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July 25, 2016
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — As the Republican National Convention in Cleveland was fading into history, Republican "civilian soldiers" in high positions and at the grassroots of the "blood sport" that is politics were mapping strategy... (more)

July 25, 2016
Scripture tells Christians to represent God's truth
ALAN KEYES — In support of their decision to back "less evil" Donald Trump over "pure evil" Hillary Clinton, some Americans who profess to be Bible-believing Christians are alleging that anyone who doesn't support Trump will be responsible for electing Hillary, as well as for the evils that follow. No doubt, Sen. Cruz is getting an earful of this right now... (more)

July 25, 2016
CLIFF KINCAID — The supermarket tabloid National Enquirer can't be laughed at any more. It was Donald J. Trump's effective weapon against Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and now it's been unleashed against Hillary Clinton. The issue currently on newsstands reveals "The Explosive 7-Step Plan to Destroy Hillary," and predicts the demise of the Democratic candidate.... (more)

July 25, 2016
PHILIP KLEIN — RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday said that Donald Trump wasn't claiming to be passing on "factual information" when he linked Sen. Ted Cruz's dad to President Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald a day after accepting the Republican presidential nomination.... (more)

July 25, 2016
DAILY WIRE — After an explosive and divisive primary season, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus decreed the national convention to be a place of unity. After all, bringing together the divided factions of the Republican Party was the only chance Donald Trump would have of achieving a victory in November. This convention needed to be a graceful extension of goodwill from Trump and the RNC to the grassroots. But much like 2012, it quickly descended into a hostile rejection of the conservative grassroots.... (more)

July 25, 2016
BREITBART — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's newly-announced running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing Islamists. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect; and received donations from well-known Islamist groups.... (more)

July 25, 2016
THE AMERICAN MIRROR — To the Democratic National Committee elites, keeping average Americans away from their convention is a good idea, while protecting the southern border from intruding terrorists, rapists and murderers is a bad one. The DNC has erected a four-mile fence around its convention site at Philadelphia's Wells Fargo Center. (Isn't it ironic they're doing so much to protect a site named after a bank?)... (more)

July 25, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — Faced with a near-mutiny on the left, Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz abruptly announced her resignation Sunday, injecting a new round of unwelcome drama for Hillary Clinton just as her presidential-coronation convention kicks off.... (more)

July 25, 2016
JOHN FUND — Could the presidential election be decided by two competing "October Surprises" based on leaked information? One from WikiLeaks could involve the deleted e-mails from Hillary Clinton's private server and could be related to the FBI's ongoing investigation of the Clinton Foundation.... (more)

July 25, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — Just as his second term is winding down, President Obama says he really has hit his stride in office. In an interview broadcast Sunday, the president painted an optimistic picture about the state of the country, saying his team is "operating at peak level."... (more)

July 25, 2016
JOE KOVACS — Less than a week after a Muslim teen from Afghanistan used an ax to slash passengers aboard a train in Germany, a Syrian refugee in Germany used to a machete to hack to death a pregnant woman Sunday before he was run over by a man driving a BMW.... (more)

July 24, 2016
CONSERVATIVE REVIEW — Voters approve of Ted Cruz's decision not to endorse Donald Trump, according to a recent poll conducted by Echelon Insights. -... (more)

July 24, 2016
'Donald Trump lied, and the Republican Party died'
POLITICUS USA — The myth that Donald Trump is a special political ratings draw was smashed as Trump's acceptance speech had about the same number of viewers as Mitt Romney's did in 2012, and 10 million fewer viewers than John McCain did in 2008.... (more)

July 24, 2016
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — Conservatives used to mock Barack Obama's self-aggrandizing promises in his 2008 convention speech, including Obama's promise to stop the rise of the oceans. It was typical Utopian liberalism -- a bottomless faith in the power of big government.... (more)

July 24, 2016
NEWSMAX — In his first interview since the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump said he prevented Ted Cruz from being ripped off the stage by entering Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena as hundreds of angry delegates lashed out at the Texas senator.... (more)

July 24, 2016
CNN — Veteran journalists Carl Bernstein and Jeff Greenfield discuss Trump's GOP Convention speech and the media's failure to deeply investigate both candidates.... (more)

July 24, 2016
NEWSMAX — Keith Olbermann, former MSNBC host, posed the question, "Could Donald Trump pass a sanity test?" in Vanity Fair Thursday and concluded that no, the GOP nominee could not.... (more)

July 24, 2016

July 24, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — Sen. Tim Kaine hit the campaign trail for the first time Saturday as the Democratic Party's vice presidential nominee, trashing Republican Donald Trump and vowing that he and Hillary Clinton will pursue a "strong, progressive agenda" in the White House.... (more)

July 24, 2016
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Democratic National Convention officials have stripped party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of a speaking slot at the event next week, according to CNN.... (more)

July 24, 2016
DAILY CALLER, MAY 5, 2016 — After acknowledging he will now raise money for the general election, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has named a national finance chairman who has a history with some organizations that could clash with his conservative populist message.... (more)

July 23, 2016
CLIFF KINCAID — It is not unusual for a politician to change his mind, even on critical national security matters. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) essentially flip-flopped on the damage done by NSA defector Edward Snowden. He went from saying that Snowden may have violated the law to accusing the NSA defector of being an outright traitor.... (more)

July 23, 2016
CBS NEWS — Donald Trump's restraint on the topic of Ted Cruz Thursday gave way to more expansive remarks Friday that ranged from his own comments earlier this year linking Cruz's father to Lee Harvey Oswald to Cruz's failure to endorse him.... (more)

July 23, 2016

July 23, 2016
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR — This should be the last time I write against Donald Trump all year. Okay, all you conservatives who supported Donald Trump before he officially became the Republican Party's official nominee last night: Now, you own him. He's all yours.... (more)

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