Sher Zieve
It's not a corrupted version...it IS Islam!
By Sher Zieve
How many times have we heard some politically correct (aka politically corrupt) "journalist" from any and all of our ObamaMedia tell us that the "extremist" attacks are due to a "corrupted" or "perverted" form of Islam? I heard it for the umpteenth time yesterday on Fox News and decided to address this, at best, continuing misconception on the speakers' parts or, at worst, the outright lies about Islam which are meant to deceive. Does anyone on any of the media bother to even somewhat educate themselves on this serious subject that brings with it an increasingly brutal set of actions? It doesn't seem so. All too many of our current set of media journalists are sorely lacking in the ability to even look up sources before opening their mouths and speaking inane tripe.
The version of Islam practiced by the malevolent Jihadis IS Islam. However, if one follows its prophet Muhammad's instructions, it can only begin its violent and barbaric government and life system...with a "religion" added to keep its adherents faithful...after its numbers are large enough. Until then, they must offer the pretense of being "peaceful" and "good neighbors." Islam means Submission. It has never meant peace. Islam is the most violent and perverse world system on the planet. Adherents are taught by the Qur'an in Surah 9:5 to "kill the unbelievers where you find them" and this same book is filled with passages commanding Muslims to kill Jews and Christians by beheading them – Quran 47:4, 8:12 "Smite ye above their necks" with a knife or sword. Obama is helping it to spread them throughout America.
Since its inception – when Muhammad chose the pagan god Ba'al as the god-leader of his new system and named it/him Allah, Islam has been a system of violence and almost unspeakable acts committed against non-believers...or Muslims who don't practice its ways as the Imams of an area believe they should. Remember that the only time Islam and its Muslim adherents are non-violent is when there aren't enough of them in an area to overwhelm and overcome the indigenous populations. But, when their populations grows to a certain level, the true barbarism of these people begins to immediately rear its head. We're seeing it now in large portions of Dearborn, Michigan where Muslims have taken over and will not allow those of another faith to enter their community, let alone live there. When Muslims come into an area – and the Obama syndicate is working 24/7 to bring in enough of them to the USA so that they can and will help him overthrow it – they follow Muhammad's actions to usurp it and begin their own communities segregated from the rest of the people. They then spread and take over more and more land, forcing out the current residents with acts of violence. In 2013 alone, Obama had over 300,000 Muslims imported and in 2014 he imported at least 70,000 more...calling them "refugees." This is what has happened to Dearborn, which is – for all intents and purposes – no longer part of the State of Michigan and certainly not the USA. Police will not protect non-Muslims in this area. There is a list of cities Islamists/Muslims have complied (see video link below and start at the 7 minute mark) of the major cities they plan to take over first. Thus far, there are 30 of them. When Muslims take over an area it is removed from the country and becomes pat of Islam. Bumper stickers on fences and signs warn those tempted to enter this portion of the country that it is a "Shariah Controlled Zone" and "Islamic Rule [is] Enforced." Non-Muslims had best not enter or they will be stoned...and soon, I suspect, likely worse.
I believe that we have now entered into one of the final phases of this world's history and that Islam is the Beast. Submission to it is far worse that dying by fighting against it. In the USA, truth is now being touted as "whatever Obama says it is from one day to the next depending on his mood." We are now fighting for our lives and souls against as malicious and evil an enemy as ever walked the Earth. It's time we started telling the real truth about it or we will be complicit in its spread. And, like locusts, Islam does devour and destroy everything it touches.
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" – Rev 13: 4
"And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable" – .Isaiah 3:5
Did You Know There Are Muslim 'No-Go' Zones In The USA?:
Dearborn No-Go Zone: Where Islam Rules and Christians Are Stoned: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/dearborn-no-go-zone-where-islam-rules-and-christians-are-stoned
Muslim No-Go Zones in the USA : http://rightwingnews.com/terrorism/muslim-no-go-zones-usa/
URGENT WARNING MUSLIMS NO GO ZONES IN AMERICA 2014 (starts at 7 minutes in): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln_1AJs289g
Obama to Bring 70,000 Refugees [Muslims] to America in 2014: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/obama-to-bring-70000-refugees-to-america-in-2014/
© Sher Zieve
January 16, 2015
How many times have we heard some politically correct (aka politically corrupt) "journalist" from any and all of our ObamaMedia tell us that the "extremist" attacks are due to a "corrupted" or "perverted" form of Islam? I heard it for the umpteenth time yesterday on Fox News and decided to address this, at best, continuing misconception on the speakers' parts or, at worst, the outright lies about Islam which are meant to deceive. Does anyone on any of the media bother to even somewhat educate themselves on this serious subject that brings with it an increasingly brutal set of actions? It doesn't seem so. All too many of our current set of media journalists are sorely lacking in the ability to even look up sources before opening their mouths and speaking inane tripe.

Since its inception – when Muhammad chose the pagan god Ba'al as the god-leader of his new system and named it/him Allah, Islam has been a system of violence and almost unspeakable acts committed against non-believers...or Muslims who don't practice its ways as the Imams of an area believe they should. Remember that the only time Islam and its Muslim adherents are non-violent is when there aren't enough of them in an area to overwhelm and overcome the indigenous populations. But, when their populations grows to a certain level, the true barbarism of these people begins to immediately rear its head. We're seeing it now in large portions of Dearborn, Michigan where Muslims have taken over and will not allow those of another faith to enter their community, let alone live there. When Muslims come into an area – and the Obama syndicate is working 24/7 to bring in enough of them to the USA so that they can and will help him overthrow it – they follow Muhammad's actions to usurp it and begin their own communities segregated from the rest of the people. They then spread and take over more and more land, forcing out the current residents with acts of violence. In 2013 alone, Obama had over 300,000 Muslims imported and in 2014 he imported at least 70,000 more...calling them "refugees." This is what has happened to Dearborn, which is – for all intents and purposes – no longer part of the State of Michigan and certainly not the USA. Police will not protect non-Muslims in this area. There is a list of cities Islamists/Muslims have complied (see video link below and start at the 7 minute mark) of the major cities they plan to take over first. Thus far, there are 30 of them. When Muslims take over an area it is removed from the country and becomes pat of Islam. Bumper stickers on fences and signs warn those tempted to enter this portion of the country that it is a "Shariah Controlled Zone" and "Islamic Rule [is] Enforced." Non-Muslims had best not enter or they will be stoned...and soon, I suspect, likely worse.
I believe that we have now entered into one of the final phases of this world's history and that Islam is the Beast. Submission to it is far worse that dying by fighting against it. In the USA, truth is now being touted as "whatever Obama says it is from one day to the next depending on his mood." We are now fighting for our lives and souls against as malicious and evil an enemy as ever walked the Earth. It's time we started telling the real truth about it or we will be complicit in its spread. And, like locusts, Islam does devour and destroy everything it touches.
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" – Rev 13: 4
"And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honorable" – .Isaiah 3:5
Did You Know There Are Muslim 'No-Go' Zones In The USA?:
Dearborn No-Go Zone: Where Islam Rules and Christians Are Stoned: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/dearborn-no-go-zone-where-islam-rules-and-christians-are-stoned
Muslim No-Go Zones in the USA : http://rightwingnews.com/terrorism/muslim-no-go-zones-usa/
URGENT WARNING MUSLIMS NO GO ZONES IN AMERICA 2014 (starts at 7 minutes in): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln_1AJs289g
Obama to Bring 70,000 Refugees [Muslims] to America in 2014: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/obama-to-bring-70000-refugees-to-america-in-2014/
© Sher Zieve
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