Sylvia Thompson
No, America should not have a Muslim President
By Sylvia Thompson
I find it astonishingly foolish that anyone with a rudimentary understanding of Islam, the religious faith of Muslims, could assume that a serious adherent to Islam could serve as head of the United States of America. This nation's founding is rooted in Judeo-Christianity and a majority of its citizens identify as Christians.
The most logical point of consideration is that a primary feature of Islam is "sharia law," and the principles of sharia stand diametrically opposed to American constitutional principles, which are grounded in Bible truths.
What Barack Obama says about the Christian nature of this country is irrelevant. He may think ours is not a Christian nation, but millions of Americans and I disagree.
Indeed we are a declining Christian nation, as a result of pernicious leftists like Barack Obama who have waged war against our Judeo-Christian foundations for decades. Couple that travesty with weak and apostate Christian leadership, and yes, what we have is a very sick and struggling Christianity. But Christianity, nonetheless.
Christian references in our founding documents have not as yet been completely expunged and personal writings of the Founders have not been burned in a fascist ceremonial heap. References to the biblical God of the Universe still pepper structures throughout Washington, DC and Moses, although joined by law-givers throughout human history, still graces the Supreme Court building front and center, indicative of biblical prominence in our laws.*
This nation was founded as a Christian nation; blatherings to the contrary notwithstanding.
Dr. Ben Carson, who has had to endure the monumental idiocy of the media as they attack him for stating that he would not want to see a Muslim as President of the United States, presented a very rational response. He explained that if a Muslim seeks the office of President, he would have to renounce his Islamic faith. It is obvious that a Muslim could not hold loyalty to Islam and the Constitution of the United States simultaneously. Sharia law prevents such loyalty. A Christian could very easily take an oath to uphold the American Constitution, because the Constitution as written is grounded in Judeo-Christian principles.
If a Muslim candidate takes an oath to uphold our Constitution (and I will add, on a Holy Bible not a Koran), then Dr. Carson might consider accepting his bid for President. I would not.
The issue of so-called "moderate" Islam is fodder for another discussion. Dr. Zuhdi Jasser (an Arab American Muslim spokesperson) offers that there is such a thing as "moderate" Islam from which, I suppose, a candidate could be drawn. I have yet to comprehend, however, what moderate Islam is, how it can still be "Islam," and how it is beneficial for America.
I approach this issue from a completely different perspective. I harbor no guilt-ridden perceptions of "the immigrant," as so many Americans do.
My ancestors did not immigrate to America (debunking the erroneous perception that all Americans except American Indians are immigrants). They were brought to this country from Africa, and during a century or more since emancipation, they carved out a place for themselves as Americans. As with early true immigrants who came over legally, respected the laws of the land, and made serious attempts to integrate as Americans, my ancestors also assimilated to the degree that they were allowed.
Islam, if adhered to as required, is a threat to America, the only home that I know. And while most Americans can trace their roots back to specific countries (Ireland, England, countries of Eastern Europe, Asian nations, Hispanic nations) and can return to those places if America goes under, I cannot.
But for the work of Ancestry.com tracing my heritage primarily to a few areas in West Africa and a small influence from Ireland and Central Europe, I have no clue where my ancestors were from. Africa is a very large continent, not a country that I can claim as home.
I am therefore not in any mood to welcome foreign cultures or religious beliefs when they are detrimental to the survival of America. Bottom line, I have nowhere else to go if America is taken out.
This brings me to a factor that I addressed in an earlier article regarding the Founders' intentions when they enshrined "religious liberty" into our Constitution. The "religion" in question was Christianity, not every religion in existence at the time.
The vast majority of worshippers in early American history were Christians, and "different religions" was a reference to the several sects of Christianity: the many Protestant sects (Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and others). Catholics, although Christians, were in a minority. Judaism was a miniscule segment as were Asian faiths, because so few of those groups were in the New World.
Therefore, the ridiculous claim that the Founders were thinking of Islam or any other faith diametrically opposed to Christianity when they wrote into law the First Amendment and Article VI of the Constitution is an affront to my intelligence.
Our Founders were extremely gifted, intelligent, and for the most part God-inspired men. They were not the pernicious buffoons proliferating government today. And more importantly, they were not suicidal. Their goal was to establish a God-oriented, Christian nation but not one ruled by an all-powerful sect, such as England's Church of England. That they would write into the Constitution anything detrimental to their goal is ludicrous. And even if none of the others did, Thomas Jefferson certainly knew what Islam was all about.
People who wanted no part of the American experience other than to take advantage of its bounty or to subvert its goals, and religious faiths that could compromise the survival of that experience (such as Islam) would not have been welcomed then and are not welcome now. At least not by any except those steeped in leftist, Marxist ideology and a few well-meaning but ill-informed souls who think of themselves as benevolent.
We have already experienced a foul dose of a Muslim sympathizing, Christian hating, Marxist influenced, America despising, self-serving individual in the person of Barack Hussain Obama. It is time now, folks, that we wake up to the reality that our enemies are inside the gate. We will either defeat them or succumb to them. There is no middle ground.
* Relevant links:
(David Barton, Founder – Wallbuilders)
(Founders' statements on Christianity)
© Sylvia Thompson
September 28, 2015
I find it astonishingly foolish that anyone with a rudimentary understanding of Islam, the religious faith of Muslims, could assume that a serious adherent to Islam could serve as head of the United States of America. This nation's founding is rooted in Judeo-Christianity and a majority of its citizens identify as Christians.
The most logical point of consideration is that a primary feature of Islam is "sharia law," and the principles of sharia stand diametrically opposed to American constitutional principles, which are grounded in Bible truths.
What Barack Obama says about the Christian nature of this country is irrelevant. He may think ours is not a Christian nation, but millions of Americans and I disagree.
Indeed we are a declining Christian nation, as a result of pernicious leftists like Barack Obama who have waged war against our Judeo-Christian foundations for decades. Couple that travesty with weak and apostate Christian leadership, and yes, what we have is a very sick and struggling Christianity. But Christianity, nonetheless.
Christian references in our founding documents have not as yet been completely expunged and personal writings of the Founders have not been burned in a fascist ceremonial heap. References to the biblical God of the Universe still pepper structures throughout Washington, DC and Moses, although joined by law-givers throughout human history, still graces the Supreme Court building front and center, indicative of biblical prominence in our laws.*
This nation was founded as a Christian nation; blatherings to the contrary notwithstanding.
Dr. Ben Carson, who has had to endure the monumental idiocy of the media as they attack him for stating that he would not want to see a Muslim as President of the United States, presented a very rational response. He explained that if a Muslim seeks the office of President, he would have to renounce his Islamic faith. It is obvious that a Muslim could not hold loyalty to Islam and the Constitution of the United States simultaneously. Sharia law prevents such loyalty. A Christian could very easily take an oath to uphold the American Constitution, because the Constitution as written is grounded in Judeo-Christian principles.
If a Muslim candidate takes an oath to uphold our Constitution (and I will add, on a Holy Bible not a Koran), then Dr. Carson might consider accepting his bid for President. I would not.
The issue of so-called "moderate" Islam is fodder for another discussion. Dr. Zuhdi Jasser (an Arab American Muslim spokesperson) offers that there is such a thing as "moderate" Islam from which, I suppose, a candidate could be drawn. I have yet to comprehend, however, what moderate Islam is, how it can still be "Islam," and how it is beneficial for America.
I approach this issue from a completely different perspective. I harbor no guilt-ridden perceptions of "the immigrant," as so many Americans do.
My ancestors did not immigrate to America (debunking the erroneous perception that all Americans except American Indians are immigrants). They were brought to this country from Africa, and during a century or more since emancipation, they carved out a place for themselves as Americans. As with early true immigrants who came over legally, respected the laws of the land, and made serious attempts to integrate as Americans, my ancestors also assimilated to the degree that they were allowed.
Islam, if adhered to as required, is a threat to America, the only home that I know. And while most Americans can trace their roots back to specific countries (Ireland, England, countries of Eastern Europe, Asian nations, Hispanic nations) and can return to those places if America goes under, I cannot.
But for the work of Ancestry.com tracing my heritage primarily to a few areas in West Africa and a small influence from Ireland and Central Europe, I have no clue where my ancestors were from. Africa is a very large continent, not a country that I can claim as home.
I am therefore not in any mood to welcome foreign cultures or religious beliefs when they are detrimental to the survival of America. Bottom line, I have nowhere else to go if America is taken out.
This brings me to a factor that I addressed in an earlier article regarding the Founders' intentions when they enshrined "religious liberty" into our Constitution. The "religion" in question was Christianity, not every religion in existence at the time.
The vast majority of worshippers in early American history were Christians, and "different religions" was a reference to the several sects of Christianity: the many Protestant sects (Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and others). Catholics, although Christians, were in a minority. Judaism was a miniscule segment as were Asian faiths, because so few of those groups were in the New World.
Therefore, the ridiculous claim that the Founders were thinking of Islam or any other faith diametrically opposed to Christianity when they wrote into law the First Amendment and Article VI of the Constitution is an affront to my intelligence.
Our Founders were extremely gifted, intelligent, and for the most part God-inspired men. They were not the pernicious buffoons proliferating government today. And more importantly, they were not suicidal. Their goal was to establish a God-oriented, Christian nation but not one ruled by an all-powerful sect, such as England's Church of England. That they would write into the Constitution anything detrimental to their goal is ludicrous. And even if none of the others did, Thomas Jefferson certainly knew what Islam was all about.
People who wanted no part of the American experience other than to take advantage of its bounty or to subvert its goals, and religious faiths that could compromise the survival of that experience (such as Islam) would not have been welcomed then and are not welcome now. At least not by any except those steeped in leftist, Marxist ideology and a few well-meaning but ill-informed souls who think of themselves as benevolent.
We have already experienced a foul dose of a Muslim sympathizing, Christian hating, Marxist influenced, America despising, self-serving individual in the person of Barack Hussain Obama. It is time now, folks, that we wake up to the reality that our enemies are inside the gate. We will either defeat them or succumb to them. There is no middle ground.
* Relevant links:
(David Barton, Founder – Wallbuilders)
(Founders' statements on Christianity)
© Sylvia Thompson
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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