David R. Usher
Ladies, you must prevent cheating
By David R. Usher
July 30, 2009

Fox New's LaToya Foster made a good start holding women responsible for chasing rich or powerful men in her latest piece Ladies, Only YOU Can Prevent Cheating. Beyond Foster's piece resides the reasons why so many women behave this way at the expense of other women.

Rich and powerful men ranging from Hollywood stars to politicians are literally stalked every day by lovely gigalettes in flirty clothing. These women aggressively chase powerful married men hoping to displace the man's wife, blackmail him into supporting an elective single-mother lifestyle, or get famous and make it big in Hollywood.

Using power to get sex is illegal in business. We call it sexual harassment. Men get sued for this every day. But using sex to seize power and money in or out of business is a fully legal and entitled activity — especially when the woman gets herself pregnant.

In France, mistressing is not unusual, nor is it commonly a blackmail profession leading to forced entitlement by governmental fiat. French socialist women don't mind sharing the wealth a bit with other women. Mistressing is morally corrupt — perhaps one step away from polygamy or prostitution — but it is not as destructive as the American way.

American "mistressing" is far worse from perspectives of morals, marriage, and public safety because it is founded on entrepreneurial predatory behavior by women. Our arrangement uses babies as pawns in the continuing feminist war on marriage.

In the U.S., there are many ladder-climbing gigalettes who have no qualms about becoming super-entitled single parents. The Title IV system baits women to profitably invade the marriages of other women, and then we wonder why they do it. The richer the man, the better.

As we see in the case of John Edwards, this attitude is moving to America. There are simply too many single women willing to loot other women's marriages, and a lot of married women not willing to give up their seat at the front of the bus when it happens.

Gigalettes certainly appear to want it that way — becoming freewheeling entitled mistresses living the feminist dream. This is specifically why these women go after powerful married men, avoiding powerful single or available men. Unfortunately, predatory mistressing often does not work well for them or their children.

Men often take all the blame for these situations. This is unfair to them. It is not easy to rebuff the wiles of an army of captivating women expert at man magnetism. Women who happily barge into other women's marriages certainly deserve far more public attention and condemnation than currently paid. After all, America has a record number of available unmarried men they should be focusing their futures on.

Some gigalettes are (at least to some degree) political operatives working to destroy the targeted politician. Any woman can legally "assassinate" a politician by placing him in a sexually compromising position. You will notice there has been a lot of this style of community activism against key conservatives lately. Feminists are experts at sexual warfare. We can expect that at least some of the take-downs of conservatives were organized by liberal political action groups — the women likely paid to do so.

This effect is not limited to the tremendously rich or powerful men. We see it happening to middle-class men who are often taken advantage of by poor or uneducated women looking for a steady gravy train to support a single-mother lifestyle.

Women who attack other women's marriages make a tragic mistake: Marriage is the only institution that guarantees women everything they need from men. A woman who take the cheap route rarely does anywhere near as well as she would if she were a man's loving wife.

That wedding ring is there for a reason beyond the obvious one: to tell others to take their business elsewhere. Wise men and women take their business elsewhere and end up successful for it. The unwise usually end up in a mess.

But the root of the problem rests not with blaming men or women for these situations. The finger must be pointed squarely at Congress for continuing to expand entitlements destroying marriage and the futures of millions of women and children. We cannot blame women for pursuing fully legal entitlements.

We must hold Congress responsible for funding the wanton destruction of marriage and the widespread social and economic destruction. A good chunk of the $800-billion HHS budget directly or indirectly drives America's marriage-absence problem.

Marriage-absence drives our greatest national fiscal problems such as the lack of health care coverage, retirement shortfalls, the home loan crisis, exploding illegitimacy rates, and increasing poverty of women and children. Marriage Values reforms of federal law are long overdue and will be welcomed by the vast majority of taxpayers and businesses.

Women who voted for Obama in droves will again be disappointed — Democrats cannot replace the natural advantages of marriage with governmental substitutes at any cost. Women who voted for Obama will not get free housing, cars, or sustainable communities at any cost.

Conservatives will recapture Congress and the Presidency only when they pursue brilliant Marriage Values policy changes and demonstrate to both women and men that marriage always delivers the best prospects for individual and mutual success and happiness.

Behind every successful Congressperson is almost always a successful wife or husband. While not everyone can be a Congressperson, just about everyone wants success. The next conservative revolution will begin with inclusive and strong Marriage Values leadership that will lead by example and then deliver to all Americans policy changes ensuring the freedom, liberty, and benefits that only marriage delivers.

© David R. Usher


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