Joan Swirsky
Pretty counts, and pretty girls know from the time they’re two years old that prettiness has power.
Brains count, and pretty girls with brains are quite thrilled when they realize––about age four or five––that they’ve been doubly blessed.
Pretty, brainy black girls who were born into the right era came of age during the Obama regime. But sometimes those pretty, brainy black girls realized that if they wanted to get noticed, they could never join the poor-me, I’m-a-victim, racist mantra of Obama’s Democrat Party.
They knew they would have to distinguish themselves in an original and unexpected way, sort of like the hooker Gypsy Rose Lee in the Broadway musical “Gypsy,” who sang "Ya Gotta Have a Gimmick."
Or sort of like the Christian satirists at Babylon Bee, who amusingly played this unfortunate controversy for laughs just before Christmas.
Aha! Why don’t we go the conservative route? Here is just one list of strong, independent-thinking, and often courageous black women who were authentic in their embrace of conservatism.
Also on that list is pretty, brainy black Candace Owens, but who was 100% fake and fraudulent in her conservatism––which itself is not racist––but who cleverly used that political identity to insinuate her way into widespread recognition.
From the start of her Oscar-worthy performance as an authentic conservative, Candace wanted you to know that she was nothing like those historically racist Democrats who created the Ku Klux Klan and created the Jim Crow laws which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities and were embraced by President Woodrow Wilson, Alabama Governor George Wallace (“segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”) and West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd, et al. – all Democrats! The Party that also voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Acts of 1968, and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972.
Ms. Smarty Pants Candace wanted you to know how loathsome she considered racism and that she was acutely aware of and in contempt of the facts that:
- In the 1980s, Democrat Senator Joe Biden supported the election of Robert Byrd (D-WVA), a former Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan who also recruited 150 of his friends to start a new KKK chapter, as well as using the N-word on live television in 2001. When Sen. Byrd died, Sen. Biden delivered an impassioned eulogy about his treasured friend.
- In the 1970s, a Democrat Congress named the Old Senate Office Building in honor of Richard Russell, a staunch segregationist from Georgia.
- And going back, in the late 1930s, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt nominated Hugo Black, also a former Klansman, to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served for decades.
- Even further back, it was Democrats who fought ferociously against President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed 3.5 million black slaves.
Ms. Candace wanted to emphasize that she, Ms. Conservative, was totally unlike those vicious racist Democrats, those “tolerant” liberals.
Then came October 7, 2023, when the career terrorists from Hamas violently raped, tortured, and gleefully slaughtered 1,200 Israeli civilians, took hundreds of hostages, and then filmed their savagery in order for the world to see their maniacal, murderous mentality.
Apparently, this bloodthirsty act animated Candace Owens, mobilized something within her that she had successfully concealed from the people who put her on the map––most prominently Orthodox Jews Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro––and unleashed her colossally virulent, indeed malignant, hatred of both Jews and Israel. Just go to any search engine and put in Candace Owens – antisemitism to see the geyser of invective and lies she has vomited out since October 7, 2023.
Since then, she has been a leader in the pack of anti-Semites which recently garnered her the top award––among stiff competition––from StopAntisemitism.org as Anti-Semite of the Year for her non-stop blood libels, manufactured narratives, vicious lies, and fanatical obsession with, yep, both Jews and Israel…even going so far on her YouTube channel to defend Hitler and question historical facts about the Holocaust.
In the history of the world, there has never been a baby born with hate in his or her heart. Hate is taught. Hate is learned, usually at a very early age, from people who have great influence in shaping the thoughts and feelings of the recipients of their hate.
Did Candace learn her volcanic hatred of Jews from her parents, teachers, coaches, counselors, religious gurus, TV, radio, Democrats?
Or is Candace yet another “I’m a victim” black person who is angry that Democrats destroyed the black family, and that Democrats destroyed black education, but like them suffers from terminal envy at the success of the Jews, who only comprise a miniscule 0.2 percent in America––or about six million Jews, out of a population of over 330 million––while blacks comprise a significantly greater number at 14 percent?
The human race is driven by emotion. It’s nice to fantasize that we’re driven by empiricism, facts, objective truths. But both history and everyday life contradict that fantasy. Emotion rules the day.
The most powerful human emotion is fear. We all know that it was fear that literally shut down the entire world because of the Covid-19 so-called pandemic.
The second most powerful emotion is jealousy. Most crimes––including murder––are committed in the name of this raging sentiment, and lesser crimes and everyday hostility are also caused by the monster of green-eyed envy.
On the surface, it seems obvious that Candace and her ilk are experiencing blind jealousy. “How come,” they seem to be asking themselves, “that with all my intelligence, talent, charm, connections, good looks and money, it’s the Jews who run Hollywood and the music business and Wall St. and the media…and me???”
After jealousy, the third and hugely powerful emotion is anger, an easy emotion to access, whether it involves dealing with an irritating relative, witnessing a boyfriend who hurt your daughter’s feelings, hitting a pothole that breaks your axle, even trying to reach your doctor by pushing 2, then 4, then 7, then more horrible music.
Underneath the paralyzing layer of fear, below the obsessive nature of jealousy, under the blind rage and anger, there is the devastating emotion of despair. Of feeling that it’s all too much, too impossible, too overwhelming. This is the stuff of clinical depression. This is the stuff of suicide.
After all, fear and jealousy and anger are mobilizing! What can I do? Which protest group can I join? Who can I wreak my revenge on?
But despair has no allies. It is lonely. It is scary. It is immobilizing.
It is also what the legion of anti-Semites are most afraid of, with good reason, as suicides among blacks have recently escalated dramatically.
Is this what Candace Owens’ fanatical obsession with Jews and Israel is all about? Does this explain her fulminating vomitus of rage? Is she fleeing from despair, or is she exulting in being the b-lack version of David Duke?
Bottom line, it doesn’t matter. Like all soapbox fanatics, her influence will wane, and she will join the pantheon of other racists who are remembered solely for their rank repulsive racist hatred.
At this point, Candace fits neatly into my Vessel Theory of human behavior, which is simply that no matter how fancy or decorative a [human] vessel appears to be, the real measure of its value is its contents. A beautiful crystal vase, for instance, might contain urine; a ceramic creation, sludge, while a plain vessel might pour out pure spring water.
Lesson: what’s inside is the real thing!
The absolute cure for black rage, jealousy, anger, and despair lies in one simple word: Emulate!
Spend one month of your entire life living with an observant Jewish family, reading the Bible, learning of the extreme emphasis Jews place on family unity, education, philanthropy, and mitzvahs––good deeds that can range from a simple smile to building a cancer research center to rushing all over the world to help in disaster areas.
Study why Jews, because of vicious discrimination, were forced literally to create Hollywood, why they were forced to build some of the best medical and research centers in America because they were barred from internships and residencies; the list of survival strategies is long and impressive.
Stop your jealousy. Stop your rage. Start joining us Jews in fighting the real enemy, the actual powerful forces that have kept you down, defeated, and depressed: Liberals, Leftists, and Progressive Democrats and a horrific public-education system.
Or, alternatively, stay in your perpetual rageful victim mode and see how far you’ve progressed in the next five or 10 or 1,000 years!
Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author. Her website is www.joanswirsky.com, and she can be reached at joanswirsky@gmail.com
© Joan SwirskyThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.