Sher Zieve
Rosanna Pulido: Illinois congressional candidate of substance
By Sher Zieve
In a state not known for its traditional American values, a strong 5th District conservative candidate has come forth and is taking no prisoners. Her name is Rosanna Pulido. I first met Rosanna, native Chicagoan and the founder and current director of the Illinois Minuteman Project, in 2006. This prompted my interview with her and subsequent article "More Illegals in Illinois than California." Since then, Rosanna has been extremely busy. She is also one of the original Minutemen who served at the Historic Arizona/Mexico Border Watch in 2005 as well as the Illinois Spokesperson for "You Don't Speak For Me" — American Hispanics speaking out against illegal immigration.
Ms. Pulido places the survival of the USA above the nebulous and unconstitutional "rights" of people who are in this country illegally.
From her BIO: "Rosanna appears regularly on TV and radio broadcasts and in the media throughout Illinois, including several National appearances on Fox news including "Your World with Neil Cavuto" and CNN. On May 22, 2007, Rosanna was invited to appear before the US House subcommittee on immigration." And, not shy of controversy, Rosanna has been endorsed by "America's toughest Sheriff" Joe Arpaio. The following interview reflects Rosanna's convictions with regards to her convictions, observations on current administration policies and her Congressional run.
Sher: In 2006, Chicago was a strong liberal illegal immigrant 'sanctuary city.' Is that still the case today?
Rosanna: Sadly, it is even worse than that now. The Cook County Commissioners voted June 2006 to make Cook County the first Sanctuary County in the United States. Cook County Deputies must accept the Matricula Consular as an acceptable form of ID (even though the FBI testified before Congress that the Matricula Consular was a threat to our National Security).
One of my opponents running for this Congressional Seat is Mike Quigley who voted to make Cook County the first Sanctuary County in the Nation. He is very proud of thumbing his nose at Federal law and making his own laws. Now I am sure he is counting on the illegal alien vote to help him win this Congressional seat. The same goes for the two other top Democrats. They are sold out to their special interest groups, which happen to be the Open Borders Lobby. Sara Feinholtz and John Fritchey both ushered in in-state tuition for illegal aliens, they both voted to accept the Matricula Consular which is an invalid form of ID and they both voted to intimidate Employers in Illinois from using E-Verify a tool that helps businesses identify potential employees that are legally authorized to work in the United States.
Isn't that wonderful? Intimidate Employers who want to follow the law. And we will have the Sheeple in the 5Th district voting for these traitors to the American workers!! John Fritchey is bragging on the campaign trail that he is endorsed by the AFL-CIO. Well I got the same candidate survey as he did. The Union wanted me to agree to let illegal aliens organize and become part of the Union! I nearly fainted! Millions of Americans have lost their jobs recently and to get your endorsement, you want me to sell the American worker down the river? I BEG YOUR PARDON? Mr. Fritchey...YOU can have the endorsement of the AFL-CIO I DON'T WANT IT!!
Sher: Recently, Phoenix, AZ was named as the kidnapping capitol of the US and is also named as the 2nd kidnapping capitol in the world — just behind Mexico City. This is due to the drug cartels that have moved into Arizona. With the strong illegal alien presence in Illinois, are you also experiencing drug dealer kidnappings? If so, how do you plan to attack the problem when Illinois seems to embrace illegals?
Rosanna: I am not aware of kidnappings in Chicago, but I am aware that we have Law Enforcement officers in Chicago that are forced to deal with the Drug and Gang problem and are being out gunned. The plight of our Law Enforcement here in Chicago is part of why I want to go to Congress. To bring back dollars so our officers will not be in the position like the Border Patrol. It is like the good guys have little squirt guns and the bad guys have Uzis. Our murder and crime rate are through the roof. The morale of our Chicago Police has never been lower. It is just going to get tougher for these men and women. We need to make sure they have the best equipment available to fight crime, murders and drug thugs. Speaking of Law Enforcement officers, My Hero, Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsed me for this Congressional seat. Coming from America's Toughest Sheriff it is a great honor! If I win the primary March 3rd 2009, I will ask Sheriff Joe to come and have a fundraiser for me in Chicago. We will auction off Pink underwear and serve Bologna sandwiches!!
Sher: On your campaign site, I read your account of the 2008 August 5th Chicago City Hall meeting of the Chicago politicians and the illegal immigrant lobby vs the Chicago PD and US citizens. With due consideration given to the fact that Chicago — as have many liberal-run major cities — given deference to illegal aliens over legal citizens, how do you propose that We-the-People overcome this huge and growing obstacle to our diminishing freedoms?
Rosanna: We must get involved in every level of government. These officials pass laws and do stupid things, like spend our money because we are not involved in the Political process. If people do not wake up and get involved soon, I am afraid all will be lost! What we are seeing is absolute insanity. But the American people continue to accept the status quo. Many of the Democrats running in this race are tied to special interest groups. Lobbyists are their best friends and they are bought off. The people of the 5th district can go fend for themselves. It is TRULY a time of taxation without Representation!
Sher: You're currently running for Uber-liberal Rahm Emanuel's now vacant congressional seat. With Illinois as a hard blue state and — if we are to believe the mainstream press — the current pro-socialism political climate in the country, how do you plan to overcome the leftist press and bring the truth to the people? So many still seem to be asleep to what's happening to our country. In your district, do you see any signs that some are beginning to wake up?
Rosanna: The American Spirit is what will make us rise above. People who love this country never cease to amaze me. Whether it is through the Internet or some other fabulous way, like BLOG TALK RADIO, we will get the truth out! It seems as though when people are suppressed, folks find a way around the tyranny!
People are waking up. The problem is they do not know what hit them. They have no idea that they were asleep and voted in people who have had a spending spree with their own money. People around them are losing jobs and homes. The reason they are waking up is because they are freaked out the country that they love is changing...NOT for the better! The media in Chicago has totally ignored the Republicans running in this race. The Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune have treated the Republicans shamefully and have only covered the Democratic Party, but then again that is why newspapers are bankrupt and going out of business! The only folks who buy the newspapers in Chicago are those folks who are house training their new puppies!!
The biggest problem with this election is that most folks are not even aware that it is happening, that's why it is so important to get the word out. I hope your readers will give folks in Chicago a nudge and ask their friends and family in this God Forsaken city, if they have gone out and voted in this special Primary Election! March 3rd 2009.
More Illegals in Illinois than California:
Rosanna Pulido 2009: http://www.rosannapulido2009.com/
Rosanna Pulido BIO: http://www.wikicover.com/Rosanna_Pulido
Sheriff Arpaio endorsement: http://rogersparkbench.blogspot.com/2009/02/warning-to-rosanna-pulido.html
© Sher Zieve
February 26, 2009
In a state not known for its traditional American values, a strong 5th District conservative candidate has come forth and is taking no prisoners. Her name is Rosanna Pulido. I first met Rosanna, native Chicagoan and the founder and current director of the Illinois Minuteman Project, in 2006. This prompted my interview with her and subsequent article "More Illegals in Illinois than California." Since then, Rosanna has been extremely busy. She is also one of the original Minutemen who served at the Historic Arizona/Mexico Border Watch in 2005 as well as the Illinois Spokesperson for "You Don't Speak For Me" — American Hispanics speaking out against illegal immigration.
Ms. Pulido places the survival of the USA above the nebulous and unconstitutional "rights" of people who are in this country illegally.
From her BIO: "Rosanna appears regularly on TV and radio broadcasts and in the media throughout Illinois, including several National appearances on Fox news including "Your World with Neil Cavuto" and CNN. On May 22, 2007, Rosanna was invited to appear before the US House subcommittee on immigration." And, not shy of controversy, Rosanna has been endorsed by "America's toughest Sheriff" Joe Arpaio. The following interview reflects Rosanna's convictions with regards to her convictions, observations on current administration policies and her Congressional run.
Sher: In 2006, Chicago was a strong liberal illegal immigrant 'sanctuary city.' Is that still the case today?
Rosanna: Sadly, it is even worse than that now. The Cook County Commissioners voted June 2006 to make Cook County the first Sanctuary County in the United States. Cook County Deputies must accept the Matricula Consular as an acceptable form of ID (even though the FBI testified before Congress that the Matricula Consular was a threat to our National Security).
One of my opponents running for this Congressional Seat is Mike Quigley who voted to make Cook County the first Sanctuary County in the Nation. He is very proud of thumbing his nose at Federal law and making his own laws. Now I am sure he is counting on the illegal alien vote to help him win this Congressional seat. The same goes for the two other top Democrats. They are sold out to their special interest groups, which happen to be the Open Borders Lobby. Sara Feinholtz and John Fritchey both ushered in in-state tuition for illegal aliens, they both voted to accept the Matricula Consular which is an invalid form of ID and they both voted to intimidate Employers in Illinois from using E-Verify a tool that helps businesses identify potential employees that are legally authorized to work in the United States.
Isn't that wonderful? Intimidate Employers who want to follow the law. And we will have the Sheeple in the 5Th district voting for these traitors to the American workers!! John Fritchey is bragging on the campaign trail that he is endorsed by the AFL-CIO. Well I got the same candidate survey as he did. The Union wanted me to agree to let illegal aliens organize and become part of the Union! I nearly fainted! Millions of Americans have lost their jobs recently and to get your endorsement, you want me to sell the American worker down the river? I BEG YOUR PARDON? Mr. Fritchey...YOU can have the endorsement of the AFL-CIO I DON'T WANT IT!!
Sher: Recently, Phoenix, AZ was named as the kidnapping capitol of the US and is also named as the 2nd kidnapping capitol in the world — just behind Mexico City. This is due to the drug cartels that have moved into Arizona. With the strong illegal alien presence in Illinois, are you also experiencing drug dealer kidnappings? If so, how do you plan to attack the problem when Illinois seems to embrace illegals?
Rosanna: I am not aware of kidnappings in Chicago, but I am aware that we have Law Enforcement officers in Chicago that are forced to deal with the Drug and Gang problem and are being out gunned. The plight of our Law Enforcement here in Chicago is part of why I want to go to Congress. To bring back dollars so our officers will not be in the position like the Border Patrol. It is like the good guys have little squirt guns and the bad guys have Uzis. Our murder and crime rate are through the roof. The morale of our Chicago Police has never been lower. It is just going to get tougher for these men and women. We need to make sure they have the best equipment available to fight crime, murders and drug thugs. Speaking of Law Enforcement officers, My Hero, Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorsed me for this Congressional seat. Coming from America's Toughest Sheriff it is a great honor! If I win the primary March 3rd 2009, I will ask Sheriff Joe to come and have a fundraiser for me in Chicago. We will auction off Pink underwear and serve Bologna sandwiches!!
Sher: On your campaign site, I read your account of the 2008 August 5th Chicago City Hall meeting of the Chicago politicians and the illegal immigrant lobby vs the Chicago PD and US citizens. With due consideration given to the fact that Chicago — as have many liberal-run major cities — given deference to illegal aliens over legal citizens, how do you propose that We-the-People overcome this huge and growing obstacle to our diminishing freedoms?
Rosanna: We must get involved in every level of government. These officials pass laws and do stupid things, like spend our money because we are not involved in the Political process. If people do not wake up and get involved soon, I am afraid all will be lost! What we are seeing is absolute insanity. But the American people continue to accept the status quo. Many of the Democrats running in this race are tied to special interest groups. Lobbyists are their best friends and they are bought off. The people of the 5th district can go fend for themselves. It is TRULY a time of taxation without Representation!
Sher: You're currently running for Uber-liberal Rahm Emanuel's now vacant congressional seat. With Illinois as a hard blue state and — if we are to believe the mainstream press — the current pro-socialism political climate in the country, how do you plan to overcome the leftist press and bring the truth to the people? So many still seem to be asleep to what's happening to our country. In your district, do you see any signs that some are beginning to wake up?
Rosanna: The American Spirit is what will make us rise above. People who love this country never cease to amaze me. Whether it is through the Internet or some other fabulous way, like BLOG TALK RADIO, we will get the truth out! It seems as though when people are suppressed, folks find a way around the tyranny!
People are waking up. The problem is they do not know what hit them. They have no idea that they were asleep and voted in people who have had a spending spree with their own money. People around them are losing jobs and homes. The reason they are waking up is because they are freaked out the country that they love is changing...NOT for the better! The media in Chicago has totally ignored the Republicans running in this race. The Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune have treated the Republicans shamefully and have only covered the Democratic Party, but then again that is why newspapers are bankrupt and going out of business! The only folks who buy the newspapers in Chicago are those folks who are house training their new puppies!!
The biggest problem with this election is that most folks are not even aware that it is happening, that's why it is so important to get the word out. I hope your readers will give folks in Chicago a nudge and ask their friends and family in this God Forsaken city, if they have gone out and voted in this special Primary Election! March 3rd 2009.
More Illegals in Illinois than California:
Rosanna Pulido 2009: http://www.rosannapulido2009.com/
Rosanna Pulido BIO: http://www.wikicover.com/Rosanna_Pulido
Sheriff Arpaio endorsement: http://rogersparkbench.blogspot.com/2009/02/warning-to-rosanna-pulido.html
© Sher Zieve
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