Sylvia Thompson
Donald Trump's appeal: another view
By Sylvia Thompson
The Trump phenomenon has taken the nation by storm and much is said about why he appeals to so many Americans.
On its face, Donald Trump's appeal should not be difficult to comprehend. A vast swath of everyday, America-loving, patriotic citizens are fed up with those who occupy positions of leadership. Those "leaders" are for the most part haughty, elitist, and disdainful of the people who reside in "fly-over country" – those of us in "middle-America" between the east and west coasts. These coastal bastions of liberal leftism are where perversion, godlessness, and anti-Americanism hold sway. Sadly, conservative patriots in those areas have little or no input into how things are run.
Trump appeals to those in the fly-over mix because he is willing to take on that cadre of "we know better than you, because we are better than you" elitists. He hobnobs with them, lives among them, and has financed many of their ventures in both political camps. He does not deny that at times in his life he has held the same political positions as theirs. In other words, he has walked in their shoes; therefore, he knows them. What better position to be in to take on a foe, than to have been his friend. This is the way of the "artful dealer."
One of Trump's sons commented in an interview that his father is a "blue-collar" American with assets. His speech patterns and mannerisms certainly identify more with the average American working man than that of, say, the folks at National Review magazine or any of the highly educated candidates running against him, on both sides. He simply does not come across as "elite," notwithstanding his billions.
Trump's appeal can also be attributed to a manly willingness to fight. His statement that you've got to stand up for your rights (regarding the dustup with Fox News) is not one you hear often these days from men, especially not white men. Political correctness has muzzled them. As a result, we are living at a time in America where masculinity and manliness have almost been eradicated, owing to the machinations of homosexual activists and radical feminists. Soft, effeminate men (some outright surgically transformed) and women who willingly objectify themselves by their dress and behavior are heralded in the current polluted culture.
To be of an age to appreciate when America really was "great" and maleness played a big role in that greatness is to hold an advantage over any who came after that time. Trump channels that period of manliness. Back then, the military was superb because of its patriotism and masculinity, most men lived in marriage with women who bore their children, ample masculine influence in schools was a benefit to school-age boys and young men, all of which the Left has worked fervently to destroy. You might even say that the Left's desire to destroy Trump draws from the same animus that propels their destruction of American maleness. In the mind of leftists, men who are not under their control are dangerous.
But there is one factor that speaks to Trump's appeal to which few will give voice, although many are probably thinking it. I do not self-muzzle and I don't care one whit about political correctness, so I will give voice to that unspoken, additional reason for his appeal. It can be explained thusly.
Barack Obama was enshrined into the presidency primarily because he is half-black. The forces that manipulated his ascendance to power banked on his half-blackness to tamp criticism of any actions taken against the nation's interests. Their goal was then and remains the destruction of America as it was founded. In many of my previous articles, I railed against the Republican Party's spinelessness and ineptitude when they broadly declared they would never pursue impeachment, even in light of Obama's lawlessness. Fear of being branded racist and the consequences of such branding paralyzed them.
Then along comes Donald J. Trump who is neither ethnic minority nor female, the consummate WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) male. If Trump, as President, attempts anywhere near the lawless stunts that Obama has pulled over the past seven years, he can be thrown out, posthaste. That, I am convinced, is one of Trump's greatest appeals.
Americans of all ethnicities, who thoroughly reject the rank ethnic and gender pandering currently suffocating our culture, can be reasonably sure that if Trump does go off the deep end as Obama has done, he can and will be removed with no hint of guilt, either by impeachment or an election after four years. Consequently, some of his supporters think, "Why not Trump?" He's the only front-runner who fits that bill.
If Trump succeeds in his gambit to become the next President of the United States, we can return to some degree of normalcy in governance, adhere to the Constitution for a change, and I am personally relieved by that prospect. I have thoroughly had it with "firsts."
© Sylvia Thompson
February 1, 2016
The Trump phenomenon has taken the nation by storm and much is said about why he appeals to so many Americans.
On its face, Donald Trump's appeal should not be difficult to comprehend. A vast swath of everyday, America-loving, patriotic citizens are fed up with those who occupy positions of leadership. Those "leaders" are for the most part haughty, elitist, and disdainful of the people who reside in "fly-over country" – those of us in "middle-America" between the east and west coasts. These coastal bastions of liberal leftism are where perversion, godlessness, and anti-Americanism hold sway. Sadly, conservative patriots in those areas have little or no input into how things are run.
Trump appeals to those in the fly-over mix because he is willing to take on that cadre of "we know better than you, because we are better than you" elitists. He hobnobs with them, lives among them, and has financed many of their ventures in both political camps. He does not deny that at times in his life he has held the same political positions as theirs. In other words, he has walked in their shoes; therefore, he knows them. What better position to be in to take on a foe, than to have been his friend. This is the way of the "artful dealer."
One of Trump's sons commented in an interview that his father is a "blue-collar" American with assets. His speech patterns and mannerisms certainly identify more with the average American working man than that of, say, the folks at National Review magazine or any of the highly educated candidates running against him, on both sides. He simply does not come across as "elite," notwithstanding his billions.
Trump's appeal can also be attributed to a manly willingness to fight. His statement that you've got to stand up for your rights (regarding the dustup with Fox News) is not one you hear often these days from men, especially not white men. Political correctness has muzzled them. As a result, we are living at a time in America where masculinity and manliness have almost been eradicated, owing to the machinations of homosexual activists and radical feminists. Soft, effeminate men (some outright surgically transformed) and women who willingly objectify themselves by their dress and behavior are heralded in the current polluted culture.
To be of an age to appreciate when America really was "great" and maleness played a big role in that greatness is to hold an advantage over any who came after that time. Trump channels that period of manliness. Back then, the military was superb because of its patriotism and masculinity, most men lived in marriage with women who bore their children, ample masculine influence in schools was a benefit to school-age boys and young men, all of which the Left has worked fervently to destroy. You might even say that the Left's desire to destroy Trump draws from the same animus that propels their destruction of American maleness. In the mind of leftists, men who are not under their control are dangerous.
But there is one factor that speaks to Trump's appeal to which few will give voice, although many are probably thinking it. I do not self-muzzle and I don't care one whit about political correctness, so I will give voice to that unspoken, additional reason for his appeal. It can be explained thusly.
Barack Obama was enshrined into the presidency primarily because he is half-black. The forces that manipulated his ascendance to power banked on his half-blackness to tamp criticism of any actions taken against the nation's interests. Their goal was then and remains the destruction of America as it was founded. In many of my previous articles, I railed against the Republican Party's spinelessness and ineptitude when they broadly declared they would never pursue impeachment, even in light of Obama's lawlessness. Fear of being branded racist and the consequences of such branding paralyzed them.
Then along comes Donald J. Trump who is neither ethnic minority nor female, the consummate WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant) male. If Trump, as President, attempts anywhere near the lawless stunts that Obama has pulled over the past seven years, he can be thrown out, posthaste. That, I am convinced, is one of Trump's greatest appeals.
Americans of all ethnicities, who thoroughly reject the rank ethnic and gender pandering currently suffocating our culture, can be reasonably sure that if Trump does go off the deep end as Obama has done, he can and will be removed with no hint of guilt, either by impeachment or an election after four years. Consequently, some of his supporters think, "Why not Trump?" He's the only front-runner who fits that bill.
If Trump succeeds in his gambit to become the next President of the United States, we can return to some degree of normalcy in governance, adhere to the Constitution for a change, and I am personally relieved by that prospect. I have thoroughly had it with "firsts."
© Sylvia Thompson
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