Sher Zieve
Romney's response to US Embassy attacks measured and completely correct
By Sher Zieve
When our country is attacked, the correct and necessary initial response should always be that of condemnation of the perpetrators and the promise — later followed by actions — that they will be brought to bear for their acts. The statement that Presidential Candidate Romney should have "used more discretion," as one faux conservative Fox news commentator/contributor said, was I believe incorrect, badly thought out and reflects the media's liberal bent from all of their myriad quarters. Instead, Candidate Romney's response was a strong yet measured one to a dire situation; a response that the feckless Obama had yet to make.
Note: I suspect that he was otherwise engaged asking anyone that he could find "What should I say? What would you do?"
In contrast to Presidential Candidate Romney's response, the Obama regime's initial comment (from both the US Embassy in Cairo and the US State Department) was to — again — apologize to the murderers. This time, the apology was to the rioters against the independent filmmakers who had made an anti-Muhammad film that was and is their current excuse for Muslim mayhem and murder. No...the film excuse is a red-herring. The real reason — obvious to most of us — is that the attacks on US Embassies in both Libya and Egypt were coordinated and implemented in true Al-Qaeda (remember that Obama's pals the Muslim Brotherhood comprise the parent organization of Al Qaeda) modality on 9/11...the Islamists' "victory" date. They knew where US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three staff members were and assassinated them. In the true and tireless death-cult manner, Islam never ends its attacks.
Obama has forced the USA into the position of displaying its vulnerable underbelly to our enemies (and his dubious friends), so that it is easier to kill us on all levels. After Candidate Romney held his press conference to denounce the Islamists (which was peppered with the Obama-press demanding answers to their questions that pertained only to "their Obama" while seemingly unconcerned about the chaos and deaths of the Ambassadorial staff in Libya), Obama finally came out from the shadows and was forced to make a speech. One that — if you watched him deliver it — he did not appear to enjoy making. Said speech was devoid of any passion and was delivered in an obligatory and almost disengaged manner.
Presidential Candidate Romney came across to the nation — with the exception of the insufferable "Beltway Boys and Girls" — as its first glimpse of a strong and resolute leader — a leader it has not had for at least the last 3+ years. I, for one, was extremely encouraged and pleased to see it. With the exception of the leftist in the crowd...weren't you too?
One thing continues to be a certainty in this presidential race. We must vote for Presidential Candidate Romney if we have any chance — whatsoever — of surviving. We already know what Obama will do. If we don't get rid of him...he WILL get rid of us.
"Be strong and resolute, for you shall apportion to this people the land that I swore to their fathers to assign to them. 7 But you must be very strong and resolute to observe faithfully all the Teaching that My servant Moses enjoined upon you. Do not deviate from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Let not this Book of the Teaching cease from your lips, but recite it day and night, so that you may observe faithfully all that is written in it. Only then will you prosper in your undertakings and only then will you be successful. — Joshua 1:6-8
© Sher Zieve
September 14, 2012
When our country is attacked, the correct and necessary initial response should always be that of condemnation of the perpetrators and the promise — later followed by actions — that they will be brought to bear for their acts. The statement that Presidential Candidate Romney should have "used more discretion," as one faux conservative Fox news commentator/contributor said, was I believe incorrect, badly thought out and reflects the media's liberal bent from all of their myriad quarters. Instead, Candidate Romney's response was a strong yet measured one to a dire situation; a response that the feckless Obama had yet to make.
Note: I suspect that he was otherwise engaged asking anyone that he could find "What should I say? What would you do?"
In contrast to Presidential Candidate Romney's response, the Obama regime's initial comment (from both the US Embassy in Cairo and the US State Department) was to — again — apologize to the murderers. This time, the apology was to the rioters against the independent filmmakers who had made an anti-Muhammad film that was and is their current excuse for Muslim mayhem and murder. No...the film excuse is a red-herring. The real reason — obvious to most of us — is that the attacks on US Embassies in both Libya and Egypt were coordinated and implemented in true Al-Qaeda (remember that Obama's pals the Muslim Brotherhood comprise the parent organization of Al Qaeda) modality on 9/11...the Islamists' "victory" date. They knew where US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three staff members were and assassinated them. In the true and tireless death-cult manner, Islam never ends its attacks.
Obama has forced the USA into the position of displaying its vulnerable underbelly to our enemies (and his dubious friends), so that it is easier to kill us on all levels. After Candidate Romney held his press conference to denounce the Islamists (which was peppered with the Obama-press demanding answers to their questions that pertained only to "their Obama" while seemingly unconcerned about the chaos and deaths of the Ambassadorial staff in Libya), Obama finally came out from the shadows and was forced to make a speech. One that — if you watched him deliver it — he did not appear to enjoy making. Said speech was devoid of any passion and was delivered in an obligatory and almost disengaged manner.
Presidential Candidate Romney came across to the nation — with the exception of the insufferable "Beltway Boys and Girls" — as its first glimpse of a strong and resolute leader — a leader it has not had for at least the last 3+ years. I, for one, was extremely encouraged and pleased to see it. With the exception of the leftist in the crowd...weren't you too?
One thing continues to be a certainty in this presidential race. We must vote for Presidential Candidate Romney if we have any chance — whatsoever — of surviving. We already know what Obama will do. If we don't get rid of him...he WILL get rid of us.
"Be strong and resolute, for you shall apportion to this people the land that I swore to their fathers to assign to them. 7 But you must be very strong and resolute to observe faithfully all the Teaching that My servant Moses enjoined upon you. Do not deviate from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Let not this Book of the Teaching cease from your lips, but recite it day and night, so that you may observe faithfully all that is written in it. Only then will you prosper in your undertakings and only then will you be successful. — Joshua 1:6-8
© Sher Zieve
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