Sylvia Thompson
When will our society wake up to the travesty of homosexual surrogacy and adoption?
By Sylvia Thompson
January 27, 2025

Those of us who thanked Almighty God for the removal of abortion as federal law (which allowed millions of pre-born children to be murdered in this country) must still be appalled at the federal affront to that same God, because of the legitimization of same-sex marriage.

With that affront to God came the allowance of children born through surrogacy to be sold to anyone who could pay for them. The children who now suffer the harm of a willful denial of mothers (and fathers, but that’s a different subject) are in a sense worse off than those who are aborted. At least, the souls of aborted children return immediately to God, and I would like to think that a special place with God is reserved for them.

Children who are products of the selfish desires of homosexual males are much to be pitied. Because those children will be, in some negative way or another, affected by never having had their mothers in their upbringing. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to himself.

I don’t care how much money the homosexual Scott Bessent (a Trump cabinet appointee) has and how much material comfort he can provide for the children he purchased. And yes, they were purchased. Some woman’s womb had to be rented out to Bessent to produce a child, whether it was his sperm or some other male’s sperm that impregnated her. No matter how desperately we try, we cannot escape God’s order—two men or two women will never produce a child. And God says all human children need both biological parents.

We, of course, know that children can be denied one or the other parent because of divorce, illness, or death, but none of that is willful. No normal person marries with the intention of getting divorced, no parent intends to become ill, and death is usually uncontrollable (suicide is not the norm). Homosexual men, however, willfully deny children a mother for their own selfish, disordered desires.

Some will argue that two so-called married men can love and care for a child as effectively as a male-female parenting pair, and I reject that argument. Almighty God established “marriage” as an institution for the purpose of producing offspring, in the context of the “family unit.” That unit is tasked with building and nurturing cultures for the survival of humankind. Nothing of a same-sex nature can lend itself to that purpose of God. As evidenced by the physical way that He created male and female, God’s intention was clearly not for two males or two females to couple. God categorically abhors and condemns any sex outside of male/female marriage, and sodomy is way outside of God’s order.

But my point is not about how wrong-headed our culture (and much of the rest of Western culture) responds to the homosexual (gay) agenda. Sadly, some Christian churches have fully retreated from their duty to condemn what God condemns. They have also failed to give people faced with homosexual behavior the spiritual strength to move away from it. Just as many alcoholics and drug addicts have been given the spiritual strength to leave those lifestyles, homosexuals can and have responded to such spiritual guidance. I have written much on this subject in the past.[1]

My focus is on the harm that our society chooses to ignore when homosexuals use helpless children to satisfy their disordered desires. In this case, the desire to be fathers without the complementary factor of mothers in children’s lives.

Coupled with the travesty of homosexuals being allowed children through surrogacy, same-sex adoptions pose similar threats to innocent children. There is evidence of grave harm to children when they are left to the workings of amoral adoption agencies.

In 2023, I wrote an article highlighting the despicable behavior of one such agency and the harm that it caused two young boys.[2] I was inspired to write the article after viewing The Steve Deace podcast where Deace discussed the incident.[3] Essentially, two young boys were purchased by two affluent homosexual men, through an agency associated with the Presbyterian church.

Deace’s argument is that our rotting culture has made it clear that children have no humanity and can simply be dealt with by adults as adults choose. The salient examples given in his commentary are that our society allows pre-born children to be chopped up in the womb and their parts sold for profit, and that we have allowed dysphoric youth to be mutilated—penises and breasts removed—to line the pockets of faux “healers.” Why not, then, the purchase by homosexual men of two boys to sodomize them and to hire them out to other twisted men? Why not?

Our rotting culture has taken us to a place where Christian leadership can ignore an all-out assault on children, to avoid the wrath of the activist homosexual lobby.

This incident took place in 2023, when I wrote my article. Except for one other place besides the Steve Deace show, I don’t think any news media publicized the travesty. Recently, I read that the homosexual couple (they claimed to be married) was eventually sentenced to 100 years in prison without parole. The mainstream media passed on the notice of this final judgment, as well. The perpetrators, William Zulock and Zackary Zulock, pled “not guilty.”

We now have a new political administration in America that might correct the many injustices in our culture, and especially those aimed at children. Sadly, this new administration, like all that came before it, is not brave enough to take on the homosexual agenda. That task will be left to the Christian Church. And until Christian leaders fear Almighty God more than they fear powerful homosexuals, such as Richard Grenell, Peter Thiel, Tim Cook, Scott Bessent, and the Log Cabin Republicans lobbying group, children will continue to suffer the consequences of the normalization of homosexual behavior, in direct opposition to our God.


[1] Articles on the homosexual agenda: (a) Wolf in sheep's clothing: Richard Grenell has made inroads into Trump's administration and the Republican Party; (b) Of course they are coming for your children

[2] By what standard do we acknowledge that this is wrong?

[3] The Most SICKENING Story Steve's Ever Read | Guest: Rachel Semmel | 1/20/23

© Sylvia Thompson


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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture... (more)


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When will our society wake up to the travesty of homosexual surrogacy and adoption?

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