Sher Zieve
Obama stabs America in her back- -again
By Sher Zieve
Showing once again that there is no depth to which he will not sink to further destroy the United States of America and her people, Dictator and American Stalin Barack Hussein Obama has decided to inflict the mastermind of the 9/11 NYC attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, back into and upon the same city where eight years ago the slaughter of Americans occurred. Obama has directed that his fellow Muslim Mohammed be tried in a civilian court with all US Constitutional rights that are afforded to American citizens. Instead of having the military conduct this beast's trial, Obama is rubbing the noses of the 9/11 victims, their families and all of the American people in the dirt — again. Now almost daily, Obama and his Marxist goons are working overtime to shock the American people into increasingly forced submission.
For example, Obama has already told us that his ObamaCare is NOT optional and we will be fined up to $15,000 if we do not enroll in healthcare that the Obama government "approves." If we still object, the House ObamaCare 3926 version provides for placing those who refuse this unconstitutional measure into prison for upwards of 5 years! Are there really still people out there who do not believe that Obama is a tyrant? Really?
We already know that ObamaCare will further gut the economy (it's merely another concocted license to steal our money), gut Medicare (killing off as many seniors as Obama can) and forcibly places our bodies and all we say and do into the hands of Obama's Marxist anti-human bureaucratic thugs. We also know that his Cap and Tax bill will do nothing to help the environment but, will do everything to cause our energy bills to shoot through the roof. Most analysts now agree that increased costs will be (at least) between $3,000-4,000 per year per household. And still the Obama anti-American and anti-human forces keep on coming for us.
And now, Obama and his Administration are demanding that we accept this — his latest — untenable abomination waged against us. This, while the country sinks deeper and deeper into ObamaDebt, our soldiers are hung out to dry in Afghanistan while Obama ponders a decision and continues to fly around the world on non-essential missions. How long will we continue to put up with Obama dismantling us and our country, America? How long?
Obama Admits he is Muslim and supports Islam and its Quran:
© Sher Zieve
November 13, 2009
Showing once again that there is no depth to which he will not sink to further destroy the United States of America and her people, Dictator and American Stalin Barack Hussein Obama has decided to inflict the mastermind of the 9/11 NYC attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, back into and upon the same city where eight years ago the slaughter of Americans occurred. Obama has directed that his fellow Muslim Mohammed be tried in a civilian court with all US Constitutional rights that are afforded to American citizens. Instead of having the military conduct this beast's trial, Obama is rubbing the noses of the 9/11 victims, their families and all of the American people in the dirt — again. Now almost daily, Obama and his Marxist goons are working overtime to shock the American people into increasingly forced submission.
For example, Obama has already told us that his ObamaCare is NOT optional and we will be fined up to $15,000 if we do not enroll in healthcare that the Obama government "approves." If we still object, the House ObamaCare 3926 version provides for placing those who refuse this unconstitutional measure into prison for upwards of 5 years! Are there really still people out there who do not believe that Obama is a tyrant? Really?
We already know that ObamaCare will further gut the economy (it's merely another concocted license to steal our money), gut Medicare (killing off as many seniors as Obama can) and forcibly places our bodies and all we say and do into the hands of Obama's Marxist anti-human bureaucratic thugs. We also know that his Cap and Tax bill will do nothing to help the environment but, will do everything to cause our energy bills to shoot through the roof. Most analysts now agree that increased costs will be (at least) between $3,000-4,000 per year per household. And still the Obama anti-American and anti-human forces keep on coming for us.
And now, Obama and his Administration are demanding that we accept this — his latest — untenable abomination waged against us. This, while the country sinks deeper and deeper into ObamaDebt, our soldiers are hung out to dry in Afghanistan while Obama ponders a decision and continues to fly around the world on non-essential missions. How long will we continue to put up with Obama dismantling us and our country, America? How long?
Obama Admits he is Muslim and supports Islam and its Quran:
© Sher Zieve
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