Barbara J. Stock
The case against Planned Parenthood
By Barbara J. Stock
July 30, 2015

The release of videos showing the callous attitude of Deborah Nucatola, MD, Senior Director of Medical Services of Planned Parenthood, towards the "fetal demise" or "feticide" as they call it, has shocked any normal thinking American. Whether you are pro-life or pro-abortion, her icy-cold demeanor is shocking

As stated by Dr. Nucatola, " ...we've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm going to basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact" and "Some people want lower extremities too, which, that's simple. That's easy. I don't know what they're doing with it, I guess if they want muscle..." Wow. All this was being said as she sipped wine and ate salad. Discussing how she crushes unborn babies to death was just another day at the office.

Her remarks were so shocking (and damaging) that the President of Planned Parenthood felt it necessary to issue a statement appologizing for the "tone" of the "staff member" who made the statements. It's interesting to know that Planned Parenthood considers the Senior Director of Medical Services – staff. What do they call people who really are just staff? Grunts? Or, perhaps...minions?

Then, in the second released video, we see the woman of many titles, Mary Gatter, MD, President, Medical Directors' Council, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Medical Director, Planned Parenthood Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley. While admittedly she is not as gross as Dr. Nucatola, she still immortalizes herself by making a joke about wanting to buy a Lamborghini with the money. While I believe it was a joke, it was in very poor taste, considering the topic. At least she wasn't called "staff."

The most interesting thing to pull from Dr. Gatter's comments is this: "So Heather, a Novogenix person would come to the site, and our staff would sign the patients up, and get consent. Heather would look at the tissue and take what she required, so logistically it was very easy for us, we didn't have to do anything. There was compensation for this, and there was discussion if that was legal, they have been paying by the case, and there was some discussion about do we, in a different way, or I don't know what you're used to doing, how you're used to doing compensation." Compensation for what? She just admitted they do nothing except the kill the unborn baby for them in such a way as to get the best undamaged body parts and organs. She goes on to say, "It's been years since I talked about compensation, so let me just figure out what others are getting, if this is in the ballpark, it's fine, if it's still low then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini."

Supporters will say the money is compensation for the "space" this girl takes up while there. They deserve to be compensated. That's pretty expensive space when you consider if 20 abortions are done that day, and that's probably a low number, and two samples are obtained from each of them at $75 a sample, that comes to $3,000 a day. That's just from one clinic. They have hundreds. If only 50 clinics participate, that has the potential of bringing in $150,000 a day. Take that times an average five day work week and its potential for profit becomes a staggering $750,000 a week. Even if my estimates are off by 90%, that is still $75,000 a week. Let's say they only collect this amount 30 weeks of the year instead of 52. That is $2,250,000 a year. Yes, that's over two million dollars. It has ceased being pocket change and has the ability to become big business. Sort of makes the purchase of that Lamborghini an obtainable goal.

But, as disgusting as all this is, with the videos released at this point, it will be a hard case to prove that this is what they are doing especially with their heavily donated to progressive politicians covering for them. In the last election cycle, Planned Parenthood donated $679,596 through its PACs and affiliates to pro-abortion candidates. Only one was a Republican. Their pro-abortion votes in Congress are well paid for. If they have that much money to give to buy votes from politicians, why do they need tax payer money?

So what about all the professed "good" Planned Parenthood does for women? Do they routinely follow the law and report possible child abuse when a minor walks in the door? Well, not so much.

All states have child abuse laws in place. The wording probably varies, but they are pretty much the same.

1) Child sexual abuse includes sexual assault or sexual exploitation of anyone under the age of 18. Sexual assault includes sex acts with children...

2) Child abuse must be reported when one who is a legally mandated reporter...has knowledge of or observes a child in his or her professional capacity, or within the scope of his or her employment whom he or she knows or reasonably suspects has been the victim of child abuse or neglect..

Some states have younger ages, such as 17, where a minor can have an abortion without concent but the parents must be notified unless, a) the minor is married b) is legally emancipated or c) the minor has gone to court to obtain permission.

Planned Parenthood is well aware of the law and routinely breaks it.

In Colorado, a 13 year old girl was brought in to Planned Parenthood pregnant. They performed a forced abortion on her and gave her birth control. They then sent her home with the abuser to continue being abused. The man claimed to be her father, but she called him Tim, not Dad. Nor did they have the same last name. They never asked her when alone with her if she was being abused. They just took the money and ran. They were sued by the girls mother later, after she discovered what had happened.

In Arizona, an underage girl was brought in by her mother to have an abortion. They were told by the Planned Parenthood worker that filing all that paperwork about the rape would be a "hassle." So the rape was not reported to authorities and the rapist attacked four more underage girls between the time of the abortion and when he was finally caught. In all, he had raped 11 minors and was charged with 27 felonies for assaulting 11 girls ranging in age from 12 to 17 years old.

In Ohio, a 16 year old girl was forced to have an abortion by her father. The girl told the staff that he was raping her and it was he who got her pregnant. The staff did nothing. They completed the abortion, sold her birth control and collected their money. They sent her home to continue to be raped by her father.

The list is far to long to include all of them here. But there are more. Keep in mind, only a few actually come to light to be prosecuted. How many do not?

Still not convinced that the bad outweighs the so-called good Planned Parenthood does? Are you a taxpayer?

Planned Parenthood has had some serious problems with Medicaid fraud.

In Texas, Planned Parenthood was found to have committed Medicaid fraud to the tune of 1.4 million dollars in just one clinic.

In 2011, Susan Thayer, a former clinic manager, sued PP accusing it of submitting "repeated false, fraudulent, and/or ineligible claims for reimbursements" to Medicaid and failing to meet acceptable standards of medical practice and they had committed Medicaid fraud. The case was thrown out by a district court judge in 2012. Ms. Thayer persisted and appealed.

In August of 2014, the 8th Circuit Court agreed with Ms. Thayer and overturned the lower court. They stated, "We conclude that Thayer has pled sufficiently particularized facts to support her allegations that Planned Parenthood violated the FCA by filing claims for (1) unnecessary quantities of birth control pills, (2) birth control pills dispensed without examinations or without or prior to a physician's order, (3) abortion-related services, and (4) the full amount of services that had already been paid, in whole or in part, by 'donations' Planned Parenthood coerced from patients."

Knowing she would need help against the wealthy abortion mill, Ms. Thayer contacted an organization called Alliance Defending Freedom for legal assistance. She explained: "During my last years working at Planned Parenthood, it became increasingly clear to me that not all of their policies and protocols were completely legal and ethical. After much thought, I contacted the Alliance Defending Freedom. I believe that it is an important piece in the nationwide effort to shed light on the darkness and deception surrounding America's largest abortion provider – Planned Parenthood."

The lawsuit alleges that Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa, now called Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, filed nearly one-half million false claims with Medicaid from which Planned Parenthood received and retained nearly $28 million. After many delays, the case is still in litigation.

It is clear, that disillusioned ex-employees are their worst enemy.

Another former employee named Catherine Adiar became disenchanted with PP after she was told that counseling women on family planning, pre-natal care or reproductive health was not her job. Instead, her job was to urge any pregnant women that walked in to have an abortion. She states: "I spent my days urging women to terminate their pregnancies. My superiors constantly reminded me of our abortion-centered business model: abortions first, everything else came second."

It should be of no surprise that African-American babies suffer the most at PP with more black babies being aborted than ever before. Catherine has also related: "We were told not to spend much time counseling African-American girls, because it was assumed they were promiscuous and would get a lot of abortions." Margaret Sanger, the racist founder of Planned Parenthood, would be proud.

The public Planned Parenthood has a motto: Abortion should be legal, safe, and rare. The real Planned Parenthood could care less about women. They give out awards for the most abortions done. They do not want abortions to be rare. They have committed Medicaid fraud and have stolen millions of tax payer dollars. This was not done by mistake or incorrect coding, it was apparently intentional theft.

They have a history of not reporting abuse and contribute to the misery of young girls caught up the in sex-trafficking trade. They turn them and other abused young girls right back over to the abuser. All they care about is collecting the money up front and doing those abortions.

There is no amount of good they could do to balance out all the bad. Not only do they need to be defunded, every state should do an immediate audit and unannounced of all their clinics for Medicaid fraud. Their staff needs to be warned they too will be held accountable right along with the higher-ups. Just following orders is no longer a defense. Those not reporting possible child abuse need to be arrested and charged. Planned Parenthood should be stripped of any licenses they have to do anything that requires Medicaid payment.

The case against Planned Parenthood is ongoing.


Post Script: In light of the third video, just released, my estimate of $75 per "specimen" and the number of specimens gathered daily may be extremly low. However, I will not change it so that the pro-abortion crowd cannot claim exageration on my part.

© Barbara J. Stock


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Barbara J. Stock

Barbara is a retired Registered Nurse after over 35 years in the field. She is pro-life at both ends of life's journey. Mother of two, Grandmother of two, she is pro-America and anti-progressive. Absent from writing for too long, she is back and determined to make a difference.


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