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June 16, 2023
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June 16, 2023
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 15, 2023
CLIFF KINCAID — With the back and forth over Trump versus Biden, we have lost sight of the really “Big Guy,” the former president who was implicated in the Hillary email scandal and was running the Russia hoax. His name: our first openly Marxist president, Barack Hussein Obama. In order to accomplish the destruction of Trump personally, the evidence shows that it was Obama, not Hillary or Biden, who launched the Russia-gate probe of Donald J. Trump. Obama was the real security risk, and still is.... (more)

June 15, 2023
NEWSMAX — Former GOP presidential candidate and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax Wednesday that the American people are "sick" of former President Donald Trump's persecution by Democrats and political rivals. "What we're seeing now is this unrelenting attack on President Trump, and I think we're seeing across the country is that people are sick of it. They're not stupid," Huckabee said during "The Chris Salcedo Show" Wednesday. "Americans have a deep sense of fairness about them.... (more)

June 15, 2023
Infamous plotter immune to reality
NEWSMAX — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attacked Republicans for sticking with former President Donald Trump through his legal troubles, including indictments in New York and Miami in which he has pleaded not guilty to both.... (more)

June 15, 2023
NEWSMAX — The Government Accountability Office uncovered that U.S. taxpayer funds went to Chinese entities conducting coronavirus research before the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the watchdog's findings, taxpayer dollars from the National Institutes of Health and the Agency for International Development went toward labs including the Wuhan Institute of Virology.... (more)

June 14, 2023
NEWSMAX — A group of conservative Catholics is planning to pray the rosary outside a Washington, D.C., Catholic church that will celebrate an LGBTQ Pride Mass Wednesday night. The pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown, which President Joe Biden reportedly frequents, defended the decision to hold the Mass in a statement posted to the church's website.... (more)

June 14, 2023
MIKE POMPEO — This week marked the 79th anniversary of D-Day when courageous American soldiers joined Allied forces to storm the beaches of Normandy and begin the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany. Their noble deeds eight decades ago serve as a reminder that preserving freedom often demands great sacrifice and commitment, crucial wisdom that we are in danger of forgetting today. We are allowing our military investment to decrease and our readiness to decline. This will severely hinder our ability to deter adversaries for years to come, while encouraging the kind of aggression and war on the part of our enemies that is detrimental to American interests.... (more)

June 14, 2023
His name: Ben Hu
PJ MEDIA — The Times of London exposé is reverberating through the Internet. “It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation, and cover-up of the Covid-19 pandemic.” Although the story itself is behind a paywall, enough details are available in the editor’s tweet to piece together the gist of it.... (more)

June 14, 2023
DENNIS PRAGER — I have supported aiding Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. I don’t understand conservatives who want America to watch Russia crush an independent country. That is not the America I thought conservatism embraced. At the same time, the opponents of aid to Ukraine do make valid points. For example, America should not seek regime change in Russia; peace should be pursued as vigorously as war; and compromises—such as an agreement that Ukraine does not apply for NATO membership, at least for a specified amount of time—will be necessary.... (more)

June 12, 2023
LIFE NEWS — Republican Ohio Sen. JD Vance announced a new step Tuesday that will make it harder for judicial nominees to get confirmed, criticizing Attorney General Merrick Garland for “going after his political opponents.” “We have to grind this department to a halt until Merrick Garland promises to do his job and stop going after his political opponents,” Vance said via Twitter. Vance will be putting holds on nominees to the Justice Department. If any senator places a hold on a nominee, that means there is not unanimous consent, and as a result, the nominee will need to be approved in a floor vote, which will likely make for a longer process.... (more)

June 11, 2023
NEW YORK POST — The White House ended the national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic weeks ago, but is still mandating masking and social distancing for the unvaccinated at its events, according to a report. Earlier this week, the White House Office of Legislative Affairs sent an invitation to members of Congress to attend “College Athlete Day,” a celebration honoring the NCAA men’s and women’s national championship teams.... (more)

June 11, 2023
NEW YORK POST — China has been operating a spy base in Cuba since at least 2019, part of a global effort by Beijing to upgrade its intelligence-gathering capabilities, according to a Biden administration official. The official, who was not authorized to comment publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the US intelligence community has been aware of China’s spying from Cuba and a larger effort to set up intelligence-gathering operations around the globe for some time.... (more)

June 11, 2023
NEWSMAX — Undaunted by attacks from the Democrats, the media, and yet another indictment, former President Donald Trump is keeping up his fight for the American people, speaking at a pair of Republican Party state conventions in Georgia and North Carolina.... (more)

June 11, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — Jeffrey Clark, who was an assistant attorney general in the Trump administration, said Friday the Justice Department’s indictment of former President Donald Trump contains grounds for a “dismissal.” Trump announced on social media Thursday night that he had been informed he had been indicted in special counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into his handling of classified documents.... (more)

June 11, 2023
‘You think we're going to let a brain-dead old man with dementia and diapers trample our rights and freedoms?’
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — Are you getting the subtle impression that Democrats don't want former President Donald Trump to win in 2024; that they're scared to death of Trump; that they're so desperate to stop him from winning again, they want him to rot in a prison cell for life? Congratulations. You're not a complete moron.... (more)

June 8, 2023
ROBERT SPENCER — The indictment of Donald Trump charges him with crimes that, if he is convicted, could see him sentenced to a hundred years in prison. Surely the Leftist ideologues who preside over the weaponized and criminal “Justice” Department wouldn’t go that far, would they? Sure they would.... (more)

June 8, 2023
NEWSMAX — Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender influencer whose ill-fated partnership with Bud Light resulted in devastating losses for the brand, says more companies need to collaborate with transgender people. Speaking with LGBTQ digital magazine Them on Tuesday, Mulvaney said that leveraging the "power" and "privilege" of being a white trans person is important because it will help advance transgender brand partnerships. "For a long time, I felt so lucky that these opportunities were coming my way that I thought it was by accident," the activist said.... (more)

June 8, 2023
'This is so gross. My children will NEVER be encouraged to sign up'
PETER LABARBERA — The United States Air Force is celebrating LGBT "pride month" with a serviceman "saluting" the activist homosexual-bisexual-transgender-"queer" "rainbow" flag. The Air Force published a tweet Wednesday reading: "June is #PrideMonth! The Department of the Air Force proudly recognizes and celebrates generations of LGBTQI+ service members and their contributions to our #AirForce & #SpaceForce."... (more)

June 8, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — Viewers lost trust in CNN due to its left-wing bias and histrionic Covid reporting, according to a 2022 survey commissioned by the network. Despite collecting bogus awards for “fact-checking,” and “special achievements” for “placing a premium” on investigative reporting, the network failed to maintain the trust of the American people — to the point where its own internal survey exposed its epic shortcomings.... (more)

June 8, 2023
RUMBLE — The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.... (more)

June 7, 2023
ROBERT SPENCER — By the time former FBI agent Robert Hanssen was found dead in his cell in Colorado’s Supermax prison Monday, he had been largely forgotten, but in some circles, he is remembered all too well. U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty, who prosecuted Hanssen, stated, “The magnitude of Hanssen’s crimes cannot be overstated. They will long be remembered as being among the most egregious betrayals of trust in U.S. history. It was both a low point and an investigative success for the FBI.” Indeed, what Hanssen did was terrible. But when it comes to egregious betrayals of trust by FBI personnel, Hanssen has some stiff competition from the likes of James Comey, Peter Strzok, and Christopher Wray.... (more)

June 7, 2023
NEW YORK POST — If you happened to see pigs flying the other day, it’s because Robert F. Kennedy Jr. visited the New York Post to discuss his challenge to President Joe Biden for the ’24 Democratic nomination. It’ll be a serious challenge, if the Democratic establishment and its media allies can’t quash him.... (more)

June 7, 2023
The breakthrough coincides with the start of 'Pride Month' and comes after the film was viewed nearly two million times on Twitter
LIFE SITE NEWS — As the film continues to attract record views on social media, Matt Walsh’s “What Is a Woman?” documentary has reached number one on the Rotten Tomatoes list for streaming documentaries. On Sunday, the Daily Wire announced that the groundbreaking film had risen to the top of the entertainment website’s “Best Documentary Movies at Home” category for June 2023.... (more)

June 6, 2023
YOUTUBE — Conservative actress and commentator Brett Cooper joins JP Sears in a spoof of woke parents who dislike Christianity.... (more)

June 4, 2023
Actor plays Christ in acclaimed multimedia production of 'JESUS'
WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL — Reidsville native Brandon Talley unified thousands of Americans in the singing of the national anthem at president-elect Donald Trump’s “Thank You” rally in Hershey, Pa., creating an emotional moment of unabashed patriotism.... (more)

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