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February 20, 2016
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February 20, 2016
CLIFF KINCAID — One topic of conversation in the Republican race for the White House has been whether President Obama has been incompetent or actually knows what he's doing. On the matter of Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Obamacare, self-declared socialist Professor Gerald Friedman seems to agree with conservatives that it can't and won't work.... (more)

February 20, 2016
FORBES, SEPT. 28, 2015 — It suffices to say that Donald Trump has been all over the place on health care reform. Last month, at the first Republican presidential debate, Trump argued that socialized medicine in Scotland "works incredibly well." At the same time, Trump has said that Obamacare has "gotta go" and that he would "repeal and replace [it] something terrific."... (more)

February 20, 2016
MARK SHEPARD — The importance of the Republican primary cannot be overstated. I say this as someone who came very close to running against Bernie Sanders when he first ran for the U.S. Senate in 2006. I have personally seen and battled against his ideas and influence in four elections, winning an underdog primary, followed by two terms in the Vermont Senate, and then running against a national-GOP-backed candidate in a congressional primary.... (more)

February 20, 2016
BREITBART — In an exclusive Q&A with Breitbart News, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane provides never-before-heard details about the 2013 Gang of Eight immigration fight that are likely to shake up an already tumultuous presidential race.... (more)

February 20, 2016
NRA — If Barack Obama and those like him fail in their goal of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America," it will be in large part because of United States Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia. Sadly, Justice Scalia passed away over the weekend.... (more)

February 20, 2016
NEW YORK TIMES — There is a reason Republican senators are so adamant in their refusal to let President Obama appoint a successor to Justice Antonin Scalia, a towering figure in conservative jurisprudence. An Obama appointment would be the most consequential ideological shift on the court since 1991, creating a liberal majority that would almost certainly reshape American law and American life.... (more)

February 19, 2016
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER — Let's understand something about the fight to fill the Supreme Court seat of Antonin ("Nino") Scalia. This is about nothing but raw power. Any appeal you hear to high principle is phony -- brazenly, embarrassingly so.... (more)

February 19, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — As the nation pays its respects to the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Friday, friends and admirers say they will remember his combination of gregarious charm and matchless intellect that conservatives revered and many liberals couldn't help but respect.... (more)

February 19, 2016
BREITBART — Students at Rutgers University were so traumatised by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos' visit to their campus that they had to hold a group therapy session, campus newspaper The Daily Targum reports.... (more)

February 19, 2016
DAILY CALLER — Speaking to a group of students at the University of Pennsylvania Wednesday, the 66-year-old said he's constantly criticized for his conservative views.... (more)

February 18, 2016
SELWIN DUKE — The death of the intrepid Justice Antonin Scalia has shaken the political world. If his successor's appointment cannot be delayed until the next presidency, it's assured that an unassailable hard-left majority will control the Supreme Court. This will mean,... (more)

February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016
CLIFF KINCAID — It has become increasingly clear that the "self-funded" candidate in the Republican presidential primary, Donald J. Trump, will destroy the GOP's chances to win in November if he is the nominee. Leftist groups are ecstatic over Trump's "Bush lied, people died," mantra over the Iraq war. Internet trolls for Vladimir Putin are firmly behind Trump, saying he has the right recipe for accommodating Russia.... (more)

February 17, 2016
NATIONAL REVIEW, AUG. 10, 2015 — 'I'm the ultimate Trump loyalist," says Roger Stone, the longtime friend and closest political advisor who departed the billionaire real-estate mogul's presidential campaign this weekend in shocking and seemingly acrimonious fashion... (more)

February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016
YOUTUBE — Watch the Cruz campaign's video showcasing Rubio's imitation of Obama's talking points on immigration.... (more)

February 17, 2016
PATRICK J. BUCHANAN — It is a measure of the stature and the significance of Justice Antonin Scalia that, upon the news of his death at a hunting lodge in Texas, Washington was instantly caught up in an unseemly quarrel over who would succeed him. But no one can replace Justice Scalia.... (more)

February 17, 2016
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — I'm sorry that the crucial importance of Justice Scalia's now-vacant seat on the Supreme Court meant that the heated battle over filling it was already well underway while most of us, reeling from the profound loss, craved a respectable interval to console his loved ones and reflect on his epic legacy.... (more)

February 17, 2016
THOMAS SOWELL — Amid the petty bickering, loud rhetoric and sordid attack ads in this year's primary election campaigns, the death of a giant -- Justice Antonin Scalia -- suddenly overshadows all of that.... (more)

February 17, 2016
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Obama called on Senate Republicans Tuesday to give his eventual Supreme Court nominee a fair hearing in his bid to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia, as cracks emerged in the Republican leadership's position of automatically blocking any nominee.... (more)

February 17, 2016
CHERYL CHUMLEY — A couple of photographs of President Obama shaking hands with a wealthy Democrat Party donor named John Poindexter, who also owns the ranch resort where he found Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead, has fueled the whispers that radio host Michael Savage just gave wings to with the blunt broadcast question: "Was [he] murdered?"... (more)

February 17, 2016
NEWSMAX — In late 2014 while still pondering a possible presidential run, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush famously stated that Republicans must be willing to "lose the primary to win the general without violating your principles."... (more)

February 17, 2016
NATIONAL REVIEW — Not content to stop at adopting the radical Left's feverish "Bush lied, people died" trutherism, Donald Trump is now praising Saddam Hussein as a man who "made a living off killing terrorists." No, really:... (more)

February 17, 2016
NEWSMAX — Rep. Steve King likened Donald Trump's tactics on the campaign trail to those of "a schoolyard bully" in a Newsmax TV interview on Tuesday. "I have never seen such a schoolyard bully in all my experience in politics," the Iowa Republican, who is backing rival Ted Cruz, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" in an interview. "That's what I think we've got going on."... (more)

February 16, 2016
BOB UNRUH — Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, says that, if elected, one of his strategies to return America to its constitutional moorings would be to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education.... (more)

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