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July 8, 2016
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July 8, 2016
NBC DFW — Five officers are dead – four Dallas police officers and one DART transit officer – after two snipers ambushed and opened fire on police at the end of a peaceful protest against nationwide officer-involved shootings Thursday night, officials say.... (more)

July 8, 2016
FOX NEWS — Newly unearthed photos of President Obama in Muslim garb underscore his deep ties to the faith – and possibly help explain his reluctance to call out radical Islam, Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly said Wednesday.... (more)

July 8, 2016
CNN — As competing factions' maneuvering around the Republican National Convention comes down to the wire, eyes are starting to focus on one senator to determine whether the gathering is good or bad for Donald Trump.... (more)

July 8, 2016
STEFANI WILLIAMS — When Donald Trump entered the presidential race in June 2015, I decided to give him a look. After I paid close attention, however, he completely lost me. He lost me because his statements were erratic, contradictory, and untrustworthy, and many of his positions were actually very liberal.... (more)

July 7, 2016
NEWSMAX — Anti-Trump forces may be close to the 28 votes they need to allow delegates to the Republican National Convention to be "unbound" and vote against Donald Trump's nomination even though currently rules require them to vote for Trump at least on the first ballot, The Wall Street Journal reports.... (more)

July 7, 2016
NEWSMAX — Allies of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are trying to get him on the ballot at the upcoming Republican National Convention, which would likely earn him a speaking spot at the four-day event.... (more)

July 7, 2016
NEWSMAX — Donald Trump "is...confused" on Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's record against terrorists – and "it's worth taking some time to set the record straight," The Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes said Wednesday.... (more)

July 7, 2016
CLIFF KINCAID — When men dress as women and serve openly in the U.S. military, there are bound to be problems identifying these people. But don't worry. The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) has come to the rescue. This special interest group, backed financially by all the major media organizations, has issued special guidance in the form of an "open letter" to the media on how the "transgendered" are supposed to be covered.... (more)

July 7, 2016
NEWSMAX — The Rev. Franklin Graham declared Wednesday that "our politicians and America's broken political system desperately need prayer" and announced Facebook Live prayers just before both political parties hold their national conventions later this month.... (more)

July 7, 2016
LEO HOHMANN — Sarah Penskey was in her garage unpacking boxes on a sunny morning in late June when she was approached by several bearded Somali men in their early to mid-20s. It was the last week of Ramadan, and the men were wearing traditional Islamic robes.... (more)

July 7, 2016
MICHELLE MALKIN — There is a classic Latin epigram about double standards that resounds in the aftermath of the FBI's surrender this week to the corruptocracy: "Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi."... (more)

July 6, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's secret email account may have broken laws governing handling of classified information, but it's unlikely a prosecutor could make the charges stick, FBI Director James B. Comey said Tuesday... (more)

July 5, 2016
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — There is no way of getting around this: According to Director James Comey (disclosure: a former colleague and longtime friend of mine), Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in removing and causing it to be removed it from its proper place of custody, and she transmitted it and caused it to be transmitted to others not authorized to have it, in patent violation of her trust.... (more)

July 5, 2016
THE HILL — Federal officials may not use private email accounts to get around public records laws, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday... (more)

July 5, 2016
THE HILL — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is demanding access to information tied the FBI's probe of Hillary Clinton, saying the decision to recommend no charges "threatens the rule of law." "Under President Obama, we have seen the most politicized Department of Justice in history; I very much hope that politicization has not similarly corrupted the Federal Bureau of Investigation," Cruz said in a statement Tuesday. "I join my Senate Judiciary colleagues... in calling for public transparency of, and full access to, all the information that the FBI used to come to today's dubious decision."... (more)

July 5, 2016
OREGONIAN — Is it time to Dump Trump? Long past, #NeverTrumpers would say. Many of them in my vicinity have been wistfully speculating on the means, from convention coup to public-spirited time travelers, by which Donald Trump might be removed from the top of the Republican ticket.... (more)

July 5, 2016
NEWSMAX — Donald Trump ignited a Twitter storm Tuesday after praising former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein for killing terrorists in a speech bashing Hillary Clinton's foreign policy.... (more)

July 5, 2016
NEWSMAX — Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton widened her lead over likely Republican nominee Donald Trump to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.... (more)

July 5, 2016
DETROIT FREE PRESS — A Southfield art gallery owner told police his 2016 Tesla Model X was in Autopilot mode when it crashed and rolled over on the Pennsylvania Turnpike last week. The crash came just one day after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a report on a fatal crash in May involving a Tesla that was in self-driving mode.... (more)

July 5, 2016
BOB UNRUH — The Iowa Civil Rights Commission is being sued for claiming it has the right to control the content of church services that are "open to the public." The lawsuit filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ is part of a nationwide battle against the implementation of President Obama's declared foreign-policy priority in his final year in office: "gay" rights."... (more)

July 5, 2016
NEWSMAX — President Barack Obama declared that Hillary Clinton is overwhelmingly qualified to succeed him in the White House, highlighting a joint campaign appearance overshadowed by FBI findings that her handling of sensitive e-mails while secretary of state was "extremely careless."... (more)

July 5, 2016
Given the facts on the ground, delegates would be ‘insane’ not to dump Trump
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Here's my question for the GOP on this 4th of July: "What would George Washington do?" When the founders gathered 240 years ago to "mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor," they weren't engaged in political posturing.... (more)

July 5, 2016
NOEMIE EMERY — Remember the days of the Clinton impeachment, when we all had such fun with our good friends the liberals, as they tied themselves into knots and/or pretzels while facing the fact that their leader, Bill Clinton, had manhandled women, and lied?... (more)

July 5, 2016
Oath to Constitution takes precedence over loyalty to candidates or party
ALAN KEYES — What is the basis for party loyalty? Parties are private voluntary associations of individuals who come together for political purposes. In terms of the present elitist faction sham, "politics" refers mainly, if not exclusively, to the business of seizing political power by electoral means... (more)

July 5, 2016
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — To hear the Democrat-media complex tell it, guns themselves are responsible for last month's carnage at a gay nightclub in Orlando -- not the jihadist (a registered Democrat) who pulled the triggers again and again while screaming "Allahu akbar" and pledging allegiance to ISIS. This "blame the guns" meme spearheads the Left's latest campaign against the Second Amendment.... (more)

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