Sylvia Thompson
Kim Davis of Kentucky is just the beginning
By Sylvia Thompson
I penned an article for Renew America a few months ago titled "It Is Now Time for Civil Disobedience." In that article, I predicted that the lawless federal judiciary, as a result of the Supreme Court's godless ruling on marriage, would increase its persecution of Bible-oriented Christians who refuse to bow to judicial tyranny, and some would be imprisoned. It seems that Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk who will not issue marriage licenses to homosexuals, is the first of what will likely be more believers to be so terrorized.
The pro-homosexual District Court Judge David Bunning, hiding behind the unlawful decision of a corrupt Supreme Court, sentenced Kim Davis to jail. Her crime is that she answers to Almighty God and not to Caesar (manmade authority) because in this instance, Caesar's law is in direct conflict with God's.
Homosexual activists and their morally and spiritually corrupted supporters have declared that "love won out." Nothing can be further from the truth.
Activists have commandeered the word "love" to describe whatever it is that they think draws them to each other. And as they have distorted the rainbow symbol as an indication of...what, I don't know, they have also distorted the meaning of love.
The rainbow is a symbol from God to announce a new covenant with mankind (Noah and his family after the Flood). And interestingly, erotic love (eros), which is what sodomy, bestiality, adultery and fornication are all about, is not a focal point of Scripture.
Heterosexual love, which God created, is a means to an end – propagation of humankind – not an end in itself, as our society has contorted it to be. The physical attraction between a man and a woman, by God's design, is as potent as it is because it is intended as an incentive to achieve the end for which God created sex, conjugal procreation.
This gift of natural sex between a man and his wife is in itself an expression of God's love for humans. He could have made it a mechanical process driven solely by lust and He would have achieved the same purpose, procreation. But He didn't; He chose to make it extraordinary. And all the counterfeit versions of the act – sodomy, bestiality, adultery, fornication – are demeaning, sorry substitutes.
Sadly, the sorry substitutes are being forced down the throats of those of us who want no part of the filth. I think it's high time that we throw the filth back at them and declare that it is theirs to own. Kim Davis is setting the example.
First century Christians were under the rigid rule of the Roman Empire. Caesar literally had control of their lives.
America not only is not an empire, comparable to Rome, but its founders were adherents to Judeo-Christianity who fought a war to gain asylum from the British Empire. Consequently, we twenty-first century American Christians are not bound to subject ourselves to any imperial government's tyranny.
To the degree that the American government (which exists only because Almighty God allows it to) serves the purpose for which God instituted government over humans, Christians must "obey Caesar" (Romans 13:1–7). But when Caesar runs amok, as the current government has, not only defiling the God-ordained institution of marriage by opening it up to sodomy, but also insisting that all Christians bow to this travesty, it is time to stand firm and say resoundingly, "No," as Kim Davis has so bravely done.
Lukewarm and apostate professors of Christianity often repeat these verses in Romans to absolve themselves of taking action against evil. Romans: 13:3–4, however, obviously means that if the government is itself evil and punishing those who do good according to Scripture, then all bets are off for submitting to such a government.
As would be expected, the Left is applauding the leftist judge's fascist tactics to bring Kim Davis to her knees in submission.
Fox News' Shepard Smith piled on by pointing out just how many times Ms. Davis has been married, as though this knowledge negates her right to condemn the perversion of homosexual "marriage." Smith and all those like him who adhere to leftist ideology are dolefully ignorant of what it means to change a life through Christ, or to hold allegiance to Almighty God infinitely higher than any allegiance to lawless jurists on a corrupt Supreme Court.
Not that it will make any difference to lawless leftists and the Fox News champions of the cause of homofascism, Bryan Fischer (Director of Issue Analysis at the American Family Association) makes a case for Kim Davis' being the only person in this entire disgusting fiasco who is following the law. His article is well worth the read.*
In the article, Fischer points out that the Kentucky State Constitution holds marriage to be valid in Kentucky only between one man and one woman. For Kim Davis to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals means she must defy the Kentucky Constitution, which she took an oath to uphold. Her oath was also to uphold the United States Constitution, which nowhere grants a right to homosexual "marriage." That Constitution does, however, grant freedom of religious conscience to Christians.
No government official takes an oath to uphold rulings of the Supreme Court, especially when those rulings violate the constitutions of several states and the United States.
What Kim Davis faces is pure fascism cloaked in victimhood, and the evil must be fought and fought vigorously, lest this nation become the latter-day Sodom on which path it is currently headed.
It is now incumbent upon all believers to rally around Ms. Davis in whatever ways that we can, in a monumental show of defiance to the vile system that has denied her freedom. Never let it be forgotten that this is the America founded by Christians to worship the God of the universe unfettered.
Bryan Fischer article: http://barbwire.com/2015/09/03/clerk-the-only-one-obeying-the-law/
© Sylvia Thompson
September 8, 2015
I penned an article for Renew America a few months ago titled "It Is Now Time for Civil Disobedience." In that article, I predicted that the lawless federal judiciary, as a result of the Supreme Court's godless ruling on marriage, would increase its persecution of Bible-oriented Christians who refuse to bow to judicial tyranny, and some would be imprisoned. It seems that Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk who will not issue marriage licenses to homosexuals, is the first of what will likely be more believers to be so terrorized.
The pro-homosexual District Court Judge David Bunning, hiding behind the unlawful decision of a corrupt Supreme Court, sentenced Kim Davis to jail. Her crime is that she answers to Almighty God and not to Caesar (manmade authority) because in this instance, Caesar's law is in direct conflict with God's.
Homosexual activists and their morally and spiritually corrupted supporters have declared that "love won out." Nothing can be further from the truth.
Activists have commandeered the word "love" to describe whatever it is that they think draws them to each other. And as they have distorted the rainbow symbol as an indication of...what, I don't know, they have also distorted the meaning of love.
The rainbow is a symbol from God to announce a new covenant with mankind (Noah and his family after the Flood). And interestingly, erotic love (eros), which is what sodomy, bestiality, adultery and fornication are all about, is not a focal point of Scripture.
Heterosexual love, which God created, is a means to an end – propagation of humankind – not an end in itself, as our society has contorted it to be. The physical attraction between a man and a woman, by God's design, is as potent as it is because it is intended as an incentive to achieve the end for which God created sex, conjugal procreation.
This gift of natural sex between a man and his wife is in itself an expression of God's love for humans. He could have made it a mechanical process driven solely by lust and He would have achieved the same purpose, procreation. But He didn't; He chose to make it extraordinary. And all the counterfeit versions of the act – sodomy, bestiality, adultery, fornication – are demeaning, sorry substitutes.
Sadly, the sorry substitutes are being forced down the throats of those of us who want no part of the filth. I think it's high time that we throw the filth back at them and declare that it is theirs to own. Kim Davis is setting the example.
First century Christians were under the rigid rule of the Roman Empire. Caesar literally had control of their lives.
America not only is not an empire, comparable to Rome, but its founders were adherents to Judeo-Christianity who fought a war to gain asylum from the British Empire. Consequently, we twenty-first century American Christians are not bound to subject ourselves to any imperial government's tyranny.
To the degree that the American government (which exists only because Almighty God allows it to) serves the purpose for which God instituted government over humans, Christians must "obey Caesar" (Romans 13:1–7). But when Caesar runs amok, as the current government has, not only defiling the God-ordained institution of marriage by opening it up to sodomy, but also insisting that all Christians bow to this travesty, it is time to stand firm and say resoundingly, "No," as Kim Davis has so bravely done.
Lukewarm and apostate professors of Christianity often repeat these verses in Romans to absolve themselves of taking action against evil. Romans: 13:3–4, however, obviously means that if the government is itself evil and punishing those who do good according to Scripture, then all bets are off for submitting to such a government.
As would be expected, the Left is applauding the leftist judge's fascist tactics to bring Kim Davis to her knees in submission.
Fox News' Shepard Smith piled on by pointing out just how many times Ms. Davis has been married, as though this knowledge negates her right to condemn the perversion of homosexual "marriage." Smith and all those like him who adhere to leftist ideology are dolefully ignorant of what it means to change a life through Christ, or to hold allegiance to Almighty God infinitely higher than any allegiance to lawless jurists on a corrupt Supreme Court.
Not that it will make any difference to lawless leftists and the Fox News champions of the cause of homofascism, Bryan Fischer (Director of Issue Analysis at the American Family Association) makes a case for Kim Davis' being the only person in this entire disgusting fiasco who is following the law. His article is well worth the read.*
In the article, Fischer points out that the Kentucky State Constitution holds marriage to be valid in Kentucky only between one man and one woman. For Kim Davis to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals means she must defy the Kentucky Constitution, which she took an oath to uphold. Her oath was also to uphold the United States Constitution, which nowhere grants a right to homosexual "marriage." That Constitution does, however, grant freedom of religious conscience to Christians.
No government official takes an oath to uphold rulings of the Supreme Court, especially when those rulings violate the constitutions of several states and the United States.
What Kim Davis faces is pure fascism cloaked in victimhood, and the evil must be fought and fought vigorously, lest this nation become the latter-day Sodom on which path it is currently headed.
It is now incumbent upon all believers to rally around Ms. Davis in whatever ways that we can, in a monumental show of defiance to the vile system that has denied her freedom. Never let it be forgotten that this is the America founded by Christians to worship the God of the universe unfettered.
Bryan Fischer article: http://barbwire.com/2015/09/03/clerk-the-only-one-obeying-the-law/
© Sylvia Thompson
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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