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June 18, 2009
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June 18, 2009
Premiering June 23 at YouTube
LLOYD MARCUS — Dear Fellow Patriots, No marketing firm could have started this incredible spontaneous Tea Party Movement. It is totally driven by love, passion and concern of the America people... (more)

June 17, 2009
ASSOCIATED PRESS — President Barack Obama has signed a measure that would extend some benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. Obama on Wednesday signed a memorandum that makes small changes in benefits available to same-sex couples... (more)

June 17, 2009
CNSNEWS.COM — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) vowed Monday that the Senate would consider a "comprehensive" immigration reform bill that would include giving amnesty to illegal aliens--an item he referred to as "bringing the 11 million people out of the shadows"... (more)

June 17, 2009
WALTER WILLIAMS — "Live Free or Die" is the title of author and JWR columnist Mark Steyn's speech at Hillsdale College, reproduced in Imprimis (April 2009), a Hillsdale publication that's free for the asking. Canadian born, now living in New Hampshire, Steyn has had firsthand experience with socialist tyranny in his home country that is rapidly becoming a part of America... (more)

June 17, 2009
JOHN STOSSEL — Few of us had heard of Glenn Beck a few years ago. Now the conservative talk-jock is everywhere. His radio show reaches eight million people. He's performing live before sold-out crowds on a comedy tour... (more)

June 16, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A lawyer who gained a federal court victory for Christians who want to share their faith and beliefs at a PrideFest that celebrates the homosexual lifestyle in St. Louis says believers need to be active now -- writing their members of Congress to express their concern over the proposed "hate crimes" legislation... (more)

June 16, 2009
BUSINESS INSIDER — The White House is set to unveil its much-anticipated revamp of the financial regulatory system this Wednesday, reports WSJ. Among the big, new changes: The Federal Reserve is set to get the power to unwind and shut down large institutions as the FDIC currently has for more plain vanilla banks... (more)

June 16, 2009
THOMAS SOWELL — Back when I was on the receiving end of racial discrimination, it was to me not simply a personal misfortune, or even the misfortune of a race, it was a moral outrage. But not everyone who went through such an experience sees it that way... (more)

June 16, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A British plan to allow local authorities "the right of access to the home" and "the right to speak with each child alone" in order to evaluate homeschooling families and make certain they do what the government wants is a warning about what could happen in the United States, according to the world's largest homeschool advocacy organization... (more)

June 16, 2009
KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ — Anyone paying attention to the news lately can't be blamed for thinking that those who defend the lives of the unborn by opposing legal abortion are not the most loving bunch, and perhaps not the most sane. But undue focus on the aberrant acts of a crazed few can overshadow the goodness of the many... (more)

June 16, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — The tea party movement is showing fresh signs of momentum as the national tally is once again exploding. Amy Kremer, national organizer for the Tea Party Patriots, told WND her organization is expecting more rallies on Independence Day weekend than were held on April 15 this year... (more)

June 16, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — A new Montana gun law puts the state at the forefront of a national bid to restore states' rights by attacking up to a century of federal court decisions on Washington's power... (more)

June 16, 2009
DAVID LIMBAUGH — Excuse my mastery of the obvious, but I have to believe the greatest obstacle to America's return to policy sanity is the electorate's cultish adoration of Barack Obama. If it weren't for this disturbing phenomenon -- not to discount a healthy dose of blind partisanship -- it is inconceivable that the majority of people would tolerate Obama's dismantling of America's free market system... (more)

June 16, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Conventional wisdom about Iran has long been that the nation's senior Muslim cleric would have the final say on domestic and foreign policies, no matter who won the June 12 presidential election... (more)

June 16, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — A new poll released Monday found that, even in the Age of Obama, there has been a "slight increase" in the number of Americans who call themselves conservatives, outnumbering self-described liberals by a 2-to-1 margin... (more)

June 16, 2009
ObamaCare is the same poison as HillaryCare, different bottle
LAWRENCE A. HUNTER — President Obama spoke to the American Medical Association yesterday and repeated the same platitudes and promises he has been uttering ever since the presidential campaign... (more)

June 16, 2009
WASHINGTON TIMES — Self-appointed waste-watcher Sen. Tom Coburn says he's already identified as much as $5.5 billion in wasteful or bad projects among the economic-stimulus expenditures on tap... (more)

June 16, 2009
CLIFF KINCAID — James Von Brunn, who believed that "Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do," attacked the Holocaust Museum and killed a guard on the same day it was being reported on a national basis that Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright had said that "Them Jews ain't going to let him [Obama] talk to me"... (more)

June 16, 2009
MICHAEL BARONE — It shouldn't come as a complete surprise that, as Stephen Hayes reported in The Weekly Standard, detainees in Afghanistan are now being advised of their Miranda rights by American interrogators -- that they have a right to be silent, a right to a lawyer, a right to have that lawyer paid for, etc.... (more)

June 16, 2009
ROBERT MEYER — Recent diatribes have appeared in the media criticizing and misrepresenting the rationale of those opposed to the Sotomayor nomination to the Supreme Court. Sotomayor has been lauded ad nauseam for her desire to be empathetic in her adjudication, and many have remarked unceasingly about the impressiveness of her "life experience"... (more)

June 16, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — A new poll reveals that more Americans would choose the Internet as their only news source than TV, radio and newspapers combined, and Internet reports are considered much more reliable that other mediums... (more)

June 15, 2009
WORLDNETDAILY — In the wake of the White House's highly controversial firing of an independent inspector general, one U.S. senator is demanding answers and justification, requesting records that extend even to the Office of the First Lady... (more)

June 15, 2009
FRED HUTCHISON, RA ANALYST — People are searching for the meaning of life as much now as they ever did. However, meaning is harder to find today because of a very tough skepticism in today's world about whether there is such a thing as truth. I like to call this the "acid bath of skepticism"... (more)

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