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October 16, 2018
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October 16, 2018
ALAN KEYES — This morning, the title of Erik Rush's column for this week captured my attention: "Leftists No Longer Merit Constitutional Protections." I found myself at once agreeing and disagreeing with its implications. Truth to tell, this dialectical quandary is often my state of mind, which is why I have to spend so much time thinking things through. Let me explain.... (more)

October 15, 2018
BRYAN FISCHER — Above is a screen shot of the Focal Point Facebook page shortly after I posted the daily prayer that I provide for our Facebook followers. You will notice, immediately below the posted prayer, in boldface letters, "Web Site Blocked." The website in question, as you can see right above the "The Web Site Blocked" message, is "" That is the link to AFA's prayer website, which features a Scripture passage for each day and a fresh prayer formed by using the words of the passage for the day.... (more)

October 15, 2018
Came in No. 12 overall, was No. 8 in per screen averages for new films
WORLDNETDAILY — On Friday, just as the movie "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" was set to open, Facebook was busy trying to limit its publicity. And talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh was recommending people see it because "the story itself is heart-stopping enough."... (more)

October 15, 2018
Part of purge of 800 conservative pages just before midterm vote
WORLDNETDAILY — Could it be it's not the Russians tampering with U.S. elections, but Facebook and Google? Maybe the whole Russian thing is just a faηade -- a cover for a political coup by the two monoliths of social media and search? Those are the questions being asked around the nation today as Facebook may have reached a bridge too far in what many in independent media circles assert is blacklisting, censorship and the creation of enemies' lists.... (more)

October 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — Israel's prime minister says he favors appointing an envoy to the Christian world, a sign of Israel's efforts to foster close ties with its Christian allies. Benjamin Netanyahu spoke Sunday at a meeting in Jerusalem of visiting journalists from Christian media, where he was warmly received by reporters. He welcomed the idea suggested by one journalist to appoint such an emissary as "a great idea."... (more)

October 15, 2018
THE DAILY BEAST — In November 1996, President Clinton visited Manila for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum. Protests raged in the streets, with American flags being burned, so local police closed down many roads, allowing the Secret Service to chart a specific route for the president's motorcade. As the president and members of his cabinet traveled from their hotel to the first venue of the day, "There was intelligence that came in, and we at the last minute decided to change the motorcade route," a former Secret Service agent recalls. "It was determined that al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden had placed a bomb along the route in anticipation of the motorcade coming that way."... (more)

October 15, 2018
ROBERT KNIGHT — When I was a Los Angeles Times news editor many years ago in Orange County, California, I suggested to my liberal boss that we should have at least one conservative columnist. She looked at me as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. The Times' Orange County edition's editorial pages stayed 200-proof liberal.... (more)

October 15, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Well, that didn't go according to plan. After making a big show of taking a DNA test to determine her ancestry, it turns out that Elizabeth Warren has negligible Native American roots. Not only is the Massachusetts Democrat white, she's really, really white, possessing less Native American blood than the average European-American.... (more)

October 15, 2018
YOUTUBE — 'Lord Of the Rings' director Peter Jackson has seen footage of a mine explosion that his own grandfather was only a hundred yards away from on the Western Front at the time. He spoke about his new film 'They Shall Not Grow Old' with our reporter Lisa Hartle.... (more)

October 14, 2018
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — When they go low" . . . that's where they are sure to find Eric Holder. Sometimes, the former attorney general is excusing hard-Left, unrepentant, anti-American FALN separatists by helping a Democratic president spring them from imprisonment for their terrorist crimes. Sometimes, he is helping a Democratic president commute the sentences of hard-Left terrorists whose only regret was their failure to shoot it out against police who interrupted another bombing spree in their war against the United States.... (more)

October 14, 2018
FOX NEWS — Freed American pastor Andrew Brunson met and prayed with President Trump in the Oval Office Saturday, thanking him for having "really fought for us" -- a day after his release from house arrest in Turkey.... (more)

October 13, 2018
'The establishment hates that the truth is getting out there'
ART MOORE — Facebook's rejection of promotions for a film debuting this weekend in theaters across the nation is "censorship pure and simple," claims a producer of "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer." Take it from the woman dubbed President Trump's "personal pastor."... (more)

October 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Hillary Clinton has given up her security clearance in the wake of the scandal over her handling of secret information on her email server, the Senate Judiciary Committee revealed Friday. Chairman Charles E. Grassley also revealed top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and four others no longer have clearance.... (more)

October 13, 2018
White House pressured NATO ally with tariffs, sanctions
ART MOORE — A day after reports that the United States worked out a "secret deal" with Turkey, a Turkish court released American pastor Andrew Brunson on Friday. The North Carolina Christian minister had been held since October 2016 on unsubstantiated charges of terrorism and espionage by the hardline regime of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.... (more)

October 13, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The exuberant, pugnacious, crockery-smashing billionaire president Americans elected in November 2016 is a much different man behind closed doors. Take it from the woman dubbed President Trump's "personal pastor." The Donald Trump that Florida evangelical minister Paula White sees is a good listener, a man who takes his faith seriously while not always being fluent in "Christianese" and, unlike so many of his predecessors, a politician who has kept his promises to faith voters and evangelical Christian groups after he won the presidency with the help of their votes.... (more)

October 13, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — No Senate candidate has ever enjoyed more glowing media profiles than has Beto O'Rourke. Even President Barack Obama circa 2004 would have been embarrassed by the saccharine, formulaic paeans.... (more)

October 11, 2018
JERRY NEWCOMBE — The recent Kavanaugh kerfuffle underscores an important lesson for all of us: Your integrity is your most important asset. Period. What else does anyone have, ultimately? Meanwhile, there are trolls amongst us who don't care about truth and other people's reputations.... (more)

October 11, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — Can you feel the excitement? Hillary Clinton is in The Atlantic, telling us how democracy is in crisis. She is on CNN, telling Christiane Amanpour that only when Democrats win back both the House and the Senate, "that's when civility can start again." She's on tour: Together with her husband, she plans to embark on a post-midterm 13-city romp during which they'll bedazzle audience members with "one-of-a-kind conversations [about] some of the most impactful moments in modern history."... (more)

October 11, 2018
The public will reward Senate Republicans and President Trump for holding firm
NATIONAL REVIEW — This is impetuous, but I think the electoral map has changed with the Kavanaugh decision. The Democrats avoided direct confrontation and tried to sandbag the nominee by a late allegation of sexual assault from 30 years before. They gambled that whipping up post-Weinstein militant-feminist support would induce the president to say something outrageous that would split his party and drench him in another momentary shower of confected outrage, such as during the partial migration ban, the Charlottesville imputations of softness toward Nazis and the Klan, the Helsinki comments, and the detention of abandoned minors of illegal immigrants at the southern borders.... (more)

October 11, 2018
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — When the Christine Ford saga finally ended with the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, a lot of truth had distilled out, along with the evaporation of prior pretensions and misconceptions.... (more)

October 11, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — Tennessee representative Marsha Blackburn is firing back at Taylor Swift after the singer launched a broadside at her in endorsing her Democratic opponent in the race for the seat being vacated by Republican senator Bob Corker.... (more)

October 11, 2018
CAL THOMAS — Arguably, a contributing factor to the continuation of abortion is that it is performed out of sight and thus, out of many minds. A film about one of the worst practitioners of abortion, Kermit Gosnell, opens Oct. 12 in at least 600 theaters. Gosnell is the Philadelphia abortionist sentenced in 2013 to life in prison without parole for the murder of a baby born alive in a botched abortion.... (more)

October 11, 2018
NEWSMAX — The son of former National Security Adviser Susan Rice filed charges against one of his fellow Stanford University students for allegedly assaulting him during a rally for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. John Rice-Cameron, the president of the Stanford College Republicans (SCR), told police Melinda Hernandez physically pushed him during an event the SCR was holding Tuesday to promote support of Kavanaugh, who was confirmed to the nation's highest court last weekend.... (more)

October 11, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — With the Supreme Court nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh completed, GOP senators are quickly pivoting to filling out the rest of the federal courts, eyeing more than 40 district and circuit judges they want to confirm before the end of the year. One top priority is filling the seat left vacant on the powerful D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals when Justice Kavanaugh was elevated.... (more)

October 11, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump, already the most media-accessible president in memory, is talking to journalists almost nonstop as his successes pile up ahead of the midterm elections. Take Tuesday, for example. Mr. Trump opened an Oval Office meeting to the press in late morning to accept the resignation of Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations. Such a high-profile departure ordinarily wouldn't be a positive for the White House, but the president and Mrs. Haley made clear that the separation was friendly. They took questions from journalists for 20 minutes on a variety of subjects.... (more)

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