Sylvia Thompson
Immigrants, you can leave
By Sylvia Thompson
To all the ethnics out there who came to America for whatever reasons, this brief discourse is to remind you that if this nation is unsuitable for you, you may leave. I offer this information because I am from a people who were not allowed to leave several centuries ago, and the fact that I can now leave at will is exhilarating.
Your complaining and moaning about how you are being treated and your demand that your foreign languages, foreign dress, and anti-American native cultural traits be accommodated imply that you are not satisfied with being here. So, you might try the option of returning to the place of your origin.
Over the past several decades the progressive Left and the elite "ruling class" in this country have worked fervently to encourage you to intimidate native-born citizens into thinking that we owe you something. We have endured the tired line about all of us (except American Indians) being "immigrants," which is not true (slaves did not immigrate).
Perhaps we could change our Christian heritage to appease whatever faith you brought with you. We could possibly accept your denigration of the English language of the forefathers who founded this nation. Or we could end our opposition to your apparel and behavior that telegraph your refusal to assimilate into our culture, even to the point of hampering law enforcement's ability to identify some of you in the process of doing their duty.
We could do all these things, but why should we? This is our home, native-born Americans whose ancestors shaped this nation. If you are dissatisfied, you can leave. Nobody who isn't incarcerated is held against his will in today's America.
America was magnanimous enough to allow you in, but do not confuse that magnanimity with idiocy or suicidal tendencies. Do not transfer Barack Obama's and the progressive Left's hatred of America to the vast majority of us native-born citizens, or to those genuine immigrants who came to become Americans.
Yes, for many decades American citizens cowered under the Left's evil schemes to eviscerate our Christian faith; our Western-influenced culture (owing to Europeans' having founded the nation); our Constitution, which ensures us rights that you no doubt didn't have in your own country; our reliance on the Supreme God of the universe who granted those rights; and our success at melding peoples from many places into a unit, as "Americans" without hyphenated distinctions.
These pernicious efforts of the progressive Left, thankfully, are being halted in their tracks. Americans have fully awaken to the imminent destruction of our home by the enemies within, and the battle has begun.
Contrary to what you likely encountered in your country of origin, patriotic American citizens are currently working through our system of government to put an end to your ungratefulness. We are, after all, a lawful people. We are not, however, fools and our patience is not unlimited.
An upcoming election cycle will determine if working within the law will ensure our survival as a nation. If the law has been so corrupted that our survival is at stake, you may rest assured that somebody out there in the heartland will lead a charge to secure our survival by other means. You may interpret "other means" however you'd like, but survival of our nation is our primary concern. You are not.
Those of you who immigrated or whose family members immigrated within, say, the past 40 years and determined that you would not assimilate into America's culture are probably accustomed to having it your way – being pandered to.
You've grown adept at infiltrating certain cities and intimidating native-born citizens; flaunting your inability to or your decision not to speak the language of this nation, English; terrorizing children of native-born citizens in the leftist, corrupted school systems; and other despicable actions, all with the aid of America-despising officials and the powerful elites (of all ideologies) who deem patriotism beneath them. But be forewarned; the jig is up.
Whether Donald Trump is able to become President in 2016 to right this ship of America that you are trying to sink is yet to be determined. But even if Mr. Trump fails in his mission or is successful but is prevented by leftist Democrats and establishment Republicans from reasserting the rights of Americans to maintain our country as founded, the jig is still up.
Native-born Americans and immigrants who came to this country to become Americans will see to it that the job is done. We existed in relative cultural peace before you came and will do so when you are gone. This advice is given freely at no charge to you.
© Sylvia Thompson
October 28, 2015
To all the ethnics out there who came to America for whatever reasons, this brief discourse is to remind you that if this nation is unsuitable for you, you may leave. I offer this information because I am from a people who were not allowed to leave several centuries ago, and the fact that I can now leave at will is exhilarating.
Your complaining and moaning about how you are being treated and your demand that your foreign languages, foreign dress, and anti-American native cultural traits be accommodated imply that you are not satisfied with being here. So, you might try the option of returning to the place of your origin.
Over the past several decades the progressive Left and the elite "ruling class" in this country have worked fervently to encourage you to intimidate native-born citizens into thinking that we owe you something. We have endured the tired line about all of us (except American Indians) being "immigrants," which is not true (slaves did not immigrate).
Perhaps we could change our Christian heritage to appease whatever faith you brought with you. We could possibly accept your denigration of the English language of the forefathers who founded this nation. Or we could end our opposition to your apparel and behavior that telegraph your refusal to assimilate into our culture, even to the point of hampering law enforcement's ability to identify some of you in the process of doing their duty.
We could do all these things, but why should we? This is our home, native-born Americans whose ancestors shaped this nation. If you are dissatisfied, you can leave. Nobody who isn't incarcerated is held against his will in today's America.
America was magnanimous enough to allow you in, but do not confuse that magnanimity with idiocy or suicidal tendencies. Do not transfer Barack Obama's and the progressive Left's hatred of America to the vast majority of us native-born citizens, or to those genuine immigrants who came to become Americans.
Yes, for many decades American citizens cowered under the Left's evil schemes to eviscerate our Christian faith; our Western-influenced culture (owing to Europeans' having founded the nation); our Constitution, which ensures us rights that you no doubt didn't have in your own country; our reliance on the Supreme God of the universe who granted those rights; and our success at melding peoples from many places into a unit, as "Americans" without hyphenated distinctions.
These pernicious efforts of the progressive Left, thankfully, are being halted in their tracks. Americans have fully awaken to the imminent destruction of our home by the enemies within, and the battle has begun.
Contrary to what you likely encountered in your country of origin, patriotic American citizens are currently working through our system of government to put an end to your ungratefulness. We are, after all, a lawful people. We are not, however, fools and our patience is not unlimited.
An upcoming election cycle will determine if working within the law will ensure our survival as a nation. If the law has been so corrupted that our survival is at stake, you may rest assured that somebody out there in the heartland will lead a charge to secure our survival by other means. You may interpret "other means" however you'd like, but survival of our nation is our primary concern. You are not.
Those of you who immigrated or whose family members immigrated within, say, the past 40 years and determined that you would not assimilate into America's culture are probably accustomed to having it your way – being pandered to.
You've grown adept at infiltrating certain cities and intimidating native-born citizens; flaunting your inability to or your decision not to speak the language of this nation, English; terrorizing children of native-born citizens in the leftist, corrupted school systems; and other despicable actions, all with the aid of America-despising officials and the powerful elites (of all ideologies) who deem patriotism beneath them. But be forewarned; the jig is up.
Whether Donald Trump is able to become President in 2016 to right this ship of America that you are trying to sink is yet to be determined. But even if Mr. Trump fails in his mission or is successful but is prevented by leftist Democrats and establishment Republicans from reasserting the rights of Americans to maintain our country as founded, the jig is still up.
Native-born Americans and immigrants who came to this country to become Americans will see to it that the job is done. We existed in relative cultural peace before you came and will do so when you are gone. This advice is given freely at no charge to you.
© Sylvia Thompson
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