Sher Zieve
Obama: courting our enemies while 'dissing' our friends
By Sher Zieve
Just when you may have thought Fearless leader Obama couldn't get any worse — he did. Congress' $410B+ new Omnibus spending bill contains provisions to relax — if not remove — limitations for travel to and from Cuba, disallow the US government from enforcing any restrictions which now limit Cuban-Americans' visit to the Communist Island and rescind the condition that Cuba actually pay for food and goods shipped to it by the USA. These are stipulations Obama wanted — if not insisted upon — included in the spending bill. Since his assuming the position of POTUS, Obama has been desperately trying to make nice with his dictatorial Communist brethren within the Island nation.
On the other hand, Obama has recently 'dissed' (disrespected) our long standing and closest world ally — the United Kingdom. After taking the office of POTUS, Obama almost immediately began to slap England in the face. Showing his disdain for one of the greatest proponents of democracy and leader of the free world, one of Obama's first acts was to send a bust of Winston Churchill — given by former PM Tony Blair to President George W. Bush — back to England. The snubbing had begun. Then, on his first formal visit to meet with Obama, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown received less than a warm welcome. Traditionally, for the US' greatest ally, press conferences including the new President of the United States and the UK Prime Minister — with the flags of both countries displayed — are expected. Announcing that he was too tired over the economic situation to address foreign affairs, Obama elected to not honor one of the (if not the) US' greatest friends and allies. Is Obama saying he can only handle one thing at a time? Instead, there was a last minute quickly arranged meeting with PM Brown in the Oval office. Note: Even though he apparently feels comfortable displaying at least a mild contempt for the UK's position of Prime Minister, Obama has jumped at the chance to meet with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Warning to Brits: Be careful, as Obama believes the Queen's palace is rightfully his!
Then, the Telegraph.co.uk reports that PM Brown presented Obama with some extremely considerate gifts of "including a pen holder made from the wood of a warship that helped stamp out the slave trade — a sister ship of the vessel from which timbers were taken to build Mr Obama's Oval Office desk." In turn, Obama gave PM Brown a set of movie DVDs. Did he have his staff pick them up from Blockbuster or will they come once a week from Netflix?
The British PM's wife Sarah Brown had also selected thoughtful gifts for the Obama daughters. These included dresses with matching necklaces and a signed book selection by British authors. Michele gave Brown's children a plastic "Marine One" helicopter and toys that may have come from Toys R Us. To add insult to injury, no formal "First Lady's Lunch" was planned for Mrs. Brown and no dinner was planned for Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Obama may not be interested in sustaining and maintaining the US' alliance with its friends but, he is interested in others.
Now, in conjunction with his having announced that he wants direct talks — without preconditions — with the US' and Israel's sworn enemy Iran, Obama has announced that he wants and is seeking talks with 'moderate' Taliban members. Other than the obvious insanity of attempting to negotiate with a culture that preaches and practices suicide bombings, by the organization's very nature there ARE NO MODERATE TALIBAN. I don't think Obama is a stupid man and his intentions — for even the most fervent and radical Obamaniacs should be clear. Obama wants to work with terrorists.
So, there we have it. Obama has decided that the US' friends are to be figuratively 'bitch-slapped' and its enemies are to be honored with 'his' presence and dialogue. The American people — if not the world — are now left to wonder if there is any contemptible action that Obama and his adherents will not embrace. Thus far, it doesn't appear so. This is not the way to run a country — that is unless said country and its people have by design been chosen to experience both oppression and failure. As a final note, although Obama's eligibility to even be POTUS is STILL in question, the online 'encyclopedia' Wikipedia is now scrubbing its site of any mention of it and users who attempt to post the truth about it are being immediately banned. Under Obama-suppression, soon everything and everyone opposing him will be censored. Apparently, what we suspected all along has come to pass — Obama can't handle the truth.
Omnibus spending bill includes provisions for Cuba:
Obama says 'No thanks' to bust of Winston Churchill:
Obama 'too tired' for PM Gordon Brown:
President Obama Dislikes Britain but he's Keen to meet with the Queen:
Michele and Toys R Us?: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5848073.ece
Obama Wants to Talk with Taliban: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/stephanie_gutmann/blog/2009/03/08/barack_obamas_problm
Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibility:
© Sher Zieve
March 9, 2009
Just when you may have thought Fearless leader Obama couldn't get any worse — he did. Congress' $410B+ new Omnibus spending bill contains provisions to relax — if not remove — limitations for travel to and from Cuba, disallow the US government from enforcing any restrictions which now limit Cuban-Americans' visit to the Communist Island and rescind the condition that Cuba actually pay for food and goods shipped to it by the USA. These are stipulations Obama wanted — if not insisted upon — included in the spending bill. Since his assuming the position of POTUS, Obama has been desperately trying to make nice with his dictatorial Communist brethren within the Island nation.
On the other hand, Obama has recently 'dissed' (disrespected) our long standing and closest world ally — the United Kingdom. After taking the office of POTUS, Obama almost immediately began to slap England in the face. Showing his disdain for one of the greatest proponents of democracy and leader of the free world, one of Obama's first acts was to send a bust of Winston Churchill — given by former PM Tony Blair to President George W. Bush — back to England. The snubbing had begun. Then, on his first formal visit to meet with Obama, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown received less than a warm welcome. Traditionally, for the US' greatest ally, press conferences including the new President of the United States and the UK Prime Minister — with the flags of both countries displayed — are expected. Announcing that he was too tired over the economic situation to address foreign affairs, Obama elected to not honor one of the (if not the) US' greatest friends and allies. Is Obama saying he can only handle one thing at a time? Instead, there was a last minute quickly arranged meeting with PM Brown in the Oval office. Note: Even though he apparently feels comfortable displaying at least a mild contempt for the UK's position of Prime Minister, Obama has jumped at the chance to meet with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Warning to Brits: Be careful, as Obama believes the Queen's palace is rightfully his!
Then, the Telegraph.co.uk reports that PM Brown presented Obama with some extremely considerate gifts of "including a pen holder made from the wood of a warship that helped stamp out the slave trade — a sister ship of the vessel from which timbers were taken to build Mr Obama's Oval Office desk." In turn, Obama gave PM Brown a set of movie DVDs. Did he have his staff pick them up from Blockbuster or will they come once a week from Netflix?
The British PM's wife Sarah Brown had also selected thoughtful gifts for the Obama daughters. These included dresses with matching necklaces and a signed book selection by British authors. Michele gave Brown's children a plastic "Marine One" helicopter and toys that may have come from Toys R Us. To add insult to injury, no formal "First Lady's Lunch" was planned for Mrs. Brown and no dinner was planned for Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Obama may not be interested in sustaining and maintaining the US' alliance with its friends but, he is interested in others.
Now, in conjunction with his having announced that he wants direct talks — without preconditions — with the US' and Israel's sworn enemy Iran, Obama has announced that he wants and is seeking talks with 'moderate' Taliban members. Other than the obvious insanity of attempting to negotiate with a culture that preaches and practices suicide bombings, by the organization's very nature there ARE NO MODERATE TALIBAN. I don't think Obama is a stupid man and his intentions — for even the most fervent and radical Obamaniacs should be clear. Obama wants to work with terrorists.
So, there we have it. Obama has decided that the US' friends are to be figuratively 'bitch-slapped' and its enemies are to be honored with 'his' presence and dialogue. The American people — if not the world — are now left to wonder if there is any contemptible action that Obama and his adherents will not embrace. Thus far, it doesn't appear so. This is not the way to run a country — that is unless said country and its people have by design been chosen to experience both oppression and failure. As a final note, although Obama's eligibility to even be POTUS is STILL in question, the online 'encyclopedia' Wikipedia is now scrubbing its site of any mention of it and users who attempt to post the truth about it are being immediately banned. Under Obama-suppression, soon everything and everyone opposing him will be censored. Apparently, what we suspected all along has come to pass — Obama can't handle the truth.
Omnibus spending bill includes provisions for Cuba:
Obama says 'No thanks' to bust of Winston Churchill:
Obama 'too tired' for PM Gordon Brown:
President Obama Dislikes Britain but he's Keen to meet with the Queen:
Michele and Toys R Us?: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/
Obama Wants to Talk with Taliban: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/stephanie_gutmann/blog/2009/03/08/
Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibility:
© Sher Zieve
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