Sylvia Thompson
One of the methods that practitioners of perversion use against Christians and other patriots is to brand us “phobic” (homophobic, transphobic, fat-phobic, and so on).
In response to those assaults, I hereby declare that I am proudly phobic.
I am phobic against all those who use psychologically ill people in their devious schemes to destroy the American Christian culture. The progressive Left and heralders of the New World Order are adept at using such groups as weapons against civil society.
It has become somewhat pathetic how cowed so many Americans (especially men) have become in face of those devious schemes. Transgender and homofascist terrorism permeate this nation and much of the West (those nations of the world that originally embraced Christianity).
The podcaster Viva Frei (aka David Freiheit) recently presented three male guests on his podcast to discuss the physical attack on the young championship swimmer Riley Gaines. The attack occurred on the occasion of her speaking at a San Francisco State University Turning Point USA (TPUSA) event. The response of the guests to what occurred was difficult for me to watch.
For those who are unaware, Riley Gaines is a former swimming champion. She has begun, lately, to speak out bravely against the allowance of male transgender athletes’ competing in women’s sports.
Ms. Gaines was forced to compete with the male swimmer, William Thomas (aka “Lia” Thomas) in swim competitions. To add insult to injury, she was denied a tie-win with the swimmer, because Thomas was a more newsworthy story, according to officials of that event.
In an attempt to address the very serious accusation of a physical assault on Ms. Gaines, by a male wearing a dress, Viva Frei seemed astonished at the light-hearted way his three guests (all podcasters, themselves) reacted.
They laughed and giggled nervously, and joked about having to be careful about what they said.
It was a truly disgusting display. My immediate thought was, “What has happened to men in America?”
Those guests were so afraid of repercussions, if they responded like normal people to the thought of an insane transgender mob attacking a young woman, that their only response was to joke and laugh. The expression on Viva Frei’s face at what he witnessed was clearly one of displeasure. I shared his feelings.
Not only am I phobic, but I am also not inclusive (or tolerant).
I am not inclusive of behaviors and thinking processes that willfully defy Almighty God.
People who practice vile behavior, such as the behavior accompanying sexual sins (including fornication and adultery—two old human staples, yet still condemned by God), are not people I will include in my circle of those whom I hold close. I will not tolerate their behavior. It’s not enough to say “I am pro-life”; I must be intolerantly “anti-abortion.” It is not okay to accept sodomy if it’s only practiced by consenting adults. I must work against the harm that homosexual behavior poses to civil society.
A bold lie is being pushed in our culture that all are “made in God’s image,” implying that whatever degeneracy existing among us is therefore “in the image of God.” Not so.
The degeneracy that exists among those who choose to practice such behavior is “in the image of Satan.” We may come into this world as innocents—in the image of God—but what we choose to become, if it’s contrary to His will, is not in His image.
I make these statements in the hope that believers who are bombarded with derisive brands (phobic, not inclusive, intolerant) will ignore them, and summon the courage (with which God has imbued us all) to speak out against those who wield those terms.
We must resist the deliberate muzzling of Christians in this country and throughout the collective West. We must pray that Christian men will reclaim their role of speaking truth against evil.
I notice that Matt Walsh, the Daily Wire podcaster, continues valiantly to stand up to the irrational arguments of transgender activists. I’m convinced that the reason he is so resilient is because of his children. The idea that evil people can commandeer the minds of your children, with the aim of destroying them, must be the nightmare of every decent parent on this earth.
This is why Russia refuses to allow the filth that the West peddles to invade its borders; why the global South rejects what passes for Christianity in this country and refuses to bow to Western attempts to force it upon them. It is why cultures are going back to their traditional roots, because what America and the West are offering these days is soul-destroying garbage.
We will indeed suffer consequences, but we simply cannot let these demonic forces take us over. Yes, there eventually will be a “new heaven and new earth,” but that doesn’t mean we refuse to speak out against the evil in the earth that we now occupy.
There may yet be spiritual “Revival” in our nation, but currently, the world is looking upon us as the degenerates that we are. It is well past time for Christians (especially leaders) to speak out against all that is vile in our country. So be it, if we are called phobic and intolerant. Evil is the enemy that we must reject.
One final comment on facing up to those who would destroy us has to do with the social media “influencer” Andrew Tate.
I recently had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Tate and his younger brother Tristan on their channels.
It is not an understatement when I say I have never encountered so much testosterone in one place. I observed the back-and-forth conversations with their male interviewers, and the connection between these young men was undeniable. Men (especially young men) are starved for masculine role models, such as the Tates, whatever you may think of the brothers.
The poison that feminists have forced upon men throughout the West has been so destructive of maleness that men worldwide are seeking refuge, and the Tates provide it.
I think that Andrew Tate, and his brother, are frightening to some because in a world of so little masculinity, they threaten those who would emasculate men. I also think that with a bit of “refining,” they will be good for this world.
Just my humble opinion.
© Sylvia ThompsonThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.