Michael Webster
Shooting war at the U.S. Mexican border
By Michael Webster
On June 7, during a scuffle with some rock-throwing Mexican teenagers in a concrete drainage canal near El Paso, Texas, a U.S. Border Patrol officer shot Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca, 15, in the head, killing him. Uniformed combat ready Mexican forces in the Rio Grande River channel bordering the two cities of El Paso and Juarez brandishing their weapons, assisted by Mexican bystanders throwing rocks and firecrackers, later chased off FBI agents investigating the shooting.
According to the self proclaimed Los Zetas drug cartel officer that I was Able to interview recently Mexican Drug Cartel solders shot in Arizona desert: Los Zetas officer says shoot to kill Americans in retaliation (He told me straight out that he believed two of his men were shot and killed recently in the desert in Arizona by American vigilantes and he would be taking revenge... ) told me that he was ordering his men to shoot any armed Americans they may come in contact with. The Zetas officer further warned that his solders are operating under his orders to stop any civilians or military personal caught erecting any barriers of any kind on the international border. He also threaten to place land mines and roadside bombs on the U.S. side of the border later, this fall when he says he expects major enemy activity. He further indicated that he is outfitting his men with armor-vests and cavalar helmets.
Just Saturday the Mexican Drug Cartels reportedly placed a car bomb in downtown Juarez Mexico. Just across the border from El Paso Texas, the city many feel is the most dangerous city in the world. Where Mexican Police and Mexican solders were the targets. Early reports say three people may have died or was wounded in the terrorist type attack. More and more the Mexican Drug Cartels are copying the world terrorist organizations from the middle east where they are not only picking up those dangerous and deplorable tactics. But, where they are also reported to get heroin and than smuggle the drugs into this country along with cocaine, marijuana and speed through the very drug smuggling corridors that are being contested.
...I am a federal employee.who often does field work near the border. Last week we were told to not travel to field sites within 5 miles of the border between Buenos Aires Nat Wildlife Refuge and Douglas, i.e basically the entire SE Arizona border. This decision was apparently based on communications with the Border Patrol and is supposed to be a temporary situation. I have no other information and don't know if any other agencies are issuing similar warnings. But, this leads me to believe that some US operation is planned or the Border Patrol is anticipating something from across the border....
And from an AZ insider.There is a huge gearing-up of ICE/BP regarding what may be a major drug enforcement Ops in southern AZ. Agents brought in from all over the US for a 2-3 month TDY. Unusual that all directives are coming from Napolitano's D.C. henchmen. With Napolitano's long history of adoration towards Mexican government officials, there is concern that this could lead to some type of giant ambush caused by our very own double agent (the Director of Homeland Insecurity). Something very peculiar is happening and I am concerned that AZ is going to be punished in a big way..some of the more seasoned agents are concerned about this Washington-driven investigation.Some think that this is going to be for show. Others are really concerned for their own health and safety.
The Arizona Citizen Militia according to there web site (http://www.arizonamilitia.com ) is mobilizing for an armed confrontation with the Mexican Drug Cartels along the U.S. Mexican Border. The leader of the group only known as "HammerDown" reported that his men are encountering armed uniformed Mexican Army regulars and uniformed paramilitary units in the field on our side of the border.
The site reports that ACM's Pima County Unit has requested additional volunteers to deal with a rapidly deteriorating security situation along our southern border. All County Units are directed to prepare for tactical ground operations.
There have been many confrontations between varies armed groups along the U.S. Mexican border over the years but those reports are up dramatically as U.S. Military, U.S. Border Patrol and private militia groups report an up tick in incidents' involving shots being fired, with some people being killed or wounded as a result. The unforgiving desert sun with temperatures often well over the century mark is helping to keep the led on a very volatile border situation for now but is expected to flare up this fall as temperatures moderate and where more combatants and innocent people will die.
Google or click on related articles & video:
Mexican Drug Cartels putting Americans in danger on American soil
Mexican Drug Cartel's Cash is King!
Unbelievable conditions in the Arizona desert
Many U.S. Parks, Monuments, Wildlife Refuges & Public Lands are too dangerous for U.S. public to use
The U.S. Gov: giving parts of Arizona back to Mexico
Two more Americans found dead in the Arizona desert
U.S. troops on the border: What does it mean?
Attention Concerned Citizens
Pinal Co. Sheriff Death Threats from Mexican Mafia
http://www.breitbart.tv/pinal-co-sh ... th-threats-from-mexican-mafia/
Sensing weakness, drug cartels issue warning to U.S. law enforcement
Monday, July 5, 2010
© Michael Webster
July 18, 2010
On June 7, during a scuffle with some rock-throwing Mexican teenagers in a concrete drainage canal near El Paso, Texas, a U.S. Border Patrol officer shot Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca, 15, in the head, killing him. Uniformed combat ready Mexican forces in the Rio Grande River channel bordering the two cities of El Paso and Juarez brandishing their weapons, assisted by Mexican bystanders throwing rocks and firecrackers, later chased off FBI agents investigating the shooting.
According to the self proclaimed Los Zetas drug cartel officer that I was Able to interview recently Mexican Drug Cartel solders shot in Arizona desert: Los Zetas officer says shoot to kill Americans in retaliation (He told me straight out that he believed two of his men were shot and killed recently in the desert in Arizona by American vigilantes and he would be taking revenge... ) told me that he was ordering his men to shoot any armed Americans they may come in contact with. The Zetas officer further warned that his solders are operating under his orders to stop any civilians or military personal caught erecting any barriers of any kind on the international border. He also threaten to place land mines and roadside bombs on the U.S. side of the border later, this fall when he says he expects major enemy activity. He further indicated that he is outfitting his men with armor-vests and cavalar helmets.
Just Saturday the Mexican Drug Cartels reportedly placed a car bomb in downtown Juarez Mexico. Just across the border from El Paso Texas, the city many feel is the most dangerous city in the world. Where Mexican Police and Mexican solders were the targets. Early reports say three people may have died or was wounded in the terrorist type attack. More and more the Mexican Drug Cartels are copying the world terrorist organizations from the middle east where they are not only picking up those dangerous and deplorable tactics. But, where they are also reported to get heroin and than smuggle the drugs into this country along with cocaine, marijuana and speed through the very drug smuggling corridors that are being contested.
...I am a federal employee.who often does field work near the border. Last week we were told to not travel to field sites within 5 miles of the border between Buenos Aires Nat Wildlife Refuge and Douglas, i.e basically the entire SE Arizona border. This decision was apparently based on communications with the Border Patrol and is supposed to be a temporary situation. I have no other information and don't know if any other agencies are issuing similar warnings. But, this leads me to believe that some US operation is planned or the Border Patrol is anticipating something from across the border....
And from an AZ insider.There is a huge gearing-up of ICE/BP regarding what may be a major drug enforcement Ops in southern AZ. Agents brought in from all over the US for a 2-3 month TDY. Unusual that all directives are coming from Napolitano's D.C. henchmen. With Napolitano's long history of adoration towards Mexican government officials, there is concern that this could lead to some type of giant ambush caused by our very own double agent (the Director of Homeland Insecurity). Something very peculiar is happening and I am concerned that AZ is going to be punished in a big way..some of the more seasoned agents are concerned about this Washington-driven investigation.Some think that this is going to be for show. Others are really concerned for their own health and safety.
The Arizona Citizen Militia according to there web site (http://www.arizonamilitia.com ) is mobilizing for an armed confrontation with the Mexican Drug Cartels along the U.S. Mexican Border. The leader of the group only known as "HammerDown" reported that his men are encountering armed uniformed Mexican Army regulars and uniformed paramilitary units in the field on our side of the border.
The site reports that ACM's Pima County Unit has requested additional volunteers to deal with a rapidly deteriorating security situation along our southern border. All County Units are directed to prepare for tactical ground operations.
There have been many confrontations between varies armed groups along the U.S. Mexican border over the years but those reports are up dramatically as U.S. Military, U.S. Border Patrol and private militia groups report an up tick in incidents' involving shots being fired, with some people being killed or wounded as a result. The unforgiving desert sun with temperatures often well over the century mark is helping to keep the led on a very volatile border situation for now but is expected to flare up this fall as temperatures moderate and where more combatants and innocent people will die.
Google or click on related articles & video:
Mexican Drug Cartels putting Americans in danger on American soil
Mexican Drug Cartel's Cash is King!
Unbelievable conditions in the Arizona desert
Many U.S. Parks, Monuments, Wildlife Refuges & Public Lands are too dangerous for U.S. public to use
The U.S. Gov: giving parts of Arizona back to Mexico
Two more Americans found dead in the Arizona desert
U.S. troops on the border: What does it mean?
Attention Concerned Citizens
Pinal Co. Sheriff Death Threats from Mexican Mafia
http://www.breitbart.tv/pinal-co-sh ... th-threats-from-mexican-mafia/
Sensing weakness, drug cartels issue warning to U.S. law enforcement
Monday, July 5, 2010
© Michael Webster
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