Sher Zieve
Invasion of the USA IS a national emergency!
By Sher Zieve
This will be very short and to the point, folks. Candidate for president of the United States Donald J. Trump's premier campaign promise – amongst multiple others – was to build "The Wall" at the US Southern border. The emergencies that have existed for years – and exist to this day – at said border include massive drug trafficking, massive human trafficking, illegal immigrants who are reintroducing diseases into our country that had all but been eradicated, increased rapes and murders and the changing of demographics in our country; demographics that are changing the face of our country – illegally. The promised and projected wall would correct the vast majority of the problems we have today at our US-Mexico border.
From 2006, I have written many columns about the dire situation at our Southern border including, but not limited to, multiple interviews of former US Border Patrol Supervisor David J Stoddard who for 27 years served in Calexico, California, Vermont, Yuma, Tucson Sector Headquarters and Naco, Arizona and worked in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other locations. The Southern border problem has continued to worsen...and worsen...as no politicians from either the Democrat or the Republican Party have wanted to do anything to stop the willful destruction of our country. President Trump is the only US president who announced – and has been working to implement – the end of our destruction from illicit immigration and all manner of criminality and disease that has plagued our country for decades. It is not legal immigrants to which we are opposed...it is rather the illegals about which we know little-to-nothing that represent our major problem; that and the fact that we cannot handle or support thousands of immigrants entering our country clandestinely or by force. And, force seems to be the new tool of the illegal immigrants surge into the USA. In fact, our border is beginning to mirror the borders in Israel as the so-called "Palestinians" try to force their way in while throwing rocks at the Israeli soldiers.
We are losing our country, my friends. Deep State Democrat AND Republican politicians are balking at President Trump's attempts to secure out border via declaring a National Emergency and the law which gave POTUS this authority – as well as Article II of the US Constitution – is the National Emergencies Act of 1976! Since the 1976 law, virtually every POTUS has declared multiple national emergencies with nary a whimper from Congress. Obama declared 11-13 of them. Now, however, these disingenuous politicians have a POTUS who really means to correct the situation that has been promised-but-never-fixed until now. We need to rid ourselves of the RINOs. But, our immediate task is to call and call...and call the White House and Congressional switchboard numbers to tell our representatives we will no longer put up with their unfulfilled promises and lies. The Congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121 and the White House number – to voice your support for President Trump is 202-456-1414.
President Trump has – quite literally – been fighting almost the entire world since he was elected. It's time that we stepped up and helped him out. And...isn't it time for some loud, but not violent, protests at our representatives' and Senators' offices? You bet it is!
"If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you" – Exodus 23:22
"When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you" – Deuteronomy 20: 1
Mexican Government Running US Immigration Policy-Part II: https://www.desertinvasion.us/articles/art2006jun05.html
Mexican Border Crisis: The Barbarians are at the gate: https://canadafreepress.com/article/mexican-border-crisis-the-barbarians-are-at-the-gate
Obama's end of the USA via fomenting foreign invasion: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/zieve/140627
Migrant Caravans (Multiple reported – February 2019): https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/migrant-caravan
Article II US Constitution: https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/articles/article-ii
National Emergencies Act 1976: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/94/hr3884
© Sher Zieve
March 1, 2019
This will be very short and to the point, folks. Candidate for president of the United States Donald J. Trump's premier campaign promise – amongst multiple others – was to build "The Wall" at the US Southern border. The emergencies that have existed for years – and exist to this day – at said border include massive drug trafficking, massive human trafficking, illegal immigrants who are reintroducing diseases into our country that had all but been eradicated, increased rapes and murders and the changing of demographics in our country; demographics that are changing the face of our country – illegally. The promised and projected wall would correct the vast majority of the problems we have today at our US-Mexico border.
From 2006, I have written many columns about the dire situation at our Southern border including, but not limited to, multiple interviews of former US Border Patrol Supervisor David J Stoddard who for 27 years served in Calexico, California, Vermont, Yuma, Tucson Sector Headquarters and Naco, Arizona and worked in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other locations. The Southern border problem has continued to worsen...and worsen...as no politicians from either the Democrat or the Republican Party have wanted to do anything to stop the willful destruction of our country. President Trump is the only US president who announced – and has been working to implement – the end of our destruction from illicit immigration and all manner of criminality and disease that has plagued our country for decades. It is not legal immigrants to which we are opposed...it is rather the illegals about which we know little-to-nothing that represent our major problem; that and the fact that we cannot handle or support thousands of immigrants entering our country clandestinely or by force. And, force seems to be the new tool of the illegal immigrants surge into the USA. In fact, our border is beginning to mirror the borders in Israel as the so-called "Palestinians" try to force their way in while throwing rocks at the Israeli soldiers.
We are losing our country, my friends. Deep State Democrat AND Republican politicians are balking at President Trump's attempts to secure out border via declaring a National Emergency and the law which gave POTUS this authority – as well as Article II of the US Constitution – is the National Emergencies Act of 1976! Since the 1976 law, virtually every POTUS has declared multiple national emergencies with nary a whimper from Congress. Obama declared 11-13 of them. Now, however, these disingenuous politicians have a POTUS who really means to correct the situation that has been promised-but-never-fixed until now. We need to rid ourselves of the RINOs. But, our immediate task is to call and call...and call the White House and Congressional switchboard numbers to tell our representatives we will no longer put up with their unfulfilled promises and lies. The Congressional switchboard number is 202-224-3121 and the White House number – to voice your support for President Trump is 202-456-1414.
President Trump has – quite literally – been fighting almost the entire world since he was elected. It's time that we stepped up and helped him out. And...isn't it time for some loud, but not violent, protests at our representatives' and Senators' offices? You bet it is!
"If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you" – Exodus 23:22
"When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you" – Deuteronomy 20: 1
Mexican Government Running US Immigration Policy-Part II: https://www.desertinvasion.us/articles/art2006jun05.html
Mexican Border Crisis: The Barbarians are at the gate: https://canadafreepress.com/article/mexican-border-crisis-the-barbarians-are-at-the-gate
Obama's end of the USA via fomenting foreign invasion: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/zieve/140627
Migrant Caravans (Multiple reported – February 2019): https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/migrant-caravan
Article II US Constitution: https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/articles/article-ii
National Emergencies Act 1976: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/94/hr3884
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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