Sher Zieve
Mr. Trump: The people are still behind you!
By Sher Zieve
Despite what the Democrats and Establishment RINOs are saying as they wring their hands in false fear of you...Please persevere.
Notwithstanding the lies and misstatements the Left makes about you...Stand firm in the truth.
In defiance of those who would destroy as many of us as necessary to satisfy their own perverse dark and corrupt visions, continue to fight them with all required force.
What We the People have seen over the past eight years has been no less that the dismantling of our country and the attempted destruction of all of our mores, the trampling of our true values as prescribed by God, the demeaning of good men and women who founded our country to be strong and ethical and who would fight for liberty to the death. My own ancestors did so toward the founding of the United States.
What we are now witnessing is the only possible end result of a nation that is being ruled by the envious, corrupt, dishonorable and cowardly who care nothing for anyone save themselves and, perhaps, members of their families. These are the sub-humans who use people and then throw them away when no longer necessary. These are the beings who delight and lust for destruction wherever they find or can manufacture it. These are the ones who would destroy countries and the world just to enslave humans, in order to create and then watch their suffering...while laughing at their pain. We've already seen it over and over again with Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. Wherever they go...death awaits those who know them.
The New World Order creatures are throwing everything they can think of at you. It will get worse. The lies will increase and be repeated over and over again to influence the voters who are easily fooled. The truly insane being seated in our White House is now alluding to you own sanity. Your life has, already, been threatened. Although I've experienced all of those – Constitutional Conservative writers always seem to do so – your running for President of the United States is far...far greater. You're in an extremely precarious position.
We love you for your honesty, business savvy, take no prisoners and fix what's wrong attitude. But, it's not just your attitude, Sir. It's that we know – from you history – that you will do what you say. You are one of those now rare beings whose word is his bond. Evil will always attack that which is on the correct side of life. It's in its nature. Just like "the snake" we know its nature and that it will never change...it will just increase until it's put down.
You're fighting the foundation battle, now. Be proud that you chose and were chosen for it. Please do not falter now that it is so close to being won. As your daughter Ivanka said you are our "champion." Please know that We-the-People are behind you in our support and that only those who fear having to give up their corruption and control of us are in fear of you.
You can win this, We're counting on it!
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19
Hold out baits to entice the enemy, Feign disorder and crush him – The Art of War – Sun Tzu
© Sher Zieve
August 4, 2016
Despite what the Democrats and Establishment RINOs are saying as they wring their hands in false fear of you...Please persevere.
Notwithstanding the lies and misstatements the Left makes about you...Stand firm in the truth.
In defiance of those who would destroy as many of us as necessary to satisfy their own perverse dark and corrupt visions, continue to fight them with all required force.
What We the People have seen over the past eight years has been no less that the dismantling of our country and the attempted destruction of all of our mores, the trampling of our true values as prescribed by God, the demeaning of good men and women who founded our country to be strong and ethical and who would fight for liberty to the death. My own ancestors did so toward the founding of the United States.
What we are now witnessing is the only possible end result of a nation that is being ruled by the envious, corrupt, dishonorable and cowardly who care nothing for anyone save themselves and, perhaps, members of their families. These are the sub-humans who use people and then throw them away when no longer necessary. These are the beings who delight and lust for destruction wherever they find or can manufacture it. These are the ones who would destroy countries and the world just to enslave humans, in order to create and then watch their suffering...while laughing at their pain. We've already seen it over and over again with Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. Wherever they go...death awaits those who know them.
The New World Order creatures are throwing everything they can think of at you. It will get worse. The lies will increase and be repeated over and over again to influence the voters who are easily fooled. The truly insane being seated in our White House is now alluding to you own sanity. Your life has, already, been threatened. Although I've experienced all of those – Constitutional Conservative writers always seem to do so – your running for President of the United States is far...far greater. You're in an extremely precarious position.
We love you for your honesty, business savvy, take no prisoners and fix what's wrong attitude. But, it's not just your attitude, Sir. It's that we know – from you history – that you will do what you say. You are one of those now rare beings whose word is his bond. Evil will always attack that which is on the correct side of life. It's in its nature. Just like "the snake" we know its nature and that it will never change...it will just increase until it's put down.
You're fighting the foundation battle, now. Be proud that you chose and were chosen for it. Please do not falter now that it is so close to being won. As your daughter Ivanka said you are our "champion." Please know that We-the-People are behind you in our support and that only those who fear having to give up their corruption and control of us are in fear of you.
You can win this, We're counting on it!
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19
Hold out baits to entice the enemy, Feign disorder and crush him – The Art of War – Sun Tzu
© Sher Zieve
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