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September 3, 2021
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Why do they run?
Steve A. Stone

September 3, 2021
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA — Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

September 3, 2021
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

September 3, 2021
MARK SHEPARD — Virginians, like much of the nation, have been thrust into a number of very unsettling controversies by ideas being pushed upon us. With a disgraceful lack of moral and mature character, the governor steered the state's debates away from adult arenas and instead chose to put Virginia's children in the front lines of this battle with his administration's mandates and financial arm-twisting on public schools. Should children be put into unhealthy masks again? Should they be taught to categorize people into inescapable castes with Critical Race Theory? Should we pretend gender is defined by feeling rather than biology? No wonder parents are upset!... (more)

September 2, 2021
MICHAEL GAYNOR — Voters paying attention (and it is tempting for many not to do so) are suffering from buyer's remorse, but that pales before the needless deaths in an evacuation that could and should have been avoided and the consequences that will follow from bullies around the world feeling emboldened. President Trump did not call for, much less lead, an insurrection last January, but now that America's military forces are all out of Afghanistan, watch for "progressive" Democrats" and the "mainstream" media desperate to deflect from President Biden's Afghanistan fiasco by pretending otherwise.... (more)

September 2, 2021
STEVE A. STONE — Dear Friends and Patriots, "I'm running because my friends keep telling me I ought to." Have you ever heard a candidate for a political office make such a statement? I did, and it almost floored me. It was at a candidate forum where he was facing a crowd of voters, attempting to sway them to his cause. I couldn't believe a supposedly intelligent person, a practicing attorney with 25 years of experience, could utter something so totally inane. But that candidate did -- and more than once.... (more)

September 2, 2021
YOUTUBE — Former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage gives the British perspective on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan – via Newsmax's "Spicer and Co."... (more)

August 30, 2021
YOUTUBE — Sean Hannity discusses Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal and the new political ads targeting the president on 'Hannity'... (more)

August 30, 2021
Dr. Marion Gruber, director of vaccine research and review, and her assistant: 'Not enough data' to justify authorizing booster
WESTERN JOURNAL — A pair of top Food and Drug Administration vaccine regulators are reportedly planning to resign in protest over the Biden administration's push to encourage booster shots for COVID-19 vaccine recipients. The two regulators, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Philip Krause, are stepping down in October and November, respectively, according to the New York Times. The resignations come after weeks of an aggressive blitz by the Biden administration to encourage Americans to get a booster shot if they've received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.... (more)

August 30, 2021
CLIFF KINCAID — On his way out the door of the New York governor's office, Andrew Cuomo gave clemency to a communist terrorist, David Gilbert. About the same time, a California parole board voted to free the Palestinian Marxist killer of Robert F. Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan.... (more)

August 30, 2021
Comedian Sam Levinson: “Anti-Semitism could be hazardous to your health.”
JOAN SWIRSKY — Maybe I don't frequent the right journals, Internet sites, TV shows, or radio stations, because all I've seen and read and heard since the 1960s is that the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians"—you know, those perpetual "victims" who have received literally billions—maybe trillions—in "aid" from America, have become famous for five or six things:... (more)

August 29, 2021
Largest real-world analysis finds natural immunity superior
ART MOORE — Dr. Anthony Fauci and the government health establishment continue to insist vaccines provide superior immunity to natural infection, contradicting the consensus prior to the coronavirus pandemic. But the largest real-world analysis to date found people previously infected with COVID-19 are at lower risk of contracting the delta variant than people who received two doses of the vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech... (more)

August 29, 2021
YOUTUBE — He is one of the most famous singers in the world, having sold 45 million albums. With his wife Veronica, he also runs a charity, The Andrea Bocelli Foundation. In this exclusive interview with EWTN's Colm Flynn, Andrea Bocelli talks about his passion for music, and for his Catholic Faith. Colm Flynn meets Andrea Bocelli and Veronica Bocelli at the Andrea Bocelli headquarters in the Italian city of Florence.... (more)

August 27, 2021
Advisor: Trump was 'deceived' by Fauci, WHO, and China. It's now time to ‘put a stop on the vaccine,’ which is a ‘catastrophic failure’
RED VOICE MEDIA — Dr. Paul E. Alexander is the former Senior HHS Trump COVID Advisor, and answered the most difficult and pointed questions on today's show. Dr. Alexander addressed the deception of President Trump by his "Coronavirus Task Force" and revealed that there was no pandemic on the scale publicized for political purposes; he also addressed Trump's vaccine rhetoric.... (more)

August 27, 2021
TWITTER — Trump 4 years ago warned against a quick withdrawal from Afghanistan.... (more)

August 27, 2021
DAVID KUPELIAN — Just a year ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci was widely regarded as a wise, warm, grandfatherly medical expert whom Americans could trust to guide them safely through a frightening pandemic. Today, we know that besides ushering in the catastrophic long-term national lockdown based on absurdly flawed computer modeling, changing his positions on almost everything, and increasingly flat-out lying, Fauci ignored the U.S. government's own ban on funding dangerous "gain of function" research and recklessly sent American taxpayers' hard-earned money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to fund Frankenstein-type experiments to make bat coronaviruses more dangerous to humans. That is literally true.... (more)

August 27, 2021
NEWSMAX — Steve Nikoui had been glued to TV reports on Thursday, desperate for hints his son, Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, survived the deadly airport suicide bombing in Afghanistan when three Marines arrived at his door with the worst news possible. The 20-year-old Marine, who the previous day had sent home a video of himself giving candy to Afghan children, was among 13 U.S. service members killed in the bombing. Others included an expectant father from Wyoming and a medic from Ohio.... (more)

August 27, 2021
WESTERN JOURNAL — In times of crisis, we look to our heroes. And, though the Afghanistan development seems insurmountable at this point, we're relieved by a new group of heroes who stepped up to the plate. We've been hearing of growing violence in the region, with Americans stranded behind enemy lines amid the Taliban's growing presence, yesterday's ISIS attack that killed at least 13 U.S. service members and wounded 15 others, and resurging persecution of vulnerable groups.... (more)

August 27, 2021
Bill must still pass Senate
THE FEDERALIST — It is appropriate that House Democrats wore masks at their press conference following passage along party lines of their bill allowing Democrats to permanently steal every election in America. Gushing with platitudes about "voting rights" and "access to the ballot," they gleefully celebrated the final House vote of 219-215, with no Republicans voting for the federal takeover and bludgeoning of the American voting process.... (more)

August 27, 2021
State Senate seeks access to Dominion voting machines to finalize forensic audit
PAUL BEDARD — In a major escalation in the fight over Arizona's Maricopa County's refusal to comply with a Senate election audit subpoena, the state attorney general's office ordered the county to give in or lose its state funding, which provides nearly a third of the county's budget.... (more)

August 27, 2021
Complaint filed by Matt Braynard, director of Look Ahead America, seeks help in ending deplorable conditions of prisoners' unlawful confinement
BOB UNRUH — The United Nations is being asked to intervene against the Joe Biden administration on behalf of protesters who were at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and have been arrested and held in deplorable conditions ever since. The request is coming from Matt Braynard, the executive director of Look Ahead America.... (more)

August 27, 2021
Dual bombings target evacuation of Americans, Afghan allies
ART MOORE — At least 13 U.S. military service members were killed and another 14 were wounded in a suicide bombing Thursday outside a gate at Kabul's international airport in a coordinated attack that included a second bombing nearby. Eleven of the casualties were Marines and one was a Navy medic, according to Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin. She noted the deaths were the first among U.S. troops in Afghanistan since February 2020 and the most deadly attack on Americans in a decade.... (more)

August 25, 2021
By not following procedure, FDA's rushed 'approval' of Pfizer vaccine likely to fail
STEW PETERS — Biotech analyst Karen Kingston destroys Big Pharma in bombshell exclusive! Kingston is a former Pfizer employee, pharmaceutical marketing expert, and biotech analyst. She joins Stew Peters and reveals how the FDA's skirting of standard approval procedure will likely end the shots that have caused unprecedented injury and death worldwide.... (more)

August 25, 2021
mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone claims feds are playing 'little trick' between 'two separate vaccines'
BOB UNRUH — In a much-trumpeted announcement this week the Food and Drug Administration said it was approving for general use the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Americans have been getting Pfizer shots for months already, under an emergency use authorization. But an expert in the field says what reports have failed to include is that the vaccine approved by the FDA is not the same as the one that's already been in use.... (more)

August 25, 2021
Same Biden brass who gave us the Afghanistan fiasco may be endangering U.S. national security even more
AP NEWS — Military troops must immediately begin to get the COVID-19 vaccine, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a memo Wednesday, ordering service leaders to "impose ambitious timelines for implementation." More than 800,000 service members have yet to get their shots, according to Pentagon data. And now that the Pfizer vaccine has received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, the Defense Department is adding it to the list of required shots troops must get as part of their military service.... (more)

August 24, 2021
Free Speech Alliance takes on Poynter Institute’s corrupt PolitiFact
CNS NEWS — Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, along with fellow members of the Free Speech Alliance and 10 other conservative leaders, are demanding the International Fact-Checking Network remove PolitiFact as a fact-checker for violating IFCN's Code of Principles.... (more)

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