Joan Swirsky
An execrable coup – an exhilarating counter-coup
By Joan Swirsky
January 16, 2017

In 2009, America experienced a genuine coup d'état, exquisitely formulated and flawlessly executed after decades of planning by the socialists, communists, and jihadists among us who loathe America and have wished for nothing less than transforming our great country into a mecca of far-left, anti-American policies, punctuated by preposterous liberal constructs like political correctness and multiculturalism, and ultimately subservient to Sharia law.

As strange, indeed mind-bending, as this seems, remember that anything that is alien to American values and that promises to undermine America's passion for freedom and strength is considered a good thing and heartily embraced by the America-hating left. Hence, their fetish with Islam, a political system-cum-"religion" that is antithetical to every value that sane Americans hold dear.

As proof, the policies and laws enacted over the past eight years have consistently militated against America's well-being. This is the proverbial drop in the bucket:
  • An eviscerated military and favor-the-enemy Rules of Engagement.

  • Porous borders over which tens of thousands of unvetted illegal aliens have swarmed, many of them violent criminals and, no doubt, stealth jihadists.

  • A Big Government mentality that encourages unemployment (95 million) and therefore dependency on government from cradle to grave.

  • Massive debt – currently pushing $20 trillion – which weakens our country's ability to pay for essential needs like infrastructure and defense, again with the goal of dependency on government.

  • A horrific healthcare system (Obamacare) that alienates doctors, punishes patients with sky-high premiums and inferior care, and simply doesn't work – hence its inevitable implosion (taking place right now).

  • The most dumbed-down educational system in American history – Common Core – that is based on the fantasy of fairness but in fact deprives every public-school student of even a minimally decent education and a chance to succeed...more government dependency.

  • Implanting operatives from terrorist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood into every branch of our government, including (to name a few) the State Department, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, the Attorney General's office, the EPA, the FBI, the CIA, and on and on – all of them intent on subverting the U.S. Constitution and replacing it with Sharia law, the animating force of Islam, which dictates not only that gays be executed and that women who are raped be tried and convicted for infidelity, but that a failure to embrace Islam be punished with either a hefty tax or death.

  • A foreign policy that supports our enemies and spits in the faces of our most faithful allies, for instance Israel, England, Egypt – the list is long.

  • Handing over control of the Internet to the United Nations – the most corrupt, tin-pot-dictator-driven, anti-American, anti-Semitic, American-resource-draining cesspool in our country. If I had one piece of advice for President-Elect Trump, it would be to kick this rancid organization out of the United States! Nothing they've ever done has been good for our country. Talk about "draining the swamp"!
Agent of change – gimme a break!

Americans were both horrified and dumbfounded when the former community organizer Barack Obama turned out not to "transform" America for the better, but to be a figurehead – no one would accuse him of being a leader – who left our country in devastating debt, largely unemployed, perceived as the prototypical 97-pound weakling by our allies and viewed by our own citizens as a lazy but golden-tongued puppet who preferred non-stop golfing vacations and entertaining rap stars and police-hating performers like Beyoncé to even a remote semblance of governing.

Even more horrifying was the depth and breadth and immense scope of this coup. It included, ala Karl Marx, a complete takeover of the media – the vehicle by which the American public imagines it knows what is going on. This takeover included non-stop false flags and a steady stream of fake news, which the public might never have known about save for Wikileaks.

Except for a very few reliable outlets, the TV networks, radio stations, and newspapers all sang the same song. Why? Not only because the media has always leaned left, but because Mr. Obama had gotten complete control over the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and therefore could and did censor what he pleased, supporting those who danced to his radical tune and trying to marginalize those who didn't.

But wait! Things got even worse. Hundreds and perhaps thousands of conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status to the Internal Revenue Service found that their petitions were routinely denied – not for weeks or months, but years. When the career crooks in the IRS were exposed, they were magically allowed to resign with full back pay and pensions intact. Nice.

And then there were Mr. Obama's, ahem, legacy items, according to editorial graphic artist Dixon Diaz:
  • Lowest economic growth in American history.

  • Record number of mass shootings.

  • Record number of terrorist attacks on American soil.

  • Record number of people on food stamps.

  • Record high health insurance costs.

  • Worst rioting since 1967.

  • Highest poverty level in American history.

And that is not to omit the things blazed indelibly into the memory – for instance the disgraceful images of Mr. Obama defiling the Oval Office with his feet on the splendiferous Resolute desk, or the rank bullying he displayed in putting "the gun of government to the heads of the Little Sisters of the Poor, demanding that they either pay to destroy children in the womb or be crushed," as described by Peter Heck in American Thinker.

The Soros factor

To both casual observers and political junkies, it seemed all-too-obvious that the real brain behind this coup was the brilliant, megalomaniacal hedge-fund billionaire, Hungarian-born George Soros, who was probably responsible for appointing Iranian-born lawyer Valerie Jarrett as Barack Obama's consigliere, effectively putting her in charge of the White House, the putative president, and their shared fetish of giving the arch-terrorist state, Iran, billions of dollars to develop nuclear weapons that will be aimed at the Great Satan, which the mullahs call the United States of America, and, as they promise every day, at the Little Satan, Israel. Nice.

I would not be surprised if Mr. Soros didn't mandate Iranian-born Huma Abedin as Hillary Clinton's consigliere because he knew of Abedin's longtime affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, the prominent role both she and her parents played in that Nazi-inspired, anti-American organization with its stated goal of conquering what they consider vile democracies and converting them into Islamic-controlled states subservient to the caliphate they all dream about.

Why? Because Mr. Soros is a genius at orchestrating complex scenarios that are uniformly bad for America. A prolific author, he has written, among other tomes, The Bubble of American Supremacy. The many books that have been written about him further reveal his distaste for America, where he lives in spectacular splendor. Here is but a sample of book titles that describe his long-held mission: But it is the way Mr. Soros has used his vast wealth around the world that makes his support of the coup against America so plausible, as Wayne Madsen explains in a recent and fascinating article, Does George Soros Control the Obama White House? In short, Madsen concludes yes – Mr. Obama's "moneybags" indeed controls the White House.

Mr. Soros is a master at manipulating markets all over the world and, for the most part, avoiding criminal prosecution, although a French Court did indict him, saying that "his billion-dollar raids on national currencies and financial institutions were not based on peerless financial acumen, but on illegally acquired inside information." Mr. Soros believes in the fairy-tale notion of one-world globalism, the better to eliminate the "unfair" disparity between the rich and the poor. What he considers a lofty goal involves destroying the most productive and generous nations on the face of the earth: America and Israel. Nice.

That is the tip of the Soros iceberg. From what is being reported, Mr. Soros has assembled a team of media people and politicians to fight the Trump presidency every step of the way. You can already see the flunkies in the U.S. Congress doing their best to sabotage President-elect Trump's cabinet nominees with questions that are both loaded and hostile.

Yet, for the first time in his formidable dealings, it is clear that Mr. Soros has met his match in PE Trump. Oops, I take that back! Actually, Mr. Soros – his philosophy, his candidates, and his lust to take down America – has been decimated by Mr. Trump. Mr. Soros simply ran into a rich guy who was smarter than him!

That's right, another billionaire who lives just a stone's throw from Mr. Soros in New York City just happened to defeat not only the presidential candidate Mr. Soros backed for president – the amazingly unlovely and unqualified Hillary – but the entire Democrat Party, the classless Clintons, and the craven media into which he has poured multi-millions over the past several decades!

It's no small thing, as the The Wall St. Journal reported the other day, that Mr. Soros lost nearly one billion dollars after the Trump election, so sure was he that the nag he backed would win. "Mr. Soros was cautious about the market going into November and became more bearish immediately after Mr. Trump's election, [but] the stance proved a mistake – the stock market rallied on expectations that Mr. Trump's policies will boost corporate earnings and the overall economy."

Think a measly billion doesn't matter to Mr. Soros? Think again. Billionaires measure their billions the same way that ordinary men measure their shoe size!

C'mon, train

There Trump was – business and media mogul extraordinaire, not a toy Lionel train car or a Pullman coach but a massive self-propelled locomotive, who showed up at the presidential debates of 2015, and by May of 2016 had run over and decimated 16 opponents, all seasoned and professional politicians!

All of a sudden, both the politicians themselves and members of the media were forced to take Mr. Trump seriously. But many couldn't help themselves – they were still the same supercilious, patronizing, bought-and-paid-for leftist lackeys who had been commenting all along on this runaway train. So they kept up their antagonistic drumbeat, confident that the sheer volume of their commentary and propaganda would be his undoing.

Aiding and abetting their mission were dozens of pollsters across the country whose skewed polls showed consistently that the chronically coughing, wobbling, decrepit-one-day/re-botoxed-the-next-day Hillary – the woman without a platform and lacking even a tiny dollop of charisma – was significantly ahead of the brash billionaire. Pundits on every network and cable news shows echoed these polls and predicted that the Electoral College votes, and Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Ohio, and of course California and New York, would definitely, positively, unmistakably insure a Hillary victory.

One thing none of them counted on was the tremendous sophistication of voters across the country – the same voters they're still disparaging – who had been watching the devolution of our county for eight years and praying and waiting for at least one sane person to save our country from the malignant leftism in our body politic that Mr. Obama so relentlessly stoked.

They recognized in President-elect Trump the absolute answer to their prayers and proceeded to blanket our entire country in red, except for the few bastions of blue on the East and Left Coasts. Hence Hillary's "popular vote" so-called victory, thanks to a voter-motor law cooked up by Gov. Jerry Brown and enacted into law in October 2015.

A report from Investors Business Daily says that: "According to the American Civil Liberties Union – which opposes the motor-voter law – California houses 3.3 million illegals, or a quarter of the nation's total. So the stage is set not just for extending voting to illegals but for swinging national elections, too."

Meanwhile, the Trump locomotive barreled on with the president-elect interviewing dozens of potential hirees at Trump Tower in NY City, at his resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, at his "winter White House" Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach Island, Florida – ultimately selecting those who will staff his cabinets and administration. The indefatigable Mr. Trump also embarked on an extensive thank-you tour to Ohio, New Hampshire, Mississippi, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, attracting the same huge "rock star" crowds that gave him his victory.

The left's last gasp

I know it's not objectively funny, but I can't help actually laughing out loud when witnessing those thousands of badly-behaved virtual three-year-olds soiling their diapers, banging their heads, and generally throwing non-stop temper tantrums since Election Day. They keep hurling things onto the tracks – right in front of President-elect Locomotive – because they still can't absorb the fact that everything they've based their identities on, everything they believe, everything they hoped for, everything they've learned in school and on TV, everything they thought they accomplished – was utterly destroyed by one man and millions of voters.

These children have tried everything:
  • Popping up at demonstrations, complete with shiny new placards, in front of Trump Tower.

  • Regurgitating stale and wildly inaccurate talking points, as happens five days a week from a woman named Whoopi and a joyless creature name Joy.

  • Devolving into an embarrassing freakout at a press conference, as did CNN's Jim Acosta when the duly-elected next president didn't call on him.

  • Contriving an evidence-free Russian hacking scandal to rationalize Hillary's crashing loss. Why? So they could kick 35 Russian diplomats out of the U.S. and quickly invade their compounds to purge any records that might implicate Mr. Obama – not Mr. Trump – in subterfuge, not to omit the other desperate purging and shredding of records they're engaged in at this very minute.

  • Stacking the hearings for PE Trump's cabinet nominees with dense Democrats like New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, and Republican Trump critic, Florida's Sen. Marco Rubio.

  • Calling on a famed actress to audition for the role of a snooty, finger-wagging scold and display her "selective empathy" at Hollywood's Golden Globes Awards.

  • Trotting out a puerile pol like Georgia's Rep. John Lewis to take a cheap potshot.

  • Inventing a Russian-connected sex scandal based on made-up gossip from the now thoroughly discredited BuzzFeed.

  • Preaching, as The New York Times did about what's wrong with nepotism, when its entire conglomerate is based on nepotism.

  • Exposing, as writer Glenn Greenwald did, that Obama's CIA and a complicit media are deeply involved in the stop-Trump juggernaut.

  • Threatening massive and disruptive demonstrations and riots during the upcoming inauguration.
This is all part of the same phenomenon – American-hating leftists gone mad. As one blogger commented: "I haven't seen the Democrats so angry since Republicans took away their slaves!"

This is aberrant behavior which the Wall St. Journal's Kimberly A. Strassel explains: "The more that progressives have failed to win political arguments, the more they have turned to underhanded tactics to shut down their political opponents....Mr. Trump can expect plenty more of this to come. In winning the election, he blocked the left's ability to use some of its favorite intimidation tactics. It no longer controls an accommodating federal bureaucracy. It no longer runs a Justice Department willing to threaten political opponents and turn a blind eye to liberal abuse. So the left will increasingly rely on campaigns of delegitimization....this is the best they've got."

Again, the left's vile behavior is not objectively funny. But as PE Trump systematically swats away these irritants like so many pesky gnats, I have to admit that I'm loving every minute!

In just a few days, I and the entire country (except for the loons on the left) will rejoice while watching Mr. Trump take the oath of office, making him the 45th President of the United States of America. Finally, we will have a president who loves America and will fight like a hundred tigers to overturn and fix the malevolent policies inflicted on our country over the past eight years.

What an exhilarating counter-coup!

© Joan Swirsky


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