Sher Zieve
Obama syndicate assaulting Americans from every angle
By Sher Zieve
In order to effectively – and with as much certainty as is possible – decimate and destroy a country, its Middle Class must be thoroughly eradicated. The infamous Soviet-style Communist Saul Alinsky – mentor to Hillary Clinton who wrote her Senior thesis on him "There is Only the Fight..." at Wellesley College – wrote extensively about it in his book Rules for Radicals. Barack Hussein Obama is also an admirer of Alinsky and his work and actually taught 'the Alinsky Method' to students during his days as a radical community organizer. In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote that it would be very difficult to destroy the Middle Class in the USA because it was too well educated. So the, already, largely leftists government ("public") school system set to the task of dumbing-down its students. They did an admirable job, to which Osama's "elections" attest. Another of Mr. Obama's idols seems to be the team of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven who developed the strategy of bringing down the USA via a systematic overwhelming of virtually all of its systems but, specifically economics. They spoke of giving almost unlimited benefits to people in order to create a welfare state and collapse the system when it ran out of money...which it inevitably would with more people on welfare than are working to support them. We are experiencing this now.
Common Core overwhelms and replaces U.S. school system
Today, in U.S. government schools both Marxist and Islamic propaganda are regularly taught and the curricula for these are growing markedly. Common Core – often referred to as "Communist Core" – has also made rapid progress in our school systems by promoting the false notion that it raises the standards for American students. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, Common Core is changing not only the way things are taught to children and young adults but, the essence of what is being taught. One example is that of mathematics. It appears that the Common Core teaching method has done away with true mathematics and replaced it with an unknown quantity that has little-to-no reference to actual math and establishes new rules that cannot be deciphered by either teachers and parents...let alone students. Common Core is – in fact – designed to train good Communist subjects; that is subjects in the feudal sense.
The younger generations are being trained to follow and obey...not to have independent thought. In Dr. Susan Berry's piece "Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers," she writes: "The standards were created by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to improve academic achievement and increase accountability. President Barack Obama and his administration embraced them. Actually, Barack Obama did not simply "embrace" a concept that others developed; instead, the very roots of Common Core are in the early ideas generated by him and his fellow radical community organizer, Bill Ayers."
Complete cultural upheaval, private armies, return to slavery
No society – or country – has ever withstood a total economic, political and cultural upheaval. Most notably, the ancient Roman Empire experienced it and this quickly led to its downfall. Also, in ancient Rome, with society crumbling, private armies for the wealthy elite began to spring up while other areas of the failing empire went back to the practice of creating and then using slaves for agricultural purposes.
In the U.S. today, our traditional Biblically-based cultural norms are being thrown out by an increasingly suppressive federal government despite the will of the people. Marriage is now open to virtually any and soon-to-be-all manner of couplings. The Holy Bible is being banned in schools along with the targeting of any and all Christian thought and speech, while Islam is being actively taught. Credit classes on hard-core pornography are offered at our Colleges and Universities but, carrying placards against abortions can land one in jail.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) created to manage State-owned land has now become one of the Gestapo arms of the current resident in what was once our White House and is in the process of stealing land owned by private families. Lands in Texas, Nevada and New Mexico are regularly being confiscated by the thugs in the now openly anti-American BLM and federal government. Obama and his syndicate are working illegally, unconstitutionally and as fast and furiously as they can to remove the legal owners of private lands from their lands. Eventually, if we refuse to stop them, we will have nothing left. The latest theft attempt is the Laney Ranch in New Mexico, to which the Laney family claims deeds going back to 1883. The end result of the federal government is – at least – twofold: 1. To steal the land for their own purposes; 2. To end cattle farming and begin the process of turning the USA into a meatless society. Remember the Bundy Ranch debacle only a few weeks ago? Mass graves of cattle slaughtered by BLM employees were uncovered after they had left the scene.
The BLM is only part of the "private army" Obama and one of his partners in crime Sen. Harry Reid have created for themselves. For Obama's part, virtually all major departments of the U.S. government have now been fully armed by the usurper with massive amounts of ammunition. This is Obama's private army; one that will be used against American citizens and likely very soon. Obama warned us he would do it. Obviously, far too few of us listened.
Full economic collapse
Obama has effectively, with – until very recently – a do-nothing Congress, destroyed the U.S. economic system and most corporations immediately bought into it! We are now on the cusp of collapse. Obama and his cronies spend on everything but this country and its people...all meant to destroy the economy and collapse the system. Obama's minions are faking and lying about anything and everything. Unemployment figures are bogus, job creation figures are lies and False Flag events are occurring as soon as Obama's Hollywood buddies can complete and get the scripts to him. These are meant – of course – to spread more chaos and complete confusion to "the masses" and allow him to confiscate your legally-owned guns. Note: Thus far, the gun thing hasn't worked. However, if we continue to let him get away with his treason each and every day, eventually Obama will win the battle. Let's don't.
At this juncture, Obama appears to be winning on each and every one of his fronts. Why? Because NO ONE is really opposing him! Want to live to see another brighter day? For heaven's sake...FIGHT BACK AND QUIT COWERING IN CORNERS! If you don't, very soon this form of communication will be cut off from you...permanently. Your State governments hold the keys. States are now the only hope we have to survive, which – by the way – is the reason the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were written in the manner they were. Under the U.S. Republic's Constitution, the States and the people – NOT the federal government – have the real and overriding powers. It's time to use the power we have as a hammer against the huge Obama police state or lose it forever. And above all, know you are not alone.
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever Thou goest" – Joshua 1:9 KJV
There is Only the Fight...: http://www.hillaryclintonquarterly.com/documents/HillaryClintonThesis.pdf
How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/03/14/How%20Saul%20Alinsky%20Taught%20Barack%20Obama%20Everything%20He%20Knows%20About%20Civic%20Upheaval
Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/12/04/Roots-of-Common-Core-Lie-In-Association-Between-Barack-Obama-And-Bill-Ayers
Communist Goals 1963: http://www.uhuh.com/nwo/communism/comgoals.htm
Fall of the Roman Republic, 133-27 BC: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~rauhn/fall_of_republic.htm
Feds Seize New Mexico Ranchers Land: County orders Local Sheriff to Stop the Feds: http://offgridsurvival.com/feds-seize-new-mexico-ranchers-land/
© Sher Zieve
May 19, 2014
In order to effectively – and with as much certainty as is possible – decimate and destroy a country, its Middle Class must be thoroughly eradicated. The infamous Soviet-style Communist Saul Alinsky – mentor to Hillary Clinton who wrote her Senior thesis on him "There is Only the Fight..." at Wellesley College – wrote extensively about it in his book Rules for Radicals. Barack Hussein Obama is also an admirer of Alinsky and his work and actually taught 'the Alinsky Method' to students during his days as a radical community organizer. In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky wrote that it would be very difficult to destroy the Middle Class in the USA because it was too well educated. So the, already, largely leftists government ("public") school system set to the task of dumbing-down its students. They did an admirable job, to which Osama's "elections" attest. Another of Mr. Obama's idols seems to be the team of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven who developed the strategy of bringing down the USA via a systematic overwhelming of virtually all of its systems but, specifically economics. They spoke of giving almost unlimited benefits to people in order to create a welfare state and collapse the system when it ran out of money...which it inevitably would with more people on welfare than are working to support them. We are experiencing this now.
Common Core overwhelms and replaces U.S. school system
Today, in U.S. government schools both Marxist and Islamic propaganda are regularly taught and the curricula for these are growing markedly. Common Core – often referred to as "Communist Core" – has also made rapid progress in our school systems by promoting the false notion that it raises the standards for American students. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, Common Core is changing not only the way things are taught to children and young adults but, the essence of what is being taught. One example is that of mathematics. It appears that the Common Core teaching method has done away with true mathematics and replaced it with an unknown quantity that has little-to-no reference to actual math and establishes new rules that cannot be deciphered by either teachers and parents...let alone students. Common Core is – in fact – designed to train good Communist subjects; that is subjects in the feudal sense.
The younger generations are being trained to follow and obey...not to have independent thought. In Dr. Susan Berry's piece "Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers," she writes: "The standards were created by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to improve academic achievement and increase accountability. President Barack Obama and his administration embraced them. Actually, Barack Obama did not simply "embrace" a concept that others developed; instead, the very roots of Common Core are in the early ideas generated by him and his fellow radical community organizer, Bill Ayers."
Complete cultural upheaval, private armies, return to slavery
No society – or country – has ever withstood a total economic, political and cultural upheaval. Most notably, the ancient Roman Empire experienced it and this quickly led to its downfall. Also, in ancient Rome, with society crumbling, private armies for the wealthy elite began to spring up while other areas of the failing empire went back to the practice of creating and then using slaves for agricultural purposes.
In the U.S. today, our traditional Biblically-based cultural norms are being thrown out by an increasingly suppressive federal government despite the will of the people. Marriage is now open to virtually any and soon-to-be-all manner of couplings. The Holy Bible is being banned in schools along with the targeting of any and all Christian thought and speech, while Islam is being actively taught. Credit classes on hard-core pornography are offered at our Colleges and Universities but, carrying placards against abortions can land one in jail.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) created to manage State-owned land has now become one of the Gestapo arms of the current resident in what was once our White House and is in the process of stealing land owned by private families. Lands in Texas, Nevada and New Mexico are regularly being confiscated by the thugs in the now openly anti-American BLM and federal government. Obama and his syndicate are working illegally, unconstitutionally and as fast and furiously as they can to remove the legal owners of private lands from their lands. Eventually, if we refuse to stop them, we will have nothing left. The latest theft attempt is the Laney Ranch in New Mexico, to which the Laney family claims deeds going back to 1883. The end result of the federal government is – at least – twofold: 1. To steal the land for their own purposes; 2. To end cattle farming and begin the process of turning the USA into a meatless society. Remember the Bundy Ranch debacle only a few weeks ago? Mass graves of cattle slaughtered by BLM employees were uncovered after they had left the scene.
The BLM is only part of the "private army" Obama and one of his partners in crime Sen. Harry Reid have created for themselves. For Obama's part, virtually all major departments of the U.S. government have now been fully armed by the usurper with massive amounts of ammunition. This is Obama's private army; one that will be used against American citizens and likely very soon. Obama warned us he would do it. Obviously, far too few of us listened.
Full economic collapse
Obama has effectively, with – until very recently – a do-nothing Congress, destroyed the U.S. economic system and most corporations immediately bought into it! We are now on the cusp of collapse. Obama and his cronies spend on everything but this country and its people...all meant to destroy the economy and collapse the system. Obama's minions are faking and lying about anything and everything. Unemployment figures are bogus, job creation figures are lies and False Flag events are occurring as soon as Obama's Hollywood buddies can complete and get the scripts to him. These are meant – of course – to spread more chaos and complete confusion to "the masses" and allow him to confiscate your legally-owned guns. Note: Thus far, the gun thing hasn't worked. However, if we continue to let him get away with his treason each and every day, eventually Obama will win the battle. Let's don't.
At this juncture, Obama appears to be winning on each and every one of his fronts. Why? Because NO ONE is really opposing him! Want to live to see another brighter day? For heaven's sake...FIGHT BACK AND QUIT COWERING IN CORNERS! If you don't, very soon this form of communication will be cut off from you...permanently. Your State governments hold the keys. States are now the only hope we have to survive, which – by the way – is the reason the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were written in the manner they were. Under the U.S. Republic's Constitution, the States and the people – NOT the federal government – have the real and overriding powers. It's time to use the power we have as a hammer against the huge Obama police state or lose it forever. And above all, know you are not alone.
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever Thou goest" – Joshua 1:9 KJV
There is Only the Fight...: http://www.hillaryclintonquarterly.com/documents/HillaryClintonThesis.pdf
How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/03/14/How%20Saul%20Alinsky%20Taught%20Barack%20Obama%20Everything%20He%20Knows%20About%20Civic%20Upheaval
Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/12/04/Roots-of-Common-Core-Lie-In-Association-Between-Barack-Obama-And-Bill-Ayers
Communist Goals 1963: http://www.uhuh.com/nwo/communism/comgoals.htm
Fall of the Roman Republic, 133-27 BC: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~rauhn/fall_of_republic.htm
Feds Seize New Mexico Ranchers Land: County orders Local Sheriff to Stop the Feds: http://offgridsurvival.com/feds-seize-new-mexico-ranchers-land/
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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