicaid... (more)

April 13, 2011
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The historic $38 billion in budget cuts resulting from at-times hostile bargaining between Congress and the Obama White House were accomplished in large part by pruning money left over from previous years, using accounting sleight of hand and going after programs President Barack Obama had targeted anyway... (more)

April 13, 2011
ABC 15 — The Arizona Senate has approved a revised bill requiring presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens eligible to run for the office. The bill approved Wednesday gives candidates additional ways to prove they meet the constitutional requirements to be president... (more)

April 13, 2011
REP. LAMAR SMITH — Critics of immigration enforcement often claim our immigration system is broken and that enforcement of immigration laws will not solve this problem. But this argument is flawed because we have never tried to fully enforce our immigration laws... (more)

April 13, 2011
THOMAS SOWELL — Someone once said that taxes are the price we pay for civilization. That may have been true when he said it, but today taxes are mostly the price we pay so that politicians can play Santa Claus and get reelected. That's not the worst of it. We may think of taxes as just a source of government revenue... (more)

April 13, 2011
ANN COULTER — Back in February, Obama's director of the Office of Management and Budget, Jacob Lew, promoted the White House's allegedly draconian budget cuts in The New York Times. Saying Obama was going to cut the 2012 budget to the bone, Lew droned on about the "difficult" cuts to "important" programs and the "many tough choices and deep cuts" in the proposed budget... (more)

April 13, 2011
DAVID KLINGHOFFER — An enduring liberal myth, that of the Republican "war on science," got a subtle rebuke this week when the first and only patient to receive FDA-approved embryonic-stem-cell therapy publicly revealed his identity. Timothy J. Atchison, a 21-year-old nursing student, had been partially paralyzed in a car crash... (more)

April 12, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — A federal appeals court ruled Monday that Arizona overstepped its bounds with last year's immigration enforcement law, handing the Obama administration another victory as it tries to squelch states' efforts on immigration enforcement... (more)

April 12, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — A new Zogby International poll shows even the left is drifting away from Barack Obama's side. His re-election numbers are the lowest of his presidency so far -- at 38 percent... (more)

April 12, 2011
BERNARD GOLDBERG — Here's a safe rule of thumb for all you civilians out there: Whatever you hear from liberals in politics you will soon hear from liberals in the media. So Barack Obama tells us that the trillions in his budget are "investments"... (more)

April 12, 2011
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) talks about how he enjoys hearing the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the Senate session, however does not say "under God." Instead, he says "one nation, indivisible"... (more)

April 12, 2011
DICK MORRIS — John Boehner has just given away the Republican victory of 2010 at the bargaining table. Like the proverbial Uncle Sam who always wins the war but loses the peace, he has unilaterally disarmed the Republican Party by showing that he will not shut down the government and will, instead, willingly give way on even the most modest of cuts in order to avoid it. He now has no arrows left in his quiver... (more)

April 12, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — A new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll shows that over the last month, while billionaire Donald Trump repeatedly was raising questions about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president -- and even suggesting Obama's tenure might be illegal -- he's been rocketing in popularity among possible GOP presidential candidates... (more)

April 12, 2011
JOSEPH FARAH — Donald Trump has billions of dollars and a very large megaphone. I am eternally grateful to him for standing up boldly and demanding to see Barack Obama's birth certificate, as I have been doing for the last two and a half years. He probably doesn't need my help, but I offer it here anyway... (more)

April 11, 2011
TONY BLANKLEY — The great American engine of democracy is beginning to build up a head of steam, and it remains the finest device created by man to organize collective human action. Two months ago, the conventional wisdom held that Washington would do nothing of consequence to start dealing with our fiscal crisis... (more)

April 11, 2011
MICHIGAN CAPITOL CONFIDENTIAL — A federal lawsuit claims a Branch County tea party group was denied the right to display banners and signs at a tea party rally at a public park in Coldwater because it was "too political" and "too controversial." The Coldwater City Council then passed a resolution banning all banners and signs in that park... (more)

April 11, 2011
MARIE JON, RA ANALYST — For those Americans who live where there are four distinct seasons, during the winter months you're probably tuned into your local radio or television station so you'll know the weather forecast. Our meteorological forecasters have ways to determine if our days will be sunny and bright, blustering cold, or uncomfortably hot... (more)

April 11, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — What would "Silent Cal" do? In his time, debt in the billions would have been considered beyond the scope of sanity; forget trillions. So how would Calvin Coolidge have assessed the budget deal just agreed to by 21st century Republican House Speaker John Boehner? Let's explore that... (more)

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