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April 29, 2010
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April 28, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — A move is afoot to grant statehood to Puerto Rico, and a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives tomorrow may put the island on a path to becoming the nation's 51st state... (more)

April 28, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — An 8-foot cross honoring fallen soldiers in the remote Mojave National Preserve in California can stay where it is, because the Supreme Court said Wednesday that the Constitution nowhere requires the "eradication of all religious symbols in the public realm"... (more)

April 28, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — A referendum drive and a lawsuit have emerged as potential road blocks to Arizona's tough new law on illegal immigration that has thrust the state into the national spotlight... (more)

April 28, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Imagine a group of angry demonstrators toting swastika-festooned protest signs calling politicians Nazis, shouting obscenities and racial remarks and throwing rocks and bottles at police officers sent to keep order... (more)

April 28, 2010
RENEWAMERICA — Lloyd Marcus -- a traveling member of the Tea Party Express and composer-singer of the popular "Tea Party Anthem" -- has penned a new patriotic song titled "Take Back America." On June 5, he is gathering conservative singers and musicians from across the country to record it... (more)

April 28, 2010
STAR-TELEGRAM — First Arizona, next Texas? At least two state lawmakers are planning to file immigration bills similar to a controversial law that recently went into effect in Arizona once Texas lawmakers get back to work in January... (more)

April 28, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — The sole Senate Republican working with Democrats on a bipartisan immigration bill said Tuesday that the issue will have to wait until 2012, undercutting the drive to pass a law this year and setting up a partisan floor showdown that all sides acknowledge won't produce a bill that can reach the president's desk... (more)

April 28, 2010
WASHINGTON TIMES — Virginia state troopers can again refer to Jesus Christ in public prayers. Republican Gov. Robert F. McDonnell late Wednesday lifted a restriction imposed by former Democratic Gov. Timothy M. Kane in 2008. Previously, troopers involved in a volunteer chaplain program had been able to invoke Jesus or otherwise pray according to their respective religions... (more)

April 28, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The frustration had been building for years in Arizona with every drug-related kidnapping, every home invasion, every "safe house" discovered crammed with illegal immigrants from Mexico... (more)

April 28, 2010
MICHELLE MALKIN — Mexican President Felipe Calderon has accused Arizona of opening the door "to intolerance, hate, discrimination and abuse in law enforcement." But Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens... (more)

April 28, 2010
NEWSMAX — Republican Florida Gov. Charlie Crist has decided he will run as an independent in the race for U.S. Senate, Fox News reported Wednesday afternoon. The official announcement is scheduled for 5 p.m. Eastern time Thursday in St. Petersburg. Once a front-runner, Crist recently began trailing by double digits in the polls to his conservative GOP opponent, former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio... (more)

April 28, 2010
WORLD TRIBUNE — The administration of President Barack Obama has launched what officials termed a psychological warfare campaign meant to topple Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu... (more)

April 28, 2010
PAT BUCHANAN — With the support of 70 percent of its citizens, Arizona has ordered sheriffs and police to secure the border and remove illegal aliens, half a million of whom now reside there. Arizona acted because the U.S. government has abdicated its constitutional duty to protect the states from invasion and refuses to enforce America's immigration laws... (more)

April 28, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Oklahoma Senate has voted to override Gov. Brad Henry's vetoes of two abortion bills, meaning the bills become law without his signature... (more)

April 28, 2010
DENNIS PRAGER — Opponents of the popular expression of conservative opposition to big government, the tea party, regularly note that tea partiers are overwhelmingly white. This is intended to disqualify the tea parties from serious moral consideration... (more)

April 28, 2010
ROBERT SPENCER — Four incidents recently showed anew how keenly Islamic supremacists want to shut down the freedom of speech--and how eager many Americans are to accommodate them. The most notorious incident was Comedy Central's censorship of a "South Park" episode lampooning Islam's prophet Muhammad... (more)

April 27, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — Lawmakers in Montana contend courts should decide whether Congress has overstepped its authority in a dispute over a state exemption from federal regulations for guns made and sold in the state... (more)

April 27, 2010
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he is willing to bring up climate change legislation ahead of an immigration bill, a possible first step toward resolving a dispute with Senate Republicans that threatens to derail a bipartisan effort months in the making... (more)

April 27, 2010
WORLDNETDAILY — What do more than 25 returning combat veterans, a beauty queen, a general surgeon, a scientist, talk-radio hosts, a political analyst, a former welfare mom and Richard Nixon's grandson have in common?... (more)

April 26, 2010
GEORGE WILL — Utah, the reddest state, may soon become redder because it has the nation's most vulnerable Republican senator. Senate candidate selection events there (May 8), in Indiana (May 4), and Kentucky (May 18) might make May a month of Republican insurrections against candidates favored by party leaders but considered insufficiently conservative by the rank and file... (more)

April 26, 2010
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — President Obama and ex-President Clinton are inadvertently stumbling toward the intersection of two seemingly unrelated events. That combination of circumstances could blow the lid off a huge cover-up of America's biggest 20th-century terrorist attack... (more)

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