Sher Zieve
USA sovereignty ends?
By Sher Zieve
In 2008, we warned you about Obama. Over and over again, we presented material documents showing that Obama had worked with and still worked with the enemies – many like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who did so with extreme violence – of the USA, its people...and, ultimately, every area where liberty lived. However, not willing to bother with any and/or all facts but, preferring the super-charged emotion of the dictator-to-be moment, too many Americans voted for him anyway. Besides, many US citizens had to prove they weren't racist – so they voted for a Democrat-advertised half-black man who had only recently begun a career in politics. But, he had a winning way about him, a great smile and could give a rousing speech. Hmmm. Seems there was at least one other leader in the 1930s who fit that description. But...I digress.
By 2012, the ObamaGov had already shown many of its stripes. Only a few of its attacks against Americans include the following. It passed ObamaCare – which was designed to destroy the US Healthcare System and has been affecting a terrific job in doing
so – behind closed doors by Democrats alone and without the American people and their Republican "leaders" knowing what was in it. He also began bringing illegals – many of them Islamist terrorist-"sympathizers" – into the country during his first 4-year reign. Obama began his wide-open Southern border policy during the first four years...an extension of his "let all Muslims in without questioning them" policy that followed the ultimate course of replacing US citizens with illegal voters. These were and remain tyrannical acts against America and its people (Article III the Constitution states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."). Obama, also. began his amnesty for illegals programs in his attempt to speed up the replacement of current US voters with his – and Democrats' – voters. But, still Americans voted him in for a second time...this time with the help of between 3-4 million conservative voters who stayed home because they wouldn't vote for Romney.
After Obama was elected for the second time, the die was cast. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2013 Obama brought in 300,000 Muslims, in 2014 at least 70,000 and in that year he ordered the US State Department to "ease" (translation..."ignore") immigration rules for Muslim illegals. He also commanded "his" Border patrol to run away from illegals (see below link) and to allow them into the country. We have no more Southern border. Obama commanded all medical staff at the border and at US holding facilities for illegals that they will face arrest if they talk about (translation..."tell the truth") illegals entering the country. As I have written for years and Joseph R. John (National Security, Policy News...see link below) writes with concurrence Obama is overloading the immigration system, as Jihadis enter the USA. This is Tyranny.
Now, the Left-Wing of the Republican Party – think McConnell, Boehner, Ryan and their minions – have joined Obama in his quest to destroy the USA and its people while sharing in the spoils. The Marxist leader of the House – John Boehner – and the new Senate "leader" (aka Obama's NEW Harry Reid...McConnell) have joined forces and issued commandments that their underlings vote for Obama's TPA, TPP and whatever other "Ts" are forthcoming. The passage of any and/or all of these programs will ensure the ultimate end of US sovereignty, as authority to make deals with other countries, and other pieces of the TPP that are not being released to the public will likely destroy it. Remember Pelosi's "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"? The TPP is the deal that will give additional controls to international law supplanting US law, will give other countries the right to sue US companies – and the USA itself – for any reason. This is a huge chunk of US sovereignty that will be given away with this corrosive and destructive deal. We already know what Obama has done thus far. Giving him free reign to negotiate any deal with anyone else will mean disaster to us all...disaster that we're already facing with another Obama anti-US citizens program Jade Helm.
RINOs have now fully joined the Democrat groups telling their constituents "We're no longer listening to you, so don't bother calling or writing. If you're destroyed by our greed and perversion, so be it. We've joined our Marxist Democrat brothers and sisters in our plan to take over your country and end your problematical Constitution and its Bill of Rights. This is our world and we plan to remake in our own image." This is the ultimate Tyranny.
Hope for the best but, by all means, prepare for the worst. They are surrounding us and there are few men and women of courage left. Pray fiercely, now, keep your loved ones close your weapons clean and your powder very dry.
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. ..." (John 15:18-20)
Obama Administration Easing Immigration Rule For Would-Be Asylum Seekers
Obama Tells USBPO to Run Away from Illegals
Barack Obama Bringing Disease to America?
Medical Staff Warned to keep their mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest
Obama Intentionally Overloading Immigration System, Creating Back Door for Jihadis
© Sher Zieve
June 24, 2015
In 2008, we warned you about Obama. Over and over again, we presented material documents showing that Obama had worked with and still worked with the enemies – many like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who did so with extreme violence – of the USA, its people...and, ultimately, every area where liberty lived. However, not willing to bother with any and/or all facts but, preferring the super-charged emotion of the dictator-to-be moment, too many Americans voted for him anyway. Besides, many US citizens had to prove they weren't racist – so they voted for a Democrat-advertised half-black man who had only recently begun a career in politics. But, he had a winning way about him, a great smile and could give a rousing speech. Hmmm. Seems there was at least one other leader in the 1930s who fit that description. But...I digress.
By 2012, the ObamaGov had already shown many of its stripes. Only a few of its attacks against Americans include the following. It passed ObamaCare – which was designed to destroy the US Healthcare System and has been affecting a terrific job in doing
so – behind closed doors by Democrats alone and without the American people and their Republican "leaders" knowing what was in it. He also began bringing illegals – many of them Islamist terrorist-"sympathizers" – into the country during his first 4-year reign. Obama began his wide-open Southern border policy during the first four years...an extension of his "let all Muslims in without questioning them" policy that followed the ultimate course of replacing US citizens with illegal voters. These were and remain tyrannical acts against America and its people (Article III the Constitution states: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."). Obama, also. began his amnesty for illegals programs in his attempt to speed up the replacement of current US voters with his – and Democrats' – voters. But, still Americans voted him in for a second time...this time with the help of between 3-4 million conservative voters who stayed home because they wouldn't vote for Romney.
After Obama was elected for the second time, the die was cast. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2013 Obama brought in 300,000 Muslims, in 2014 at least 70,000 and in that year he ordered the US State Department to "ease" (translation..."ignore") immigration rules for Muslim illegals. He also commanded "his" Border patrol to run away from illegals (see below link) and to allow them into the country. We have no more Southern border. Obama commanded all medical staff at the border and at US holding facilities for illegals that they will face arrest if they talk about (translation..."tell the truth") illegals entering the country. As I have written for years and Joseph R. John (National Security, Policy News...see link below) writes with concurrence Obama is overloading the immigration system, as Jihadis enter the USA. This is Tyranny.
Now, the Left-Wing of the Republican Party – think McConnell, Boehner, Ryan and their minions – have joined Obama in his quest to destroy the USA and its people while sharing in the spoils. The Marxist leader of the House – John Boehner – and the new Senate "leader" (aka Obama's NEW Harry Reid...McConnell) have joined forces and issued commandments that their underlings vote for Obama's TPA, TPP and whatever other "Ts" are forthcoming. The passage of any and/or all of these programs will ensure the ultimate end of US sovereignty, as authority to make deals with other countries, and other pieces of the TPP that are not being released to the public will likely destroy it. Remember Pelosi's "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"? The TPP is the deal that will give additional controls to international law supplanting US law, will give other countries the right to sue US companies – and the USA itself – for any reason. This is a huge chunk of US sovereignty that will be given away with this corrosive and destructive deal. We already know what Obama has done thus far. Giving him free reign to negotiate any deal with anyone else will mean disaster to us all...disaster that we're already facing with another Obama anti-US citizens program Jade Helm.
RINOs have now fully joined the Democrat groups telling their constituents "We're no longer listening to you, so don't bother calling or writing. If you're destroyed by our greed and perversion, so be it. We've joined our Marxist Democrat brothers and sisters in our plan to take over your country and end your problematical Constitution and its Bill of Rights. This is our world and we plan to remake in our own image." This is the ultimate Tyranny.
Hope for the best but, by all means, prepare for the worst. They are surrounding us and there are few men and women of courage left. Pray fiercely, now, keep your loved ones close your weapons clean and your powder very dry.
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. ..." (John 15:18-20)
Obama Administration Easing Immigration Rule For Would-Be Asylum Seekers
Obama Tells USBPO to Run Away from Illegals
Barack Obama Bringing Disease to America?
Medical Staff Warned to keep their mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest
Obama Intentionally Overloading Immigration System, Creating Back Door for Jihadis
© Sher Zieve
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