Stone Washington
Book review 2020: Time to Steal Away from the Democrat Party!
By Stone Washington
April 29, 2020

“I prayed for freedom for twenty years, but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.”

~Frederick Douglass

Introducing my 1st book: “Steal Away!” Offering a modern escape from the Democrat Party for Black America

It is with great excitement that I announce the release of my foray into writing a book… titled – “Steal Away! Essays on why blacks should reconsider their allegiance to the Democratic Party”. The book is a collaborative effort, written in conjunction with 11 other co-authors, exploring many unique stories about Black conservatives liberating themselves from the Democrat Party’s control. The idea of the book came through its editor, Richard Showstack, a prominent California author who recruited 12 well-known Black influencers to expose much of the harm that Democrat policies have enacted to cripple Black America over the past 90+ years going back to FDR. Despite remaining a JFK Democrat, Showstack proposed the idea of this book out of dismay for what the modern Democrat Party has morphed into, almost unrecognizable from days of its prime during the Kennedy era. Kennedy’s Democrat Party policies in Showstack’s eyes closely mirror the Republican Party today far more than having anything to do with the modern Democrat Socialist Party, which has become mainstream for the Left. Much of the book’s focus explores each of the co-authors’ personal stories and life lessons gained through severing previous allegiance to the Democrat Party and embracing conservatism or Republican Party policies as a better alternative to the regressive (not “Progressive”) policies of the Left.

This book serves as a much-needed modern guide for Black Americans, the overwhelming majority of whom are far too dependent on the Democrat Party, to finally break this blind allegiance and self-destructive dependency to a Party that has only used and abused the Black vote for their own ill-gotten gain, never delivering on the countless utopian (now dystopian) promises for a greater America. Each co-author declares the uncompromising mandate that Black America must officially shatter their allegiance toward Progressive Democrats, and once and for all embrace other alternatives grounded in producing tried and true progress for the betterment of our race offered by various Conservative, Libertarian and Patriotic-Nationalist alternatives.

My segment in the book is entitled, "The Apotheosis of Black Conservatism and the Escape from the Democrat Party Plantation," which provides a revelatory and iconoclastic insight into many key lessons gained from my life as a conservative independent thinker, blessed to have been raised outside of the invisible slave-chains of a monolithic Groupthink mentality and a collective political conformity that unduly shackles⛓ many Blacks to vote Democrat 94-97% of the time in election after election. My book chapter provides very useful advice toward Blacks to use 2020 as a historic reset, a turning-point year to finally escape the clutches of Democrat Party plantation once and for all. A reading of this book will help one to better understand the dark history of the Democrat Party being the original party of slavery, southern segregation, corrupt Jim Crow laws, KKK, racially targeted eugenics and abortion rates triple our race’s percentage in the American population, among many other evils that continually and almost irreparably plague the Black race to this day!

I will now provide a brief, yet explorative book review into the many incredible aspects of the Steal Away book. It is with great hope that this significant work will help usher a mass exodus of Black Americans away from voting Democrat by this coming November, fulfilling the goal of the newly launched “Blexit” movement sparked by the Black conservative revolutionary, Candace Owens, which seeks the same goal of liberating Blacks from the Left’s control. Candace Owens ultimately describes Blexit as a “renaissance. The Black exit from the Democratic Party. It’s the Black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America.”

My first published book, available for purchase at Amazon

The inspiration behind “Steal Away!”

“Steal Away”, aka “Steal Away to Jesus” began as an infamous American negro spiritual, written sometime prior to 1862. It was created by Wallace Willis, a Black slave of a Choctaw freeman residing in the Old Indian Territory. The song is best known for the variations surrounding the main chorus:

“Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus!”

“Steal away, steal away home, I hain't got long to stay here!”

“My Lord calls me! He calls me by the thunder!”

“The trumpet sound it in my soul! I ain’t got long to stay here!”

The Christian spiritual seeks to inspire a spirit of escapism and liberation from the hundreds of years of tortious servitude Blacks have endured at the hands of racial injustice and unjust enslavement. According to the book, The Choctaw Freedmen (2015), the initial success and understanding of the spiritual came about through the recognition of Alexander Reid, a minister at a Choctaw boarding school, overhearing Willis and his wife, Aunt Minerva, singing this and other songs. Impressed by the singing, Reid would have the music sent to the Jubilee Singers of Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. After constant rehearsals, the Jubilee Singers would then popularize the songs during a special tour of the United States and Europe. Unbeknownst to Reid, spirituals like “Steal Away” represented something beyond the musical verses sung, as they contained hidden encoded messages to inspire many slaves to secretly escape through the Underground Railroad, or to ensure that slaves escape their plantation by other means. Today “Steal Away” has been rendered into a popular Gospel song, recited by many pastors in the hymnals of various Protestant churches.

The modern-day conceptualization of “Steal Away” remains the same for this book, as Richard Showstack seeks to apply this emboldened understanding of escaping from the plantation of slavery in times past to escaping from the Democrat Party plantation of today. Just as the Democrat Party is wedded to the ugly history of racist plantation slavery, so to, is the significance of “Steal Away” intertwined in the destiny of Black America, providing an escape for Black Americans today to liberate ourselves from the poisoning political imprisonment of colored conformity, welfare dependency, group-think, and blind allegiance to today’s Democrat Party.

The Apotheosis of Black Conservatism and the Escape from the Democrat Party Plantation

My portion of the book begins on pg. 144 featuring a very special segment that discusses some of my blessed experiences being raised by a Christian Conservative father, fortunate to have cultivated an understanding of the world outside of the typical Black Democrat household. I begin with a timeless quote by the legendary Black abolitionist and former slave, Frederick Douglas, “I am a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom.” This powerful political affirmation coming from one of the most celebrated Black American icons in U.S. history, especially during Black History Month, and yet the overwhelming majority of Black Americans continue to vote Democrat in election after election. Unlike tragic number of Black young men, I was fortunate to have my father present throughout my life, training me into a man, teaching me to think critically and to value my strong-willed independence. At an early age, my father taught me to write at an adult-level, learn the classics, thoroughly understand the Bible, and cultivate a keen intellect that would carry me far in life. Going the extra mile set me in a league apart from others throughout my upbringing and being taught to challenge the status quo of political and historical norms greatly enhanced my critical thinking.

My segment of the book explores many key lessons that I learned from my Father, Professor Ellis Washington’s initial escape from the Democrat Plantation, following his senior year at DePauw University where he experienced an epiphany on Christmas Day 1983 to become a conservative during President Reagan’s second term in office. I compare this to the first time that I decided to officially become a conservative during the most exciting political event at my high school, where in the spring of 2013 the famous former Pennsylvania Senator and 2012 presidential candidate Rick Santorum delivered a legendary speech for the ages.

The speech garnered national recognition not only for obvious reasons associated with Senator Santorum’s prestige, but more so over a heated controversy that grew out of the Grosse Pointe School district attempting to deny his speech, after the Superintendent felt offended by Senator Santorum’s stance against gay marriage. Only through the backlash by Grosse Pointe parents and the intense fight that my school conservative organization, Young American’s for Freedom and then head of the YAF chapter, Langston Bowens (also one of the only few Black Republicans at my school), put against the Superintendent’s initial cancellation that eventually forced them to re-invite Santorum to speak at the school.

And merely a month before Santorum spoke at my school, I recount the time I delivered my first ever political speech at the MEDFCO (Metropolitan Detroit Freedom Coalition) public gathering in Detroit Michigan, an annual conservative event that my father often spoke at. This was a profound event, where I delivered a special speech honoring the 45th anniversary of when Dr. King gave his famous The Other America speech at my school of Grosse Pointe South on March 14, 1968. Not only was this the first time such a significant figure would deliver a speech at my school, it was also the only time we had such as speech until Senator Santorum arrived to speak exactly 45 years later in April 2013. And even more miraculous was that my connection to the Young American’s for Freedom group at my high school originated from the MEDEFCO event, where one of the audience members referred me to meet Langston Bowens and join their group.

My portion of the book also reveals many instances where I was the lone conservative voice in my classes at Clemson University, often engaging in heated debates with other students especially in the fall of 2016. I recount arguing with nearly everyone in my Political Elections class of 50+ students, being the only one who predicted that Donald Trump would win the Presidency and never once dialing back my support for him, despite nearly all the polls and media being in Hillary Clinton’s favor. Even my Political Science Professor and mentor Dr. David Woodard, who taught the class, did not believe that Trump would defeat Hillary, even though he was a Republican. Despite this, he would reward my unyielding faith in Trump’s victory after he eventually won the election in November, buying a special chocolate cake for the class in my honor. Dr. Woodard was even so kind as to have the one student in the class who was the biggest supporter of Hillary Clinton agree to cut my piece of the cake. It was truly a valuable time where holding strong to my own conservative beliefs, despite all the odds and arguments being against me, would pay off. I describe the memorable victory in the book as such,

    “Despite even my conservative professor and mentor, Dr. David Woodard, not voting for President Trump, I wholeheartedly declared Trump would carry a landslide victory in the election and firmly argued my case against conservative and liberal students alike. And on the week following Election Day, my professor even surprised the class by buying a chocolate cake, in honor of Trump’s unexpected victory and my firm belief in him winning.”

Conclusion: Help Me Save America by spreading the word regarding my First book!

In conclusion, the above review of my segment of the book is only a mere fraction of what to expect from the dynamic book Steal Away! This book truly represents a marvelous masterpiece of collaborative ingenuity and unity among successful Black conservatives, honored to pursue success apart from the invisible chains of servitude deriving from the Democrat Party Plantation. Each of the 12 authors, like the 12 tribes of Israel valiantly freeing themselves in God’s name from enslavement under Pharaoh in Egypt in the book of Exodus, have freed ourselves from the clutches of the Left’s generations of control and manipulation. Many of us, having been former Democrats, are sick and tired of the dark and twisted direction that the party has descended into over the pass few decades. Richard Showstack explains it best in the introduction when he says,

    The problem is that as Democrats have given more and more government benefits and entitlements to people over the past 50 years, they have had to go further and further to the left to promise even more extreme benefits (free education through college, free healthcare, free housing and jobs for everyone, etc.). Meanwhile, Progressives in the Education Establishment groom children in elementary school, brainwash them in high school, and propagandize them in college to accept and believe the leftist agenda” (pg. 8).

Please visit the Amazon link and purchase Steal Away! This book will undoubtedly make a fine gift for any occasion and all proceeds go directly to charitable organizations. It is paramount that we awaken as many Black Americans as possible to the truth that they have been lied to, manipulated, abused, and used by the Democrat Party for far too long. The 2020 election should represent a monumental opportunity to reset the Black—Democrat relationship moving forward, offering Blacks a chance to be true to our ancestors and reawaken our previous dedication to the same Republican Party of freedom: Frederick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington, and so many other prominent figures that helped liberate Blacks from racial enslavement. Today, we must work now to liberate Blacks from the mental prison that shackles the mind into voting only one way and encourage Blacks to Steal Away to a different political mindset.

© Stone Washington


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Stone Washington

Stone Washington is a PhD student in the Trachtenberg School at George Washington University. Stone is employed as a Research Fellow for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, focusing on economic policy as part of the Center for Advancing Capitalism. Previously, he completed a traineeship with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He was also a Research Assistant at the Manhattan Institute, serving as an extension from his time in the Collegiate Associate Program. During this time, he worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in Clemson's Department of Political Science and served as a WAC Practicum Fellow for the Pearce Center for Professional Communication. Stone is also a member of the Steamboat Institute's Emerging Leaders Council.

Stone possesses a Graduate Certificate in Public Administration from Clemson University, a Juris Master from Emory University School of Law, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Clemson University. While studying at Emory Law, Stone was featured in an exclusive JM Student Spotlight, highlighting his most memorable law school experience. He has completed a journalism fellowship at The Daily Caller, is an alumnus of the Young Leader's Program at The Heritage Foundation, and served as a former student intern/Editor for Decipher Magazine. Some of Stone's articles can be found at, which often provide a critical analysis of prominent works of classical literature and its correlations to American history and politics. Stone is a member of the Project 21 Black Leadership Network, and has written a number of policy-related op-eds for the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, The College Fix, Real Clear Policy, and City Journal. In addition, Stone is listed in the Marquis Who's Who in America and is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society. Friend him on his Facebook page, also his Twitter handle: @StoneZone47 and Instagram. Email him at


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