Joan Swirsky
Democrats’ destroy-Trump efforts almost comical
By Joan Swirsky
September 14, 2020

For the past 50 or more years, the Democrat Party––always left-wing but today viciously anti-American and virulently anti-Semitic––has worked tirelessly to inflict its worldview on everyone in America.

By stealthily infiltrating our media, our schools (from pre-school to universities),
and—since Obama—our intelligence services and military, Democrats have sought to convince our electorate that high taxes, open borders, sanctuary cities, shipping manufacturing jobs to foreign countries, post-birth infanticide, and total government control from cradle to grave are good––and that the U.S. Constitution, capitalism, high employment, law and order, indeed patriotism, are bad.

No one has spelled out the devolution of the Democrat Party and the key players responsible for its demise more comprehensively than writer Shari Goodman––read her entire article here!


Since the election of 2016, when business mogul Donald J. Trump outsmarted 20 Republican opponents, nearly all seasoned politicians, and trounced Hillary in the Electoral College to win the presidency, Democrats seem to have contracted a mutating virus a thousand times worse than Covid-19.

The anti-Trump symptoms are identical in all of those “tolerant” Regressives who—

  • Shout down opposing views.

  • Spew insults and epithets.

  • Create falsehoods and pretend they’re true.

  • Support the domestic anarchists and terrorists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa and the vast destruction they’ve sown for the last four months.

  • Vow to vote for a seriously impaired candidate who was accused by his running mate of both racism and sexism during the primaries.

Almost comical!


Of course the real reason for this growing derangement is that President Trump convincingly exposed the deep criminality of Big Government and systemic arrangements that have cost the American taxpayer billions of dollars each year:

  • The Obama-Biden regime’s weaponizing of the FBI, CIA, and the FISA Court, resulting in ongoing investigations which could and should land the principals of those organizations in Gitmo.

  • The crooked money “arrangements” enjoyed by higher-ups like former VP Joe Biden in securing multimillion-and-billion-dollar windfalls for himself, his son Hunter, and his brother James. Ukraine, anyone? China, anyone? There is this damning piece about the Biden Crime Family Inc. that you must see.

  • But worse is Debra Heine’s article about the explosive new documentary "Red Dragon: Uncovering the Bidens’ Chinese Secrets" that “tells the hidden story of the secret financial relationship between Joe Biden’s family and the Chinese government, exposing how the Bidens’ business dealings even served the strategic interests of the Chinese military while Joe Biden was VP of the United States.”

  • The horrible treaties, including the Iran deal, NAFTA, and NATO, that benefitted foreign countries significantly more than the U.S.

  • The interest of the “anti-war” Democrats in keeping wars going endlessly (always "follow the money").

  • The degree to which lobbyists and the members of Congress they hire determine legislation that is good for their pocketbooks but not for We the People who they deceptively purport to represent.

  • The utter deterioration of Democrat philosophy and policy.


Candidates Biden and Kalamity are telling the American public that it is they––and not President Trump––who will bring America to its best days yet. And yet, they admit they will:

  • Raise taxes to unprecedented levels.

  • And reinstall the strangulating regulations that President Trump did away with in order to allow free enterprise to flourish.

And—according to Sundance at the Conservative Tree House—they oppose:

  • Energy independence.

  • Pipelines.

  • Fracking.

  • Stable energy development for our economy, which is the backbone of manufacturing revitalization.

  • Earth-mineral exploration and development.

…And will "reattach our economy to the Paris Climate Treaty," which will "forever restrict the growth of American industry.”

Given all these economy-killing policies, the delusional Biden-Kalamity ticket continues to assure us every day that we should trust them to invigorate the economy and boost employment.

Almost comical!

"Cui Bono"––Who Benefits Under Biden-Kalamity?

Certainly not the black community, which has enjoyed the highest employment in American history under President Trump!

Certainly not the blacks who have been imprisoned with disproportionately harsh sentences but who, thanks to President Trump’s "First Step” program, have been freed to enjoy gainful employment and their cherished freedom. (By the way, where was the Obama-Biden tag team for eight years, which failed to bring about such life-enhancing legislation?)

Certainly not the Hispanic community, which has also enjoyed record employment under President Trump’s policies.

Certainly not women, who have enjoyed record employment under President Trump’s policies.

Certainly not the youth of our country, who have enjoyed record employment under President Trump’s policies.


Think about it. Since Donald Trump and his gorgeous wife Melania came down the escalator in Trump Tower in June of 2015, every leftist pundit, commentator, TV anchor, sophisticated scribe, and Hollywood ditzoid predicted––with amazing confidence and self-importance––that “Donald Trump will not be President of the United States.” Here is my favorite clip of those always-wrong know-nothings.

Today, seven weeks from the election, all those brilliant Democrats––you know, the ones with the fancy college degrees, the impressive credentials, the high IQs, the decades in government service at the highest levels––are the same leftists who:

  • Failed at the Russia hoax.

  • Failed at the Ukraine hoax.

  • Failed at the Impeachment hoax.

That’s a lot of failure. But it hasn’t stopped the Democrats from continuing to fail.

While President Trump is busy bringing about unprecedented breakthroughs in forging alliances between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Serbia and Kosovo, and now Israel and Bahrain––for which he has rightfully earned not one but two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize––Democrats once again prove their idiocy by admitting that they loved when the arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat received the prize and when Barack Obama received it for….um…what???––but all of a sudden, they hate the Nobel Prize.

Almost comical!


Now desperate, the Democrats trot out an article in the far-left Atlantic magazine that alleges that President Trump called American World War I veterans who died in France “suckers” and “losers.” This canard was an accusation not one reasonable person in America believes, given the president’s unequalled respect for and deference to our military—whose once-massive build-up the Obama-Biden regime eviscerated, emasculated, and tore down at every opportunity.

Where did this poison dart go? Another failure.

The next day, the same now-panicked leftists trotted out the “breaking,” “explosive,” and also go-nowhere revelation that Bob Woodward—the reporter for the fanatically anti-Trump Washington Post—revealed in his new book Rage that President Trump, gasp, didn’t want to panic the public and so played down the potentially dire information he was receiving about the China virus, Covid-19.

Imagine going to a doctor or bringing your child to a doctor, only to have that medical professional enter the room and tell you, “This is bad, very bad” before doing any real testing or close examination. A sane person would call this doctor an alarmist and walk out of the room, outraged by his or her lack of concern and failure to exhibit genuine medical knowledge or expertise.

President Trump, on the other hand, demonstrated tremendous concern for a frightened public, took time to identify all the important facts before communicating them, to avoid causing alarm, and undertook a responsible plan of action that was implemented with seamless efficiency––all things that Doomsday Democrats hate!

Unfortunately for Woodward and his boss Jeff Bezos, this poison dart also failed because the American public that leftists hold in such contempt have eyes and ears and see for themselves what the president did to protect them, including immediately shutting down travel to the U.S. from China, and then from Europe, and then employing his vast executive experience in obtaining more personal-protective equipment and medically-outfitted ships and masks and respirators and testing than any country on earth––and in typically Trump record-breaking time.


No doubt, these frantic Democrats will keep up the anti-Trump drumbeat until Election Day on November 3rd––fabricating explosive headlines, leveling false accusations, and working overtime to rig the election.

But this effort will earn them a Z for zero success. That is because I suspect that most voters—including Democrats—are not that dumb, that when they get into the voting booth and draw the curtain, and even when they fill out the mail-in voter forms, they will pull the lever or check the box for the man who promises––and has already delivered––peace and prosperity.

© Joan Swirsky


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