Arlen Williams
For voters now: names of a thousand neo-Marxist state legislators
By Arlen Williams
October 23, 2010

Spread the news now, while there is time:

A thousand more authoritarians who should not be making law for America.

One thousand to vote out, now through November 2nd.

This list was compiled by Progressive States Network last year, during the campaign for Obamacare. Their slogan is "National Change, State by State." Let them introduce themselves.

    Our Campaigns Overview

    Since its founding in 2005, Progressive States Network has worked to build a network of progressive legislators committed to working with grassroots advocates, progressive policy institutions, unions and community groups to move progressive policy and transform the political debate across the fifty states. Through our email communication, conference calls,conferences and other work, we have brought strong progressive elected state leaders together with one another and with their key organizational allies to allow for better information exchange, strategic cooperation across states, and a deepening of links between like-minded progressive legislators and advocacy groups within each state.

It is a petition by those who decided to join a group called State Legisltors for Progressive Health Care Reform.

    Over 1000 Legislators Sign Letters Supporting Federal Health Care Reform

    In 2009, legislators working with Progressive States Network joined together to form State Legislators for Progressive Health Care Reform. Over 1,000 state legislators signed letters urging the Obama Administration and Congress to pass comprehensive health care reform legislation, including the choice of a public health insurance plan.

By now, many Citizens have found out what a progressive is, but for an explanation in the context of Obamacare, you may wish to see, by J.B. Williams, "The Truth About Progressives — a.k.a. Marxist," from this past March. While it does not pedantically spell out progressive history, it makes the distinction between their neo-Marxism and American patriotism.

Mind you, I do not question the patriotism of progressives. They have no patriotism to question. A patriot is one who believes in, upholds, and promotes the principles of our founding fathers (hence the root word, pater in the ancient Greek).

These who would "progress" from the principle of the free moral agency, thus Sovereignty of the person, under God, who would therefore "progress" from America's Citizenship, State, and National Sovereignties, and would thus "progress" beyond the foundationally concrete American realities expressed in the Declaration and Constitution, are not with us in patriotism.

They are against us and their political efforts do deadly violence to America. But thank God, we have peaceful means to defend our country against this domestic enemy: let us make sure likely patriot with whom we can feasibly communicate knows enough to responsibly vote; then help them make sure they do.

The blog, Mind Numbed Robot has featured the names, quoting Progressive States Network as follows:

    State Legislators for Progressive Health Care Reform — The Letter

    Over 1000 Legislators Sign Letters Supporting Federal Health Care Reform

    In 2009, legislators working with Progressive States Network

    joined together to form State Legislators for Progressive Health Care Reform. Over 1,000 state legislators signed letters urging the Obama Administration and Congress to pass comprehensive health care reform legislation, including the choice of a public health insurance plan.

    986 from 50 states

    Additional State Letters in Support of Reform: Connecticut, New Mexico

    ALABAMA — 2

    Rep. Merika Coleman (AL)

    Rep. Patricia Todd (AL)

    ALASKA — 8

    Rep. Robert Buch (AK)

    Rep. Mike Doogan (AK)

    Sen. Johnny Ellis (AK), Member, AKS Health & Social Services Committee

    Sen. Hollis French (AK)

    Rep. Berta Gardner (AK)

    Rep. David Guttenberg (AK), Minority Whip

    Rep. Elizabeth Kerttula (AK)

    Rep. Chris Tuck (AK)

    ARIZONA — 26

    Sen. Amanda Aguirre (AZ), Member, Healthcare & Medical Liability Reform Committee

    Rep. Ed Ableser (AZ), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Olivia Cajero Bedford (AZ)

    Rep. Jack Brown (AZ), Minority Leader Pro Tem

    Sen. Meg Burton Cahill (AZ)

    Rep. Chad Campbell (AZ), Minority Whip

    Rep. Cloves Campbell (AZ)

    Rep. Tom Chabin (AZ)

    Rep. Steve Farley (AZ)

    Rep. Patricia Fleming (AZ)

    Sen. Jorge Garcia (AZ), Minority Leader

    Rep. Martha Garcia (AZ)

    Sen. Albert Hale (AZ), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Welfare

    Rep. Matt Heinz (AZ)

    Rep. Phil Lopes (AZ), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. David Lujan (AZ), Minority Leader

    Rep. John McComish (AZ), Majority Leader

    Sen. Debbie McCune Davis (AZ)

    Rep. Barbara McGuire (AZ)

    Rep. Ben Miranda (AZ)

    Rep. Lynne Pancrazi (AZ)

    Rep. Daniel Patterson (AZ)

    Sen. Rebecca Rios (AZ), Assistant Minority Leader

    Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Assistant Minority Leader

    Rep. Anna Tovar (AZ)

    Rep. Nancy Young Wright (AZ)

    ARKANSAS — 6

    Rep. Richard Carroll (AR)

    Sen. Joyce Elliott (AR)

    Rep. Steve Harrelson (AR)

    Sen. David Johnson (AR)

    Rep. Lindsley Smith (AR)

    Rep. Kathy Webb (AR)

    CALIFORNIA — 5 [~bot: Really? Five? From Cali?]

    Asm. Bob Blumenfield (CA)

    Asm. Jared Huffman (CA)

    Asm. Dave Jones(CA), Chair, Health Committee

    Sen. Mark Leno (CA), Member, Health Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Health, Human Services, Labor and Veterans Affairs

    Asm. Fiona Ma (CA)

    COLORADO — 20

    Rep. Dennis Apuan (CO)

    Sen. Morgan Carroll (CO), Member, Senate and Joint Houses Health & Human Services Committees

    Rep. Lois Court (CO)

    Rep. Mark Ferrandino (CO)

    Rep. Randy Fischer (CO), Deputy Majority Whip

    Sen. Joyce Foster (CO)

    Rep. Sara Gagliardi (CO), Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Dickey Lee Hullinghorst (CO)

    Rep. John Kefalas (CO), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Jeanne Labuda (CO)

    Rep. Claire Levy (CO), Majority Whip

    Rep. Beth McCann (CO)

    Rep. Michael Merrifield (C0)

    Rep. Joe Miklosi (CO)

    Sen. Linda Newell (CO), Member, Health & Human Services Committee

    Rep. Sal Pace (CO), Assistant Majority Caucus Chair

    Rep. Su Ryden (CO)

    Rep. Judy Solano (CO)

    Rep. Max Tyler (CO), Member, Health & Human Services Committee

    Rep. Edward Vigil (CO)


    Rep. Andres Ayala (CT) Member, Joint Committee on Public Health

    Rep. Theresa Conroy (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Michelle Cook (CT)

    Rep. Chris Donovan (CT), Speaker of the House

    Rep. Elizabeth Esty (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Kim Fawcett (CT)

    Rep. Mae Flexer (CT)

    Rep. Steve Fontana (CT), Co-Chair, Insurance & Real Estate Committee

    Rep. Henry Genga (CT)

    Rep. Linda Gentile (CT), Vice-Chair, Public Health Committee

    Rep/ John Geragosian (CT), Majority Caucus Chair

    Rep. Bob Godfrey (CT), Deputy Speaker

    Rep. Ted Graziani (CT)

    Rep. Auden Grogins (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Sen. Toni Harp (CT), Deputy President Pro Tempore

    Rep. John Hennessy (CT)

    Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield (CT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Ed Jutila (CT)

    Rep. Marie Kirkley-Bey (CT)

    Rep. Barbara Lambert (CT)

    Rep. Matthew Lesser (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Joan Lewis (CT), Assistant Majority Leader

    Rep. Christopher Lyddy (CT), Member, Joint Committee on Public Health

    Sen. Andrew Maynard (CT)

    Rep. David McCluskey (CT), Deputy Speaker of the House

    Rep. Denise Merrill (CT), Majority Leader

    Rep. Joseph Mioli (CT)

    Rep. Russ Morin (CT)

    Rep. Tim O'Brien (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Melissa Olson (CT), Deputy Majority Leader; Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Chris Perone (CT)

    Sen. Edith Prague (CT), Assistant President Pro Tempore

    Rep. Lonnie Reed (CT)

    Rep. Peggy Reeves (CT)

    Rep. Elizabeth Ritter (CT), Co-Chair, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Jason Rojas (CT)

    Rep. Kevin Ryan (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Ezequiel Santiago (CT)

    Rep. Peggy Sayers (CT), Deputy Majority Leader

    Sen. Gayle Slossberg (CT), Vice Chair, Joint Committee on Public Health

    Sen. Andrea L. Stillman (CT), Deputy Majority Leader; Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Peter Tercyak (CT), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Jack Thompson (CT), Assistant Majority Whip; Member, Human Services Committee Rep. Diana Urban (CT)

    Rep. Peter Villano (CT)

    Rep. Toni Walker (CT), Chair, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Roberta Willis (CT)

    Rep. Elissa Wright (CT)

    Rep. Bruce "Zeke" Zalaski (CT)

    DELAWARE — 1

    Rep. Bradford Bennett (DE)

    FLORIDA — 4

    Rep. Ronald Brise (FL)

    Rep. Keith Fitzgerald (FL), Member, Health and Family Services Policy Council

    Rep. Mark Pafford (FL), Member, Full Appropriations on General Government & Health Care

    Rep. Elaine Schwartz (FL), Ranking Minority Member, Healthy Seniors Appropriations; Member, Health and Family Services Policy Council Committee

    GEORGIA — 14

    Rep. Stacey Abrams (GA)

    Rep. Kathy Ashe (GA)

    Rep. Stephanie Benfield (GA)

    Sen. Robert Brown (GA), Minority Leader

    Sen. Gloria Butler (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Gloria Frazier (GA)

    Rep. Pat Gardner (GA), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health

    Sen. Emanuel Jones (GA)

    Rep. Sheila Jones (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Ralph Long (GA)

    Rep. Alisha Morgan (GA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Sen. Nan Orrock (GA), Member Ex-Officio, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Rashad Taylor (GA)

    Rep. Brian Thomas (GA)

    GUAM — 2

    Sen. Frank Aguon, Jr. (GU)

    Sen. Matt Rector (GU)

    HAWAII — 5

    Sen. Rosalyn Baker (HI)

    Rep. Denny Coffman (HI)

    Rep. Bob Herkes (HI)

    Rep. Michael Magaoay (HI)

    Rep. Roy Takumi (HI)

    IDAHO — 5

    Rep. Donna Boe (ID)

    Rep. Wendy Jaquet (ID), Minority Leader

    Rep. Phylis King (ID)

    Sen. Nicole LeFavour (ID), Member, Health and Welfare Committee

    Rep. Anne Pasley-Stuart (ID)

    ILLINOIS — 3

    Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie (IL)

    Sen. William Delgado (IL), Chair, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Susana Mendoza (IL)

    INDIANA — 4

    Sen. Sue Errington (IN), Ranking Minority Member, Health and Provider Services Committee; Member, Subcommittee on Public Health

    Rep. Matt Pierce (IN)

    Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon (IN)

    Sen. Vi Simpson (IN), Member, Health & Provider Services

    IOWA — 53

    Rep. McKinley Bailey (IA)

    Rep. John Beard (IA)

    Sen. Joe Bolkcom (IA), Member, Human Services Committee; Assistant Majority Leader

    Sen. Thomas Courtney (IA), Majority Whip

    Sen. Jeff Danielson (IA), President Pro Tempore

    Sen. Robert Dvorsky (IA)

    Rep. Gene Ficken (IA)

    Sen. Eugene Fraise (IA)

    Rep. Marcella Frevert (IA)

    Rep. Mary Gaskill (IA)

    Rep. Elesha Gayman (IA), Assistant Majority Leader

    Sen. Michael Gronstal (IA), Majority Leader

    Sen. Tom Hancock (IA)

    Sen. Jack Hatch (IA), Co-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee; Assistant Majority Leader

    Sen. William Heckroth (IA), Assistant Majority Leader

    Rep. Lisa Heddens (IA), Co-Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee; Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Robert Hogg (IA)Rep. Bruce Hunter (IA), Member, Human Services CommitteeSen. Pam Jochum (IA)Rep. Jerry Kearns (IA)Sen. Jack Kibbie (IA), Senate PresidentSen. Keith Kreiman (IA)Rep. Bob Kressig (IA)Rep. Vicki Lensing (IA)Rep. Jim Lykam (IA)Rep. Larry Marek (IA)Sen. Matt McCoy (IA)Rep. Pat Murphy (IA), Speaker of the HouseRep. Rick Olson (IA)Rep. Tyler Olson (IA), Member, Human Services CommitteeRep. Eric Palmer (IA)Sen. Herman Quirmbach (IA), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Nathan Reichert (IA)

    Sen. Becky Schmitz (IA), Vice-Chair, Human Resources Committee; Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee

    Sen. Brian Schoenjahn (IA)

    Rep. Thomas Schueller (IA)

    Sen. Joe Seng (IA)

    Rep. Mark Smith (IA), Chair, Human Resources Committee; Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee

    Sen. Steve Sodders (IA)

    Rep. Sharon Steckman (IA), Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Roger Stewart (IA)

    Rep. Kurt Swaim (IA)

    Rep. Dick Taylor (IA)

    Rep. Todd Taylor (IA)

    Rep. Phyllis Thede (IA)

    Rep. Roger Thomas (IA)

    Rep. Roger Wendt (IA), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. John Whitaker (IA)

    Rep. Wesley Whitead (IA)

    Rep. Nate Willems (IA)

    Rep. Cindy Winckler (IA)

    Rep. Ray Zirkelbach (IA)

    KANSAS — 4

    Rep. Sydney Carlin (KA), Member, Aging and Long-Term Care Committee

    Rep. Delia Garcia (KS)

    Rep. Annie Kuether (KS)

    Rep. Connie O'Brien (KS)

    KENTUCKY — 1

    Rep. Brent Yonts (KY)


    Rep. Rickey Hardy (LA)

    MAINE — 52

    Rep. Herbert Adams (ME)

    Sen. Justin Alfond (ME)

    Sen. Philip Bartlett (ME), Senate Majority Leader

    Rep. Henry Beck (ME)

    Rep. Seth Berry (ME), Majority Whip

    Sen. Lawrence Bliss (ME)

    Rep. Anna Blodgett (ME)

    Rep. Andrea Boland (ME)

    Sen. Peter Bowman (ME)

    Sen. Joseph Brannigan (ME), Chair, Health and Human Services

    Rep. Sheryl Briggs (ME)

    Rep. Mark Bryant (ME)

    Rep. Steven Butterfield (ME)

    Rep. Emily Cain (ME)

    Rep. James Campbell (ME), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Michael Carey (ME)

    Rep. Alan Casavant (ME)

    Sen. Margaret Craven (ME)

    Rep. Patsy Crockett (ME)

    Rep. Timothy Driscoll (ME)

    Rep. Robert Eaton (ME)

    Rep. Mark Eves (ME)

    Rep. Sean Flaherty (ME)

    Rep. Elsie Flemings (ME)

    Rep. Adam Goode (ME), Member, Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services

    Rep. Anne Haskell (ME)

    Rep. Teresea Hayes (ME)

    Rep. Jon Hinck (ME)

    Rep. Robert Hunt (ME)

    Rep. Melissa Innes (ME)

    Rep. Peter Kent (ME)

    Rep. Charles Kruger (ME)

    Rep. W. Bruce MacDonald (ME)

    Rep. Veronica Magnan (ME)

    Rep. James Martin (ME)

    Rep. Jeffrey McCabe (ME)

    Rep. Elizabeth "Lisa" Miller (ME)

    Rep. Wayne Mitchell (ME)

    Rep. Mary Nelson (ME)

    Rep. Andrew O'Brien (ME)

    Rep. Leila Percy (ME)

    Rep. Anne Perry (ME), Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services

    Rep. Matthew Peterson (ME), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Hannah Pingree (ME), Speaker of the House

    Rep. Diane Russell (ME)

    Rep. Linda Sanborn (ME)

    Rep. Michael Shaw (ME)

    Rep. Sara Stevens (ME)

    Rep. Peter Stuckey (ME), Member,Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Sharon Treat (ME), Chair, Joint Standing Committee on Insurance and Financial Services

    Rep. Richard Wagner (ME)

    Rep. Joan Welsh (ME)

    MARYLAND — 54

    Del. Saqib Ali (MD)

    Del. Charles Barkley (MD)

    Del. Pamela Beidle (MD)

    Del. Elizabeth Bobo (MD)

    Del. William Bronrott (MD), Deputy Majority Whip

    Del. Alfred Carr (MD)

    Del. Virginia Clagett (MD)

    Sen. George Della (MD)

    Del. Kathleen Dumais (MD)

    Del. Brian Feldman (MD), Member, Access to Mental Health Services Committee

    Sen. Jennie Forehand (MD), Deputy Majoirty Whip

    Del. C. William Frick (MD)

    Sen. Brian Frosh (MD)

    Del. Barbara Frush (MD)

    Del. Jim Gilchrist (MD)

    Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (MD), Member, Subcommittee on Health and Human Resources

    Sen. David Harrington (MD), Member, Access to Mental Health Services Committee

    Del. Sue Hecht (MD)

    Del. Anne Healey (MD)

    Del. Henry Heller (MD)

    Del. Sheila Hixson(MD)

    Del. Marvin Holmes (MD), Deputy Majority Whip

    Del. Carolyn Howard (MD), Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore

    Del. James Hubbard (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Public Health and Long Term Care

    Del. Tom Hucker (MD)

    Del. Jolene Ivey (MD)

    Del. Anne Kaiser (MD)

    Del. Stephen Lafferty (MD)

    Del. Susan Lee (MD), Deputy Majority Whip

    Sen. Mike Lenett (MD), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing; Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee

    Del. Gerron Levi (MD)

    Sen. Richard Madaleno (MD), Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Health, Education, and Human Resources

    Del. Roger Manno (MD)

    Sen. Nathaniel McFadden (MD)

    Del. Heather Mizeur (MD), Member, Health and Human Resources Appropriations Subcommittee

    Del. Peter Murphy (MD)

    Sen. C. Anthony Muse (MD)

    Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee; Chair, Subcommittee on Minority Health Disparities

    Del. John Olszewski (MD)

    Sen. Paul Pinsky (MD)

    Del. Victor Ramirez (MD)

    Sen. Jamie Raskin (MD)

    Del. Kirill Reznik (MD), Member, Health & Government Operations

    Del. Craig Rice (MD)

    Del. Barbara Robinson (MD)

    Sen. James Robey (MD)

    Sen. Jim Rosapepe (MD), Member, Subcommittee on Health; Assistant Deputy Majority Whip

    Del. Dana Stein (MD)

    Del. Shawn Tarrant (MD), Member, Health and Government Operations Committee

    Del. Herman Taylor (MD)

    Del. Frank Turner (MD)

    Del. Veronica Turner (MD), Member, Health & Government Operations; Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery & Financing

    Del. Kris Valderrama (MD)

    Del. Jeff Waldstreicher (MD)


    Rep. Willie Mae Allen (MA)

    Rep. Steven D'Amico (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

    Rep. Cory Atkins (MA)

    Rep. Ruth B. Balser (MA), Vice Chair, Public Health; Member, Mental Health & Substance Abuse

    Rep. Jennifer Benson (MA)

    Rep. William Brownsberger (MA)

    Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz (MA)

    Sen. Kenneth Donnelly (MA)

    Sen. James Eldridge (MA)

    Rep. Mark Falzone (MA)

    Rep. Jonathan Hecht (MA), Member, Health Care Financing Committee

    Sen. Patricia Jehlen (MA) Member, Joint Committe on Health Care Financing

    Rep. Jay Kaufman (MA)

    Sen. Thomas Kennedy (MA)

    Rep. Peter Kocot (MA)

    Rep. Jason Lewis (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Public Health; Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

    Rep. Barbara L'Italien (MA)

    Rep. David Linsky (MA)

    Rep. Liz Malia (MA) Chair, Joint Committee on Mental Health & Substance Abuse

    Rep. Matthew Patrick (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

    Rep. Denise Provost (MA)

    Sen. Stanley Rosenberg (MA)

    Rep. John Scibak (MA)

    Rep. Carl Sciortino (MA), Member, Joint Committee on Health Care Financing

    Rep. Frank Smizik (MA)

    Rep. Marie St. Fleur (MA)

    Rep. Benjamin Swan (MA)

    Rep. Timothey Toomey (MA), Member, Public Health Committee

    Sen. Steven Tolman (MA) Rep. Alice Wolf (MA), Chair, Joint Committee on Elder Affairs

    Rep. Marty Walz (MA)

    MICHIGAN — 11

    Rep. Fred Durhal (MI)

    Sen. Gilda Jacobs (MI), Vice Chair, Families and Humans Services Committee; Member, Health Policy Committee

    Rep. Deb Kennedy (MI)

    Rep. Mark Meadows (MI)

    Rep. Fred Miller (MI)

    Rep. Mike Simpson (MI)

    Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith (MI)

    Sen. Samuel "Buzz" Thomas (MI), Minority Floor Leader

    Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI)

    Rep. Mary Valentine (MI), Member, Health Policy

    Rep. Rebekah Warren (MI)

    MINNESOTA — 44

    Sen. Ellen Anderson (MN)

    Sen. Linda Berglin (MN), Chair, Health and Human Services Budget Division

    Rep. Kathy Brynaert (MN)

    Rep. Lyndon Carlson (MN)

    Rep. Jim Davnie (MN)

    Sen. Scott Dibble (MN)

    Rep. Al Doty (MN)

    Rep. Patti Fritz (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Committee; Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee

    Rep. Paul Garnder (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee

    Rep. Alice Hausman (MN)

    Rep. Jeff Hayden (MN)

    Rep. Frank Hornstein (MN)

    Rep. Melissa Hortman (MN)

    Rep. Larry Hosch (MN)

    Rep. Sheldon Johnson (MN)

    Rep. Phyllis Kahn (MN)

    Rep. Jeremy Kalin (MN)

    Rep. Kate Knuth (MN)

    Sen. Gary Kubly (MN)

    Rep. Carolyn Laine (MN), Member, Health Care & Human Services Policy & Oversight Committee

    Sen. Ron Latz (MN)

    Rep. Tina Liebling (MN), Vice Chair, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee

    Rep. Bernie Lieder (MN)

    Rep. Diane Loeffler (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee; Assistant Majority Leader

    Sen. Tony Lourey (MN)

    Rep. Carlos Mariani (MN)

    Rep. Sandra Masin (MN)

    Rep. Terry Morrow (MN)

    Sen. Mee Moua (MN)

    Rep. Joe Mullery (MN)

    Rep. Erin Murphy (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Policy and Oversight Committee

    Rep. Jerry Newton (MN)

    Rep. Michael Paymar (MN)

    Sen. Lawrence Pogemiller (MN)

    Sen. Yvonne Prettner Solon (MN), Member, Health and Human Services Budget Division Committee; Member, Health, Housing and Family Security Committee

    Rep. Roger Reinert (MN)

    Rep. Brita Sailer (MN)

    Rep. Bev Scalze (MN), Member, Health Care and Human Services Finance Division Committee

    Rep. Linda Slocum (MN)

    Rep. Loren Solberg (MN)

    Rep. Paul Thissen (MN), Chair, Health Care & Human Services Policy & Oversight

    Rep. Jean Wagenius (MN)

    Rep. John Ward (MN)

    Sen. Chuck Wiger (MN)


    Rep. Mary Coleman (MS)

    MISSOURI — 17

    Rep. Don Calloway (MO)

    Rep. Chris Carter (MO), Member, Healthcare Transformation Committee

    Sen. Rita Days (MO), Assistant Minority Floor Leader

    Rep. Michael Frame (MO)

    Rep. Tishaura Jones (MO), Member, Appropriations — Health, Mental Health and Social Services Committee; Member, Health Insurance Committee

    Sen. Jolie Justus (MO), Member, Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee

    Rep. Jason Kander (MO)

    Rep. Jeanne Kirkton (MO), Member, Health Care Transformation; Member, Appropiations — Health

    Rep. Sam Komo (MO)

    Rep. Margo McNeil (MO), Member, Health Care Policy Committee

    Rep. Charlie Norr (MO)

    Rep. Jeanette Oxford (MO)

    Rep. Paul Quinn (MO)

    Rep. Jill Schupp (MO)

    Rep. Mary Still (MO)

    Rep. Rachel Storch (MO), Democratic Caucus Deputy Whip

    Rep. Mike Talboy (MO)

    MONTANA — 26

    Rep. Dick Barrett (MT)

    Rep. Paul Beck (MT)

    Rep. Anders Blewett (MT)

    Rep. Forrestina "Frosty" Calf Boss Ribs (MT)

    Sen. Gary Branae (MT)

    Rep. Mary Caferro (MT), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Margarett Campbell (MT)

    Rep. Jill Cohenour (MT)

    Rep. Robyn Driscoll (MT)

    Sen. Ron Erickson (MT)

    Rep. John Fleming (MT)

    Rep. Julie French (MT), Member, Human Services Committee; Majority Whip

    Rep. Betsy Hands (MT)

    Rep. Teresa Henry (MT), Chair, Joint Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services

    Rep. Sue Malek (MT)

    Rep. Margaret MacDonald (MT)

    Rep. Dave McAlpin (MT)

    Rep. Pat Noonan (MT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Carolyn Pease-Lopez (MT), Member, Subcommittee on Health and Human Services

    Rep. Jennifer Pomnichowski (MT)

    Rep. Michele Reinhart (MT)

    Rep. Diane Sands (MT)

    Sen. Carolyn Squires (MT)

    Sen. Carol Williams (MT), Senate Minority Leader

    Rep. Franke Wilmer (MT)

    Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy (MT)

    NEBRASKA — 4

    Sen. Tanya Cook (NE)

    Sen. Ken Haar (NE)

    Sen. Danielle Nantkes (NE)

    Sen. Jeremy Nordquist (NE)

    NEVADA — 7

    Sen. Maggie Carlton (NV)

    Sen. Bob Coffin (NV)

    Asm. Ellen Koivisto (NV)

    Asm. Mark Manendo (NV)

    Sen. David Parks (NV)

    Asm. Peggy Pierce (NV), Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Committee

    Asm. Ellen Spiegel(NV), Member, Health and Human Services Committee


    Rep. Susan Almy (NH)

    Rep. Catriona Beck (NH)

    Rep. William Brennan (NH)

    Rep. Robert Bridgham (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Suzanne Butcher (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Edward Butler (NH)

    Rep. Timothy Butterworth (NH)

    Rep. William Butynski (NH)

    Rep. Daniel Carr (NH)

    Sen. Jacalyn Cilley (NH)

    Rep. John Cloutier (NH)

    Rep. Robert Cushing (NH)

    Rep. John DeJoie (NH)

    Rep. Rich DiPentima (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Susan Ford (NH)

    Sen. Martha Fuller Clark (NH), Senate President Pro Tem

    Rep. Jill Shaffer Hammond (NH)

    Rep. Valerie Hardy (NH)

    Rep. Timothy Horrigan (NH)

    Rep. Charlotte Houde-Quimby (NH)

    Rep. Pamela Hubbard (NH)

    Rep. Naida Kaen (NH)

    Sen. Sylvia Larsen (NH), President of the Senate

    Rep. Steven Lindsey (NH)

    Rep. Patrick Long (NH)

    Rep. Jim McClammer (NH)

    Rep. Evalyn Merrick (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Kate Miller (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Marcia Moody (NH)

    Rep. Lori Movsesian (NH)

    Rep. Susi Nord (NH)

    Rep. Jessie Osborne (NH)

    Rep. Phillip Preston (NH)

    Rep. Robin Read (NH)

    Rep. Kris Roberts (NH)

    Rep. Michael Rollo (NH)

    Rep. Cindy Rosenwald (NH), Chair, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Trinka Russell (NH), Member, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Tara Sad (NH)

    Rep. Donna Schlachman (NH)

    Rep. Dianne Schuett (NH)

    Sen. Kathleen Sgambati (NH), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Gilman Shattuck (NH)

    Rep. Stephen Shurtleff (NH)

    Rep. Carla Skinder (NH)

    Rep. Suzanne Smith (NH)

    Rep. James Splaine (NH)

    Rep. Robert Thompson (NH)

    Rep. Joy Tilton (NH), Member, Health, Human Services & Elderly Affairs Committee

    Rep. Charles Townsend (NH)

    Rep. Frank Tupper (NH)

    Rep. Lucy McVitty Weber (NH)

    Rep. Charles Yeaton (NH)

    NEW JERSEY — 2

    Asm. Herb Conaway (NJ), Chair, Health and Senior Services Committee

    Sen. Shirley Turner (NJ), President Pro Tempore

    NEW MEXICO — 23

    Rep. Elias Barela (NM)

    Rep. Gail Chasey (NM)

    Rep. Eleanor Chavez (NM)

    Sen. Carlos Cisneros (NM)

    Rep. Nathan Cote (NM), Legislative Health & Human Services Committee

    Sen. Dede Feldman (NM), Chair, Legislative Health and Human Service Committee

    Sen. Stephen Fischmann (NM)

    Rep. Miguel Garcia (NM)

    Rep. Karen Giannini (NM)

    Sen. Eric Griego (NM)

    Sen. Linda M. Lopez (NM)

    Rep. Patricia Lundstrom (NM)

    Rep. James Roger Madalena (NM)

    Rep. Ken Martinez (NM), House Majority Floor Leader

    Sen. Cisco McSorley (NM)

    Rep. William O'Neill (NM)

    Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (NM), Advisor, Legislative Health and Human Service Committee

    Rep. Danice Picraux (NM), Legislative Health & Human Services Committee

    Rep. Debbie Rodella (NM)

    Rep. Nick Salazar (NM)

    Rep. Edward C. Sandoval(NM)

    Rep. Mimi Stewart (NM), Chair, Health and Government Affairs Committee

    Sen. David Ulibarri (NM)

    NEW YORK — 8

    Asm. James Brennan (NY)

    Asm. Adriano Espaillat (NY), Member, Committee on Insurance

    Sen. Liz Krueger (NY)

    Asm. Joseph Lentol (NY)

    Asm. Barbara Lifton (NY), Member, Mental Health Committee

    Asm. Joan Millman (NY)

    Sen. Suzi Oppenheimer (NY)

    Sen. Eric Schneiderman (NY)


    Rep. Alma Adams (NC)

    Sen. Charles Albertson (NC)

    Rep. Kelly Alexander (NC)

    Rep. Martha Alexander (NC), Vice Chair, Mental Health Reform Committee; Member, Health Committee

    Rep. Larry Bell (NC)

    Rep. Alice Bordsen (NC)

    Rep. Angela Bryant(NC)

    Rep. Tricia Cotham (NC), Member, Health Committee

    Sen. Charlie Dannelly (NC)

    Sen. Katie Dorsett (NC), Vice Chair, Health Committee

    Rep. Beverly Earle (NC), Chair, Mental Health Reform Committee; Vice Chair, Health Committee

    Rep. Jean Farmer-Butterfield (NC)

    Rep. Susan Fisher (NC)

    Rep. Rosa Gill (NC)

    Rep. Rick Glazier (NC), Member, Health Committee; Member, Mental Health Reform Committee

    Rep. Melanie Goodwin (NC)

    Sen. Steve Goss (NC), Member, Health Committee

    Rep. Phil Haire (NC)

    Rep. Larry Hall (NC)

    Rep. Pricey Harrison (NC)

    Rep. Sandra Spaulding Hughes (NC), Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Verla Insko (NC), Chair, Health Committee

    Sen. Ed Jones (NC), Member, Mental Health & Youth Services

    Sen. Ellie Kinnaird (NC), Co-Chair, Mental Health & Youth Services Committee; Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Marvin Lucas (NC)

    Rep. Paul Luebke (NC)

    Rep. Nick Mackey (NC)

    Sen. Floyd McKissick (NC)

    Rep. Annie Mobley (NC)

    Rep. Earline Parmon (NC) Member, Health Care Committee; Member, Mental Health Reform Committee

    Sen. William Purcell (NC)

    Sen. Tony Rand(NC), Senate Majority Leader; Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Ray Rapp (NC), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Deborah K. Ross (NC), Minority Whip

    Sen. Josh Stein (NC), Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Cullie Tarleton (NC)

    Rep. Jennifer Weiss (NC), Member, Health Care Committee


    Sen. Tom Fiebiger (ND)

    Rep. Richard Holman (ND), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Lee Kaldor (ND)

    Rep. Jerome Kelsh (ND)

    Sen. Aaron Krauter (ND)

    Sen. Tim Mathern (ND)

    Sen. Carolyn Nelson (ND)

    Sen. Ryan Taylor (ND)

    Rep. Lonny Winrich (ND)

    OHIO — 5

    Rep. Edna Brown (OH), Chair, Subcommittee on Human Services

    Rep. Ted Celeste (OH)

    Rep. Michael Foley (OH)

    Rep. Robert Hagan (OH), Member, Health Committee

    Sen. Dale Miller (OH)

    OKLAHOMA — 4

    Rep. Ryan Kiesel (OK), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Al McAffrey (OK)

    Rep. Jeannie McDaniel (OK)

    Sen. Jim Wilson (OK), Member, Health & Human Resources Committee

    OREGON — 17

    Rep. Phil Barnhart (OR)

    Rep. Elizabeth Terry Beyer (OR)

    Rep. Peter Buckley (OR)

    Rep. Ben Cannon (OR)

    Rep. Michael Dembrow (OR), Member, Health Care Committee; Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Jackie Dingfelder (OR)

    Rep. Mitch Greenlick (OR), Chair, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Chris Harker (OR), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee

    Sen. Mark Hass (OR)

    Rep. Betty Komp (OR)

    Rep. Nancy Nathanson (OR)

    Rep. Tobias Read (OR)

    Sen. Diane Rosenbaum (OR), Assistant Majority Leader

    Rep. Chip Shields (OR)

    Rep. Jefferson Smith (OR)

    Rep. Carolyn Tomei (OR), Chair, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Brad Witt (OR)


    Rep. Mark Cohen (PA)

    Rep. Eugene Depasquale (PA)

    Rep. Todd Eachus (PA), House Majority Floor Leader

    Rep. Richard Grucela (PA)

    Rep. Patrick Harkins (PA)

    Sen. Vincent Hughes (PA)

    Rep. Babette Josephs (PA)

    Rep. Keith McCall (PA), Speaker of the House

    Rep. Barbara McIlvaine Smith (PA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Sen. Robert Mellow (PA)

    Rep. Phyllis Mundy (PA)

    Sen. Michael O'Brien (PA)

    Sen. Michael O'Pake (PA)

    Rep. Tony Payton (PA), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. Joseph Preston (PA)

    Rep. Josh Shapiro (PA)

    Rep. Chelsa Wagner (PA)

    Rep. Rosita Youngblood (PA)


    Sen. Luz Arce (PR)


    Rep. Edith Ajello (RI)

    Rep. Joseph Almeida (RI)

    Rep. Samuel Azzinaro (RI), Member, Health, Education, and Welfare Committee

    Sen. Elizabeth Crowley (RI)

    Rep. Roberto DaSilva (RI)

    Rep. Elizabeth Dennigan (RI)

    Sen. Frank Devall (RI)

    Rep. Grace Diaz (RI), Secretary, Health, Education and Welfare Committee

    Sen. Louis DiPalma (RI)

    Rep. Frank Ferri (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee

    Rep. Christopher Fierro (RI)

    Sen. Hanna Gallo (RI)

    Rep. Alfred Gemma (RI), Member, Health Care Oversight; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight

    Rep. Joanne Giannini (RI)

    Sen. Maryellen Goodwin (RI)

    Rep. Scott Guthrie (RI)

    Rep. Arthur Handy (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee

    Rep. Joy Hearn (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee

    Sen. Paul Jabour (RI)

    Sen. Charles Levesque (RI), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Sen. Erin Lynch (RI)

    Rep. Peter Martin (RI)

    Sen. John McBurney (RI)

    Sen. Michael McCaffrey (RI)

    Rep. Joseph McNamara (RI), Chair, Health, Education and Welfare Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight

    Sen. Joshua Miller (RI), Member, Health and Human Services Committee

    Rep. J. Patrick O'Neill (RI)

    Rep. Edwin Pacheco (RI)

    Sen. M. Teresa Paiva Weed (RI), Senate President; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight

    Sen. Rhoda Perry (RI), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight

    Sen. Juan Pichardo (RI), Secretary, Health and Human Services Committee; Member, Joint Committee on Healthcare Oversight

    Rep. Amy Rice (RI)

    Rep. Michael Rice (RI)

    Rep. Deborah Ruggiero (RI), Member, Health, Education and Welfare Committee

    Rep. David Segal (RI)

    Rep. Patricia Serpa (RI)

    Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross-Smith (RI)

    Rep. Raymond Sullivan (RI)

    Sen. John Tassoni (RI), Member, Health Care Oversight Committee

    Rep. Donna Walsh (RI)

    Rep. Charles Weed (RI)

    Rep. Anastasia Williams (RI)


    Rep. Anton Gunn (SC), Member, Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee

    Rep. Jay Lucas (SC)

    Rep. Anne Parks (SC)


    Rep. Elaine Elliott (SD)

    Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (SD), Minority Leader

    Sen. Sandy Jerstad (SD)

    Rep. Larry Lucas (SD)

    Rep. Eldon Nygaard (SD), Member, Health & Human Services Committee; Minority Whip

    Rep. Darrell Solberg (SD)

    Rep. Martha Vanderlinde (SD)


    Rep. Joe Armstrong (TN), Chair, Health and Human Services Committee; Chair, Joint Health Equity Committee

    Rep. Tommie Brown (TN)

    Rep. Kent Coleman (TN)

    Sen. Beverly Marrero (TN), Secretary, General Welfare, Health and Human Resources Committee

    Rep. Jeanne Richardson (TN), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee; Vice Chair, Subcommittee on Public Health and Family Assistance

    Rep. Johnny Shaw (TN)

    TEXAS — 35

    Rep. Alma Allen (TX)

    Rep. Roberto Alonzo (TX)

    Rep. Rafael Anchia (TX)

    Rep. Valinda Bolton (TX)

    Rep. Norma Chavez (TX)

    Rep. Ellen Cohen (TX), Member, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services

    Rep. Garnet Coleman (TX), Member, Public Health Committee

    Rep. Yvonne Davis (TX)

    Rep. Dawnna Dukes (TX), Vice Chair, Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services

    Rep. Jim Dunnam (TX)

    Sen. Rodney Ellis (TX)

    Rep. Jessica Farrar (TX)

    Rep. Pete Gallego (TX)

    Sen. Mario Gallegos (TX)

    Rep. Ana Hernandez (TX), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Abel Herrero (TX), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Scott Hochberg (TX)

    Rep. Terri Hodge (TX)

    Rep. Tracy King (TX)

    Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. (TX)

    Rep. Eddie Lucio III (TX)

    Rep. Diana Maldonado (TX)

    Rep. Marisa Marquez (TX)

    Rep. Armando Martinez (TX)

    Rep. Elliott Naishtat (TX), Vice Chair, Public Health Committee; Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Dora Olivo (TX)

    Rep. Solomon Ortiz Jr. (TX)

    Rep. Eddie Rodriguez (TX)

    Sen. Eliot Shapleigh (TX) Member, Health & Human Services Committee

    Sen. Carlos Uresti (TX), Member, Health & Human Services Committee

    Sen. Leticia Van de Putte (TX)

    Rep. Sylvester Turner (TX)

    Rep. Marc Veasey (TX)

    Rep. Armando Walle (TX)

    Sen. John Whitmire (TX)

    UTAH — 4

    Rep. Jackie Biskupski (UT)

    Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck (UT), Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee

    Rep. Christine Johnson (UT)

    Rep. David Litvack (UT), Member, Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee

    VERMONT — 132

    Rep. Janet Ancel (VT)

    Rep. Margaret Andrews (VT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Timothy Ashe (VT)

    Rep. William Aswad (VT)

    Rep. Kenneth Atkins (VT)

    Rep. Sonny Audette (VT)

    Sen. Claire Ayer (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee

    Sen. Susan Bartlett (VT)

    Rep. Clem Bissonnette (VT)

    Rep. Charles Bohi (VT)

    Rep. Bill Botzow (VT)

    Rep. Carolyn Branagan (VT)

    Rep. Christopher Bray (VT)

    Rep. Cynthia Browning (VT)

    Rep. Mollie Burke (VT)

    Sen. John Campbell (VT)

    Rep. Margaret Cheney (VT)

    Sen. Matthew Choate (VT), Clerk, Health and Welfare Committee

    Rep. Alison Clarkson (VT)

    Rep. Jim Condon (VT)

    Rep. Chip Conquest (VT)

    Rep. Michel Consejo (VT)

    Rep. Sarah Copeland-Hanzas (VT), Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Timothy Corcoran (VT)

    Rep. Gale Courcelle (VT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Ann Cummings (VT)

    Rep. Susan Davis (VT)

    Rep. David Deen (VT)

    Rep. Dennis Devereux (VT)

    Rep. Johannah Donovan (VT)

    Sen. William Doyle (VT)

    Rep. Sarah Edwards (VT)

    Rep. Alice Emmons (VT)

    Rep. Debbie Evans (VT)

    Rep. Peter Fagan (VT)

    Rep. Michael Fisher (VT), Co-Chair, Mental Health Oversight Committee; Vice-Chair, Human Services

    Sen. Ed Flanagan (VT), Vice Chair, Health and Welfare Committee

    Rep. William Frank (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee; Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Eldred French (VT)

    Rep. Patsy French (VT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Frank Geier (VT)

    Sen. Harold Giard (VT)

    Rep. Gary Gilbert (VT)

    Rep. Maxine Grad (VT)

    Rep. Adam Greshin (VT)

    Rep. Sandy Haas (VT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Robert Hartwell (VT)

    Rep. Helen Head (VT)

    Rep. Martha Heath (VT)

    Rep. Mary Hooper (VT)

    Rep. Steven Howard (VT)

    Rep. Richard Howrigan (VT)

    Rep. Tim Jerman (VT)

    Rep. Willem Jewett (VT)

    Rep. Mitzi Johnson (VT), Member, Mental Health Oversight Committee

    Rep. Kathleen Keenan (VT)

    Sen. M. Jane Kitchel (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee

    Sen. Sara Branon Kittell (VT), Member, Health and Welfare Committee

    Rep. Warren Kitzmiller (VT)

    Rep. Tony Klein (VT)

    Rep. Diane Lanpher (VT)

    Rep. Mark Larson (VT)

    Rep. Joan Lenes (VT)

    Rep. Lucy Leriche (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight; Assistant Majority Leader

    Rep. Robert Lewis (VT)

    Rep. William Lippert (VT)

    Rep. Jason Lorber (VT)

    Sen. Virginia Lyons (VT), Member, Health and Welfare Committee

    Rep. Terry Macaig (VT)

    Sen. Mark MacDonald (VT)

    Rep. Steven Maier (VT), Chair, Health Care Committee

    Rep. John Malcolm (VT)

    Rep. Ann Manwaring (VT)

    Rep. Michael Marcotte (VT)

    Rep. Richard Marek (VT)

    Rep. Cynthia Martin (VT)

    Rep. Linda Martin (VT)

    Rep. Jim Masland (VT)

    Sen. Hull Maynard (VT)

    Sen. Richard Mazza (VT)

    Sen. Richard McCormack (VT)

    Rep. Jim McCullough (VT)

    Rep. Francis McFaun (VT)

    Rep. Virginia Milkey (VT), Vice Chair, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Alice Miller (VT)

    Sen. Hinda Miller (VT)

    Rep. Sue Minter (VT)

    Rep. Mark Mitchell (VT)

    Rep. Anne Mook (VT)

    Rep. John Moran (VT)

    Rep. Mike Mrowicki (VT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Sen. Kevin Mullin (VT), Clerk, Health and Welfare Committee; Member, Health Access Oversight Committee

    Rep. Floyd Nease (VT)

    Rep. Betty Nuovo (VT)

    Rep. Anne O'Brien (VT), Co-Chair, Health Access Oversight; Chair, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Michael Obuchowski (VT)

    Rep. Pat O'Donnell (VT), Member, Health Access Oversight Committee; Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Scott Orr (VT), Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Carolyn Partridge (VT)

    Rep. Kathy Pellett (VT)

    Rep. Peter Peltz (VT)

    Rep. Paul Poirier (VT), Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Dave Potter (VT)

    Rep. Ann Pugh (VT)

    Sen. Doug Racine (VT), Chair, Health and Welfare Committee; Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Mental Health Oversight; Member, Health Access Oversight

    Rep. Kesha Ram (VT)

    Sen. Philip Scott (VT)

    Sen. Richard Sears (VT)

    Rep. Ernest Shand (VT)

    Rep. Dave Sharpe (VT)

    Sen. Peter Shumlin (VT)

    Rep. Megan Smith (VT)

    Rep. Shap Smith (VT)

    Rep. Robert South (VT)

    Rep. Kristy Spengler (VT)

    Rep. Tom Stevens (VT)

    Rep. Donna Sweaney (VT)

    Rep. Tess Taylor (VT)

    Rep. George Till (VT)

    Rep. Kitty Toll (VT)

    Rep. Larry Townsend (VT)

    Rep. Ira Trombley (VT), Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. Donald Turner (VT)

    Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson (VT)

    Rep. Kate Webb (VT)

    Rep. Rachel Weston (VT)

    Rep. Scott Wheeler (VT), Member, Health Care Committee

    Sen. Jeanette White (VT), Co-Chair, Health Access Oversight; Member, Mental Health Oversight

    Rep. Jeff Wilson (VT)

    Rep. Suzi Wizowaty (VT), Member, Health Care Committee

    Rep. John Zenie (VT)

    Rep. David Zuckerman (VT)

    VIRGINIA — 6

    Del. Kristen Amundson (VA), Member, Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

    Del. David Englin (VA), Member, Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee

    Del. Delores McQuinn (VA)

    Del. Jim Scott (VA)

    Del. Patricia Ticer (VA)

    Del. Jeion Ward (VA)


    Rep. Sherry Appleton (WA), Member, Health & Human Services Appropriations Committee

    Rep. Brian Blake (WA)

    Sen. Lisa Brown (WA), Majority Leader, Member, Health Care Costs and Access

    Rep. Reuven Carlyle (WA)

    Rep. Maralyn Chase (WA), Vice Chair, Environmental Health Committee

    Rep. Frank Chopp (WA), Speaker of the House

    Rep. Judy Clibborn (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee

    Rep. Eileen Cody (WA), Chair, Health Care and Wellness Committee

    Rep. Steve Conway (WA)

    Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (WA), Chair, Human Services Committee; Member, Environmental Health Committee

    Rep. John Driscoll (WA), Vice Chair, Health Care & Wellness Committee

    Rep. Hans Dunshee (WA)

    Sen. Darlene Fairley (WA), Member, Health and Long Term Care Committee

    Rep. Dennis Flannigan (WA)

    Sen. Rosa Franklin (WA), Vice Chair, Health and Long-Term Care Committee; Member, Health Disparities Committee; President Pro Tempore

    Sen. Karen Fraser (WA)

    Rep. Roger Goodman (WA)

    Rep. Tami Green (WA), Member, Health Care & Wellness Committee; Member, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Kathy Haigh (WA)

    Rep. Bob Hasegawa (WA)

    Rep. Zachary Hudgins (WA), Majority Floor Leader; Member, Environmental Health Committee

    Rep. Sam Hunt (WA)

    Rep. Ross Hunter (WA)

    Sen. Ken Jacobsen (WA)

    Sen. Fred Jarrett (WA)

    Rep. Ruth Kagi (WA)

    Sen. Claudia Kauffman (WA)

    Sen. Karen Keiser (WA), Chair, Health and Long-Term Care Committee

    Rep. Phyllis Kenney (WA)

    Rep. Steve Kirby (WA)

    Sen. Adam Kline (WA)

    Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (WA)

    Rep. Marko Liias (WA)

    Sen. Chris Marr (WA), Member Health & Long-Term Care Committee; Member, Comprehensive School Health Reform

    Rep. Marcie Maxwell (WA)

    Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe (WA)

    Rep. John McCoy (WA)

    Sen. Joe McDermott (WA)

    Rep. Mark Miloscia (WA), Member, Health & Human Services Appropriations

    Rep. Dawn Morrell (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee

    Sen. Ed Murray (WA), Majority Caucus Chair

    Rep. Sharon Nelson (WA)

    Rep. Al O'Brien (WA), Member, Human Services Committee; Member, Health & Human Services Appropriations Committee

    Sen. Eric Oemig (WA)

    Rep. Timm Ormsby (WA)

    Rep. Tina Orwall (WA), Vice Chair, Human Services Committee

    Rep. Jamie Pedersen (WA), Member, Health Care and Wellness Committee

    Sen.Margarita Prentice (WA)

    Sen. Craig Pridemore (WA)

    Sen. Kevin Ranker (WA)

    Sen. Debbie Regala (WA)

    Rep. Christine Rolfes (WA), Member, Environmental Health Committee

    Rep. Mary Helen Roberts (WA)

    Sen. Phil Rockefeller (WA)

    Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (WA), Majority Whip

    Rep. Larry Seaquist (WA) Vice Chair, Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee

    Rep. Mike Sells (WA)

    Sen. Paull Shin (WA), Vice President Pro Tempore

    Rep. Geoff Simpson (WA)

    Rep. Larry Springer (WA)

    Rep. Dean Takko (WA)

    Rep. Kevin Van de Wege (WA)

    Rep. Deb Wallace (WA)

    Rep. Scott White (WA), Assistant Majority Whip

    Rep. Brendan Williams (WA), Majority External Relations Leader


    Del. Bonnie Brown (WV)

    Del. Michael Ferro (WV)

    Del. Barbara Fleischauer (WV), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee

    Sen. Dan Foster (WV), Member, Heath & Human Resources Committee

    Del. Nancy Guthrie (WV)

    Sen. Jeffrey Kessler (WV)

    Sen. William Laird (WV)

    Del. Michael Manypenny (WV)

    Del. Charlene Marshall (WV)

    Del. Clif Moore (WV), Assistant Majority Whip

    Del. Don Perdue (WV), Chair, Health and Human Resources Committee

    Sen. Roman Prezioso (WV)

    Sen. Randy White (WV)

    Sen. Jack Yost (WV), Member, Health and Human Resources Committee

    WISCONSIN — 34

    Rep. Chuck Benedict (WI), Chair, Committee on Public Health

    Rep. Terese Berceau (WI)

    Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber (WI), Member, Health and Healthcare Reform

    Rep. Spencer Black (WI)

    Sen. Tim Carpenter (WI), Chair, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care and Job Creation Committee

    Sen. Spencer Coggs (WI), Member, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care and Job Creation Committee

    Sen. Jon Erpenbach (WI), Chair, Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee

    Sen. Dave Hansen (WI), Assistant Majority Leader

    Rep. Gary Hebl (WI)

    Rep. Steve Hilgenberg (WI)

    Rep. Andy Jorgensen (WI)

    Rep. Frederick Kessler (WI)

    Sen. Patrick Kreitlow (WI)

    Sen. John Lehman (WI), Majority Caucus Chairperson

    Rep. Cory Mason (WI)

    Sen. Mark Miller (WI)

    Sen. Nick Milroy (WI)

    Rep. Sandy Pasch (WI), Vice Chair, Public Health Committee; Member, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee

    Rep. Mark Pocan (WI)

    Rep. Sondy Pope-Roberts (WI)

    Rep. Jon Richards (WI), Chair, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee

    Sen. Fred Risser (WI)

    Sen. Judith Robson (WI), Member, Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue Committee

    Rep. Kelda Roys (WI), Vice Chair, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee

    Rep. Donna Seidel (WI), Member, Health and Healthcare Reform Committee; Assistant Majority Leader

    Rep. Christine Sinicki (WI)

    Rep. Jim Soletski (WI)

    Sen. Jim Sullivan (WI)

    Rep. Robert Turner (WI)

    Rep. Terry Van Akkeren (WI)

    Sen. Kathleen Vinehout (WI), Member, Public Health, Senior Issues, Long-Term Care, and Job Creation Committee

    Sen. Robert Wirch (WI)

    Rep. Josh Zepnick (WI)

    Rep. Ted Zigmunt (WI)

    WYOMING — 1

    Rep. Peter Jorgensen (WY)

    From the Connecticut and New Mexico additional letters:


    Rep. Christopher G. Donovan,

    House Speaker

    Sen. Donald E. Williams, Jr.,

    President Pro-Tempore

    Attorney General

    Richard Blumenthal

    Secretary of the State

    Susan Bysiewicz


    Denise L. Nappier

    State Comptroller

    Nancy Wyman

    Rep. Denise W. Merrill,

    House Majority Leader

    Sen. Martin M. Looney,

    Senate Majority Leader

    Rep. Minnie Gonzalez

    Rep. Kelvin Roldan

    Rep. Marie Lopez Kirkley-Bey

    Rep. Hector L. Robles

    Rep. Douglas McCrory

    Rep. Joan A. Lewis

    Rep. Jason Rojas

    Rep. Henry J. Genga

    Rep. Timothy D. Larson

    Rep. Ryan P. Barry

    Rep. John W. Thompson

    Rep. David A. Baram

    Rep. Andrew M. Fleischmann

    Rep. Beth Bye

    Rep. David McCluskey

    Rep. Demetrios S. Giannaros

    Rep. Elizabeth A. Boukus

    Rep. Tim O'Brien

    Rep. John C. Geragosian

    Rep. Peter A. Tercyak

    Rep. Sandy H. Nafis

    Rep. Russell A. Morin

    Rep. Antonio Guerrera

    Rep. Joe Aresimowicz

    Rep. Thomas J. Kehoe

    Rep. James A. O'Rourke

    Rep. Joseph C. Serra

    Rep. Gail K. Hamm

    Rep. James F. Spallone

    Rep. Ed Jutila

    Rep. Elizabeth Ritter

    Rep. Ernest Hewett

    Rep. Edward E. Moukawsher

    Rep. Elissa T. Wright

    Rep. Tom Reynolds

    Rep. Diana S. Urban

    Rep. Mae Flexer

    Rep. Steven T. Mikutel

    Rep. Melissa M. Olson

    Rep. Linda A. Orange

    Rep. Susan M. Johnson

    Rep. Bryan Hurlburt

    Rep. Claire L. Janowski

    Rep. Ted C. Graziani

    Rep. Kathleen M. Tallarita

    Rep. Karen Jarmoc

    Rep. Peggy Sayers

    Rep. Matthew J. Conway

    Rep. Maryanne Hornish

    Rep. Roberta B. Willis

    Rep. Michelle L. Cook

    Rep. Larry B. Butler

    Rep. Jeffrey J. Berger

    Rep. David Aldarondo

    Rep. Christopher A. Wright

    Rep. Frank N. Nicastro

    Rep. John "Corky" Mazurek

    Rep. Bruce Zalaski

    Rep. Emil Altobello

    Rep. Catherine F. Abercrombie

    Rep. Mary M. Mushinsky

    Rep. Steve Fontana

    Rep. Brendan Sharkey

    Rep. Vickie O. Nardello

    Rep. Mary G. Fritz

    Rep. Peter F. Villano

    Rep. Patricia A. Dillon

    Rep. Toni E. Walker

    Rep. Gary A. Holder-Winfield

    Rep. Juan R. Candelaria

    Rep. Cameron C. Staples

    Rep. Robert W. Megna

    Rep. Patricia M. Widlitz

    Rep. Michael P. Lawlor

    Rep. Matthew Lesser

    Rep. Deborah W. Heinrich

    Rep. Lonnie Reed

    Rep. Elizabeth Esty

    Rep. Linda M. Gentile

    Rep. Theresa W. Conroy

    Rep. Christopher Lyddy

    Rep. Joseph J. Taborsak

    Rep. Bob Godfrey

    Rep. Stephen D. Dargan

    Rep. Louis P. Esposito

    Rep. Paul Davis

    Rep. Barbara L. Lambert

    Rep. Richard Roy

    Rep. Terry Backer

    Rep. Charles D. Clemons

    Rep. Christopher L. Caruso

    Rep. Jack F. Hennessy

    Rep. Andres Ayala

    Rep. Auden Grogins

    Rep. Ezequiel Santiago

    Rep. Thomas J. Drew

    Rep. Kim Fawcett

    Rep. Joseph S. Mioli

    Rep. Chris Perone

    Rep. Kevin Ryan

    Rep. Bruce V. Morris

    Rep. Peggy Reeves

    Rep. Jim Shapiro

    Rep. Patricia B. Miller

    Rep. Gerald M. Fox

    Rep. William Tong

    Rep. Carlo Leone

    Rep. Kenneth P. Green

    Rep. Jason W. Bartlett

    Sen. John Fonfara

    Sen. Andrew Maynard

    Sen. Anthony J. Musto

    Sen. Thomas A. Colapietro

    Sen. Bob Duff

    Sen. Gary LeBeau

    Sen. Joseph J. Crisco, Jr.

    Sen. Mary Ann Handley

    Sen. Andrea Stillman

    Sen. Edward Meyer

    Sen. Toni Harp

    Sen. Edith G. Prague

    Sen. Thomas P. Gaffey

    Sen. Ed Gomes

    Sen. Donald DeFronzo

    New Mexico:

    Senator George Munoz, District 4

    Senator Carlos Cisneros, District 6

    Senator John Sapien, District 9

    Senator Linda M. Lopez, District 11

    Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino, District 12

    Senator Dede Feldman, District 13

    Senator Eric Griego, District 14

    Senator Cisco McSorley, District 16

    Senator Timothy M. Keller, District 17

    Senator Lynda Lovejoy, District 22

    Senator Peter Wirth, District 25

    Senator Bernadette Sanchez, District 26

    Senator Howie C. Morales, District 28

    Senator David Ulibarri, District 30

    Senator Mary Jane Garcia, District 36

    Senator Stephen H. Fischmann, District 37

    Senator Michael Sanchez, District 29

    Representative Ray Begaye, District 4

    Representative Elias Barela, District 8

    Representative Patty Lundstrom, District 9

    Representative Rick Miera, District 11

    Representative Eleanor Chavez, District 13

    Representative Miguel P. Garcia, District 14

    Representative Bill B. O'Neill, District 15

    Representative Antonio "Moe" Maestas, District 16

    Representative Edward C. Sandoval, District 17

    Representative Gail Chasey, District 18

    Representative Sheryl Stapleton Williams, District 19

    Representative Mimi Stewart, District 21

    Representative Benjamin H. Rodefer, District 23

    Representative Danice Picraux, District 25

    Representative Al Park, District 26

    Representative Karen E. Giannini, District 30

    Representative Joni Marie Gutierrez, District 33

    Representative Antonio Lujan, District 35

    Representative Jeff Steinborn, District 37

    Representative Nick L. Salazar, District 40

    Representative Brian Egoff, District 47

    Representative Nathan Cote, District 53

    Representative John Heaton, District 55

    Representative James Roger Madalena, District 65

    Representative W. Ken Martinez, District 69

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ end of list

    If you post info at your place and you'd like to be linked or just want to help, email me or leave a link in the comments.

    robot [at] mindnumbedrobot [dot] com

    Oct 3, 2010

    30 days left


    Just in case, here is the original letter, as posted on the PSN website.

    Letter text:

    Dear President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Members of the 111th US Congress:

    As leaders in state legislatures across the country, we urgently call on President Obama and the U.S. Congress to take up and pass comprehensive health care reform in 2009.

    The serious problems with health care in America ‚ ever-rising costs, limited access, inconsistent quality, and waste and inefficiency ‚ converge in the states. The effects of these problems stress state budgets, exhaust family resources, result in lost worker productivity, stifle entrepreneurial spirit, and literally cause tens of thousands of deaths each year.

    Our disjointed health care system has formed a choke-hold on our economy, limiting job growth and economic development. We cannot fix the economy without fixing health care.

    Over the past decade, state legislatures have debated and implemented a myriad of reforms to bring affordability, quality and fairness to health care in America ‚ designing solutions that reflect each state‚ unique economic, social, and geographic features. States play a vital role in the health care for hundreds of millions of Americans, by administering and helping to fund public programs like Medicaid and SCHIP, enacting innovations to expand access to public and private coverage, and serving as watchdogs of health insurance companies and other players.

    Yet, states cannot achieve guaranteed affordable health care for all without the investment, leadership and partnership of the federal government. Successful reform requires robust federal-state collaboration.

    Key priorities for reform are reflected in recent state initiatives and public opinion polls which show that Americans want more choices and options for quality health care. Americans recognize that the private sector alone has proven incapable of creating a high-quality, fair, and accountable health care system that works for all families. Therefore, a key priority for reform is the choice of a public health insurance plan that is available to businesses, individuals, and families. Another key priority is strengthening and expanding the Medicaid program with the help of enhanced federal support so that it can serve all low-income Americans. Related priorities include: guaranteeing affordability for individuals and businesses; preserving consumer choice of doctors; eliminating racial, ethnic, gender, and rural health disparities; ensuring shared responsibility among employers, individuals and government in financing health care; and, cost containment strategies that eliminate waste and inefficiency and improve quality, especially for people with chronic illnesses.

    Failure to pass national comprehensive health reform now will further jeopardize state and local budgets, undermining public services like education, public safety, and transportation infrastructure.The recently passed economic recovery package includes a number of positive health care measures, but these do not remove states from the critical list. Achieving a high-performing, affordable and quality health care system for all US residents is central to a sustainable economic recovery and to the health and financial security of all families, businesses, and governments.

    We, the undersigned, call on President Obama and the Congress to enact bold and comprehensive health care reform this year ‚based on these principles and a strong federal-state collaboration ‚and pledge our support as state legislators and allies in pursuit of guaranteed, high quality, affordable health care for all.

    This letter was developed in consultation with national health care reform advocates, including the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Community Catalyst, Families USA, Herndon Alliance, National Women's Law Center, Northeast Action, SEIU, and Universal Health Care Action Network.

And for a list of neo-Marxists in the United States Congress bold enough to have joined the Congressional Progressive Caucus, see "American Socialist Voter's 2009 List of Marxists in Congress."

© Arlen Williams


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