Sher Zieve
Obama hires his personal murder czar and Dems continue to threaten SCOTUS
By Sher Zieve
When any country's leader reaches comprehensive dictator status, he begins either incarcerating or killing off his opponents (aka enemies). One need only look at the rich and murderous histories of Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and other tyrannical rulers to know that this is a fait accompli in all totalitarian regimes. In one way or another, each of these tyrants conducted their own personal genocide(s).
In fact, Barack Obama's FCC "Diversity" Czar Mark Lloyd has touted as legitimate the usage of a willing and malleable press (as was done with the media-based "Big-Lie" that the Tutsis planned to enslave the Hutus which resulted in the Rwandan slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis within a period of 100 days) to conduct just such a genocide for "social change." The openly Black Liberation (Marxist) Lloyd also praises Venezuelan Marxist Dictator Hugo Chavez and has said the "whites" need to be forced to step down allow blacks and other minorities to have their turn at power. ObamaCzar Lloyd also says that free speech is overrated and "This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies." And with regards to the American people, one of Lloyd's patently racist comments is: "There are few things I think more frightening in the American mind than dark skinned black men. Here I am!"
Now, in a similar manner to Lloyd's comments, US Dictator Barack Hussein Obama has announced he has given his latest Czar (John Brennan) the "right" to assassinate those whom Obama chooses. One of the few — if only — outlets actually providing any reportage on this issue is the Associated Press. The AP article "Who will drones target? Who in the US will decide?" advises: "White House counterterror [sic] chief [aka "Murder Czar] John Brennan has seized the lead in guiding the debate on which terror leaders will be targeted for drone attacks or raids, establishing a new procedure to vet both military and CIA targets." In the past, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had substantial input into this process. Now, however, appointee-Brennan has been given (by his boss Obama) the role of holding the decision trump card(s) as to when, where and whom will be 'taken out' by the recently enabled and enacted drone aircrafts. One thing the AP story did not cover is the fact that the Obama-drones are now being used — nationwide — for domestic surveillance within the United States. One must — logically, I believe — surmise that it won't be a great deal longer until Obama uses the Brennan-controlled drones for Obama's opponents (aka "domestic enemies"). That, after all, was largely why the "domestic-enemy" NDAA bill was crafted by the Marxist pair McCain and Levin. And, now Brennan has been given license to choose who will be killed.
The US Police State is well underway, folks, and I suspect (if the Obama syndicate remains in power) that soon a 'Berlin Wall' type scenario will exist here.
Then there's this continuing lunacy from Congress. Not to be outdone by his boss, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) decided it was his turn to threaten and attempt to intimidate SCOTUS — and specifically Chief Justice John Roberts. Although the majority of the American people oppose the forced imposition of the ObamaCare monstrosity, Leahy warned C.J. Roberts that Congress had passed it and he had better uphold Congress' decision 'or else.' Essentially, Leahy told C.J. Roberts that he must put aside the 1803 Marbury v Madison decision, which established the basis of Judicial Review under the US Constitution's Article III. Note: It appears, as Obama has already subordinated Congress to his Executive Branch, Congress is attempting to place the US Supreme Court (and specifically Roberts) in an inferior position to Congress. Note 2: For those who have recently spent the last 16 years, or so, in the government school system you may not be aware that the US federal government is comprised of three co-equal branches: Executive (POTUS), Legislative (Congress) and Judicial (SCOTUS).
Folks, SCOTUS seems to be We-the-People's last hope toward bringing some semblance of sanity back to the now thoroughly corrupt and insane other-two-governmental-branches and allowing at least one last vestige of liberty. Amongst others, we MUST win this fight or relegate ourselves to our own slavery. If we and the USA are to have any chance, whatsoever, of survival Mr. Obama and his syndicate must be removed from office.
As a last note, Obama is issuing multiple Executive Orders on an almost daily basis to place us more firmly into bondage and to better ensure the complete dismantling of the USA — in case he IS voted out of power in November. Let's make sure he is voted out — in a landslide — and ensure that all of his subjugating E.O.s are overturned when the new POTUS is elected! Remember that Reagan overturned virtually all the E.O.s President Carter had put into place. There is real hope and change if we make it so and remove the Obama cabal.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" — 2 Chronicles 7:14
Mark Lloyd on using media for genocide and 'social change'-Part2:
Mark Lloyd to silence opposition speech-Part1:
Rwanda: How the Genocide Happened:
Video: FCC 'Diversity' Czar on Chavez's Venezuela: 'Incredible...Democratic Revolution':
Audio: FCC's Diversity Czar: 'White People' Need to be Forced to 'Step Down' 'So Someone Else Can Have Power':
Who will drones target? Who in the US will decide?:
Sen. Patrick Leahy tries to intimidate Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts into upholding ObamaCare (Video):
© Sher Zieve
May 25, 2012
When any country's leader reaches comprehensive dictator status, he begins either incarcerating or killing off his opponents (aka enemies). One need only look at the rich and murderous histories of Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and other tyrannical rulers to know that this is a fait accompli in all totalitarian regimes. In one way or another, each of these tyrants conducted their own personal genocide(s).
In fact, Barack Obama's FCC "Diversity" Czar Mark Lloyd has touted as legitimate the usage of a willing and malleable press (as was done with the media-based "Big-Lie" that the Tutsis planned to enslave the Hutus which resulted in the Rwandan slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis within a period of 100 days) to conduct just such a genocide for "social change." The openly Black Liberation (Marxist) Lloyd also praises Venezuelan Marxist Dictator Hugo Chavez and has said the "whites" need to be forced to step down allow blacks and other minorities to have their turn at power. ObamaCzar Lloyd also says that free speech is overrated and "This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies." And with regards to the American people, one of Lloyd's patently racist comments is: "There are few things I think more frightening in the American mind than dark skinned black men. Here I am!"
Now, in a similar manner to Lloyd's comments, US Dictator Barack Hussein Obama has announced he has given his latest Czar (John Brennan) the "right" to assassinate those whom Obama chooses. One of the few — if only — outlets actually providing any reportage on this issue is the Associated Press. The AP article "Who will drones target? Who in the US will decide?" advises: "White House counterterror [sic] chief [aka "Murder Czar] John Brennan has seized the lead in guiding the debate on which terror leaders will be targeted for drone attacks or raids, establishing a new procedure to vet both military and CIA targets." In the past, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had substantial input into this process. Now, however, appointee-Brennan has been given (by his boss Obama) the role of holding the decision trump card(s) as to when, where and whom will be 'taken out' by the recently enabled and enacted drone aircrafts. One thing the AP story did not cover is the fact that the Obama-drones are now being used — nationwide — for domestic surveillance within the United States. One must — logically, I believe — surmise that it won't be a great deal longer until Obama uses the Brennan-controlled drones for Obama's opponents (aka "domestic enemies"). That, after all, was largely why the "domestic-enemy" NDAA bill was crafted by the Marxist pair McCain and Levin. And, now Brennan has been given license to choose who will be killed.
The US Police State is well underway, folks, and I suspect (if the Obama syndicate remains in power) that soon a 'Berlin Wall' type scenario will exist here.
Then there's this continuing lunacy from Congress. Not to be outdone by his boss, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) decided it was his turn to threaten and attempt to intimidate SCOTUS — and specifically Chief Justice John Roberts. Although the majority of the American people oppose the forced imposition of the ObamaCare monstrosity, Leahy warned C.J. Roberts that Congress had passed it and he had better uphold Congress' decision 'or else.' Essentially, Leahy told C.J. Roberts that he must put aside the 1803 Marbury v Madison decision, which established the basis of Judicial Review under the US Constitution's Article III. Note: It appears, as Obama has already subordinated Congress to his Executive Branch, Congress is attempting to place the US Supreme Court (and specifically Roberts) in an inferior position to Congress. Note 2: For those who have recently spent the last 16 years, or so, in the government school system you may not be aware that the US federal government is comprised of three co-equal branches: Executive (POTUS), Legislative (Congress) and Judicial (SCOTUS).
Folks, SCOTUS seems to be We-the-People's last hope toward bringing some semblance of sanity back to the now thoroughly corrupt and insane other-two-governmental-branches and allowing at least one last vestige of liberty. Amongst others, we MUST win this fight or relegate ourselves to our own slavery. If we and the USA are to have any chance, whatsoever, of survival Mr. Obama and his syndicate must be removed from office.
As a last note, Obama is issuing multiple Executive Orders on an almost daily basis to place us more firmly into bondage and to better ensure the complete dismantling of the USA — in case he IS voted out of power in November. Let's make sure he is voted out — in a landslide — and ensure that all of his subjugating E.O.s are overturned when the new POTUS is elected! Remember that Reagan overturned virtually all the E.O.s President Carter had put into place. There is real hope and change if we make it so and remove the Obama cabal.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" — 2 Chronicles 7:14
Mark Lloyd on using media for genocide and 'social change'-Part2:
Mark Lloyd to silence opposition speech-Part1:
Rwanda: How the Genocide Happened:
Video: FCC 'Diversity' Czar on Chavez's Venezuela: 'Incredible...Democratic Revolution':
Audio: FCC's Diversity Czar: 'White People' Need to be Forced to 'Step Down' 'So Someone Else Can Have Power':
Who will drones target? Who in the US will decide?:
Sen. Patrick Leahy tries to intimidate Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts into upholding ObamaCare (Video):
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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