Michael Webster
Mexico's Catholic Church and President Felipe Calderon charge U.S. with corruption
By Michael Webster
The Catholic Church in Mexico today chimed in and sided with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon on the controversial subject of U.S. government corruption and demanded that the U.S. government have a "change of attitude" that involves a "serious anti-corruption program to eliminate the protection that — from the highest levels of power to the businessmen and public servants — is provided the traffickers, whose impunity makes possible the commerce and consumption of drugs."[SIC]
Last week we reported that Mexican President Calderon said that he blames U.S. "corruption" for hampering his nation's efforts to combat violent drug cartels.
"Drug trafficking in the United States is fueled by the phenomenon of corruption on the part of the American authorities," he said.
President Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."
Corruption on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border runs deep and can be found in the highest levels of both the Mexican government as well as the U.S.
President Calderon also told reporters that "Drug trafficking in the United States is fuelled by the phenomenon of corruption on the part of the American authorities," he said.
"It is not an exclusively Mexican problem, it is a common problem between Mexico and the United States," he said.
The Mexican President said, "I want to know how many American officials have been prosecuted for this [corruption]."
The Mexican Government since the Calderon administration says there have been many high ranking Federal, State and City Officials arrested and openly exposed to the world and many Mexicans agree with their President and are asking why is the U.S. not doing the same?
It is rumored that the Mexican Government is close to naming names of American officials who profit and or benefit from the huge amounts of cash generated in their country and in the U.S. by Mexican Drug Cartels.
There seems to be no U.S. Government Agency immune from corruption, the FBI, DEA, CIA, IRS, DOD, National Guard, Federal Air Marshals, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Customs, U.S. Marshalls, ICE, Dept of Commerce, U.S. Justice, U.S. State, and even our state and federal Judiciary and others, many of which are answerable to the top U.S. Agency "Homeland Security" This powerful organization was created during the Bush administration and its power reaches around the world.
After describing the US military as vain and bewildered, the hierarchy of the Church indicated in its weekly publication that Mexico has recognized the serious problem of corruption among its authorities and public servants and demanded that the U.S. do the same and initiate actions to keep watchful and clean out the public institutions that contribute to narcotraffic.
The periodical characterized the attitude of the U.S. as hypocritical and having double standards for offering Mexico assistance in the drug war, but on the other hand, demonstrating that it has little ability to control the traffic of drugs and flow of money in its own country.
The publication, which reflects the Church's position in Mexico, accused the U.S. of "having no intention of confronting the 'addict culture' in its own country or stopping the traffic of arms inside and outside its borders."
The popular Catholic weekly publication asked the question, what is the U.S. doing at home in order to put an end to their own drug distribution networks and drug addict's (which includes Mexican Drug Cartels and both Mexican and American gangs) and what are they going to do about the protection provided for highly placed drug traffickers and those who make a lot of money directly and indirectly from the trade besides just delivering puritanical and hypocritical speeches so characteristic of the U.S.
Information provided to the public by this and other reporters showed following a crash of a Gulfstream jet operated by the CIA allegedly for torture flights to Guantanamo and to other countries with loose torture laws. That particular aircraft it was found by rescue workers in Mexico to have contained 4 tons of high-grade Columbian cocaine.
With the raging war on drugs and terror authorities on both sides of the border are on the take. In a war that has cost billions of American tax dollars and a business that is believed by many to profit in the hundreds of billions, it is no wonder that officials from American street cops in the borders cities to the highest levels of both governments are benefiting financially from the illegal trade of smuggling drugs, humans, and terrorist into the U.S. via Mexican drug cartel smuggling routes that don't end at the border but continue North, East and West throughout the U.S.A.
More U.S. officials and cops have been caught in criminal activities then ever before.
Customs supervisor Walter Golembiowski and Officer John Ajello face narcotics, bribery and conspiracy charges after they were arrested for helping smuggle drugs and contraband through New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
According to a CNN report the investigation has led to the indictment and prosecution of more than 20 people from distributors to overseas sources of supply and the seizure of more than 600 pounds of imported hashish and other drugs from the United States and France.
Some Mexican legislators claim there is already covert action taking place in Mexico by the Americans and has taken many different forms reflecting the diverse circumstances in which it is being used.
According to Mexican authorities the U.S. military is covertly operating in Mexico and " have boots on the ground." They are also accelerating training using U.S. Military, CIA, DEA, FBI and U.S. Police advisers.
According to a high-ranking Mexican official, who wants to remain anonymous, the U.S.- Mexican border is the primary focal point for military operations. There are U.S. Army Special Forces secret operation bases in Mexico.
Reports of federal agents and cops being involved in drug and other crimes like smuggling humans, drugs, guns and cash are becoming more routine.
Still many more believe the estimates of corruption among our own officials are much higher then are currently being reported. This situation is seriously hurting America.
According to Paul Joseph Watson of Prison Planet, the corporate media will report on lesser drug smuggling scandals involving cops and customs agents, but when it comes to gargantuan sprawling U.S. Government agencies like the CIA, the silence is deafening.
Still the Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA which was forced to crash land in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula after it ran out of fuel was reported to have been used in at least three CIA "rendition" trips to Guantanamo Bay between 2003 and 2005.
Many Americans believe that the CIA run illegal arms to Central America and smuggled drugs back into the states during the Reagan Bush years.
Kevin Booth's underground hit documentary "American Drug War" features footage of former DEA head Robert Bonner admitting that the CIA was involved in cocaine smuggling operations.
Former DEA agent Celle Castillo, says he personally witnessed CIA drug smuggling operations funneled through terrorists that were also involved in kidnappings and the training of death squads on behalf of the U.S. government.
Investigative reporter Gary Webb was instrumental in exposing CIA cocaine trafficking operations before his alleged suicide in 2004. In the YouTube clip below, Webb traces the history of Agency involvement in drug smuggling and its links to financing wars in Central America.
Judicial Watch reports that corruption among federal officers guarding the U.S.-Mexico border is so rampant that the U.S. Government created an internal web site devoted to recently convicted border agents and lie detector tests will be administered to ensure future applicants don't already work for smuggling organizations.
The report further points out that the alarming growing number of agents with the Homeland Security agency in charge of protecting the U.S. from terrorists, drugs and illegal immigrants are collaborating with Mexican Drug Cartel operations allowing those same illegal immigrants, drugs, weapons and possibly terrorists into the country.
Mexican Drug Cartels use some of the same methods they use to attract Mexican officials to attract U.S. officials some of those tactics are used to also lure the American officials with women, sex and cash. In return, those hired to guard the border assure the safe passage of truckloads of illegal immigrants, drugs and other contraband into the United States. Some have even used their government-issued vehicles to shuttle illegal aliens from Mexico to safe houses north of the border.
Numerous low level border agents have been convicted for accepting bribes from Mexican smugglers in the last few years alone and investigations are pending against hundreds of others. One of the things that concerns the Mexicans is why are not the higher ups in the U.S. Government are not being exposed.
Mexico's President Calderon
M-3 Report
Mexican Catholic Church publication
El Universal Newspaper
The Mexican National Defense Department (Sedena)
The Mexican Federal Attorney General
Carlos Rico, Mexico's under-secretary of foreign affairs for North America
© Michael Webster
March 10, 2009
The Catholic Church in Mexico today chimed in and sided with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon on the controversial subject of U.S. government corruption and demanded that the U.S. government have a "change of attitude" that involves a "serious anti-corruption program to eliminate the protection that — from the highest levels of power to the businessmen and public servants — is provided the traffickers, whose impunity makes possible the commerce and consumption of drugs."[SIC]
Last week we reported that Mexican President Calderon said that he blames U.S. "corruption" for hampering his nation's efforts to combat violent drug cartels.
"Drug trafficking in the United States is fueled by the phenomenon of corruption on the part of the American authorities," he said.
President Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."
Corruption on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border runs deep and can be found in the highest levels of both the Mexican government as well as the U.S.
President Calderon also told reporters that "Drug trafficking in the United States is fuelled by the phenomenon of corruption on the part of the American authorities," he said.
"It is not an exclusively Mexican problem, it is a common problem between Mexico and the United States," he said.
The Mexican President said, "I want to know how many American officials have been prosecuted for this [corruption]."
The Mexican Government since the Calderon administration says there have been many high ranking Federal, State and City Officials arrested and openly exposed to the world and many Mexicans agree with their President and are asking why is the U.S. not doing the same?
It is rumored that the Mexican Government is close to naming names of American officials who profit and or benefit from the huge amounts of cash generated in their country and in the U.S. by Mexican Drug Cartels.
There seems to be no U.S. Government Agency immune from corruption, the FBI, DEA, CIA, IRS, DOD, National Guard, Federal Air Marshals, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Customs, U.S. Marshalls, ICE, Dept of Commerce, U.S. Justice, U.S. State, and even our state and federal Judiciary and others, many of which are answerable to the top U.S. Agency "Homeland Security" This powerful organization was created during the Bush administration and its power reaches around the world.
After describing the US military as vain and bewildered, the hierarchy of the Church indicated in its weekly publication that Mexico has recognized the serious problem of corruption among its authorities and public servants and demanded that the U.S. do the same and initiate actions to keep watchful and clean out the public institutions that contribute to narcotraffic.
The periodical characterized the attitude of the U.S. as hypocritical and having double standards for offering Mexico assistance in the drug war, but on the other hand, demonstrating that it has little ability to control the traffic of drugs and flow of money in its own country.
The publication, which reflects the Church's position in Mexico, accused the U.S. of "having no intention of confronting the 'addict culture' in its own country or stopping the traffic of arms inside and outside its borders."
The popular Catholic weekly publication asked the question, what is the U.S. doing at home in order to put an end to their own drug distribution networks and drug addict's (which includes Mexican Drug Cartels and both Mexican and American gangs) and what are they going to do about the protection provided for highly placed drug traffickers and those who make a lot of money directly and indirectly from the trade besides just delivering puritanical and hypocritical speeches so characteristic of the U.S.
Information provided to the public by this and other reporters showed following a crash of a Gulfstream jet operated by the CIA allegedly for torture flights to Guantanamo and to other countries with loose torture laws. That particular aircraft it was found by rescue workers in Mexico to have contained 4 tons of high-grade Columbian cocaine.
With the raging war on drugs and terror authorities on both sides of the border are on the take. In a war that has cost billions of American tax dollars and a business that is believed by many to profit in the hundreds of billions, it is no wonder that officials from American street cops in the borders cities to the highest levels of both governments are benefiting financially from the illegal trade of smuggling drugs, humans, and terrorist into the U.S. via Mexican drug cartel smuggling routes that don't end at the border but continue North, East and West throughout the U.S.A.
More U.S. officials and cops have been caught in criminal activities then ever before.
Customs supervisor Walter Golembiowski and Officer John Ajello face narcotics, bribery and conspiracy charges after they were arrested for helping smuggle drugs and contraband through New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.
According to a CNN report the investigation has led to the indictment and prosecution of more than 20 people from distributors to overseas sources of supply and the seizure of more than 600 pounds of imported hashish and other drugs from the United States and France.
Some Mexican legislators claim there is already covert action taking place in Mexico by the Americans and has taken many different forms reflecting the diverse circumstances in which it is being used.
According to Mexican authorities the U.S. military is covertly operating in Mexico and " have boots on the ground." They are also accelerating training using U.S. Military, CIA, DEA, FBI and U.S. Police advisers.
According to a high-ranking Mexican official, who wants to remain anonymous, the U.S.- Mexican border is the primary focal point for military operations. There are U.S. Army Special Forces secret operation bases in Mexico.
Reports of federal agents and cops being involved in drug and other crimes like smuggling humans, drugs, guns and cash are becoming more routine.
Still many more believe the estimates of corruption among our own officials are much higher then are currently being reported. This situation is seriously hurting America.
According to Paul Joseph Watson of Prison Planet, the corporate media will report on lesser drug smuggling scandals involving cops and customs agents, but when it comes to gargantuan sprawling U.S. Government agencies like the CIA, the silence is deafening.
Still the Florida based Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA which was forced to crash land in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula after it ran out of fuel was reported to have been used in at least three CIA "rendition" trips to Guantanamo Bay between 2003 and 2005.
Many Americans believe that the CIA run illegal arms to Central America and smuggled drugs back into the states during the Reagan Bush years.
Kevin Booth's underground hit documentary "American Drug War" features footage of former DEA head Robert Bonner admitting that the CIA was involved in cocaine smuggling operations.
Former DEA agent Celle Castillo, says he personally witnessed CIA drug smuggling operations funneled through terrorists that were also involved in kidnappings and the training of death squads on behalf of the U.S. government.
Investigative reporter Gary Webb was instrumental in exposing CIA cocaine trafficking operations before his alleged suicide in 2004. In the YouTube clip below, Webb traces the history of Agency involvement in drug smuggling and its links to financing wars in Central America.
Judicial Watch reports that corruption among federal officers guarding the U.S.-Mexico border is so rampant that the U.S. Government created an internal web site devoted to recently convicted border agents and lie detector tests will be administered to ensure future applicants don't already work for smuggling organizations.
The report further points out that the alarming growing number of agents with the Homeland Security agency in charge of protecting the U.S. from terrorists, drugs and illegal immigrants are collaborating with Mexican Drug Cartel operations allowing those same illegal immigrants, drugs, weapons and possibly terrorists into the country.
Mexican Drug Cartels use some of the same methods they use to attract Mexican officials to attract U.S. officials some of those tactics are used to also lure the American officials with women, sex and cash. In return, those hired to guard the border assure the safe passage of truckloads of illegal immigrants, drugs and other contraband into the United States. Some have even used their government-issued vehicles to shuttle illegal aliens from Mexico to safe houses north of the border.
Numerous low level border agents have been convicted for accepting bribes from Mexican smugglers in the last few years alone and investigations are pending against hundreds of others. One of the things that concerns the Mexicans is why are not the higher ups in the U.S. Government are not being exposed.
Mexico's President Calderon
M-3 Report
Mexican Catholic Church publication
El Universal Newspaper
The Mexican National Defense Department (Sedena)
The Mexican Federal Attorney General
Carlos Rico, Mexico's under-secretary of foreign affairs for North America
© Michael Webster
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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