Sylvia Thompson
On the American Left's embrace of the deranged
By Sylvia Thompson
Bruce Jenner, the former Olympian athlete, who somewhere along the way was severely scarred emotionally, has captured the Left's attention as a cause celebre. He is another pawn used to further the Left's destructive, godless agenda of putrefying America's culture. Jenner has allowed his physical body to be turned into a caricature of what he is not nor will ever be – a woman, and sadly for him, it is very unlikely that this move will bring him wholeness or healing. A human being who needed spiritual guidance and medical, psychological help (as do all who are sexually deviant in God's eyes) has fallen into the clutches of the maniacal Left, which guarantees that he will never receive such assistance. They can now claim him as one of their conquests.
On the one hand, I feel an extreme sadness at how the forces of evil that now control this country can be so destructive of the weak. On the other hand, I feel an equal portion of sheer disgust at Jenner's selfishness. This man has effectively ripped from his children's experience the father that he chose to become. I contend that if he had died of natural causes or even illness, that would be an understandable loss. His children would more than likely learn eventually to deal with it. Rather, what he has become is "dead" to them as a father, because pretending to be a woman renders him incapable of providing a father's role. He compounds their pain because not being literally dead, he is a constant reminder that he chose to deny them a father.
I cannot imagine what a son must endure at seeing his father gracing the cover of a magazine posing as a woman, or the psychological trauma of a daughter knowing that she will never again have the masculine comfort of a father to call upon, all because of her father's unfathomable self-centeredness.
I know that leftist media and pundits will always lie about the negative effect sexual perversion has on the children of those who go that route. And the children themselves may parrot the lies of the Left, to avoid more pain, and claim "an acceptance" of the behavior or that they are in no way harmed. But truth does not depend on support; it exists in its own right and will always negate the lie. That's because truth is from God.
In contemplating the harm that Bruce Jenner has done to the children that he brought into this world (without their consent, I might add), you must consider that these children (even as adults) are the only ones to lose out completely from his decision. A wife (who has no biological attachment to her husband) can get another husband, which many women do after divorce or death of a spouse. Parents of a child who chooses a perverted lifestyle can look to other children who are balanced in their nature. Or those parents can simply adjust to the "loss" of the emotionally confused child, because by nature adult children eventually move away from parents anyway. But the child of a delusional parent, such as Bruce Jenner and all the people who have chosen his path, can never replace that specific parent.
Homosexuals of either sex can decide to leave the homosexual lifestyle and return to being their children's gender-specific parents, which many have done when they accept that homosexual behavior is aberrant, against God, and dangerous. I doubt that it would be easy, if not impossible, for those who have submitted to body mutilation to ever return to normalcy (their God-given physical state). Their children suffer a permanent, emotionally devastating loss, whether they will admit to the loss or not.
Finally, a word about the vile creatures who operate the big-money-making "sex-change" industry, which must be thriving in these last days of the America that has lost God's favor. It should be more appropriately branded the "mutilation" industry, or the "preyers on the minds of the emotionally unstable for money" industry. I would imagine that Bruce Jenner and similar sufferers pay thousands of dollars to these "Doctors Frankenstein." Professional medical types with serious God-complexes, who ignore their oath to "do no harm." In my view, they are no different from Kermit Gosnell, the butcher of the unborn who is justly rotting in prison.
From the hype emanating from the Left's entertainment and media sycophants (including Fox News), you might think that all of America are celebrating Bruce Jenner's delusion. I seriously doubt that is the case. I would wager that the vast majority of Americans are completely repulsed by events of late and recognize them as simply movement closer to America's total demise. The rest of the sane world is likely responding similarly. Those of Judeo-Christian faith are saddened at the imminent fall of the once greatest hope of mankind on the globe. Those with long-standing sinister intentions toward this nation see one more indication that it will not be long before America topples under the weight of its own degeneracy.
To be sure, we have become the Roman Empire before its complete downfall, a latter-day Sodom before its torching. And I am one American who will not at all regret the final smack down, because it will end the slow rot. We must keep in mind, however, that Almighty God allowed a handful of people (Lot and his family) to survive Sodom. And Judeo-Christianity grew out of the destruction of Rome, giving to the world Western Civilization. It seems that those who would turn America into a reeking cesspool do not have successful history on their side. We can take heart from that fact.
Godly patriots and biblical Christians must now stand firm and speak loudly in opposition to this latest travesty from the Left. More will come, rest assured, and we must be ready to condemn, in Almighty God's name, whatever it might be.
© Sylvia Thompson
June 5, 2015
Bruce Jenner, the former Olympian athlete, who somewhere along the way was severely scarred emotionally, has captured the Left's attention as a cause celebre. He is another pawn used to further the Left's destructive, godless agenda of putrefying America's culture. Jenner has allowed his physical body to be turned into a caricature of what he is not nor will ever be – a woman, and sadly for him, it is very unlikely that this move will bring him wholeness or healing. A human being who needed spiritual guidance and medical, psychological help (as do all who are sexually deviant in God's eyes) has fallen into the clutches of the maniacal Left, which guarantees that he will never receive such assistance. They can now claim him as one of their conquests.
On the one hand, I feel an extreme sadness at how the forces of evil that now control this country can be so destructive of the weak. On the other hand, I feel an equal portion of sheer disgust at Jenner's selfishness. This man has effectively ripped from his children's experience the father that he chose to become. I contend that if he had died of natural causes or even illness, that would be an understandable loss. His children would more than likely learn eventually to deal with it. Rather, what he has become is "dead" to them as a father, because pretending to be a woman renders him incapable of providing a father's role. He compounds their pain because not being literally dead, he is a constant reminder that he chose to deny them a father.
I cannot imagine what a son must endure at seeing his father gracing the cover of a magazine posing as a woman, or the psychological trauma of a daughter knowing that she will never again have the masculine comfort of a father to call upon, all because of her father's unfathomable self-centeredness.
I know that leftist media and pundits will always lie about the negative effect sexual perversion has on the children of those who go that route. And the children themselves may parrot the lies of the Left, to avoid more pain, and claim "an acceptance" of the behavior or that they are in no way harmed. But truth does not depend on support; it exists in its own right and will always negate the lie. That's because truth is from God.
In contemplating the harm that Bruce Jenner has done to the children that he brought into this world (without their consent, I might add), you must consider that these children (even as adults) are the only ones to lose out completely from his decision. A wife (who has no biological attachment to her husband) can get another husband, which many women do after divorce or death of a spouse. Parents of a child who chooses a perverted lifestyle can look to other children who are balanced in their nature. Or those parents can simply adjust to the "loss" of the emotionally confused child, because by nature adult children eventually move away from parents anyway. But the child of a delusional parent, such as Bruce Jenner and all the people who have chosen his path, can never replace that specific parent.
Homosexuals of either sex can decide to leave the homosexual lifestyle and return to being their children's gender-specific parents, which many have done when they accept that homosexual behavior is aberrant, against God, and dangerous. I doubt that it would be easy, if not impossible, for those who have submitted to body mutilation to ever return to normalcy (their God-given physical state). Their children suffer a permanent, emotionally devastating loss, whether they will admit to the loss or not.
Finally, a word about the vile creatures who operate the big-money-making "sex-change" industry, which must be thriving in these last days of the America that has lost God's favor. It should be more appropriately branded the "mutilation" industry, or the "preyers on the minds of the emotionally unstable for money" industry. I would imagine that Bruce Jenner and similar sufferers pay thousands of dollars to these "Doctors Frankenstein." Professional medical types with serious God-complexes, who ignore their oath to "do no harm." In my view, they are no different from Kermit Gosnell, the butcher of the unborn who is justly rotting in prison.
From the hype emanating from the Left's entertainment and media sycophants (including Fox News), you might think that all of America are celebrating Bruce Jenner's delusion. I seriously doubt that is the case. I would wager that the vast majority of Americans are completely repulsed by events of late and recognize them as simply movement closer to America's total demise. The rest of the sane world is likely responding similarly. Those of Judeo-Christian faith are saddened at the imminent fall of the once greatest hope of mankind on the globe. Those with long-standing sinister intentions toward this nation see one more indication that it will not be long before America topples under the weight of its own degeneracy.
To be sure, we have become the Roman Empire before its complete downfall, a latter-day Sodom before its torching. And I am one American who will not at all regret the final smack down, because it will end the slow rot. We must keep in mind, however, that Almighty God allowed a handful of people (Lot and his family) to survive Sodom. And Judeo-Christianity grew out of the destruction of Rome, giving to the world Western Civilization. It seems that those who would turn America into a reeking cesspool do not have successful history on their side. We can take heart from that fact.
Godly patriots and biblical Christians must now stand firm and speak loudly in opposition to this latest travesty from the Left. More will come, rest assured, and we must be ready to condemn, in Almighty God's name, whatever it might be.
© Sylvia Thompson
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