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June 28, 2010
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June 28, 2010
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is right out of central casting as a stereotypical example of America's "ruling class" -- i.e., out of step with the great majority of Americans, but with a sense of entitlement to wield power in such a way as to make policy against our wishes because we are her inferiors... (more)

June 27, 2010
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — Even as President Barack Obama labeled criticisms of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan "thin gruel," Republicans wouldn't rule out a filibuster to block the liberal activism many suspect she'll bring to the bench, a key GOP senator said Sunday... (more)

June 27, 2010
REUTERS — The Supreme Court could strike down a key part of a 2002 corporate reform law and extend gun rights in the United States on Monday when the justices issue their final rulings of the term... (more)

June 26, 2010
NEWSMAX — Fox News' Bill O'Reilly is warning that if President Barack Obama ever bypasses Congress and uses his pardon power to make millions of illegal aliens citizens, he could face serious calls for his impeachment... (more)

June 26, 2010
TOM TANCREDO — Yes, yes, I know. An impeachment investigation will never be started while Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the House. The good news is that this obstacle to impeachment will likely be removed by January... (more)

June 26, 2010
DICK MORRIS — General Stanley McChrystal's interview in Rolling Stone magazine will do a lot to damage President Obama's standing among liberals and Democrats and will undermine his chances of keeping control of Congress in 2010... (more)

June 26, 2010
REUTERS — More American women are choosing not to have children than three decades ago, according to a new report. Nearly 20 percent of older women do not have children, compared to 10 percent in the 1970s, the Pew Research Center said... (more)

June 26, 2010
NEWSMAX — The Disclose Act that House Democrats passed Thursday would "shred" the U.S. Constitution and represents a "blatant partisan maneuver to protect their incumbency," according to U.S. Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President R. Bruce Josten... (more)

June 26, 2010
TECHWORLD — A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would give the US president the authority to shut down parts of the Internet during a cyberattack... (more)

June 26, 2010
NEWSMAX — Conservatives in the United States are on track to record their highest annual statistics in the Gallup poll's 18-year history of measuring conservative/liberal ideologies... (more)

June 26, 2010
FOX NEWS — Illegal immigration crackdowns popping up across the country have a common thread: a 44-year-old constitutional law professor and former Bush administration attorney who crafted the legal framework behind Arizona's controversial immigration law... (more)

June 26, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's press for considering international law as "the context" for interpreting U.S. law has incited worries her appointment could pave the way for world treaties that threaten both parental rights and homeschooling in the United States... (more)

June 25, 2010
MICHELLE MALKIN — President Obama's Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is supposed to represent American workers. What you need to know is that this longtime open-borders sympathizer has always had a rather radical definition of "American"... (more)

June 25, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Obama administration's red tape continues to tie the hands of individuals seeking to mitigate the effects of the disastrous oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. It's a sign of how out-of-touch the O Force's priorities have become... (more)

June 25, 2010
STATE SEN. RUSSELL PEARCE — When the open-borders lobby runs out of excuses for amnesty, their final resort is to "do it for the children." Last year Nancy Pelosi told a crowd in San Francisco that "Our future is about our children" and "Taking parents from their children ... that's un-American"... (more)

June 25, 2010
HELEN MAGUIRE — My parents were considered part of what we now refer to as the "Greatest Generation" -- they lived through the Great Depression, the Second World War, and raised me to be extremely proud to be a citizen of the Great United States of America... (more)

June 25, 2010
MARTHA ZOLLER — Nikki Haley is the most recent example of the abhorrent way conservative women are treated in the media and sometimes by people in their own party. You have to expect dirty politics in campaigns but the level of vitriol against conservative women has reached an unacceptable level... (more)

June 25, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Solicitor General Elena Kagan is too political, too leftist, too inexperienced and too disrespectful towards existing law to be confirmed for the U.S. Supreme Court. As Ms. Kagan's nomination hearings begin on Monday, what we now know about her should disturb fair-minded Americans, and should embolden moderate senators of both parties to avoid rubber-stamping her for a lifetime appointment... (more)

June 25, 2010
WORLD TRIBUNE — Majority Democrats on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee today blocked one avenue of inquiry into the White House's attempt to secure victory for two incumbent Senate candidates by offering a job to their chief opponent in exchange for exiting the race... (more)

June 24, 2010
NEWSMAX — The man handpicked by President Obama to rescue the flagging American war effort in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, must wage a critical battle on two fronts: Taking on the Taliban while quelling bureaucratic rivalries in Washington that present a serious threat to military morale... (more)

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