Sylvia Thompson
Liberal progressivism's assault on black America
By Sylvia Thompson
A while back I wrote an article dealing with the Left's emasculation of black men. That article was in response to the concerted effort of leftists and fellow travelers to destroy the Miami Dolphins' football player Don Jones. Mr. Jones had dared to be politically incorrect regarding one of the Left's sacred cows, the mainstreaming of homosexuality[1].
In that article, I touched on the correlation between the sinister emasculation of black men, by championing homosexual behavior among them, and the Left's systematic destruction of the black family. I also coupled these tragedies with the mass destruction of black children in the womb, orchestrated by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion entities, and revealed a pattern of destruction that only the thoroughly duped are unable to or refuse to recognize.
I will add to those destructive mechanisms the malevolent manipulation of the education of black children in public schools. All children suffer under the destructive system, but I would venture to say blacks suffer more and may well be the primary target of the destruction.
To illustrate the point, I recently received an article from a couple of conservative friends[2]. It is said to have been written by a white male teacher working in a predominantly black, southeastern public school. The article bolstered my perception of the progressive Left's sinister manipulation of public education in America, their goal being to produce a shallow, easily led class of "neo-slaves." Progressive masterminds are well aware that miseducation of the young guarantees their mental bondage for life.
What we are witnessing is a modern-day version of slavery. Outright denial of formal education for slaves centuries ago and a crippling, ineffective education today both yield a dependent class of dysfunctional people. The only distinction is where the shackles are placed, on the limbs or the mind.
Of necessity, the teacher who wrote the article does not identify himself, except by a likely fictitious last name (a wise safety precaution), and the blogger who posted it mentions only its source. Its length and obvious sincerity, however, belie its being a fraud or a hateful screed. It expresses the deep discouragement of a former school teacher who, while in the system, seemed genuinely determined to understand and assist his young charges. The article is a sad commentary on a system that is at best grossly uninterested in children's growth and development, and at worse, set on the deliberate creation of a permanent, politically malleable underclass.
I am inclined to agree wholeheartedly with this teacher's perceptions. I did a brief stint teaching English language arts in an inner-city school in New York state, in the late 1960s. Even then the atmosphere in the education system was beginning to deteriorate. I detected after a year that the powers-that-be in the school system had no real interest in uplifting those multi-ethnic children by providing an effective education. It was more of an assembly-line process – move them along to the next grade regardless of whether they are capable, because they will clog the system if held back.
That attitude was in stark contrast to my segregated grade school experience throughout the 1950s and early 1960s. One high school friend's explanation for why he was two years older than most of us in our graduating class, shed light on the difference. He lamented that those "darn nuns" in Catholic elementary school had held him back in the first grade for not having grasped the basics. He couldn't understand then but he certainly understood later that their goal was to make sure that he was prepared to graduate high school and gain sufficient skills to be a self-sustaining, independent adult.
My friend has since passed, but given a second chance in a school system (Catholic run) that was genuinely concerned about his education, he eventually grasped those basics. He became an honorably discharged Viet Nam veteran and a stellar, contributing member to society. Not a burden.
I don't have children and cannot speak to the experience of parents who shudder at the enormity of the power wielded by the National Education Association (NEA) and other leftist arms of that leviathan organization. But it behooves parents and others who are concerned about children trapped in inner-city schools (mostly blacks, ethnics and poor whites) to read this teacher's poignant account of his experiences, and make an effort to fight those forces aimed against the children. These are the kids who cannot be home-schooled because no one in the home is qualified to teach them, and they are not financially able to attend private schools.
Teachers like this "Mr. Jackson" need all the help they can get from fellow Americans who have a stake in the quality of future citizens and leaders of this nation. The children in today's grade schools will be the adults running the show in a few decades. If nothing changes, it's more likely they will be the under-educated masses controlled by a dictator class, maintaining power and wealth at their expense. Just something to think about.
1. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sthompson/140515
2. http://angrywhitedude.com/2013/07/essay-by-a-teacher-in-a-black-high-school/
© Sylvia Thompson
February 24, 2016
A while back I wrote an article dealing with the Left's emasculation of black men. That article was in response to the concerted effort of leftists and fellow travelers to destroy the Miami Dolphins' football player Don Jones. Mr. Jones had dared to be politically incorrect regarding one of the Left's sacred cows, the mainstreaming of homosexuality[1].
In that article, I touched on the correlation between the sinister emasculation of black men, by championing homosexual behavior among them, and the Left's systematic destruction of the black family. I also coupled these tragedies with the mass destruction of black children in the womb, orchestrated by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion entities, and revealed a pattern of destruction that only the thoroughly duped are unable to or refuse to recognize.
I will add to those destructive mechanisms the malevolent manipulation of the education of black children in public schools. All children suffer under the destructive system, but I would venture to say blacks suffer more and may well be the primary target of the destruction.
To illustrate the point, I recently received an article from a couple of conservative friends[2]. It is said to have been written by a white male teacher working in a predominantly black, southeastern public school. The article bolstered my perception of the progressive Left's sinister manipulation of public education in America, their goal being to produce a shallow, easily led class of "neo-slaves." Progressive masterminds are well aware that miseducation of the young guarantees their mental bondage for life.
What we are witnessing is a modern-day version of slavery. Outright denial of formal education for slaves centuries ago and a crippling, ineffective education today both yield a dependent class of dysfunctional people. The only distinction is where the shackles are placed, on the limbs or the mind.
Of necessity, the teacher who wrote the article does not identify himself, except by a likely fictitious last name (a wise safety precaution), and the blogger who posted it mentions only its source. Its length and obvious sincerity, however, belie its being a fraud or a hateful screed. It expresses the deep discouragement of a former school teacher who, while in the system, seemed genuinely determined to understand and assist his young charges. The article is a sad commentary on a system that is at best grossly uninterested in children's growth and development, and at worse, set on the deliberate creation of a permanent, politically malleable underclass.
I am inclined to agree wholeheartedly with this teacher's perceptions. I did a brief stint teaching English language arts in an inner-city school in New York state, in the late 1960s. Even then the atmosphere in the education system was beginning to deteriorate. I detected after a year that the powers-that-be in the school system had no real interest in uplifting those multi-ethnic children by providing an effective education. It was more of an assembly-line process – move them along to the next grade regardless of whether they are capable, because they will clog the system if held back.
That attitude was in stark contrast to my segregated grade school experience throughout the 1950s and early 1960s. One high school friend's explanation for why he was two years older than most of us in our graduating class, shed light on the difference. He lamented that those "darn nuns" in Catholic elementary school had held him back in the first grade for not having grasped the basics. He couldn't understand then but he certainly understood later that their goal was to make sure that he was prepared to graduate high school and gain sufficient skills to be a self-sustaining, independent adult.
My friend has since passed, but given a second chance in a school system (Catholic run) that was genuinely concerned about his education, he eventually grasped those basics. He became an honorably discharged Viet Nam veteran and a stellar, contributing member to society. Not a burden.
I don't have children and cannot speak to the experience of parents who shudder at the enormity of the power wielded by the National Education Association (NEA) and other leftist arms of that leviathan organization. But it behooves parents and others who are concerned about children trapped in inner-city schools (mostly blacks, ethnics and poor whites) to read this teacher's poignant account of his experiences, and make an effort to fight those forces aimed against the children. These are the kids who cannot be home-schooled because no one in the home is qualified to teach them, and they are not financially able to attend private schools.
Teachers like this "Mr. Jackson" need all the help they can get from fellow Americans who have a stake in the quality of future citizens and leaders of this nation. The children in today's grade schools will be the adults running the show in a few decades. If nothing changes, it's more likely they will be the under-educated masses controlled by a dictator class, maintaining power and wealth at their expense. Just something to think about.
1. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sthompson/140515
2. http://angrywhitedude.com/2013/07/essay-by-a-teacher-in-a-black-high-school/
© Sylvia Thompson
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