Sher Zieve
Left unsuccessful in stopping Trump tornado
By Sher Zieve
In order to complete and be successful in their plans to turn the USA into a country (and world) run by authoritarian global elites, President Donald J. Trump must be eliminated as POTUS. Thus far, everything the Luciferian Left has intensely attempted to bring about – in order to force this extraordinary man to his knees – has had the opposite effect. In fact, President Trump's own tornado and boomerang (the old "bounces off me and sticks to you!") show has been far more successful than the tyrannical US Deep State imagined. And, despite virtually all members of the Democrat Marxist Party – and other assorted worldwide leftists – and their attempts to destroy Mr. Trump, it is he who is thriving. It is he and we who are winning.
It's no secret that American leftists (Marxists, "Democrats," RINOs) despise both Donald J. Trump and those who cast their votes for and elected him to the US presidency. It is, also, no surprise that their foreign counterparts view President Trump as a born-in-Queens 'rather uncouth fellow' who should never have been allowed to join the caste of world leaders. The mantras of "Trump is a colluder with Russia" and "Trump is an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing" developed shortly after his election...the next day after. These charges certainly didn't work then and don't appear to be working now. First, the anti-Trumpers accused President Trump of colluding with Russia to win his election to the presidency. Despite the fact that – with our distributed election system – there was no way to do it, the anti-Trump contingency continued. Well, "collusion" is not – in itself – a crime. In order to be so, there must be evidence of a stated provable crime as to who colluded with whom in order to bring it to fruition. In President Trump's case, the original "Trump and his team colluded with the Russians during the election" has never had any stated – let alone provable – crime. In fact, the only person and group about which there are any verifiable and documented proof of criminal collusion to illegally influence the outcome of the 2016 US general elections directly involved Candidate Hillary Clinton and her team. And, the worst part of this entire debacle is that members of the FBI and DOJ leadership were working to protect Clinton from going to prison for her crimes while working to cast a shadow on President Trump by investigating him for 'crimes' the knew he had never committed. I submit that the FBI and DOJ are guilty of true criminal collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign and Hillary – herself. There are so many proof documents and statements from those involved coming forth on an almost daily basis that it is almost impossible to keep up with them all. One of particular interest to me is the Hillary Clinton IT Aide – Justin Cooper – who quite literally destroyed her cell phones (so that any information within them could not be recovered) by pulverizing them with hammers. The World Tribune writes that Aaron Zebley – Cooper's former attorney – "previously served as Mueller's chief of staff at the FBI and as a senior counselor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice." And as we have known for months, Mueller's team against-Trump is almost totally comprised of long-term Hillary Clinton donors and protectors. The amount of incestuous behaviors amongst the Mueller team, FBI and DOJ that has been brought to light is staggering. It is, also, one of the most dangerous issues to our Constitution, Republic and We-the-People that we have ever experienced. However, throughout it all – Trump has remained on top if his game and the USA is beginning to – once again – experience the beginnings of prosperity and liberty not known for many years.
As the 'Trump colluded with the Russians' begins to draw to a close, two last ditch items to "get Trump" have reared their ugly heads. The first is "Trump is mentally deranged and needs to be removed from office via the 25th Amendment!" And, to top it off, much of this is being based on fake statements contained within a just-released book by an already discredited gossip-columnist author known for his dubious and patently false facts and disregard for the truth when it gets in the way of a good salacious and/or outlandish story. The author even states: "100 percent of the people around Donald Trump, senior advisors, family members, every single one of them questions his intelligence and fitness for office." Hmmm. So, President Trump's entire family and White House staff think he is unfit for office? Uh-huh. Yeah...sure. He obviously knows how stupid his audience is and is throwing them a used-up bone that they believe is red meat. Donald Trump – the man – has been and continues to be one of the strongest, brightest and most influential men in current world history. These foolish and increasingly bizarre charges against President Trump speak to the desperation being experienced by his – and our – enemies who have not been able to unseat him. Instead, President Trump appears to be – quite meticulously – unseating those working against him as credible and increasingly provable charges begin to come out about and against them!
The last effort (for now) of the Deep State appears to be a 'potential' demand by Mueller for President Trump to "sit down with him" and "talk." Even the dullest amongst us knows what that means. Mueller with his background of pseudo-criminal (if not patently criminal) behavior suggests he will find anything – including any stray word or date – to accuse President Trump of lying to the FBI. Besides, he's busy repairing the country after many years of ever-increasing corruption from those who are now investigating him based upon a fake dossier. But, this is-after all – Bizarro World. So...why not just send the president a list of questions and let him send the answers back to this 'chief investigator'? In any based-upon-laws sane world, this entire investigation based upon lies and fake documents would have been illegal from the beginning. It still is, folks.
Thus far, the enemies of the USA have thrown everything they can think of at our president. But, he's still standing straight...and smiling to boot. Do you who think this new bit of foolishness will work to unseat him? If so, consider this. I believe that the Trump Tornado is about to strike again'. And this time it will likely have multiple vortices.
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape" – Proverbs 19:5.
Double-crossing FBI agent must be held accountable: https://nypost.com/2017/12/05/double-crossing-fbi-agent-must-be-held-accountable/
Democrats' dishonest scramble to disown the Trump 'dossier': https://nypost.com/2018/01/04/democrats-dishonest-scramble-to-disown-the-trump-dossier/
Wife of demoted DOJ official worked for firm behind anti-Trump dossier: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/11/wife-demoted-doj-official-worked-for-firm-behind-anti-trump-dossier.html
FBI Agent Dismissed From Russia Investigation Following Anti-Trump Messages: http://senpolitique.com/2017/12/14/fbi-agent-dismissed-from-russia-investigation-following.html
Attorney for IT worker who took a hammer to Clinton cell phones is Mueller deputy: http://www.worldtribune.com/attorney-for-it-worker-who-took-a-hammer-to-clinton-cell-phones-is-mueller-deputy/
Is 'Fire and Fury' fact or fiction?: http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2018/01/05/is-fire-and-fury-fact-or-fiction.html
© Sher Zieve
January 10, 2018
In order to complete and be successful in their plans to turn the USA into a country (and world) run by authoritarian global elites, President Donald J. Trump must be eliminated as POTUS. Thus far, everything the Luciferian Left has intensely attempted to bring about – in order to force this extraordinary man to his knees – has had the opposite effect. In fact, President Trump's own tornado and boomerang (the old "bounces off me and sticks to you!") show has been far more successful than the tyrannical US Deep State imagined. And, despite virtually all members of the Democrat Marxist Party – and other assorted worldwide leftists – and their attempts to destroy Mr. Trump, it is he who is thriving. It is he and we who are winning.
It's no secret that American leftists (Marxists, "Democrats," RINOs) despise both Donald J. Trump and those who cast their votes for and elected him to the US presidency. It is, also, no surprise that their foreign counterparts view President Trump as a born-in-Queens 'rather uncouth fellow' who should never have been allowed to join the caste of world leaders. The mantras of "Trump is a colluder with Russia" and "Trump is an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing" developed shortly after his election...the next day after. These charges certainly didn't work then and don't appear to be working now. First, the anti-Trumpers accused President Trump of colluding with Russia to win his election to the presidency. Despite the fact that – with our distributed election system – there was no way to do it, the anti-Trump contingency continued. Well, "collusion" is not – in itself – a crime. In order to be so, there must be evidence of a stated provable crime as to who colluded with whom in order to bring it to fruition. In President Trump's case, the original "Trump and his team colluded with the Russians during the election" has never had any stated – let alone provable – crime. In fact, the only person and group about which there are any verifiable and documented proof of criminal collusion to illegally influence the outcome of the 2016 US general elections directly involved Candidate Hillary Clinton and her team. And, the worst part of this entire debacle is that members of the FBI and DOJ leadership were working to protect Clinton from going to prison for her crimes while working to cast a shadow on President Trump by investigating him for 'crimes' the knew he had never committed. I submit that the FBI and DOJ are guilty of true criminal collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign and Hillary – herself. There are so many proof documents and statements from those involved coming forth on an almost daily basis that it is almost impossible to keep up with them all. One of particular interest to me is the Hillary Clinton IT Aide – Justin Cooper – who quite literally destroyed her cell phones (so that any information within them could not be recovered) by pulverizing them with hammers. The World Tribune writes that Aaron Zebley – Cooper's former attorney – "previously served as Mueller's chief of staff at the FBI and as a senior counselor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice." And as we have known for months, Mueller's team against-Trump is almost totally comprised of long-term Hillary Clinton donors and protectors. The amount of incestuous behaviors amongst the Mueller team, FBI and DOJ that has been brought to light is staggering. It is, also, one of the most dangerous issues to our Constitution, Republic and We-the-People that we have ever experienced. However, throughout it all – Trump has remained on top if his game and the USA is beginning to – once again – experience the beginnings of prosperity and liberty not known for many years.
As the 'Trump colluded with the Russians' begins to draw to a close, two last ditch items to "get Trump" have reared their ugly heads. The first is "Trump is mentally deranged and needs to be removed from office via the 25th Amendment!" And, to top it off, much of this is being based on fake statements contained within a just-released book by an already discredited gossip-columnist author known for his dubious and patently false facts and disregard for the truth when it gets in the way of a good salacious and/or outlandish story. The author even states: "100 percent of the people around Donald Trump, senior advisors, family members, every single one of them questions his intelligence and fitness for office." Hmmm. So, President Trump's entire family and White House staff think he is unfit for office? Uh-huh. Yeah...sure. He obviously knows how stupid his audience is and is throwing them a used-up bone that they believe is red meat. Donald Trump – the man – has been and continues to be one of the strongest, brightest and most influential men in current world history. These foolish and increasingly bizarre charges against President Trump speak to the desperation being experienced by his – and our – enemies who have not been able to unseat him. Instead, President Trump appears to be – quite meticulously – unseating those working against him as credible and increasingly provable charges begin to come out about and against them!
The last effort (for now) of the Deep State appears to be a 'potential' demand by Mueller for President Trump to "sit down with him" and "talk." Even the dullest amongst us knows what that means. Mueller with his background of pseudo-criminal (if not patently criminal) behavior suggests he will find anything – including any stray word or date – to accuse President Trump of lying to the FBI. Besides, he's busy repairing the country after many years of ever-increasing corruption from those who are now investigating him based upon a fake dossier. But, this is-after all – Bizarro World. So...why not just send the president a list of questions and let him send the answers back to this 'chief investigator'? In any based-upon-laws sane world, this entire investigation based upon lies and fake documents would have been illegal from the beginning. It still is, folks.
Thus far, the enemies of the USA have thrown everything they can think of at our president. But, he's still standing straight...and smiling to boot. Do you who think this new bit of foolishness will work to unseat him? If so, consider this. I believe that the Trump Tornado is about to strike again'. And this time it will likely have multiple vortices.
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape" – Proverbs 19:5.
Double-crossing FBI agent must be held accountable: https://nypost.com/2017/12/05/double-crossing-fbi-agent-must-be-held-accountable/
Democrats' dishonest scramble to disown the Trump 'dossier': https://nypost.com/2018/01/04/democrats-dishonest-scramble-to-disown-the-trump-dossier/
Wife of demoted DOJ official worked for firm behind anti-Trump dossier: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/12/11/wife-demoted-doj-official-worked-for-firm-behind-anti-trump-dossier.html
FBI Agent Dismissed From Russia Investigation Following Anti-Trump Messages: http://senpolitique.com/2017/12/14/fbi-agent-dismissed-from-russia-investigation-following.html
Attorney for IT worker who took a hammer to Clinton cell phones is Mueller deputy: http://www.worldtribune.com/attorney-for-it-worker-who-took-a-hammer-to-clinton-cell-phones-is-mueller-deputy/
Is 'Fire and Fury' fact or fiction?: http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2018/01/05/is-fire-and-fury-fact-or-fiction.html
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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