Sher Zieve
Obama shadow government expanding
By Sher Zieve
A shadow government has been defined as a "'government-in-waiting' that remains in waiting with the intention of taking control of a government in response to some event." With the Obama Shadow Government (which he has staffed and continues to staff with old Soviet-styled "Czars" who are accountable ONLY to him) the "some event" appears to be a series of events that Dictator in Chief Barack Hussein Obama and his followers have created themselves and brought to bear upon the current — traditional — US government. Have any of you heard dissent from anyone in the Democrat-controlled US Congress? We certainly won't hear any from the now almost completely State-run Obama media.
With his now-over-20 Czars whose sole purpose is to control We-the-People and our currently-being-flushed-down-the-toilets way of life, Obama has almost completed the foundational building of his totalitarian regime. One of Obama's soon to be instilled (again with NO accountability to Congress or anyone other than the new US dictator) is a "Pay Czar" who will determine what We-the-People (beginning with CEOs and then extending to the proletariat-poor [by Obama-design] working class) are allowed to earn. Big Brother has arrived and he hates all of us — except those who genuflect before him and willingly give him all of their possessions.
Obama's Totalitarian Czars
Included amongst (but certainly not limited to) the dictator's czars are a "Health Czar" (who will determine who can and cannot receive medical care — one presumes Conservatives will be SOL) to oversee Dictator Obama's Universal Healthcare (which will soon after its implementation provide healthcare for few and eventually no one save the Obama Elite), a "Car Czar" (who is 31 years of age and an attorney who has never even run a small business) to determine what cars are allowed to be manufactured in the USA, a "Great Lakes Cleanup Czar" (in saner times the comment to this appointment would be "He has to be kidding!"), a "Cyber Czar" to determine the content of the US Internet — NOT to check on real terrorists — including who may and may not post commentary (Obama's opposers will soon be banned) and now his "Pay Czar." The US Constitution is now moot and — via lack of use or importance to the current administration — null and void. In other words, We-the-People no longer — officially — exist.
Tipping point for end of US Republic reached
The "tipping point" that ends the USA's Republic that many had wondered about has now been reached. Not one of our so-called "leaders" is really even questioning the usurper to the US presidency. Either they don't care, are afraid of the dictator and his exponentially-increasing power or agree with him that American citizens can no longer be allowed to be in charge of their country and its policies. Oh — and for those of you who still think you can vote Obama and his Commissars out of office in 2010 and 2012 respectively you can forget it. Obama is planning to rule the USA for life. Once his almost absolute power over us has been attained — and with his current speed that will be VERY soon — the Republic will be officially ended. Obama has no plans to relinquish power over the USA and its citizens — ever. He and his cohorts have already — although unofficially — disbanded the US Constitution and rendered it effectively moot. Soon, its end will be official. Leftist judges are now ruling — with increasingly wild abandon — against this Constitution. Judi McLeod and Jean Coutu ask in their recent column "End of Live Free or Die Rally end of free assembly for America?" It strongly appears the answer is "Yes."
When even Russian columnists see the USA as now being a communist country it remains a mystery as to why so many living in it refuse to admit it. Tragically, it seems that most of these American sheeple will never wake up.
Shadow Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_government
'Remaking' of America:
A Czar you can believe in: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MWVmNDk2MGMwZTcwNjI3ZjIyZTUxZGRiODNkMWM4ZWY=
Good afternoon. Or should I say Äîáðûé äåíü?:
American Capitalism gone with a whimper: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-0/
End of Live Free or Die Rally end of free assembly for America?:
© Sher Zieve
June 6, 2009
A shadow government has been defined as a "'government-in-waiting' that remains in waiting with the intention of taking control of a government in response to some event." With the Obama Shadow Government (which he has staffed and continues to staff with old Soviet-styled "Czars" who are accountable ONLY to him) the "some event" appears to be a series of events that Dictator in Chief Barack Hussein Obama and his followers have created themselves and brought to bear upon the current — traditional — US government. Have any of you heard dissent from anyone in the Democrat-controlled US Congress? We certainly won't hear any from the now almost completely State-run Obama media.
With his now-over-20 Czars whose sole purpose is to control We-the-People and our currently-being-flushed-down-the-toilets way of life, Obama has almost completed the foundational building of his totalitarian regime. One of Obama's soon to be instilled (again with NO accountability to Congress or anyone other than the new US dictator) is a "Pay Czar" who will determine what We-the-People (beginning with CEOs and then extending to the proletariat-poor [by Obama-design] working class) are allowed to earn. Big Brother has arrived and he hates all of us — except those who genuflect before him and willingly give him all of their possessions.
Obama's Totalitarian Czars
Included amongst (but certainly not limited to) the dictator's czars are a "Health Czar" (who will determine who can and cannot receive medical care — one presumes Conservatives will be SOL) to oversee Dictator Obama's Universal Healthcare (which will soon after its implementation provide healthcare for few and eventually no one save the Obama Elite), a "Car Czar" (who is 31 years of age and an attorney who has never even run a small business) to determine what cars are allowed to be manufactured in the USA, a "Great Lakes Cleanup Czar" (in saner times the comment to this appointment would be "He has to be kidding!"), a "Cyber Czar" to determine the content of the US Internet — NOT to check on real terrorists — including who may and may not post commentary (Obama's opposers will soon be banned) and now his "Pay Czar." The US Constitution is now moot and — via lack of use or importance to the current administration — null and void. In other words, We-the-People no longer — officially — exist.
Tipping point for end of US Republic reached
The "tipping point" that ends the USA's Republic that many had wondered about has now been reached. Not one of our so-called "leaders" is really even questioning the usurper to the US presidency. Either they don't care, are afraid of the dictator and his exponentially-increasing power or agree with him that American citizens can no longer be allowed to be in charge of their country and its policies. Oh — and for those of you who still think you can vote Obama and his Commissars out of office in 2010 and 2012 respectively you can forget it. Obama is planning to rule the USA for life. Once his almost absolute power over us has been attained — and with his current speed that will be VERY soon — the Republic will be officially ended. Obama has no plans to relinquish power over the USA and its citizens — ever. He and his cohorts have already — although unofficially — disbanded the US Constitution and rendered it effectively moot. Soon, its end will be official. Leftist judges are now ruling — with increasingly wild abandon — against this Constitution. Judi McLeod and Jean Coutu ask in their recent column "End of Live Free or Die Rally end of free assembly for America?" It strongly appears the answer is "Yes."
When even Russian columnists see the USA as now being a communist country it remains a mystery as to why so many living in it refuse to admit it. Tragically, it seems that most of these American sheeple will never wake up.
Shadow Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_government
'Remaking' of America:
A Czar you can believe in: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MWVmNDk2MGMwZTcwNjI3ZjIyZTUxZGRiODNkMWM4ZWY=
Good afternoon. Or should I say Äîáðûé äåíü?:
American Capitalism gone with a whimper: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/107459-0/
End of Live Free or Die Rally end of free assembly for America?:
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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