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'America for Sale,' by Jerome Corsi: documenting the theft & the treason; interviewed by Hannity
Arlen Williams Obama administration declares war on Fox News: Anita Moncrief, Fox News now needs YOU!
Michael Gaynor King Richard M. Daley should go back to school
Matt C. Abbott The Hawaiian investigation of Obama birth certificate attestations & realities: Terrik, Donofrio, et. al.
Arlen Williams Internationally known black American launches campaign to end the hyphenating of America
Lloyd Marcus |
October 14, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS A federal judge fined a leader of the movement challenging President Obama's citizenship and warned her against using the legal system to pursue "political rhetoric and insults"... (more)
October 14, 2009
CASEY LUSKIN When a conservative group, the American Freedom Alliance (AFA), recently contracted to premiere a new documentary titled "Darwin's Dilemma" at the Smithsonian-affiliated California Science Center, they couldn't imagine the brouhaha that would ensue... (more)
October 14, 2009
JOHN STOSSEL Michael Moore is confused. His new movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story," begins by suggesting that all was well until Ronald Reagan became president and cut the top 90 percent income tax rate. Everything was downhill from there... (more)
October 14, 2009
MICHELLE MALKIN White House interim communications director Anita Dunn assumed the role of lead Fox News Channel-basher this weekend. The attack was a dud. The left-leaning Nation magazine ridiculed President Obama's press shop for turning him into the "whiner-in-chief"... (more)
October 14, 2009
ARMSTRONG WILLIAMS The social engineering of liberal policymakers often has the unintended consequences of making life more difficult for the people it is trying to help. They justify liberal policies by correctly highlighting real institutional barriers like racism and historical poverty that have historically held back the disadvantaged... (more)
October 14, 2009
LISA DE PASQUALE The Obama Administration has a Google problem. With each announcement of a new czar, journalists and bloggers are able to find out who these people really are and what they really believe. As with Van Jones, the liberal media remains silent on the truth behind conservatives' objection to "Safe Schools Czar" Kevin Jennings... (more)
October 13, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES We know that "safe schools czar" and "Queering Elementary Education" essayist Kevin Jennings failed to oppose homosexual man-boy relationships and that science czar John Holdren has written, without objection, that "laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution"... (more)
October 13, 2009
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY If Barack Obama had campaigned on what he has actually done in his first 300 days in office, would he have been elected? That's the question so many are asking today... (more)
October 13, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES The Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday voted 14-9 in favor of a bill to reform the U.S. health care system, marking a major step in President Obama's plan to overhaul the $2.5 trillion industry and the first time a Republican voted in favor of the legislation... (more)
October 13, 2009
NEWSMAX "And I know one thing
October 13, 2009
JOE WURZELBACHER I became famous because TV cameras caught me questioning candidate Barack Obama about taxes and the idea that I should share more of my hard-won earnings with others. It made me front-page news. When I stayed in the spotlight to talk about the things that I believe are on a lot of average people's minds, I was introduced to the "other side of fame" - I was discredited, ridiculed and categorized... (more)
October 13, 2009
RUSHLIMBAUGH.COM Entrepreneur Steve Wynn: Government has never increased the standard of living of one single human being in civilization's history. For some reason, that simple truth has evaded everybody. The only thing that creates an increased standard of living is giving someone a job... (more)
October 13, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS President Barack Obama has nominated a Minnesota policewoman to become the first openly gay person to serve as a U.S. marshal. Sharon Lubinski is an assistant chief in the Minneapolis Police Department, where she has worked for 20 years... (more)
October 13, 2009
CNSNEWS.COM President Obama delivered an unprecedented message to the Human Rights Campaign Saturday night. Sounding more like a homosexual activist than a sitting president, Obama went well beyond his expected message of "I'm here with you" on the homosexual agenda... (more)
October 13, 2009
AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE In an unannounced move, President Barack Obama is dispatching an additional 13,000 US troops to Afghanistan beyond the 21,000 he announced publicly in March, The Washington Post reported... (more)
October 13, 2009
SACRAMENTO BEE Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed two gay rights bills, one honoring late activist Harvey Milk and another recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states... (more)
October 13, 2009
PAT BUCHANAN All my life, said Voltaire, I have had but one prayer: "O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous. And God granted it." In awarding the Nobel Prize for Peace to Barack Obama, the Nobel committee has just made itself look ridiculous... (more)
October 13, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY A Christian middle-school student is suing his school district after a principal ordered him to remove a T-shirt bearing the message "Abortion is not health care" on the day of President Obama's speech to schoolchildren... (more)
October 12, 2009
POLITICO While the energy of the anti-tax and anti-Big Government tea party movement may yet haunt Democrats in 2010, the first order of business appears to be remaking the Republican Party... (more)
October 12, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS About 70 protesters let their voices be heard outside a New Jersey school where students sang praise of President Barack Obama... (more)
October 12, 2009
ALAN CARUBA As the greatest hoax of the modern era, "global warming," bites the dust around the world, it behooves us all to contemplate why environmentalists