Sylvia Thompson
The Left's continued destruction of black men
By Sylvia Thompson
Everybody knows that if Ray Rice, the football player who is being systematically destroyed by leftists, were a homosexual who had decked another homosexual male (of any color), this fiasco would be played out vastly differently. The leftist media and sports industry would be doing everything that they could to justify the behavior – lobbying for counseling, calling for sympathy, shielding the perpetrator in every possible way. Excuse, excuse, excuse – that would be the mantra. But Ray Rice is not a homosexual man, so he suffers the full wrath of the holier-than-thou leftist mob (and all the misguided people who follow them).
What the mob is doing to Rice is beyond disgusting – it is criminal. It is a mob influenced by a pernicious feminism that pollutes the entire culture; nobody has the guts to cross rabid feminists. Rice's wife and child are being completely ignored in this eternal quest for blood, anybody's blood, as long as somebody is destroyed. Our culture has become so sick, twisted, and evil, that I find it very difficult to participate in it. I doubt that I am alone in my sentiments.
It does not matter that Sean Hannity's mother told him never to lay a hand on his sisters. It does not matter that a panelist, on his recent Fox show addressing the issue, had a sister who was killed by a man. This is an individual situation involving individual people and should be rationally considered on its own merits. It is first and foremost a legal issue. If Ray Rice's wife accuses him of battery, then that is for the law to work out, and laws are currently on the books to deal with battery (first offenders and otherwise), whether or not the wife makes an accusation.
Doctor Ben Carson is the only person that I have heard, of late, who is responding to the tragedy with a sense of decency. He has cautioned against "demonizing" Ray Rice, and that is about the only sane advice I am hearing.
I addressed the issue of women physically attacking men and expecting no retaliation in an earlier article. It seems to have been determined that Janay Palmer (then, Rice's girlfriend) initiated the physical violence. I will reiterate my earlier position. If you are a woman with any sense in your head, you do not aggressively attack men. They are physically larger and if not larger, they are likely stronger. Women ignore this admonition at their own risk. I also heard that alcohol played a part in this incident. And contrary to what some may think, alcohol can indeed induce violent behavior. I am from a long line of serious drinkers, and I can attest to that fact.
If the National Football League (NFL) wants to set rules of conduct for its players, they can do so, as any employer can. The draconian decision passed down regarding Rice, however, is purely the result of attempting to please leftist feminists, and that reaction in itself is disgusting, and hypocritical. It is asinine to deny a man his livelihood except for the most grievous offenses, and domestic violence, as bad as it is, is not the most grievous offense out there. Radical feminists need to be taught that lesson. In their quest to destroy men, they have elevated domestic violence well beyond offenses of a much more grievous nature, in my view.
Hateful women who have no sense of what it is to be female (for whatever reasons) are destroying Rice's wife, another woman, with relish. Janay Palmer Rice gave a moving social media account of what she sees as an attempt to destroy her family. She is absolutely correct in her assessment, and it is being done under the guise of "protecting women." Pure hypocritical hogwash.
Leftist political correctness is driving this national travesty, and I truly wish that more Americans would speak out, as did Dr. Carson. A family is being destroyed before our eyes. A husband and a wife seem aware, at this point, that they need some kind of emotions-management counseling, for both theirs and their child's sake. They seem to be ready to move ahead as a solid family unit. Yet, without Rice's income, that will be exponentially harder to accomplish. This takes me back to my initial premise that one of the Left's many goals is the destruction of black men.
This black man, Ray Rice, spent much of his youth preparing to take on the job of an accomplished athlete. Sports, sadly, is one of the few venues that afford often poorly educated black children a chance to move forward in their lives, and not down that deadly spiral of poverty and imprisonment. And yet, Rice finds himself in the hands of a veritable lynch mob of leftists who seem hell-bent on destroying him. I'd bet that he does not quite know what has hit him.
My hope and prayer is that Rice and his wife will be able to find means of supporting their family and get beyond this hatefulness. And, perhaps later, they will join those of us who are in mortal combat against leftist thinking, which is destroying the nation and many of the decent people in it.
© Sylvia Thompson
September 13, 2014
Everybody knows that if Ray Rice, the football player who is being systematically destroyed by leftists, were a homosexual who had decked another homosexual male (of any color), this fiasco would be played out vastly differently. The leftist media and sports industry would be doing everything that they could to justify the behavior – lobbying for counseling, calling for sympathy, shielding the perpetrator in every possible way. Excuse, excuse, excuse – that would be the mantra. But Ray Rice is not a homosexual man, so he suffers the full wrath of the holier-than-thou leftist mob (and all the misguided people who follow them).
What the mob is doing to Rice is beyond disgusting – it is criminal. It is a mob influenced by a pernicious feminism that pollutes the entire culture; nobody has the guts to cross rabid feminists. Rice's wife and child are being completely ignored in this eternal quest for blood, anybody's blood, as long as somebody is destroyed. Our culture has become so sick, twisted, and evil, that I find it very difficult to participate in it. I doubt that I am alone in my sentiments.
It does not matter that Sean Hannity's mother told him never to lay a hand on his sisters. It does not matter that a panelist, on his recent Fox show addressing the issue, had a sister who was killed by a man. This is an individual situation involving individual people and should be rationally considered on its own merits. It is first and foremost a legal issue. If Ray Rice's wife accuses him of battery, then that is for the law to work out, and laws are currently on the books to deal with battery (first offenders and otherwise), whether or not the wife makes an accusation.
Doctor Ben Carson is the only person that I have heard, of late, who is responding to the tragedy with a sense of decency. He has cautioned against "demonizing" Ray Rice, and that is about the only sane advice I am hearing.
I addressed the issue of women physically attacking men and expecting no retaliation in an earlier article. It seems to have been determined that Janay Palmer (then, Rice's girlfriend) initiated the physical violence. I will reiterate my earlier position. If you are a woman with any sense in your head, you do not aggressively attack men. They are physically larger and if not larger, they are likely stronger. Women ignore this admonition at their own risk. I also heard that alcohol played a part in this incident. And contrary to what some may think, alcohol can indeed induce violent behavior. I am from a long line of serious drinkers, and I can attest to that fact.
If the National Football League (NFL) wants to set rules of conduct for its players, they can do so, as any employer can. The draconian decision passed down regarding Rice, however, is purely the result of attempting to please leftist feminists, and that reaction in itself is disgusting, and hypocritical. It is asinine to deny a man his livelihood except for the most grievous offenses, and domestic violence, as bad as it is, is not the most grievous offense out there. Radical feminists need to be taught that lesson. In their quest to destroy men, they have elevated domestic violence well beyond offenses of a much more grievous nature, in my view.
Hateful women who have no sense of what it is to be female (for whatever reasons) are destroying Rice's wife, another woman, with relish. Janay Palmer Rice gave a moving social media account of what she sees as an attempt to destroy her family. She is absolutely correct in her assessment, and it is being done under the guise of "protecting women." Pure hypocritical hogwash.
Leftist political correctness is driving this national travesty, and I truly wish that more Americans would speak out, as did Dr. Carson. A family is being destroyed before our eyes. A husband and a wife seem aware, at this point, that they need some kind of emotions-management counseling, for both theirs and their child's sake. They seem to be ready to move ahead as a solid family unit. Yet, without Rice's income, that will be exponentially harder to accomplish. This takes me back to my initial premise that one of the Left's many goals is the destruction of black men.
This black man, Ray Rice, spent much of his youth preparing to take on the job of an accomplished athlete. Sports, sadly, is one of the few venues that afford often poorly educated black children a chance to move forward in their lives, and not down that deadly spiral of poverty and imprisonment. And yet, Rice finds himself in the hands of a veritable lynch mob of leftists who seem hell-bent on destroying him. I'd bet that he does not quite know what has hit him.
My hope and prayer is that Rice and his wife will be able to find means of supporting their family and get beyond this hatefulness. And, perhaps later, they will join those of us who are in mortal combat against leftist thinking, which is destroying the nation and many of the decent people in it.
© Sylvia Thompson
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