Sher Zieve
Obama Death Plan: Americans forced to pay for ObamaBribes
By Sher Zieve
With no one in Congress — thus far — even attempting to stop the atrocities committed by Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama, he and his patently corrupt Democrat Party leaders have managed to bribe any and all voting members and substantive monetary and goon-squad contributors to support the passage of his ObamaCare Death Plan.
Initially, Madame Pelosi DeFarge twisted arms and came close to breaking legs in order to pass the House of Representative's version of this beastly bill (HR 3200). Note: We-the-People still have no idea how many family members — including small and helpless children — Pelosi threatened to rub out if the Congressional boys and girls didn't play ball and follow her orders.
On the other hand, Harry "this war is lost" Reid made the decision — apparently early on — to give taxpayer money to his more calcitrant Democrat senators in order to bribe them for their votes. It took him $300 Millions to buy Louisiana Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu's vote and a Medicaid exemption into perpetuity — for Nebraska — to buy Senator Ben Nelson's (D-NE) vote. In order to buy off the unions, Obama — himself — had to meet with union leadership and agree that union leaders and their members will be able to retain their so-called "Cadillac Health Insurance" policies and not pay the proposed 40% tax on them that the rest of us will have to pay. In order to do this, Obama et al will — in no uncertain terms — cut Medicare in draconian ways and possibly more than the $500 Billions they already plan to gut/steal from it to pay for the establishment of their totalitarian government agencies. This effectively gives the unions a $60 Billions payoff for supporting Obama in his 2012 presidential run. That's $60 Billions in bribes of OUR money (and $500 Billions gutted from Medicare to end the lives of seniors — early on — and pay for Obama's fiasco) that Obama gave the union thugs as bribes to both give positive lip service to the ObamaCare Death Plan and provide support for the tyrant's 2012 campaign. We-the-People, of course, will now be expected to work even harder (although Obama has ended over 3,000,000 middle-class jobs since he seized office) to pay back the $60 Billions and $500 Billions that he and his Democrat colleagues have stolen from us — and will steal again once we've replaced it.
Note: Remember ObamaCare is NOT about health care. It is, however, about taking over and dictating each and every aspect of Americans' lives.
Currently, there is only one bright spot and ray of hope on the horizon and his name is Scott Brown. In the special senatorial election for the ostensible Massachusetts "Ted Kennedy Senate seat," if the bumbling and misspeaking Democrat candidate Coakley is elected our fate as serfs for Obama is sealed. However, Republican candidate Scott Brown has vowed to vote against the Death Plan. And, if elected, he will stop it. But, We-the-People have an uphill battle. Although Brown seems to now have the momentum of Massachusetts' voter support, Obama's voter fraud unit ACORN is said to be bussing in illegal votes from out of state in order to stuff the ballot boxes. And, to add even more insult to injury, Harry Reid has said that if Brown wins the Senate will change its rules from the 60 vote super-majority to pass a bill of this magnitude to a simple majority. The Marxist-Democrat leadership is relentless in its continuing quest for power over the American people.
The Massachusetts legitimate voters need to turn out to vote in truly record numbers, in order to end theirs and our looming bondage and slavery to the elite ruling few in Washington D.C. It's time to end their Reign of Terror and take our country back.
Madame DeFarge: http://www.wisegeek.com/who-is-madame-defarge.htm
Video Landrieu bribe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XxFZTm9lsY
Video Nelson bribe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV6sThHOMGU
Bribes for Unions: 1. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/obamacare_latest_bribe_yAliYQ9aPnUJDQH2zlxr9N
2. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703657604575004992410621692.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_AboveLEFTTop
© Sher Zieve
January 18, 2010
With no one in Congress — thus far — even attempting to stop the atrocities committed by Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama, he and his patently corrupt Democrat Party leaders have managed to bribe any and all voting members and substantive monetary and goon-squad contributors to support the passage of his ObamaCare Death Plan.
Initially, Madame Pelosi DeFarge twisted arms and came close to breaking legs in order to pass the House of Representative's version of this beastly bill (HR 3200). Note: We-the-People still have no idea how many family members — including small and helpless children — Pelosi threatened to rub out if the Congressional boys and girls didn't play ball and follow her orders.
On the other hand, Harry "this war is lost" Reid made the decision — apparently early on — to give taxpayer money to his more calcitrant Democrat senators in order to bribe them for their votes. It took him $300 Millions to buy Louisiana Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu's vote and a Medicaid exemption into perpetuity — for Nebraska — to buy Senator Ben Nelson's (D-NE) vote. In order to buy off the unions, Obama — himself — had to meet with union leadership and agree that union leaders and their members will be able to retain their so-called "Cadillac Health Insurance" policies and not pay the proposed 40% tax on them that the rest of us will have to pay. In order to do this, Obama et al will — in no uncertain terms — cut Medicare in draconian ways and possibly more than the $500 Billions they already plan to gut/steal from it to pay for the establishment of their totalitarian government agencies. This effectively gives the unions a $60 Billions payoff for supporting Obama in his 2012 presidential run. That's $60 Billions in bribes of OUR money (and $500 Billions gutted from Medicare to end the lives of seniors — early on — and pay for Obama's fiasco) that Obama gave the union thugs as bribes to both give positive lip service to the ObamaCare Death Plan and provide support for the tyrant's 2012 campaign. We-the-People, of course, will now be expected to work even harder (although Obama has ended over 3,000,000 middle-class jobs since he seized office) to pay back the $60 Billions and $500 Billions that he and his Democrat colleagues have stolen from us — and will steal again once we've replaced it.
Note: Remember ObamaCare is NOT about health care. It is, however, about taking over and dictating each and every aspect of Americans' lives.
Currently, there is only one bright spot and ray of hope on the horizon and his name is Scott Brown. In the special senatorial election for the ostensible Massachusetts "Ted Kennedy Senate seat," if the bumbling and misspeaking Democrat candidate Coakley is elected our fate as serfs for Obama is sealed. However, Republican candidate Scott Brown has vowed to vote against the Death Plan. And, if elected, he will stop it. But, We-the-People have an uphill battle. Although Brown seems to now have the momentum of Massachusetts' voter support, Obama's voter fraud unit ACORN is said to be bussing in illegal votes from out of state in order to stuff the ballot boxes. And, to add even more insult to injury, Harry Reid has said that if Brown wins the Senate will change its rules from the 60 vote super-majority to pass a bill of this magnitude to a simple majority. The Marxist-Democrat leadership is relentless in its continuing quest for power over the American people.
The Massachusetts legitimate voters need to turn out to vote in truly record numbers, in order to end theirs and our looming bondage and slavery to the elite ruling few in Washington D.C. It's time to end their Reign of Terror and take our country back.
Madame DeFarge: http://www.wisegeek.com/who-is-madame-defarge.htm
Video Landrieu bribe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XxFZTm9lsY
Video Nelson bribe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV6sThHOMGU
Bribes for Unions: 1. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/editorials/
2. http://online.wsj.com/article/
© Sher Zieve
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