Barbara J. Stock
The myth: Planned Parenthood cares about women's health
By Barbara J. Stock
September 14, 2015

No one can read or comment on any column written about Planned Parenthood without hearing how women can't survive without a Planned Parenthood clinic in the neighborhood. Of course, since the Planned Parenthood (PP) scandal broke, the public relations company PP hired has made sure multiple pro-PP columns are cranked out daily. The PR company then places several pro-abortion trolls to follow each column to keep the conversations positive for PP. Anyone who is pro-life is called a religious, bible-thumping, right wing zealot whose only goal in life is to make women "reproductive" slaves and steal their health care.

While PP tends to be vague about the number of their clinics and "affiliates" there seems to be about 700 clinics around the country. In fairness, not all do abortions. PP does not do mammograms. They do little if any pre-natal care.

Attending a PP meeting in 2009, Abby Johnson, who eventually turned whistleblower, stated that pre-natal care was being considered for being cut from their offered services because pre-natal clients were was just to "cumbersome." They required to many visits, made to many phone calls and asked far to many questions. You must also remember that PP does not offer the services of an obstetrician for pre-natal visits nor do they deliver full-term actually wanted babies. Visiting their site on pre-natal care, I did not see any promise of actually seeing a real doctor at any point. Let's be honest here. If you have decided to have your baby, you are not the kind of client PP is looking for. There just isn't enough money to made when life is the choice.

But what about all the 2.7 million people PP sees? What will they do? The clarion cry of PP supporters is that millions of poor women will be left in the street with no medical care. That's simply not true. It's the myth PP wants everyone to believe. Some myths are based in fact. This myth isn't one of them.

Let's break down this 2.7 million people PP claims to see a year. First, take out the nearly 400,000 abortions they do annually. Then take out the men since I doubt they are there for "female" problems and feminsts don't care about them anyway. I only hope for their sakes, an actual doctor is doing their vasectomies. I have looked for an exact number of men PP sees but that number seems elusive.

Then we have the women's visits. According to reports from people who have dug deeply into their annual reports, a woman who comes in and receives a years worth of birth control pills is counted as 12 visits but she actually comes in to the building only once. If a woman comes in and has three tests done, that is counted as three visits. They get away with that charade because maybe one test is paid for by Medicaid, another by Title X and one is out of pocket. So, they can count three visits. It's a shell game. So that 2.7 million number is shady at best, extremely bloated and used to perpetuate the lie of "only 3% of our visits are abortions."

Planned Parenthood uses its other "services" as a smoke screen for its main business of the day – abortion. Abortion is where PP makes its money. It's the gravy train and PP gives awards to those who increase the number of abortions clinics do and according to whistleblowers, has quotas for abortions. They don't have quotas for pap smears or HIV tests. PP doesn't give out awards for the most breast exams tests done. So which is the service PP seems to care about the most? It sure isn't women's health care since abortion has little to do with "women's reproductive health." If they are pregnant, obviously, their reproductive organs are working just fine.

So if Planned Parenthood went the way of the dinosaur would American women flood into the streets wailing and crying and tearing at their clothes? Of course they wouldn't. They would calmly look up the address of the closest Community Health Center or County Health Department and go to them. After all, they have more services, more clinics, take the same finacial assistance programs that PP does but don't do abortions. As unbelievable as it may seem to some feminists, there are women who would rather not go where abortions are being done in the back room.

While PP claims abortions are just a small fraction of their services, their actions speak otherwise. In 2010, the Planned Parenthood of South Texas left the PP fold because it was told that they must start doing abortions. Planned Parenthood needed more money and so, it was mandating that more clinics do abortions. Rather than do that, the South Texas clinic decided they would continue to do what they do best which is family planning and contraception under the name of Family Planning of the Coastal Bend. They would do just fine without money from abortions. Good for them.

Please note here that PP did not order their clinics to vigorously try to increase the number of tests for STDs or HIV. It did not urge its clinics to teach more methods of birth control or to give out more contraceptives. Planned Parenthood did not have a public campaign to lure in more men for services. It ordered them to start doing abortions and if a clinic already did abortions, to do more abortions. The only way to do that is to pressure pregnant women who come in into having an abortion any way they can. Planned Parenthood is very good at that.

Planned Parenthood and their supporters claim that if women are denied access to birth control, there will more abortions, however studies done on condoms handed out by PP were found to be the most unreliable on the market. Poor condoms mean more unexpected pregnancies and thus, more abortions for PP.

This makes sense when you listen to Carol Everett who was an independent abortion clinic owner for several years before she realized the horror of her business. Carol explained perfectly how abortion clinics make sure they always have business, especially among teenagers. She said, "We had a whole plan that sold abortions and it was called sex education. Break down their natural modesty, separate them from their parents and their values, and become the sex experts in their lives so they turn to us. Then we would give them a low dose birth control pill they would get pregnant on or a defective condom. because we didn't buy the most expensive condoms, we bought the cheapest condoms." She went on to say the lowest dose BC pill was given knowing if the girl missed even one day, she could and often did, get pregnant. It was just more business for them.

In one of the videos, Cate Dyer, CEO of StemExpress, a middle-man operation who collects baby parts for sale, comments on how her people have to throw many samples collected out because they are grossly contaminated with staph and other bacterial infections picked up at the PP clinics where the abortions are done. Obviously, hygiene is not a top priority for some of these PP clinics. How many women walk out with an infection they did not have when they went in?

Watching the hearings that are on C-Span3 about the videos and abortion, I was struck by something Rep. Rep Judy Chu (D-CA) said. She said, "One out of five women will use PP services in their lifetime." So that means that four out of five women will NEVER walk through the doors of a Planned Parenthood in their lifetimes. That is an amazing number. That means that only 20 women out of 100 actually uses Planned Parenthood even once in their lives. Eighty American women out of 100 use someone else for their health care needs. In a country with our vast resources we cannot find someplace other than PP for those 20 women to obtain health care and birth control?

In America right now, there are over 8000 Community Health Clinics. (CHC) There is nearly one clinic in every Congressional District in this country. Planned Parenthood has only 700 clinics in America. CHC see over 27 million men and women every year. Planned Parenthood claims to see 2.7 million but anyone who researches the numbers knows that is not really the case at all. Planned Parenthood is a lie. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill. Nothing more, nothing less.

More than likely, they are padding their bottom line with the sale of harvested baby parts which is against the law. Many have been charged with not reporting possible child abuse, child rape and the plight of young women trapped in the sex-trafficking industry. They have been found to have committed Medcaid fraud.

This leaves one to ask: Why do we still allow them to operate at all? It's not just the money, it's the sleeze factor. American women will do just fine without them. After all, 80% of us seem to get through life without ever crossing a Planned Parenthood doorstep. We can pass on to our Planned Parenthood dependent sisters where else they can go to get excellent health care and our tax dollars will be better spent helping the 80% of American women who don't use Planned Parenthood rather than just the 20% who do.

© Barbara J. Stock


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Barbara J. Stock

Barbara is a retired Registered Nurse after over 35 years in the field. She is pro-life at both ends of life's journey. Mother of two, Grandmother of two, she is pro-America and anti-progressive. Absent from writing for too long, she is back and determined to make a difference.


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